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Causes of the Civil War Graphic Organizer

Question: What were the 3 most important causes of the civil war?

Choose 3 causes:
The Constitutional Convention The Bill of Rights Ipods
Missouri Compromise Louisiana Purchase
Westward Expansion Facebook Compromise of 1850
Nullification Crisis Kansas-Nebraska Act
John Brown’s Raid Star Wars Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Clay’s Proposal John C. Calhoun’s actions
Lincoln’s Election Slavery
Introduction paragraph

Thesis: ​(What are the most important 3 causes of the Civil War?)
The 3 most important causes of the Civil War are

Body paragraph 1
❏ This includes a transition sentence
❏ Describe your first cause of the civil war
❏ Explain WHY it leads to civil war

The first cause of the Civil War is ___________________________________________ (cause)

which is
__________________________________________________________(explanation of cause).
This led to the Civil War because
This is an important cause because
(why do you think this is important?).

Body paragraph 2
❏ This includes a transition sentence
❏ Describe your first cause of the civil war
❏ Explain WHY it leads to civil war

The first cause of the Civil War is ___________________________________________ (cause)

which is
__________________________________________________________(explanation of cause).
This led to the Civil War because
This is an important cause because
(why do you think this is important?).
Body paragraph 3
❏ This includes a transition sentence
❏ Describe your first cause of the civil war
❏ Explain WHY it leads to civil war

The first cause of the Civil War is ___________________________________________ (cause)

which is
__________________________________________________________(explanation of cause).
This led to the Civil War because
This is an important cause because
(why do you think this is important?).

Conclusion: ​(restate your thesis and give final thoughts)


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