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House styles

NME-Wide range of colours- limited use of colours- red, yellow, white and black.
Wide range of text sizes- big text size for main headings. Columns- kickers and
cover lines on one side of the front cover. On content page, on the right side of
the page. Capitals for main headlines, bold and italics used, Advertising on
front cover, Conventions- masthead, kickers and cover lines, feature article
photo, headline and anchorage, banner, bar code, date line,

Content page- same colours used from front cover, text consistent, columns
used to display kickers and cover lines, pictures are placed in between the two
columns on either side of the content page,

Double page spread- article on one page, picture takes up most of the page
whilst the text only takes up some of it which is placed at the bottom of the
image, secondary lead in between the text, follows the same colour theme but
the red background behind the text makes it stand out more, magazine
organised- content page headline on the page of the article, text is on a white
background which makes the text stand out.

PME- front cover, secondary lead images, conventions- masthead, headline,

graphic feature photo- extreme mid shot, bright colours, banner, barcode, price.
Same font used for masthead and kickers. Feminine with the hair colour and
bright colours used so we know what the magazine target audience is for.

Content page- same font used, same use of colours, columns on the left side,
editor letter, band index, advertising- use of graphic feature.

Double page spread- main image is placed in the middle of the fold of the
magazine, text is placed around the main image, column of images on the left
side of the double page spread, signature on the page, opinion quote, and the
image separates the text.

Kerrang- front cover, conventions- masthead, headline, kickers, cover lines,

banner, selling line, anchorage, menu strip, bar code, date line, secondary lead,
feature article photo. Same text used for masthead and main headline, band
index with image of band and name of band.
Content page- uses of images to show articles/ bands are in the magazine,
consistent colour theme, tab, quotation, column down the right side.

Double page spread- one image takes over the double page spread with 6 people
from the band, article is on the left hand side at the bottom- doesn’t take up
much space, consistent use of colours.

Real r n b front cover- use of yellow on black background makes the text stand
out more, conventions- masthead, headline, kickers, cover lines, feature article
photo, secondary lead, plug, graphic feature, anchorage, banner, website, bar
code, date line.

Content page- same colour theme used, interaction with audience- audiences’
opinion on magazine, same style of font, columns, page numbers, cover stories
separate from the other stories, music images (CD and Microphone).

Double page spread- same colour theme used, same font style text used on
front cover, image only takes up one page but there is another image on the
other page, article goes over both pages, introducing a new colour text.

Rolling Stones- front cover- extreme mid shot- posed, kicker and cover lines on
the left side, colours- yellow, white and black used for text, background is light
which contrasts with the person on the front cover, yellow line under each
kicker to separate the stories, conventions- masthead, kickers, cover lines,
feature article photo.

Content page- uses different colours, columns are placed everywhere, font is all
the same size, some type of menu strip on the left side of the page, pattern of
one width column and underneath 3 small length columns X2.

Double page spread- most of the page is covered with text, picture in the
corner of the page and pictures underneath the text from left to right showing
age, newspaper style with the black text and white background, introduction
about the article separated with a symbol, border around the page, big fancy
font used at the beginning of the text used in books and newspaper articles.

Siren- front cover- white background, lots of different colours used for text,
mid shot picture on front cover, kickers and cover lines on both sides of the
front cover, same font on the front cover, different sizes of text used,
conventions- bar code, masthead, feature article photo, plug, kickers, cover
lines, oval shapes overlapping each other on front cover.

Content page- not as colourful as front cover, same oval shapes overlapping each
other shape on content page but different colour form front cover, the image
at the top of the page is framed with half a square which is black which makes
the lightness of the picture stand out, stories broke up into sections, own
symbols drawn.

Double page spread- same oval shapes overlapping each other shape on double
page spread but different colours, can see the outline of the text, different
colours used again, image is black and white which contrasts with the bright
text, small section with text in between the image and headline text, white
background makes the colours stand out, the style of font used for the article
doesn’t make the text look cramped together.

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