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Clinical Practice


New Perspectives on Dry Eye

Definition and Diagnosis: A Consensus
Report by the Asia Dry Eye Society

ABSTRACT For the last 20 years, a great amount of evidence

Accepted for publication September 2016. has accumulated through epidemiological studies that most of
From the 1Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, 2Kyoto Prefectural the dry eye disease encountered in daily life, especially in video
University of Medicine, Kyoto, 3Tokyo Dental College, Ichikawa, 4Kansai display terminal (VDT) workers, involves short tear film
Rosai Hospital, Amagasaki, 5Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo,
Japan; 6Korea University Anam Hospital, 7Ulsan University Asan Medical
breakup time (TFBUT) type dry eye, a category characterized by
Center, 8Seoul National University, Seoul National University Bundang severe symptoms but minimal clinical signs other than short
Hospital, 9Chonnam National University Hospital, 10Yonsei University TFBUT. An unstable tear film also affects the visual function,
Severance Hospital, Korea; 11Beijing Tongren Eye Center, Beijing Institute
of Ophthalmology, 12The Affiliated Eye Hospital of Wenzhou Medical Uni-
possibly due to the increase of higher order aberrations. Based
versity, 13Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-Sen University, 14Peking on the change in the understanding of the types, symptoms,
University People’s Hospital, and 15Eye Institute of Xiamen University, and signs of dry eye disease, the Asia Dry Eye Society agreed to
the following definition of dry eye: “Dry eye is a multifactorial
The Asia Dry Eye Society is partially supported by Santen Pharmaceutical disease characterized by unstable tear film causing a variety of
Co., Ltd. Kazuo Tsubota reports grant support and honoraria from Santen
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and holds the symptoms and/or visual impairment, potentially accompanied
patent for the functional visual acuity measurement system by Kowa Co. by ocular surface damage.” The definition stresses instability of
Jun Shimazaki reports honoraria and consultancies to Santen Pharmaceu- the tear film as well as the importance of visual impairment,
tical Co., Ltd. and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Murat Dogru reports
grant support from Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Otsuka Pharma- highlighting an essential role for TFBUT assessment. This paper
ceutical Co., Ltd. Shigeru Kinoshita has grant support and honoraria discusses the concept of Tear Film Oriented Therapy (TFOT),
from Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., which evolved from the definition of dry eye, emphasizing the
and Senju Pharamaceutical Co. Ltd. Zuguo Liu reports grant support
from Senju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and, consultancies to Santen Pharma- importance of a stable tear film.
ceutical Co. Ltd. The other authors report no financial disclosure.
KEY WORDS consensus, definition of dry eye, diagnosis of
Single-copy reprint requests to Kazuo Tsubota, MD, PhD (address below).
dry eye, dry eye, tear film breakup time, tear film oriented
Corresponding author: Kazuo Tsubota, MD, PhD, Department of Ophthal-
mology, Keio University School of Medicine, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku- therapy
ku, Tokyo 160-8582 Japan. Tel: þ81-3-3353-1211. Fax: þ81-3-3358-5961.
E-mail address: tsubota@z3.keio.jp I. INTRODUCTION
he concept of tear deficiency was first proposed in
Ó 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). The Ocular Surface ISSN: 1542-0124. Tsubota K,
T 1903 by Schirmer, who developed the famous
Schirmer test, a modified version of which is still
in clinical use.1 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca in Sjögren syn-
Yokoi N, Shimazaki J, Watanabe H, Dogru M, Yamada M, Kinoshita S,
Kim H-M, Tchah H-W, Hyon JY, Yoon K-C, Seo KY, Sun X, Chen W, Liang drome was proposed by Sjögren in 1933.2 For many years
L, Mingwu L, Liu Z,. New perspectives on dry eye definition and diag- afterward, dry eye was considered to be equivalent to kera-
nosis: a consensus report by the Asia Dry Eye Society. 2017;15(1):65-76.
toconjunctivitis sicca, the aqueous tear deficiency.

THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com 65


(DEWS) sponsored by the Tear Film and Ocular Surface So-

ciety (TFOS), as follows6:
I. Introduction
“Dry eye is a multifactorial disease of the tears and ocular sur-
II. Previously Published Definitions of Dry Eye Disease
face that results in symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbance,
III. Proposed New Definition of Dry Eye by The Asia Dry and tear film instability with potential damage to the ocular sur-
Eye Society face. It is accompanied by increased osmolarity of the tear film
A. Concepts Underlying New Definition and inflammation of the ocular surface.”6
1. Introduction
The definition of DED in the DEWS report was similar
2. Unstable Tear Film is the Central Feature of Dry to the Japanese definition, but inflammation and osmolarity
were highlighted as potential risk factors for DED. The def-
3. Visual Disturbances in Dry Eye
initions clearly suggested that symptoms of dry eye should
4. The Role of Inflammation in Dry Eye be present for the diagnosis. The report proposed that if
B. Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease According to the New there were no symptoms (including visual disturbances),
the condition could not be diagnosed as dry eye. However,
C. Treatment of Dry Eye Disease: Tear Film Oriented the report emphasized requirements of the presence of a
decreased tear volume and ocular surface damage by vital
D. Short TFBUT-type Dry Eye
staining for the definite diagnosis of dry eye. The report
1. Characteristics also described the ocular surface and tear parameters to
2. Possible Mechanism consider when diagnosing dry eye severity, and these were
IV. Future Directions the basis for a proposed stepladder approach to treatment
(Table 1). On the other hand, short tear film breakup time
II. PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED DEFINITIONS OF DRY EYE (TFBUT) with severe symptoms seems to comprise the ma-
DISEASE jor type of dry eyes, so a new definition and diagnostic
Historically, dry eye disease (DED) was considered to be criteria were needed.
due to either insufficient production or impaired stability of In 2006, the Delphi panel proposed a new term, the
tears. There is now evidence that any abnormality of the dysfunctional tear syndrome (DTS), and concluded that treat-
ocular surface can trigger disequilibrium in all the other ment strategies should rely on symptoms and signs rather
components of tear dynamics. In 1995, the National Eye than tests.7 The panel defined the clinical signs to be consid-
Institute/Industry Workshop headed by Lemp concluded ered in assessing the severity of DTS upon which a severity-
that “Dry eye is a disorder of the tear film due to tear defi- based treatment algorithm was suggested (Figure 2).
ciency or excessive evaporation, which causes damage to the The multinational ODISSEY European Consensus Group
interpalpebral ocular surface and is associated with symp- aimed to establish a clear and practical algorithm for evalua-
toms of ocular discomfort.”3 This was a very solid beginning tion and diagnosis of severe DED.8 The ODISSEY group,
for establishing a consensus among dry eye researchers. Tear comprised of 10 ophthalmologists who all contend with
deficiency was still the central concept in dry eye. In 1995, ocular surface disease issues on a daily basis, was formed in
the Japanese Dry Eye Society proposed their first definition 2012. The purpose of their meeting was to review clinical
and diagnostic criteria.4 At that time, the Japanese definition and scientific challenges in diagnosis and management of se-
did not include the symptoms of DED because the ocular vere DED, and to achieve consensus agreement on a simplified
surface in end-stage Stevens-Johnson syndrome patients approach to evaluation of severe DED (Figure 3). A total of 14
may be totally keratinized, resulting in absence of symp- criteria for DED severity, based on corneal fluorescein stain-
toms. However, such patients may still suffer from visual ing (CFS), tear hyperosmolarity, Schirmer test, impression
disturbances, which are now considered to be among the cytology, filamentary keratitis, conjunctival staining,
important symptoms of severe dry eyes. A new definition impaired visual function, meibomian gland disease or eyelid
and diagnostic criteria was proposed in 2006 as follows5: inflammation, blepharospasm, TFBUT, aberrometry, in vivo
“Dry eye is a chronic disease of tear fluid and keratoconjunctival
corneal confocal microscopy, inflammatory biomarkers (i.e.,
epithelium that results from various factors, and accompanies human leukocyte antigen-DR [HLA-DR], matrix metallopro-
ophthalmic discomfort and abnormal visual function. The diag- teinase 9 [MMP9], cytokines, tear proteomics) and DED re-
nostic criteria are: 1) assessment of symptoms, 2) qualitative or fractory to standard disease treatments were discussed. The
quantitative disturbance of the tear film (quantity: Schirmer I specificity and sensitivity of these tools for diagnosing severe
test less than 5 mm/5 min; quality: BUT less than 5 sec), 3) ker- DED were addressed.
atoconjunctival epithelial damage (staining score greater than 3 The modern definitions of DED combine objective find-
points). The presence of all criteria renders a diagnosis of defi- ings, subjective symptoms, and mechanistic considerations,
nite dry eye and the presence of two out of the three criteria among which hyperosmolarity and inflammation play a key
renders a diagnosis of probable dry eye (Figure 1).”5 role. A second International Dry Eye Workshop commenced
In 2007, a consensus on definition and diagnosis was in May 2015 and will generate a report by 2017, which will
achieved at the first International Dry Eye WorkShop revise the definition and diagnostic guidelines for DED.

