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Analyze of school environment on students learning interest of grade XI SMA

Bina Bersaudara

Lecturer : NENI AFRIDA SARI, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Created by :

Name : Devi Paramita

NIM : 2161121007

Class : Dik Reg A’16




A. Background

Education according to the large Indonesian dictionary is "the process of changing

attitudes and behavior of a person or group of people and efforts to mature people through
teaching and training; the process, the method, the act of educating. "While in English,
education comes from the word educate (educating) which means to eicit, to give rise to, and
to evolove, to devolop. In a narrow sense, education means an act or process of action to gain
knowledge (McLeod, 1989). So Education is a process of educating and telling someone or a
group of people in an effort to mature and obtain knowledge.

Education becomes a place of trust to produce knowledgeable young generation,

facilitating active and effective learning and teaching processes that must be fulfilled by
educational institutions. Do not let the younger generation of printers still lack in facilitating
the learning and teaching process. Basically the educational environment is not only focused
on educational institutions or schools, but it must be known that the setting of the place of
education is called the educational environment, especially in the three main environments of
education namely family, school and society (Umar Tirtaraharja et. -40).

Based on the implementation of education in the three educational environments, the

three are often distinguished as informal education, formal education, and non-formal
education. Education that occurs in the family environment takes place naturally and
naturally and is called informal education. In contrast, education in schools is education that
is intentionally designed and implemented with strict rules, such as having to be tiered and
continuous, so that it is called formal education. School is a tool that is intentionally designed
to carry out education. As after it was stated that due to the progress of the age, the family
could no longer fulfill all the needs and aspirations of the younger generation for technology
and communication. The more advanced a society is, the more important the role of the
school is in preparing young people before entering the development process in the

The school environment is very influential on a learning process for students, because
after all the surrounding environment is deliberately used as a tool in the education process.
Basically the environment includes: Place (physical environment: climate conditions, soil
conditions, natural conditions), culture (cultural environment: with a particular cultural
heritage language, art, economy, science and place of worship), groups living together (social
and community environment : family, play group, village and association). So from that the
school has a very big responsibility in the continuity of education for children, it becomes
public trust in the school environment, a reflection of the success of education is the output
(graduate) of education from the school itself, the more output produced the better it means
human resources able to compete and benefit the community. So the school is viewed by
quality schools.

Besides that the quality of the school is not only seen from the output but the school
environment, starting from school management, namely the principal and staff and teachers
who must provide comfort to students, both physical and non-physical comfort, healthy and
supported school environment with adequate facilities it will support the development of
children optimally, children will be better maintained health, freedom to explore and
implement their knowledge from the results of learning in the classroom. Therefore the
school environment must be designed to the maximum extent possible to provide comfort to
students in the learning process and learning process.

While the fact that there are in many schools is still a lot of unhealthy and inadequate
school environments to support the learning and teaching process, including in the schools
that will be studied at SMA Bina Bersaudara, from the results of the observation the school
environment is still limited there are not many suggestion facilities adequate infrastructure
including lack of classrooms, multimedia rooms, untreated laboratories, poorly managed
libraries, lack of management of extracurricular activities etc. As well as the lack of
interesting learning and teaching. So that it becomes an obstacle for students who want to
explore, sharpen their knowledge and influence students' lack of interest in the learning
process at school.

In the school environment there are several factors that influence student learning
outcomes, and one of them is interest in learning. The factors that influence learning interest
are classified into two factors including internal factors and external factors. The interest in
learning between students with one another is different so the school is their second vehicle
to obtain education after previously with family. In the process of learning success due to
many factors that influence the achievement of learning outcomes.
Thus, in instilling education in students it is necessary to have an effective learning
process, so that it can cause or attract students to take part in learning, so that good learning
outcomes are achieved. While there are still many students who lack interest in learning at
school so there are still many students who are reluctant to go to school to study, including in
the schools that will be studied, there are still many students who are not present in the class.
school, it's better to play out there, gatherings on the streets, it has even become a common
thing namely brawls between schools. Therefore, based on the background above, the author
intends to examine a study that the author gives the title "Analyze of school environment on
students learning interest of grade XI SMA Bina Bersaudara”

