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Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2016, 0, 1–12

doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmw100
Clinical Review


Evidence to Support Oxygen Guidelines for

Children with Emergency Signs in Developing
Countries: A Systematic Review and
Physiological and Mechanistic Analysis
by Shidan Tosif and Trevor Duke
Centre for International Child Health, University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute,
Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
Correspondence: Shidan Tosif, Centre for International Child Health, University of Melbourne, 50 Flemington Rd, Parkville
VIC 3052, Melbourne, Australia. E-mail <shidan.tosif@rch.org.au>.

There are currently no evidence-based oxygen saturation targets for treating children with life-
threatening conditions. We reviewed evidence of SpO2 targets for oxygen therapy in children with
emergency signs as per WHO Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment guidelines. We system-
atically searched for physiological data and international guidelines that would inform a safe
approach. Our findings suggest that in children with acute lung disease who do not require resuscita-
tion, a threshold SpO2 for commencing oxygen of 90% will provide adequate oxygen delivery.
Although there is no empirical evidence regarding oxygen saturation to target in children with emer-
gency signs from developing countries, a SpO2 of  94% during resuscitation may help compensate
for common situations of reduced oxygen delivery. In children who do not require resuscitation or
are stable post resuscitation with only lung disease, a lower limit of SpO2 for commencing oxygen of
90% will provide adequate oxygen delivery and save resources.

K E Y W O R D S : resuscitation, post-resuscitation care, guidelines, oxygen therapy, oxygen saturation

targets, low- and middle-income countries

INTRODUCTION Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) guide-

Previously, apart from oxygen therapy based lines now recommend a target SpO2 of 94%
on clinical signs, the WHO has recommended a during resuscitation for children with emergency
single threshold of pulse oximetry saturation signs [1].
(SpO2) of <90% for giving oxygen to children with WHO ETAT guidelines aim to identify chil-
pneumonia. Although this is unchanged for stable dren with immediately life-threatening conditions in
patients with pneumonia or other respiratory in- developing countries, analogous to Advanced
fections, the recently updated WHO Emergency Paediatric Life Support Guidelines [2]. WHO

C The Author [2017]. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com
V  1
2  Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs


Obstructed or absent breathing

Severe respiratory distress
Central cyanosis
Signs of shock (cold hand, capillary refill >3 seconds, rapid and weak pulse, and low or un-measurable blood
Signs of severe dehydration in a child with diarrhea

emergency signs relate to severe airway, breathing, cir- (inception–2015), physiology/scientific journals and
culation or conscious state problems (see Textbox 1). information in related textbook chapters for studies
Oxygen therapy for hypoxemia is widely accepted comparing oxygen saturation targets in children with
and reflected in international guidelines [3–7]. emergency signs, using terms in Table 1. PubMed
Hypoxemia is identified by arterial blood oxygen satur- was searched using keywords only to retrieve e-pubs
ation (SaO2) below normal ranges and is a complica- and items not indexed in Medline. Gray literature
tion of pneumonia and a risk factor for death [8–12]. was searched using the British Library, WHO, The
Hypoxia refers to a relative deficiency of oxygen that is New York Academy of Science and Google Scholar.
unable to meet needs at the tissue level [13] and is a Past related reviews and reference lists of relevant
complication of hypoxemia, or reduced oxygen deliv- articles were identified. Broad search terms were
ery, or inability to use oxygen at a tissue level. used to maximize sensitivity.
Children with acute respiratory infection in developing
countries are at an increased risk of hypoxemia and Inclusion and exclusion criteria
death due to comorbidities and late presentation. Studies that addressed the PICOT question ‘In chil-
Non-respiratory causes of hypoxemia or tissue hypoxia dren presenting with emergency signs, at which oxy-
include severe sepsis [11, 12, 14], seizures, coma and gen saturation targets should oxygen therapy be
severe anemia [12]. Malnourished children are more commenced, or ceased, to prevent short and long
susceptible to infections and have poorer outcomes term morbidity/mortality?’ were included for system-
with intercurrent disease [15, 16]. There is a high atic review. Guidelines and physiological and mechan-
prevalence of anemia in preschool-age children in de- istic data comparing oxygen saturation targets and
veloping countries [17], and anemia commonly physiology in children with critical illness were sys-
complicates acute infections. Combinations of lung tematically searched and summarized to form a narra-
diseases, sepsis, nutritional cardiac impairment and ef- tive. Studies not relating to infants or children were
fect of anemia on oxygen delivery carry high risks. excluded, as well as non-English-language articles.
This review presents the data on the SpO2 that
should be targeted in sick children. We searched for
international guidelines and papers on physiological Data synthesis
data, which would provide a framework for a safe Following query of databases, titles and abstracts
approach. of retrieved studies were screened. For articles that
could not be excluded based on the title and abstract,
or had some possible relevance, the full text was re-
viewed. Studies from developing countries were pre-
Search methods and sources ferred, but all relevant studies were included.
A systematic review protocol was used. We Included studies were then assessed according to
searched MEDLINE (inception–2015), EMBASE GRADE methodology, and a summary of the
Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs  3