66 THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com


Figure 1. 2006 Japanese Diagnostic Criteria for Dry Eye.

III. PROPOSED NEW DEFINITION OF DRY EYE BY THE Korea, and Japan. ADES was registered as an official society in
ASIA DRY EYE SOCIETY Tokyo; its founding members are listed in the acknowledge-
A. Concepts Underlying New Definition ments at the end of this paper. The first scientific meeting
1. Introduction was held in autumn 2012, and the discussions addressed cur-
The Asia Dry Eye Society (ADES) was first established in rent problems in the definition of and criteria for diagnosing
2012 in Tokyo by representatives from three countries: China, dry eye. Successive meetings were held in June and November

Table 1. The 2007 International Dry Eye Workshop Report: Dry Eye Severity Grading Scheme
Dry Eye Severity Level 1 2 3 4*
Discomfort, severity & Mild and/or episodic; Moderate episodic or Severe frequent or Severe and/or
frequency occurs under chronic, stress or no constant without stress disabling and constant
environmental stress stress
Visual symptoms None or episodic mild Annoying and/or Annoying, chronic and/ Constant and/or
fatigue activity-limiting or constant, limiting possibly disabling
episodic activity
Conjunctival injection None to mild None to mild þ/ þ/þþ
Conjunctival staining None to mild Variable Moderate to marked Marked
Corneal staining None to mild Variable Marked central Severe punctate
(severity/location) erosions
Corneal/tear signs None to mild Mild debris, Ymeniscus Filamentary keratitis, Filamentary keratitis,
mucus clumping, [tear mucus clumping, [tear
debris debris, ulceration
Lid/meibomian glands MGD variably present MGD variably present Frequent Trichiasis, keratiniza-
tion, symblepharon
TFBUT (sec) Variable 10 5 Immediate
Schirmer score (mm/5 Variable 10 5 2
* Must have signs AND symptoms.
TBUT, fluorescein tear break-up time; MGD, meibomian gland disease.
Reprinted from The Ocular Surface 5(2), Dry Eye Workshop. The Definition and Classification of Dry Eye Disease: Report of the Definition and
Classification Subcommittee of the International Dry Eye Workshop (2007). p. 75-92, with permission from Elsevier.

THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com 67


Figure 2. The Delphi Panel Clinical Sign Recommendations in Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome in Severity Assessment. Reproduced from Behrens A,
Doyle J, Stern L, et al. Dysfunctional tear syndrome: a Delphi approach to treatment recommendations. Cornea 2006; 25(8):900-7, with permission from
Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.