B. Identification of Problems
Based on the background of the problem above, the authors can identify several
problems including:
1. Lack of provision of classrooms for students to study
2. Lack of provision of playing and sports facilities.
3. Provision of learning facilities such as laboratories that do not exist so that they
can influence the interest of external students in carrying out the learning process
at the SMA Bina Bersaudara.
4. The learning process in class is less attractive
5. Interest in participating in student learning at Bina Bersaudara High School is still
relatively low.
6. Lack of communication between students and teachers, between teachers and
fellow teachers, and between students and students so that learning interest is
relatively low.
7. Lack of attendance in taking extra activities (outside of class hours) held by the

C. Limitation of Problems
Seeing the many problems that exist, it is necessary to limit the problem so that
researchers are more directed between:
1. The lack of provision and implementation of school environment facilities to the
needs of the learning process in school.
2. Internal and external interests of students following the learning process at school are
relatively low.

D. Problem Formulation
1. analyze the condition of the School Environment on students learning interest of grade
XI SMA Bina Bersaudara?

E. Research Objectives
The purpose of the research conducted at this school is
1. Analyzing the conditions and the influence of the school environment on the learning
interest of class XI students at the Bina Brothers High School.

F. Benefits of Research
Based on the research objectives above, this research is expected to be able to provide
benefits to other parties including:
1. For Authors In addition to knowledge, insights and studies of the school environment
and interest in learning.
2. For Schools and Executing Institutions as Additional Information and Can Also
Required Entry Materials and Considerations in Making Decisions.
3. For the community as additional knowledge and information about the school
environment towards the desire to learn.

A. School Environment
1. Understanding the School Environment
Basically the school becomes a place of learning for everyone, where schools as formal
education must be able to meet the educational needs in supporting the learning and teaching
process in this case the school must have an appropriate school environment. Environment in
the general sense means the situation around us. In environmental education are all factors
that exist outside the child's self and which have meaning for their development and always
have an influence on him (Baharuddin, 2007: 68)

According to Sartain (American psychologist), what is meant by the environment

(anvirpnment) covers the conditions and nature of the world which in a certain way affects
our behavior, growth, development or life processes. According to this broad definition, it
turns out that in our environment / around us there are not only a large number of factors at
one time, but there are also many other factors that potentially can / can affect us "So we can
conclude the environment is a place that has many factors, both physical and non-physical,
both of which greatly influence the learning process that is around us.

Schools or often also called education units are education service groups that provide
education in formal, non-formal, and informal lines at every level and type of education.
Vembrirto (1990: 80) says that the existence of schools has two important aspects, namely
individual and social aspects. School is a tool that is intentionally designed to carry out
education. As after it was stated that due to the progress of the age, the family could no
longer fulfill all the needs and aspirations of the younger generation towards technological
science. The more advanced the community is, the more important the role of the school is in
preparing the younger generation before entering the community development process.
Therefore, schools should be an education center to prepare Indonesian people as individuals,
citizens, citizens and citizens of the world in the future. Broadly speaking, the school
environment is very influential on a learning process for students, because after all the
surrounding environment is deliberately used as a tool in the education process. Basically the
school environment includes:

a. Place (physical environment); conditions of climate, soil conditions, natural

b. Culture (cultural environment); with certain cultural heritage of language, art,
economy, science, life view, religion.
c. Group living together (social and community environment); family, play group,
village, association.

It can be concluded that the school environment is an area that consists of several liking
spaces that have their respective functions that are interconnected, as a supporting agency for
conducting education in carrying out the learning and teaching process in order to achieve the

2. School Environment Scope

From the explanation of the scope above, it can be explained that the scope of the school:

a. The physical environment of the school: school buildings, school facilities and
infrastructure, geographical conditions around the school.
b. School culture environment: Intracurricular and Extracurricular.
c. The social environment of the school: student learning groups, teaching and learning
processes in the classroom, Intracurricular and Extracurricular.