Table 1. Medline search strategy

1. exp Airway Management/ or respiration/ or exp Airway Resistance/ or exp Airway Obstruction/ or exp Alkalosis,
Respiratory/ or alkalosis/ or hyperventilation/ or exp Respiratory Therapy/ or exp Acidosis, Respiratory/ or
acidosis/ or exp Respiratory System/ or exp “work of breathing”/ or exp Respiratory Tract Infections/ or exp
Respiratory Tract Diseases/ or Shock, Hemorrhagic/ or exp Shock, Traumatic/ or Shock/ or Shock, Septic/ or
Shock, Cardiogenic/ or exp unconsciousness/ or brain death/ or death/ or exp Hypoglycemia/ or exp Seizures/
or epilepsy/ or exp cyanosis/ or Dehydration/ or exp Anemia/ or exp Hypotension/ or exp diarrhea/
2. ((obstruct* adj3 (breathing or airway or respiration)) or shock or cyanosis or cyanoses or cyanotic or convul-
sion* or convulsive or coma or alkalosis or alkaloses or alkalotic or hyperventilate* or hyper-ventilate* or acidosis
or acidoses or acidotic or (respiratory adj disease*) or unconsciousness or death* or hypoglyc?emi* or seizure*
or epilep* or diarrhoea* or diarrhea* or hypotensi* or anaemi* or anemi*).tw,kf.
3. th.fs.
4. exp anoxia/
5. (anox* or hypox*).tw,kf.
6. oxygen/bl
7. exp oximetry/
8. oximetr*.tw,kf.
9. exp Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/
10. ((oxygen adj3 therap*) or (oxygen adj delivery) or (oxygen adj administration) or (oxygen adj3
11. treatment outcome/ or exp treatment failure/
12. morbidity/ or mortality/ or child mortality/ or infant mortality/ or survival rate/
13. prognosis/
14. (mortalit* or morbidit* or survival or outcome* or death* or died).tw,kf.
15. (newborn* or neonat* or infan* or pre-schooler* or preschooler* or child* or adolescen* or pediatric* or paedi-
atric* or youth*1 or teen*).af.
16. (1 or 2 or 3) and (4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8) and (9 or 10) and (11 or 12 or 13 or 14) and 15
17. exp animals/ not human*.sh.
18. 16 not 17
19. limit 18 to english

Similar search terms were used for other databases with adaptations as needed

findings table was compiled. Physiological and mech- Cunningham et al. [19] performed a double-
anistic data and guidelines were compiled in a narra- blind, randomized, equivalence trial of 615 patients
tive synthesis with findings summarized in subject with bronchiolitis in the UK. Diagnosis of bronchio-
themes. litis was made according to clinical criteria (SIGN 91
bronchiolitis [20]). In total, 308 patients were
RESULTS randomized to receive oxygen if SpO2 was <94%,
A total of 1824 articles were scanned from compared with 307 for SpO2 <90%, using modified
MEDLINE, EMBASE and PubMed (see Annex 1 oximeters. Infants admitted directly to intensive care
[18]). One randomized trial and two observational or high dependency units or those with underlying
studies were identified that described outcomes at lung or cardiac disease were excluded. Median time
different oxygen saturation targets in children, and to resolution of cough was 15.0 days in both groups,
these are described below and summarized in the with no difference between the two groups.
GRADE summary (Table 2). Recorded adverse events were not significantly

