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• The app will be free to download and with no ads integration.

• The app will be translated in native language, but we will give you all translations.
• It offers the possibility to load some pages with webview, take photos and upload them,
send message between admin and each user, read news inside app.
• Packages that can be used must be stable and legit.
• Any backend like Firestore can be used.
• There should be push notifications when we send a user a message.
• There should be email notification to admin when user uploads a photo or sends a message.
• The login option for a user can be done with an email or Gmail and should be available
only if users want to use MENU 2 or MENU 3 (take photo&upload or send message).

ALTERNATIVE option for MENU 2 (take photos&upload to

server) and MENU 3 (chat system)

Having in consideration that we want to give the users the possibility to take photos/scan
documents and upload them directly to a server from the app, along the possibility to send and
receive messages with admin, the two functions can be INTEGRATED in the same chat system
(like with WhatsApp or Telegram where users can also send photos along text messages), ONLY IF
this means easier integration, faster development and cost reduction.
So, instead of having 2 menus (tabs) of take photo, upload + send/receive messages, we can
have only 1 chat system that can integrate the possibility to also send photos inside chat. In this case
we have to see exactly what each user sends as photos. The possibility to send photos should be like
in every chat system, meaning have an icon which user can press so he can take and send photos
after that.
If this case is applicable, than the Wheel of the settings screen will become the 4 th MENU
(TAB) in the MAIN SCREEN, and so the TABS will be: tab with webview, tab with send messages
+ photos, tab with news, tab with settings.


• 4 main menu options (tabs).

• 1st TAB loads several pages in webview.
• 2nd TAB gives the user the possibility to take photos and upload them.
• 3rd TAB is for messaging between admin and each user individually, but not between users.
• 4th TAB is for reading news from certain media sources.
• Wheel loads a settings screen.



• Will have to load 4 main sub-tabs using webview.

• Sub-tab 1 and sub-tab 3 will load a single page.
• Sub-tab 2 and sub-tab 4 will have their one sub-tabs.
• Pages that need to be loaded are already on our server.
• There are around a total of 20 tabs (pages) that need to be loaded.
• The back arrow sends to main menu (screen).


• The user should be alowed to scan photos with his phone and upload them to a server from
where admin can see what each user individually uploaded.
• User can scan/take multiple photos and upload them at once, so he will not be obligated to
upload after each photo. In the screen shown the users had had taken 11 photos.
• After taking photos and tap DONE a confirmation screen appears.
• We do not have any backend created, but Firestore can be used for this purpose too.
• There should be email notification to admin when user uploads a photo so we do not have to
check manually from time to time. The notification can be something like: used X uploaded
• The back arrow sends to main menu (screen).
• ALTERNATIVE option: if possible that this function will be intregrated into chat.


• It is about a chat system between admin and each user individually.

• There will be no chat between users.
• The chat will be used as a support system where admin can send an user a message and a
user can send a message to admin.
• We do not have any backend created, but Firestore can be used for this purpose too.
• When admin sends a message to user there should be a push-up notification for the user.
• When a user sends a messages to admin, an email should be sent to admin.
• The back arrow sends to main menu (screen).
• ALTERNATIVE option: if possible, this feature will also include the possibility to take
photos and send them directly from app (like in WhatsApp).


• This function will allow the user to read news from several media sources.

• The news can be taken from RSS or atom files.

• The media sources will be divided into tabs.

• At first, the tabs will be around 4-5.

• The news do not have to show images mandatory, but it should be able to load the news
inside app so user will not leave app (example: Google News).


• Will have some tabs that load with webview different pages.

• The pages will be divided in tabs.

• A sub-tab should allow a user to change his preferences regarding push notifications, logout
or login and other settings.


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