The surrounding environment which is deliberately used as a tool in the education

process (clothing, housing, game equipment, books, props, etc.) is called the educational
environment. The educational environment is where humans interact reciprocally so that their
abilities can continue to be developed in a better direction. There are three, most importantly,
the types of education environments that have the greatest influence on human abilities and
experiences, namely family, school, and society (commonly referred to as the tri education
center). All three are media for humans to carry out socialization. In individual socialization
people learn habits, attitudes, ideas and standards of behavior in family, school and society.

3. Healthy School Environment Terms

a. Playing field
Playground facilities are something that is very important for teaching and
learning activities in schools, especially those related to dexterity and physical
education. Besides that the playing field can also be used for student play activities,
morning ceremonies / ceremonies, and celebration / performing arts activities that
require a wide area.
b. Shady trees
The faster the growth of the area causes the shady trees to be cleared for building, if
necessary, land prices will also increase. This is what makes the amount of oxygen
decrease. Oxygen is one of the supporters of children's intelligence. A small amount
of oxygen in humans will cause the blood supply to slow down, even though the
nutrients we eat everyday are conveyed by blood throughout our bodies. Because it
takes a lot of shady trees in the school grounds and the environment around the
c. clean environment and air absorption wells
A good environmental system is the main requirement that is feasible to live in.
With a clean sanitation system, all school members will be more calm in the teaching
and learning process. In addition, an air infiltration well system is also needed to drain
rain water so that it does not become a puddle of air that can make the school
environment dirty, or even require repairs inhabited by mosquito larvae.
d. Garbage dump
Garbage is one of the main enemies that influences civilization. The cleaner the
place, the more people there. Evident from the awareness of residents in developed
countries who are aware of not littering. In the matter of waste in schools, there is a
need to raise awareness for the school community. The method is to provide trash
cans from garbage cans and final shelters in schools, and provide examples for
students to provide trash bins.
e. Supporting environment around the school
There are cases in several regions, for example the school environment that is
close to noisy and air polluting factories, or the school environment that depends on
the edge of an always crowded highway, or even a school environment equipped with
garbage dumps or polluted rivers due to odor bad smell. These cases are cases that
need to be dealt with directly and seriously from the government. The environment
around the school that should be able to cause students who are uncomfortable
learning, or even reduce the quality of intelligence because of that. Because there was
once a government that paid attention to this successor generation, because several
cases occurred instead it involved the government itself. For example, a school that
already exists in a supportive environment, but suddenly has to be affected by the
project development around the school which requires the government to ignore the
existing urban planning system.
f. A sturdy and healthy school building
There are many cases of collapsing school buildings in Indonesia. Whether it's
because the building is old, or a new building that was built carelessly. This is also the
government's obligation to deal with it. Because school buildings should have been
built firmly and have healthy building conditions, such as adequate ventilation and the
width of each ideal classroom. So the school environment is said to be healthy if the
surrounding environment is adequate and meets the needs in the process of learning at
4. School Function and Role

The role of the school as an institution that helps the family environment, the school is
tasked with educating and teaching and improving and refining the behavior of students
brought from their families. Meanwhile, in the development of students' personalities, the
role of schools through the curriculum, among others, is as follows:

a. Students learn to interact with fellow students, between teachers and students, and
between students and people who are not teachers (employees).
b. Students learn to obey school rules.
c. Prepare students to become members of the community that are useful for religion,
nation and state.

Clearly it can be said that as a large formation of intelligence (understanding), attitudes

and interests as part of the formation of personality, carried out by the school. This reality
shows how important the influence of the school is.

The function of the school, as detailed by Suwarno in his book Introduction to General
Education is as follows:

a. Develop mind intelligence and provide knowledge.

b. Specialization
The school has a function as a social institution that specializes in education and
c. Efficiency
School education is carried out in specific and systematic programs
d. Socialization
The process fosters individuals to become social beings, creatures that can adapt
well to society.
e. Concertation and cultural transmission.
Another aspect of the school is to preserve the cultural heritage that lives in society
by conveying the cultural heritage (cultural transmission) to the younger generation, in
this case of course students.
f. Transition from home to community
When in the family, the life of an all-child is dependent on parents, so entering the
school where he gets the opportunity to train on his own and responsibility in
preparation before going to the community. It is understandable that the function and
role of the school is very helpful in educating children to provide good education and
change, the haurus school can provide good services for the students the function and
role of the school must be as well as possible according to the functions and roles of
the existing school.