Table 2. GRADE Summary of Findings Table

Summary of findings:
Outcomes for SpO2 targets in children with emergency signs
Patient or population: children with emergency signs
Setting: primary care, clinics, hospitals
Intervention: oxygen
Comparison: standard therapy
Outcomes Anticipated absolute Relative effect @ of Quality of the Comments
effectsa (95% CI) (95% CI) participants evidence
Risk with standard Risk with (studies) (GRADE)
therapy oxygen
Oxygen saturation target in No difference between – 615 (1 RCT) 丣丣丣HIGHb Equivalence trial,
Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs

bronchiolitis (comparing SpO2 standard care and no increased risk

90% vs. 94%) Assessed with: modified group for from using 90% vs.
Duration of cough median time to cough 94% SpO2 target,
resolution of 15.0 days recorded adverse
did not differ
Mortality with 85% SpO2 101 per 1000 66 per 1000 RR 0.65 961 丣丣LOWc
targetAssessed with: (41 to 103) (0.41 to 1.02) (1 observational
Case fatality rates in study)
Mortality with 90% SpO2 50 per 1000 32 per 1000 RR 0.65 11291 丣丣LOWd
targetAssessed with: (26 to 39) (0.52 to 0.78) (1 observational
Case fatality rates in study)
Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs  5

different between both groups. The authors con-

cluded that a lower saturation target of 90% was safe
and as clinically effective as 94%.
Duke et al. [9] compared a prospectively studied
group of 703 children with severe pneumonia treated
using a pulse oximetry protocol with a retrospective
control group of 258. Diagnosis was according to crite-
ria for severe pneumonia in Papua New Guinea, consist-
ent with WHO classification for very severe pneumonia.
In the historical control group, oxygen therapy was
The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% CI) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI). based on clinical signs, particularly cyanosis. Using a
SpO2 lower limit of <85% for oxygen therapy in the
prospective protocol, case fatality rates were reduced
from 10 to 6.5%, and the mortality risk ratio was 0.65
(95% CI 0.41–1.02, two-sided Fisher’s exact test,
P ¼ 0.07). This study was done at 1600 m altitude.
High quality: We are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect

Very low quality: We have very little confidence in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be
Moderate quality: We are moderately confident in the effect estimate: The true effect is likely to be

Duke et al. [21] demonstrated a reduction in mor-

Low quality: Our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: The true effect may be substantially

tality by installing an improved oxygen system in five

hospitals in Papua New Guinea. Diagnoses were
close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different

made according to WHO criteria. This included the

introduction of pulse oximetry-guided oxygen therapy
for SpO2 < 90%. Before introduction of the system,
356 of 7161 children admitted in the five hospitals for
pneumonia died (case-fatality rate 4.97% [95% CI
Single disease population in high-income country, infants with severe disease excluded (-2 indirectness)

4.5–5.5]), whereas 133 of 4130 children died in the

Single disease cohort, high case fatality rate, one facility population, at high altitude (-2 indirectness)

27 months after the introduction of the system

(322% [2.7–3.8]). This study was done in three high-
land hospitals at an altitude of 1600-1800 m and in
two coastal hospitals at sea level.
Single disease cohort, high case fatality rate, at high altitude (-2 indirectness)

Physiological mechanisms
substantially different from the estimate of effect

These clinical studies provide some evidence for ap-

propriate oxygen therapy targets, but there is hetero-
geneity in disease etiology and setting. There were
different from the estimate of the effect
GRADE Working Group grades of evidence

no empirical data on oxygen delivery thresholds in

multi-system critically ill states; this may be different
than in children with single-organ disease such as
pneumonia or bronchiolitis. We summarize physio-
CI: Confidence interval; RR: Risk ratio.

logical mechanisms in the following sections, as a

way of understanding an approach to provision of
oxygen for children with emergency signs such as
those in ETAT guidelines.

Oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve


The relationship between oxygen saturation and the

partial pressure of oxygen in blood is not linear, illus-
trated by the sigmoid shape of the oxygen–


6  Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs

with oxygen; PaO2 is the partial pressure of oxygen

in arterial blood; k2 is a constant to define the solu-
bility of oxygen in the plasma (Solubility coefficient
of oxygen in plasma ¼ 0.0031).
This equation helps to illustrate the effect of vari-
ous physiological abnormalities on arterial oxygen
content and subsequent oxygen delivery. For example,
a healthy child may have an arterial oxygen content of
approximately 16.4 mL/dL (Hb 12 g/dL, 100% SaO2,
PaO2 105 mmHg). In contrast, in a child with acute
respiratory distress, hypoxemia and mild anemia
(Hb 9 g/dL, SaO2 88%, PaO2 60 mmHg), the arterial
oxygen content may be significantly lower, at approxi-
mately 10.8 mL/dL [22]. Whether this is sufficient to
Fig. 1. Oxygen–hemoglobin dissociation curve.
match metabolic demands without resulting in anaer-
obic metabolism, lactic acidosis and cell metabolic
dysfunction depends on the adequacy of the cardiac
hemoglobin dissociation curve (Fig. 1). Target oxy-
output, regional tissue perfusion and whole body and
gen saturations and definitions of hypoxemia are
regional tissue oxygen consumption. A cycle can be
often directed toward the ‘safe’ section of the curve,
established where the increased cardiac work that is
corresponding to PaO2 above 60 mmHg and SaO2
required to supply metabolic demands requires more
greater than 90%. At pressures above PaO2
60 mmHg, oxygen saturation (SaO2) of blood does
not change significantly even with large changes in
oxygen partial pressure. However, below a PaO2 of Oxygen delivery
60 mmHg, small reductions in PaO2 greatly reduce Physiological homeostasis requires that oxygen deliv-
SaO2 and blood oxygen content. ery meet the demands of tissue oxygen consumption.
Oxygen delivery is the product of cardiac output and
blood oxygen content, which as shown above depends
Oxygen content on hemoglobin concentration and hemoglobin–
Oxygen content is the sum of oxygen bound to oxygen saturation (SaO2). Hypoxia can be caused by
hemoglobin (98% of all transported oxygen) and inadequate transfer of oxygen across the lungs (hypo-
oxygen dissolved in the plasma (2%). Oxygen con- xemic hypoxia), decreased arterial oxygen content
tent is therefore highly dependent on hemoglobin (anemic hypoxia), inadequate blood flow (ischemic
saturation. It can be calculated using the following hypoxia) or abnormal cellular oxygen utilization
equation: (cytotoxic hypoxia) [13]. Conditions presenting with
WHO’s emergency signs may be associated with each
Oxygen content ¼ ðHb  k1  SaO2 Þ of these pathophysiological processes.
þ ðk2  PaO2 Þ
Critical oxygen saturation levels
Where Hb is the hemoglobin concentration; k1 is The oxygen tension below which cellular oxidative
a constant to define maximum oxygen binding cap- metabolism fails (a state called dysoxia) varies, and
acity of hemoglobin (k1 is known as Hüfner’s con- multiple factors, including the specific organ or tis-
stant; the milliliter of oxygen that can be bound by 1 sue, cellular metabolic requirements, pH and others,
gram of hemoglobin at standard temperature and determine this. There is a strong diffusion gradient
pressure. The value for k1 varies between authors but from arteries to cells: within cells, the lower limit for
1.39 ml/g will be used for the purposes of this re- dysoxia is a PO2 between 3-15 mmHg, depending
view.); SaO2 is the percent of hemoglobin saturated on cell type and activity, and within mitochondria,
Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs  7

this threshold may be as low as 1 mmHg, and even



0.1 mmHg within muscle cells[23].
Lumb [24] described a theoretical model for

Arterial blood



determining the critical venous oxygen tension that

Table 3. Lowest arterial oxygen levels compatible with a cerebral venous PO2 of 2.7 kPa (20 mmHg) under various conditions
is associated with dysoxia, using venous PO2 that ap-
proximates to end-capillary PO2. In this model,

O2 Content
physiological factors are adjusted to reflect oxygen


saturation at a venous PO2 of 20 mmHg and oxygen
content of 6.4 ml/dl, below which oxidative cellular
metabolism fails. These calculations suggested that

content difference
under conditions where the cardiac function and
hemoglobin are normal, the estimated arterial

Art./Ven. O2


oxygen content required to prevent dysoxia is 13.8

ml/dl, PaO2 36 mmHg, and this corresponds to a
SaO2 of 68%. However, in uncompensated anemia,
an arterial oxygen saturation (equivalent to SpO2) of

