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: Numbers

1. Round off:
a. 34.67 (to whole numbers)
b. 134 198 (to 2 significant figures)
c. 67 890 (to 3 significant figures)
d. 9.518 (to 2 decimal places)
e. 73.0856 (to 3 significant figures)
f. 18 976 (to 1 significant figures)
g. 0.07523 (to 2 decimal places)
h. 3.61673 (to 3 significant figures)
i. 14 567 (to 2 significant figures)
j. 45.478 (to whole numbers)
2. Find prime factorisation of:
a. 24
b. 36
c. 144
d. 216
e. 576
3. Find HCF and LCM of :
a. 12 and 18
b. 14 and 24
c. 36 and 40
d. 28 and 32
e. 10, 15 and 45
4. Solve :
a. 4 ÷ 2 + 3×8
b. 6 − 7×3 + (−6)
c. 18 ÷ −3 + 12×3
d. 65 ÷ 13 − 18 + 3×(−5)
e. 45 ÷ 3× −3 − 18 ÷ (−6)

5. Find the value of:
a. 196
b. 81 − 225
c. 64 × 441
d. 121 – (−3)!
e. 5! + 196 − 9!
6. Find the values of :
! !
a. !
− !
!" !
b. !"
× !
! !"
c. !
÷ !"
! !
d. 2 ! ÷ 1 !
! !
e. 3 ! ×4 !

7. Calculate and leave your answer in 3 s.f.(Calculator)

111 + (0.94)!

3×0.8 − 1.25

8. Sara has 16 red flowers and 24 yellow flowers. She wants to make bouquets
with the same number of each color flower in each bouquet. What is the
greatest number of bouquets she can make?

9. Two neon signs are turned on at the same time. Both signs blink as they are
turned on. One sign blinks every 9 seconds. The other sign blinks every 15
seconds. In how many seconds will they blink together again?

10. Lisa is making activity baskets to donate to charity. She has 12 coloring
books, 28 markers, and 36 crayons. What is the greatest number of baskets
she can make if each type of toy is equally distributed among the baskets?
How many of each supply will go into the baskets?

11. Jenny goes to dance class every 6 days, karate class every 12 days, and to the
library every 18 days. On December 1st she went to both classes and the
library. On what date will she do both classes and go to the library?

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