B. Interest in Learning

1. Understanding Interest in Learning

Whereas according to Tidjan (in Hariyanto, 2010: 1. Online): 1. Online) says that interest
is a psychological symptom that shows concentration of attention on an object because there
is a feeling of pleasure. In simple terms, interest (interest) means a tendency and high
enthusiasm or a great desire for something.18 According to Slameto (2010: 80) interest is a
feeling of preferring and feeling related to a thing or activity, without being told.

Thus based on the above understanding can be understood that interest is basically a
high desire of the human self who has a sense of connection to something so that it does
without coercion. As you know, students have differences in their interests, motivations and
personality. In terms of interest, in fact some students have a very high interest in a lesson, so
feel interested in the lesson and are encouraged to study it diligently and not feel bored, some
seem less interested, and the rest some may have interest -mediocre.

So in the whole process of education in schools, educational learning activities are the
most basic activities. This means that the success or failure of achieving educational goals
depends a lot on how the learning process is experienced by students as students. According
to the understanding psychologically, learning is a process of change, namely changes in
behavior as a result of interaction with the environment in meeting their life needs. These
changes will be evident in all aspects of behavior. Understanding learning can be defined as
follows: Learning is a business process carried out by a person to make a new change in
behavior as a whole, as a result of his own experience in interaction with the environment.

Meanwhile, according to Hintzman in his book The Psycholgy of learning and theory,
learning is a change in organism due to experience which can affect the organism's behavior.
This means that learning is a change that occurs in an organism (human or animal) caused by
experience that can affect the behavior of these organisms. So, it can be understood that
interest in learning is the desire to make changes and improvements in a person, from not
knowing to being, from being unable to be able, according to what he wants.

2. Factors Affecting Interest in Learning

In the process of learning success, it is caused by many factors that influence the
achievement of learning outcomes. Because many types of factors influence interest in
learning, the factors that influence learning interest are classified into two factors including
internal factors and external factors.

As for below, it will be stated the factors that influence learning interest, namely:

a. Internal factors

Internal factors are factors that come from within the individual and can influence
individual learning outcomes. These internal factors include physiological and psychological

1) Physiological factors

In general, physiological conditions, such as good health, not tired and tired, not
physically disabled, etc., all will help in the learning process and results. Students are
malnourished for example, it turns out that their learning ability is under students who do not
lack nutrition because those who are malnourished in general tend to get tired and tired,
sleepy quickly and ultimately not easy to receive lessons.

2) Psychological factors
Psychological factors are a person's psychological state that can affect the learning process.
Some of the main psychological factors that influence the learning process are students'
intelligence, motivation, interests, attitudes, talents and self-confidence.

a) Student intelligence / intelligence

Intelligence is the most important psychological factor in student learning, because it

determines the quality of student learning. The higher the level of intelligence of an
individual, the more likely the individual is to succeed in learning. Conversely, the lower the
level of individual intelligence, the more difficult it is for the individual to achieve successful
learning. Therefore, it needs guidance to learn from other people, such as teachers, parents,
and so on. As a psychological factor that is important in achieving learning success,
knowledge and understanding of intelligence needs to be possessed by every prospective
teacher or professional teacher, so they can understand the level of intelligence of their

b) Talent

Other psychological factors that influence the learning process are talent. Talent is the
potential / basic skills that are taken from birth.23 Regarding learning, Slavin (1994) defines
talent as a general ability that a student has to learn. Thus, talent is one's ability which is one
of the components needed in a person's learning process. If someone's talent is in accordance
with the field being studied, then the talent will support the learning process so that it is
possible to succeed.

c) Motivation

Motivation as an inner factor functions to cause, underlie, direct the act of learning.
Motivation that encourages students to conduct learning activities. Psychologists define
motivation as a process within individuals that is active, encourages, gives direction, and
maintains behavior at all times (Slavin, 1994). Motivation is also interpreted as the influence
of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of one's behavior. From the source point of
view, motivation is divided into two, i.e. intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is all factors that come from within the individual and provide an impetus
to do something. Like a student who likes to read, he does not need to be told to read, because
reading is not only a pleasure activity, but it may also be his need. In the learning process,
intrinsic motivation has a more effective influence, because intrinsic motivation is relatively
longer and does not depend on extrinsic motivation.