O2 Content
at least 93% is needed to maintain cerebral metabolic


Cerebral venous blood
demand [24]. For uncompensated cerebral ischemia,
an even higher SpO2 may be necessary. Physiological
compensatory mechanisms such as increased cere-



bral blood flow that help to maintain cerebral oxy-

genation and other protective factors have not been
taken into consideration in these calculations. (mmHg)



However, these examples (see Table 3) illustrate the

nature of oxygen requirement in disease states with
multiple comorbidities, such as might be seen in
blood flow



children with co-existent lung and brain disease
(e.g. pneumonia and meningitis), or lung and circu-
latory impairment (e.g. pneumonia and sepsis), or

CNS disease (such as cerebral malaria) and severe

Brain O2


Blood O2

International pediatric resuscitation guidelines




Most national and international advanced pediatric

Adapted from Nunn’s Applied Physiology, 7th Edition23.

resuscitation guidelines recommend delivering high

Uncompensated arterial hypoxemia

concentration of oxygen in the first stages of resusci-

Uncompensated cerebral ischemia
Arterial hypoxemia with increased

Combined anemia and ischemia

tation, for treatment of circulatory and respiratory

failure, even prior to determination of oxygen satur-
ation [3–7], summarized in Table 4.
Uncompensated anemia

Several guidelines recommend higher oxygen sat-

cerebral blood flow

uration targets in children who are more severely un-

well. The WHO publication Oxygen Therapy for
Normal values

Children recommends higher targets (>94%) for se-

vere disease states where oxygen delivery from the
lungs to body tissues is impaired, or where vital
organs may be susceptible to low oxygen levels [25].
8  Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs

Table 4. International guidelines describing oxygen use in resuscitation

Guideline Oxygen saturation target description
Resuscitation Council (UK) [6] ‘100% oxygen should be used for initial resuscitation. After
ROSC, titrate the inspired oxygen, using pulse oximetry,
to achieve an oxygen saturation of 94–98%’
European Resuscitation Council [7] ‘Give oxygen at the highest concentration (i.e. 100%) during
initial resuscitation. . .Once the child is stabilized and/or
there is ROSC, titrate the fraction of inspired oxygen
(FiO2) to achieve normoxemia, or at least (if arterial
blood gas is not available), maintain SpO2 in the range of
American Heart Association Guidelines [4] ‘It is reasonable to ventilate with 100% oxygen during CPR
because there is insufficient information on the optimal
inspired oxygen concentration. Once the circulation is
restored, monitor systemic oxygen saturation. It may be
reasonable, when the appropriate equipment is available,
to titrate oxygen administration to maintain the oxyhemo-
globin saturation 94%.’
Australian and New Zealand Committee on ‘A high concentration of oxygen should be administered
Resuscitation [5] during resuscitation regardless of any preceding condition.
There is insufficient evidence for choosing any concentra-
tion of oxygen during acute resuscitation. It is reasonable
to use 100% oxygen initially for resuscitation. After
ROSC, the concentration of inspired oxygen should be
reduced to a level which yields a satisfactory level of oxy-
gen in arterial blood measured by arterial blood gas ana-
lysis (PaO2 80-100 mmHg) or by percutaneous oximetry
(SpO2 94-98%).’
NICE: Assessment and initial management Oxygen should be given to children with fever who have
of feverish illness in children younger signs of shock or oxygen saturation (SpO2) of less than
than 5 years [3] 92% when breathing air. Treatment with oxygen should
also be considered for children with an SpO2 of greater
than 92%, as clinically indicated.

DISCUSSION In the absence of controlled trials, principles of

There is limited evidence to determine oxygen satur- oxygenation are helpful in determining a safe ap-
ation targets to reduce morbidity and mortality in proach by demonstrating the impact of different
children with emergency signs. Two pre–post obser- physiological derangements for children with emer-
vational studies in a developing country demonstrated gency conditions commonly presenting in low- and
benefit from oxygen therapy, for a target SpO2 middle-income countries. Maintaining SpO2 above
of > 85 and >90% in the treatment of children with 90% corresponds to the safe section of the oxygen–
WHO-defined severe pneumonia. In a randomized hemoglobin dissociation curve, and in the absence of
controlled trial for oxygen therapy for bronchiolitis in co-morbid derangements in oxygen will ensure ad-
a developed country, there was no disadvantage with equate cerebral oxygenation and avoid dysoxia.
a saturation target of >90% compared with 94%. Lumb’s calculations also indicate there is sufficient
Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs  9