2013, followed by meetings in June, August, and November Relative to the previous definition, the new definition re-
2014. The final consensus meeting was held in Tokyo on tains the concept that dry eye is a multifactorial disease. The
November 21, 2014, by the dry eye definition committee most important agreement was that the condition was char-
members (Drs. Tsubota, Yokoi, Shimazaki, Watanabe, Kim, acterized by an “unstable tear film.” It was agreed that the
Tchah, Hyon, Yoon, Seo, Sun, Chen, Liang, Li and Liu), unstable tear film is the pivotal mechanism of dry eye
who agreed to the new definition as follows: causing symptoms and/or visual impairment. This concept
“Dry eye is a multifactorial disease characterized by unstable is consistent with the visual impairment in dry eye patients;
tear film causing a variety of symptoms and/or visual impair- aberrations due to the unstable tear film comprise an inte-
ment, potentially accompanied by ocular surface damage.” gral feature of the deterioration of vision. This concept
also fits well with the corneal neuralgia hypothesis. The
Recent findings in the field of epidemiology revealed that
most sensitive part of the ocular surface is the corneal
the short TFBUT-type dry eye (unstable tear film) was more
epithelium, and continuous stimulation by blink itself can
prevalent than other types of dry eye.9 In the Osaka study,
cause chronic pain in a neuralgia patient.13
Uchino et al conducted a dry eye survey among visual
Previously, vital staining of either the cornea or the con-
display terminal (VDT) workers in Osaka, Japan, and re-
junctiva was considered to be critical; however, in this new
ported that the major type of dry eye was the short
definition, ocular surface damage is not required for the def-
TFBUT-type dry eye (Figure 4, revised from Table in
inite diagnosis of dry eye. In other words, just the combina-
Uchino et al., 20139). Tong et al also reported that meibo-
tion of symptoms and an unstable tear film (short TFBUT)
mian gland dysfunction (MGD) resulted in tear instability
is considered to be sufficient to make a definite diagnosis of
and DED.10 The percentage of dry eye patients with a
dry eye (Figure 6). This definition is simplistic and suggests
TFBUT <5 seconds was 94.6%, whereas 19.3% had a
that since many individuals suffering from dry eye have the
Schirmer test value <5 mm in the Osaka study (Figure 4).
short TFBUT-type dry eye, they should be treated not as dry
Figure 5 shows the distribution pattern of TFBUT and
eye suspects but as patients with DED. This definition
Schirmer test values in the Osaka study,11 and these were
clearly covers the short TFBUT-type dry eye, the major
similar to those in Tong’s report.12
type of dry eye, and emphasizes the importance of

68 THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com


Figure 3. The ODISSEY Eu-

ropean Consensus-derived
scoring algorithm for severe
DED diagnosis. Reproduced
from Baudouin G, Aragona P,
Van Setten G, et al. Diag-
nosing the severity of dry
eye: a clear and practical al-
gorithm. Br J Ophthalmol
2014; 98:1168-76, with
permission from BMJ Pub-
lishing Group Ltd.

measuring tear film stability by TFBUT. However, if patients refractive surgeries, conjunctivochalasis, blepharochalasis,
have a stable tear film, even though the Schirmer test value is floppy eyelid syndrome, and others as stated in the interna-
5 mm, a definite diagnosis cannot be made under this defi- tional DEWS report. Other important dynamic tear factors
nition The new definition assigns an essential role for include blink-associated problems such as incomplete blink,
TFBUT assessment. decreased blink during VDT use, lagophthalmos, blepharo-
spasm, and nocturnal eye opening, which all finally affect
2. Unstable Tear Film is the Central Feature of Dry Eye the tear film layer on the cornea. Various risk factors even-
It is widely accepted that dry eye is a multifactorial tually affect one or more of the three layers of the tear film–
chronic disease. The relevant risk factors include inflamma- mucin, aqueous, and/or lipid layer– resulting in unstable
tion, increased tear osmolarity, desiccated environment, tear film, the central feature of dry eye (Figure 7). This
wind, meibomian gland dysfunction, aging, contact lenses, concept also provides a very simple approach for the

THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com 69


> 5sec
5.4% (n=20)
≤ 5mm
Posi ve
19.3% (n=71)
24.2% (n=89)

≤ 5sec > 5mm Nega ve

94.6% (n=348) 80.7% (n=297) 75.8% (n=279)