Extrinsic motivation is a factor that comes from outside the individual but influences the
willingness to learn. Such as praise, rules, order, reladan teacher parents, and so forth. The
lack of a positive response from the environment will affect a person's learning spirit to
become weak.

d) Interest

Simply put, interest (interest) means a tendency and high enthusiasm or a great desire for
something. According to Reber (Shah, 2003), interest is not a popular term in psychology due
to its dependence on various other internal factors, such as concentration, curiosity,
motivation, and needs. But apart from its popularity, interest is similar to intelligence and
motivation, because it gives influence to learning activities. Because if someone does not
have an interest in learning, he will not be enthusiastic or even unwilling to learn. Therefore,
in the context of classroom learning, a teacher or other educator needs to arouse the interest
of students so that they are interested in the subject matter that they are going to learn.25

e) Attitude

In the learning process, individual attitudes can influence the success of the learning
process. Attitude is an internal symptom that has affective dimensions in the form of a
tendency to react or respond in a relatively fixed way to objects, people, events and so on,
both positively and negatively (Shah, 2003). The attitude of students in learning can be
influenced by feelings of pleasure or displeasure at the teacher's performance, lessons, or the
surrounding environment. And to anticipate the emergence of negative attitudes in learning,
the teacher should try to become a professional teacher and responsible for the profession he
chooses. With professionalism, a teacher will try to provide the best for his students, trying to
develop a personality as a teacher who is empathetic, patient, and sincere to his students,
strives to present lessons that are well and interesting so that students can take lessons
happily and not boring , convincing students that the study field learned is beneficial for

f) Student confidence
Confidence arises from the desire to realize self-acting and success. In terms of
development, self-confidence can arise thanks to recognition from the environment. In the
learning process, it is known that performance shows are a stage of proof of "self-realization"
that is recognized by the teacher and student colleagues. The more often successful
completion of the task, the more gain public recognition, and further confidence will be
stronger. Likewise, repeated failures can cause insecurity. If the feeling of insecurity is very
strong, it is suspected that students will become afraid of learning

b. External factors

In addition to student characteristics or endogenous factors, external factors can also

influence student learning. In this case, Shah (2003) explains that factor is a factor

external influencing learning can be classified into two groups, namely social environmental
factors and non-social environmental factors.

1) Social environment
a) aFamily social environment. This environment greatly influences learning
activities. Family tension, parental characteristics, family demographics (home
location), family management, all can have an impact on student learning
activities. Relationships between family members, parents, children, siblings, or
harmonious siblings will help students carry out good learning activities.
b) The school's social environment, such as teachers, administration, and classmates
can influence the learning process of a student. A harmonious relationship
between the three can be a motivation for students to learn better at school. then
educators, parents, and teachers need to pay attention and understand the talents
possessed by their children or students, among others by supporting, participating
in developing, and not forcing children to choose majors that are not in
accordance with their talents.
c) Community social environment. The environmental conditions of the community
where students live will affect student learning. Slum student environments, many
unemployed and neglected children can also influence student learning activities,
at least students have difficulty when they need friends to study, discuss, or
borrow learning tools that they have not yet had.
2) Non-social environment
Factors that include the non-social environment are:
a) Natural environment, such as fresh air conditions, not hot and not cold, light that is
not too glare / strong, or not too weak / dark, a cool and calm atmosphere. The natural
environment is the factors that can affect student learning activities. Conversely, if the
conditions of the natural environment do not support, the learning process of students
will be hampered.
b) Instrumental factors, namely learning devices that can be classified into two types.
First, hardware, such as school buildings, learning tools, learning facilities, sports
fields. For example, the location of a school or place of learning must meet
requirements such as in a place that is not too close to noise or busy roads, then the
building must meet the conditions that have been determined. Second, software, such
as school curriculum, school regulations, guidebooks, silabi, and so on.
c) Subject matter factors (which are taught to students). This factor should be adjusted to
the age of student development, as well as the teacher's teaching method, adapted to
the conditions of student development. Therefore, so that the teacher can make a
positive contribution to student learning activities, the teacher must master the subject
matter and various teaching methods that can be applied in accordance with the
conditions of the students.