luxury in a target SpO2 of 90%, well above critical guidelines are needed to direct this resource in de-
levels associated with dysoxia. veloping countries.
Most international guidelines for the management A target saturation of  94% will compensate for
of shock say to give 100% oxygen by face mask or the potential of reduced oxygen delivery, which may
nasal prongs, and to have a target SpO2 of 94-98%. be more common in children with WHO’s emer-
The UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence gency signs arising from severe pneumonia, septic
(NICE) guideline is the only one to specify a lower shock, severe anemia, CNS infection or heart failure.
SpO2 saturation limit in the setting of fever and A target saturation of  94% during the resuscitation
shock, with the provision that oxygen therapy should phase may also help to compensate for the error of
be considered at higher SpO2 if clinically indicated the test inherent with the use of some pulse
(Table 4). Most of these guidelines are used in high- oximeters.
and middle-income countries, where oxygen therapy There are several limitations to this review. There
is more available, but where underlying comorbid- were few studies identified, and in those included,
ities and late presentation are less common than in there is heterogeneity in setting and patient selec-
developing countries. tion. Whilst broad search parameters were used, it is
Other guidelines for oxygen therapy outside the possible that some relevant studies were not cap-
resuscitation phase of treatment are based on eti- tured, and studies where the full text was not avail-
ology and focus on single-organ lung disease. In the able in English were excluded. Aspects of physiologic
treatment of pneumonia, for example, oxygen ther- and mechanistic data are affected in part by assump-
apy is recommended for oxygen saturations of 92% tions, calculation or theories, which are not absolute
by several guidelines [3, 26]. For bronchiolitis, the and should be interpreted in context. The quality of
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends oxy- evidence identified in this review ranges from low to
gen therapy if SpO2 < 90% [27]. high, depending on the study, according to GRADE
Although pulse oximetry is the most reliable, non- assessment.
invasive assessment for measuring hemoglobin oxy- Controlled trials of different oxygen targets are
gen saturation to assess hypoxemia, it also has limita- difficult in low-income settings, and likely to be
tions. In anemic states, SpO2 may be in the normal confounded by marked population heterogeneity,
range despite a reduced PaO2, making the assess- co-morbidities and the many other determinants of
ment of anemia an important component of any as- outcomes besides the SpO2 level at which oxygen
sessment for oxygen therapy. Depending on the therapy is commenced. Performing randomized con-
oximeter model and application, there is a variation trol trials, where oxygen is withheld for a control
in accuracy of readings [28, 29], and many oximeters group or where a much lower target is given to a
are affected by movement artifact or impaired per- study group, would be unethical, as it is clear that
ipheral perfusion. Particularly at lower saturations, oxygen is effective in treatment of hypoxemia and
the error margin is greater [30], and this needs to be that improved oxygen systems improve quality of
taken into account when producing guidelines. care in developing countries [21, 31]. Conducting
Studies characterizing etiology and prevalence of studies to identify differences between smaller incre-
hypoxemia in children presenting with WHO’s emer- ments of target oxygen saturations would be difficult,
gency signs are needed. More research is required to as these would be confounded by heterogeneity of
describe disease states with multiple comorbidities, the populations, pulse oximeter systematic error and
as those children who present with a combination of prohibitively large sample sizes to measure clinically
features are most at risk of adverse cerebral oxygen- relevant outcomes.
ation. Although randomized control studies are not
possible, future implementation studies demonstrat-
ing benefit may be helpful, as part of quality im- CONCLUSION
provement studies. As the provision of oximeters For management of stable patients with uncompli-
and availability of oxygen therapy improves, clear cated respiratory disease, such as severe pneumonia
10  Oxygen therapy for children with emergency signs

or bronchiolitis, a target such as SpO2  90% is ap- Available online: https://www.resus.org.uk/resuscitation-

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veloping countries where oxygen supplies may be proportions and predictive factors for mortality among chil-
scarce. More research is needed to support the im- dren hospitalized with severe pneumonia in a rural develop-
plementation of oxygen guidelines, particularly in de- ing country setting. J Trop Pediatr 2003;49:327–32.
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Annex 1. PRISMA flow diagram [18]

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