Tear breakup me (BUT) Schirmer test value Ocular surface staining

Figure 4. Distribution of TFBUT, Schirmer test value, and ocular surface staining in dry eye patients in the Osaka study. Of 368 people who had a
diagnosis of dry eye syndrome, the number of subjects with abnormal TFBUT (94.6%) is more than that with abnormal Schirmer test value (19.3%) and
with ocular surface staining positive (24.2%). Data from Uchino M, et al, 2013.9

treatment of dry eye, in which the most important point of diquafosol sodium eye drop, has been reported to stabilize
action is to stabilize the precorneal tear film. the tear film layer, which also can improve the functional vi-
In the “Treatment” section of this paper, we will discuss sual acuity.25 Thus, treating visual deterioration by targeting
in detail the concept of tear film oriented therapy, which the unstable tear film is one of the important goals of treat-
evolved from the definition of dry eye and shows the impor- ment of dry eye, in addition to improvement of
tance of a stable tear film. This approach emphasizes the discomfort.26
importance of tear film as a target of the treatment.
4. The Role of Inflammation in Dry Eye
3. Visual Disturbances in Dry Eye Inflammation is an important risk factor and/or a conse-
It is well known that the very severe cases of dry eye, quence of dry eye.27 Desiccation stress has been shown to
such as in Stevens-Johnson syndrome, ocular cicatricial induce Th1 type cytokines on the ocular surface, leading
pemphigoid, or advanced Sjögren syndrome, affect visual to Th-17-associated corneal epithelial barrier disruption in
function.14,15 However, dry eye without any corneal damage experimental mice studies.28,29 Severe types of dry eye, like
was considered to be just a symptomatic disease not
affecting the visual function. The last 20 years of research
have revealed that dry eye with unstable tear film affects
the quality of vision in clinical measurements as well as in 79.9% 0.8%
daily life.12,15-23 The tear film is the first entry point of light,
and for the formation of sharp images, a smooth tear film 35
layer is mandatory. When the eye is opened after a blink, 30

the tear film is formed and the patient may see well momen-
Schirmer test value(㎜

tarily. This instant visual acuity can be maintainable even in
the dry eye patient with an unstable tear film. Normal visual 20
acuity measurement, however, cannot detect the visual
impairment of the dry eye patient, because it measures the
maximal visual acuity at the time of eye opening. In daily 10
life, patients keep their eyes open for a certain period of
time, during which the tear film layer becomes irregular 4.6%
and the visual acuity may not be maintained. Measurements 0
of functional visual acuity can detect such deteriorated vi- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
sual acuity over one minute (Figure 8). Since visual acuity BUT(sec)
is the most important parameter of visual function, it is Figure 5. Four subtypes of dry eye patients in the Osaka study. Top left
now believed that dry eye is a vision-affecting disease. quadrant: TFBUT5 sec, Schirmer test value >5 mm; bottom left
Treatment of dry eye by various methods is expected to quadrant: TFBUT5 sec, Schirmer test value 5 mm; bottom right
improve TFBUT and functional visual acuity. Kaido et al re- quadrant: TFBUT>5 sec, Schirmer test value 5 mm; top right quadrant:
ported that punctal occlusion stabilizes the tear film layer, TFBUT>5 sec, Schirmer test value >5 mm. The majority of dry eye
subtype (79.9%) is TFBUT5 sec, Schirmer test value >5 mm. Data from
extends the TFBUT, and improves the functional visual acu- Yokoi, et al, 2015.11
ity at the same time.24 A new mucin and water secretagogue,

70 THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com


Figure 6. Dry eye disease is

diagnosed by the combina-
tion of symptoms and un-
stable tear film.