We can conclude that the factors that can influence students' learning interest are in two
factors, namely external and internal factors, these two factors provide a great encouragement
and influence on the enthusiasm of children's learning interest, especially the school
environment as an external factor that becomes the spirit of children's learning interest in
A. Research design
In this study the author uses a qualitative approach, a qualitative approach is a study
that is shown to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes,
thoughts of individuals individually or in groups. Data is collected by careful observation,
including descriptions in detailed contexts along with notes on in-depth interview results,
as well as the results of document analysis.

Qualitative research has two main objectives, namely:

a. Describe and explore.

b. Describe and explain.

In the use of this approach, the results of the study are descriptions of interpretations in
which the researcher tries to explain and describe each object he studies in the context of a
particular time and situation. The truth of the results of more research is supported through
trust based on confirmation with the parties studied. This approach is often referred to as a
qualitative approach.

In connection with the collection of data Bogdan & Biklen (1982) said that in this
qualitative research the presence of researchers is very important position, because qualitative
research is a case study, then everything will be very dependent on the position of the
researcher. Thus the researcher is located as the main research instrument (Moleong 1998).
So important and the necessity of the involvement of researchers and appreciation of the
problems and research subjects, it can be said that the researcher is closely attached to the
subject of research. So the purpose of this methodology is not a generalization but a deep
understanding of a problem.

B. Data Collection Techniques

The author chooses several methods in this study by adjusting the research needs
and the methods taken are questionnaire method, observation method and
documentation method.
1. Method of observation This method is carried out to determine the activities and daily
activities of students in conducting learning in the classroom and outside the classroom.
2. Questionnaire method The questionnaire method is "a technique of collecting data by
giving or distributing a list of questions to the respondent in the hope of responding to
the list of questions." This method is carried out to explore students 'data and assessment
to the school or to measure the students' interest in learning. The statement submitted by
the author on a Likert scale gradation, namely:
a. Always
b. Often
c. Sometimes
d. Never
3. Documentation Method To find out the learning system and management structure
found in the school.

C. Instrument
One of the instruments used is using a questionnaire. The questionnaire used is a
set of written statements, the questionnaire has 20 items that have alternative answers
always, often, sometimes, and never.
D. data analysis techniques
The technique of analyzing data after research and after the data is obtained, the
writer must analyze the data that has been obtained. from the questionnaire given to
students of class XI which amounted to 24 students, and the author distributed
questionnaires to 14 students as samples, from the results of the questionnaire which
can be concluded with the school environment affecting the learning interest of class
XI students at Bina Bersaudara High School because facilities at Bina Bersaudara are
incomplete . can be seen in the results of the questionnaire student interest in learning
with a good and healthy school environment will increase interest in learning at SMA
Bina Bersaudara, while the school environment that is not complete and unhealthy
facilities will reduce interest in learning.

Facilities and infrastructure are 2 words that cannot be separated. Means are all
objects used in teaching and learning activities to run effectively and efficiently so
that educational goals can be achieved well, while infrastructure is everything that is a
support or implementation of a process (development effort, etc.). facilities and
infrastructure in Bina Bersaudara High School are incomplete, such as poor
classrooms, poorly maintained libraries, extracurricular not activities, and lack of
teachers and employees. so students really want their comfortable school environment
so that they focus more on their learning and increase their interest in learning.

After the research conducted at SMAA Bina Bersaudara about"Analyze of school

environment on students learning interest of grade XI SMA Bina Bersaudara”. So the
author can draw conclusions and suggestions that might be useful for SMAA Bina
Bersaudara.After the author elaborates and discusses the problem under study, the
author concludes that the school environment and learning interest found in the Bina
Brothers High School include the percentage of lack of school facilities. The results of
the questionnaire answers from students on the school environment assessment are
many of the students lack of school facilities, and students are not active in
extracurricular activities made in schools, and students never repeat lessons at home.

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