keratoconjunctivitis sicca, accompany inflammation. The Health Study Questionnaire,16 or the recently reported dry
proinflammatory cytokines were increased in the tear fluid eye-related QOL score (DEQS),39 are useful tools, but ques-
from patients with severe type of dry eye, as in Sjögren syn- tionnaires assessing the visual impairment in daily life may
drome and graft-versus-host disease.30 There is accumu- provide additional and helpful information in the context of
lating evidence that inflammation is one of the key this new definition.
components of dry eye, and the DEWS definition also Since the unstable tear film is pivotal in the definition of
stresses the role of inflammation. dry eye with this proposal, the measurement of TFBUT is
The ADES committee discussed whether or not inflam- mandatory. TFBUT is measured using a fluorescein dye as
mation should be included in the definition of dry eye. a standard method. To minimize the effect on the tear vol-
Various supportive comments were addressed, especially ume and TFBUT, a small quantity of the dye (less than
by the Korean members, who noted that cyclosporine A is 2 mL) should be administered with a pipette or wetted fluo-
available and the control of inflammation is considered to rescein strip.40-42 After the dye is instilled, the subject is
be an important therapeutic strategy.31,32 However, it was instructed to blink three times to ensure adequate mixing
pointed out that inflammation may be one of the risk fac- of the dye with the tears. The time interval between the
tors, not the central core mechanism related to the defini- last blink and appearance of the first dark spot on the cornea
tion. Inflammation may affect all three tear film layers, is measured by stopwatch. The mean value of the three mea-
but in VDT users, dry eye is not due to inflammation but surements should be used.
develops due to the suppressed blink and increased evapora- The consensus members adopted a cutoff value of less
tion, resulting in a short TFBUT. In this type dry eye, the than 5 seconds for the diagnosis of dry eye. Any tear TFBUT
inflammation will also present in some patients if their value greater than or equal to 5 seconds cannot be consid-
tear film has not recovered quickly. The ADES consensus ered as dry eye according to this proposal. Although it is
group also discussed the role of tear osmolarity in DED. not mandatory to check the ocular surface damage and
Hyperosmolarity of the tear fluid was reported to be a suit- tear production by the Schirmer test, they are important
able marker to assess DED.33-35 It has been reported that an for the diagnosis of aqueous deficiency type dry eye and
increase in tear evaporation and a decrease in tear produc- evaluation of the ocular damage, which may potentially
tion induces an increase in tear osmolarity, but due to the lead to epithelial defects and infection. In order to validate
variations of the measurement, controversial reports exist
suggesting that this methodology is difficult for practical
clinical application.36 The ADES consensus group Static risk factors
concluded that further studies are necessary to investigate Abnormality of mucin, aqueous and/or oily layers
the relationship of osmolarity to dry eye conditions. Thus,
tear osmolarity has not been emphasized in the definition
of dry eyes at this time.

B. Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease According to the New Unstable Tear Film
The consensus group discussed practical diagnosis of dry
eye according to the new definition. First of all, patients
should have symptoms of either discomfort or visual distur-
Dynamic risk factors
bance, which necessitates the evaluation of symptoms.
Conjunctivochalasis, incomplete blink,
Applicability of a variety of methods, including direct or decreased blink during VDT work,
validated questionnaires, was considered. The consensus blepharospasm, lagophthalmos, nocturnal eye
group concluded that relevant dry eye questionnaires out- opening
lined in the DEWS report, such as Ocular Surface Disease
Figure 7. Various risk factors affect precorneal tear film.
Index (OSDI),37 McMonnies questionnaire,38 Women’s

THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com 71


Figure 8. Comparison of functional visual acuity for non-dry eye and short TFBUT-type dry eye.

the cut-off value of 5 seconds, cross-sectional and longitudi- becomes unstable, possibly leading to the development
nal studies on dry eyes are being planned. of dry eye. The TFOT concept is as follows: It is possible
to determine which tear layer is affected. For example, if a
C. Treatment of Dry Eye Disease: Tear Film Oriented patient has mucin deficiency, the mucin secretion should
Therapy be recovered first, and prescribing a mucin secretagogue
According to the definition and diagnostic criteria, a such as diquafosol sodium43 or rebamipide eye drops
new concept of treatment strategy was developed by the Jap- would be appropriate. This concept is easy to understand.
anese and the Asian Dry Eye Societies. Since the new defini- If there is an abnormal layer, the layer should be targeted
tion proposes a very important role of a “normal precorneal for treatment. When the lipid layer is affected, such as in
tear film” for a healthy ocular surface and an unstable tear MGD, then it may be appropriate to treat meibomian
film is the key factor for the diagnosis of dry eye, attention glands, first by lid hygiene or warm compresses.44-47
should be paid to tear film stability. This led to development The International Workshop report on the management
of a new strategy called “tear film oriented therapy” (TFOT of MGD emphasized a severity-based treatment
[Figure 9]). algorithm that entails the use of lid warming and hygiene,
As previously mentioned, the tear film consists of artificial tears, topical/systemic antibiotics, topical lipid
three layers: lipid, aqueous, and mucin. When one of formulations, and intake of omega 3 fatty acid
the three layers becomes abnormal, the tear film layer supplements.48

72 THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com


Figure 9. The concept of TFOT (Tear Film Oriented Therapy). *Diquafosol sodium may increase the function of the tear film lipid layer by promoting
spreading of the lipid layer through lipid and tear fluid secretion. **Rebamipide may suppress the inflammation of the ocular surface in dry eye by its
anti-inflammatory action. Figure provided by Dry Eye Society Japan.

When the aqueous layer is affected, as in a Sjögren syn- (Figure 10 from Toda et al).55 Since patients with short
drome patient, then strategies to increase of tear volume, TFBUT-type dry eye have almost no vital staining and normal
e.g., punctal occlusion49,50 or tear secretagoques,51 would tear production, it is difficult to understand why such dry eye
be used. Based on this concept, interesting associations patients suffer from symptoms similar to those seen in the tear
were detected. Once one layer deteriorates, there seems to deficient-type of dry eye with ocular surface damage.
be a compensation mechanism to stabilize the tear film Shimazaki-Den et al reported a subgroup of younger VDT-
layer. For example, when MGD occurs and the lipid layer user dry eye patients without MGD who had severe dry eye
is affected, the aqueous production appears to increase to symptomatology (compared to patients with aqueous defi-
compensate for the lack of lipid layer.52 This phenomenon cient dry eye) with short TFBUT and no interpalpebral stain-
has not only been observed in the clinic52 but also in animal ing.56 The authors suggested that severe symptomatology
models of MGD (Inaba et al, unpublished data). might relate to the abundance of sensory corneal nerves in
In the context of TFOT strategy, the control of inflamma- the younger individuals. Differences in tear clearance may
tion is also important, because it improves the three layers also play a role in terms of symptomatology. For the last
altogether. Suppression of inflammation may increase the 20 years, a great amount of evidence has accumulated showing
mucin secretion and aqueous secretion and improve the that the short TFBUT-type dry eye is an important disease
MGD. The corneal and conjunctival epithelium may cease category with severe symptoms, although the clinical signs
secreting transmembrane and secretory mucins when inflam- are minimal. Yokoi et al also recently reported that the short
mation persists.53,54 However, according to the concept of TFBUT-type is associated with severe symptomatology in
TFOT, the control of inflammation is not the central strategy VDT users.11 The emerging concept of functional visual acu-
of dry eye treatment; rather, producing a healthy stable tear ity, which measures the continuous visual acuity over one
film is the primary treatment target. Although inflammation minute, revealed that an unstable tear film affects the visual
is not a central concept of TFOT, anti-inflammatory drugs function, possibly due to the increase of higher order aberra-
are frequently used in the care of dry eye patients. tions,57-59 which may be why the short TFBUT-type dry eye
patients often report visual related symptoms, such as ocular
D. Short TFBUT-type Dry Eye fatigue.11,54,60
1. Characteristics
We have originally reported that short TFBUT-type dry 2. Possible Mechanism
eye with minimally decreased tear production and minimal In addition to increased higher order aberrations and
vital staining may be associated with severe symptoms deteriorated functional visual acuity, there is another

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Short BUT-type Staining type

Ocular fatigue Ocular fatigue

Foreign body
Heavy sensation
Discomfort Dryness
Figure 10. Symptoms of
Dryness Discomfort short TFBUT-type and
staining-type dry eye. The
Pain Pain
symptoms were comparable
Foreign body
sensation Heavy sensation for the two groups, suggest-
ing that patients with short
Brightness Brightness
TFBUT-type dry eye suffer
Redness Discharge greatly, despite the lack of
ocular surface damage.
Discharge Redness Reprinted from Toda I, Shi-
Mean number of Mean number of
complaints/patients = 4.5 complaints/patients = 5.6 mazaki J, Tsubota K
Other Other
Ophthalmology 1995;102(2):
302-9, with permission from
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Elsevier.55

possible mechanism to explain the discrepancy between the suggested that the chronic inflammation in allergic conjunc-
lack of severe signs but presence of severe symptoms. One tivitis might contribute to such decrease.55 Thus, a relative
possibility is neuralgia, which has been proposed by Rosen- mucin deficiency may be the cause of short TFBUT-type
thal13 and Battat et al.61 This hypothesis suggests that the dry eye. Deficiency of the lipid layer due to MGD may be
development of dry eye requires two factors, one being neu- another reason for short TFBUT. In MGD, a compensa-
ralgia or corneal hypersensitivity, and the other being the tional mechanism has been suggested to be activated to sta-
unstable tear film. A short TFBUT produces evaporative bilize the tear film by increasing the tear production.52
decrease of corneal temperature,62,63 which is insignificant When the compensational mechanism fails, the tear film
for normal people, but causes pain in neuralgia patients. If stability is affected. Practically, combined disturbance of
the tear film is stabilized and reaches a certain level of the mucin and lipid layers may be the real reason for short
threshold, then the pain system is suppressed. This hypoth- TFBUT-type dry eye, but further studies are necessary.
esis was recently confirmed by Kaido et al, who found that
short TFBUT-type dry eye had corneal sensitivity and the IV. FUTURE DIRECTIONS
pain was higher in the short TFBUT than to the normal In this report, the Asia Dry Eye Society has proposed a
controls.64 The neuropathic pain component is important new definition of dry eye. The concept is an extension from
for the pathogenesis of dry eye, and this hypothesis should the 1996 and 2007 definitions of dry eye, but it emphasizes
be further studied. the importance of tear film and subjective complaints. Since
Another possibility involves the effect of accommoda- dry eye is a sociomedical disease and the fundamental mech-
tion on symptoms in dry eye patients. In that regard, the anism of the disease is still unknown, we expect that our
high frequency components of accommodation are related proposal will be revised in the future. At the same time,
to the severe symptoms in short TFBUT-type dry eye, sug- we need a global consensus about dry eye in addition to
gesting that an unstable tear film places a great burden on the Asian agreement. In the near future, such an integrated
the ciliary muscle to compensate for the optical aberrations consensus meeting will be necessary to form a global agree-
due to the unstable tear film with each blink (Kaido et al, ment. The classification of dry eye should also be considered
unpublished data). depending on the concept of TFOT. From the concept of
Lemp et al proposed the concept of corneal desiccation TFOT and our proposed definition, tear deficiency type of
despite normal tear volume.65 They have shown that dry eye is in an independent category. However, evaporative
Stevens-Johnson syndrome or ocular cicatricial pemphigoid DED may be categorized as oil deficient (MGD) variant.
patients with severe ocular surface disease can develop an Although mucin deficiency cannot be evaluated easily in
unstable tear film due the lack of proper mucin secretion. daily practice, the short TFBUT-type dry eye may be the
Since the mucin anchors the tear film on the ocular surface major type of mucin deficiency dry eye. Further diagnostic
epithelium, mucin deficiency is definitely the possible cause methods in this direction need to be developed.
of unstable tear film.66,67 In addition to very severe mucin With regard to severity grading, the previous concept
deficiency as seen in Stevens-Johnson or Sjögren syndrome, attempted to coordinate the severity of ocular surface dam-
MUC5AC mucin deficiency in VDT users has been reported age and severe symptoms. However, as we have discussed in
to be related to an unstable tear film and ocular symptoms.68 this proposal, there is a discrepancy between severe symp-
The original short TFBUT report by Toda et al also toms and severe signs (ocular surface damage) in short

74 THE OCULAR SURFACE / JANUARY 2017, VOL. 15 NO. 1 / www.theocularsurface.com


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