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2nd Grading

I – Objectives:
At the end of one hour period the students should be able to;
a. Measure the mass of an object ;
b. Record the mass with the correct number of significant figures; and
c. Relate the mass of the object to the number of pieces per item.

II – Subject Matter:
A. Topic: Mole

1. Content
- Mole - Avogadro’s Number

2. Skills
- Reciting - Stating
- Researching - Describing
- Analyzing

3. Values
- Appreciate - Cooperate
- Respect - Patience

B. Instructional Materials
- Visual Aids
- 25 pieces paper clips of the same size
- platform balance

C. Reference:
- SCIENCE LEARNERS MODULE Grade 9, pp. 147-149

III – Procedure:

A. Review
- Prayer
- Classroom greetings
- Checking of attendance
- Setting of rules and regulations
- Review the previous topic

B. Motivation
- The learners will think two numbers that is in sequence, then they will keep their numbers
and never let the teacher know it. Then the teacher give instructions on what to do about their
numbers and the teacher will guess the answer. This will involve solving and prediction.

C. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-lesson Activity
- The class will group into five, each group will perform the activity given by the teacher about
counting by getting the mass of an object.
- Each group will prepare their materials in doing the said activity.
- The group will choose a presenter for their output in the class and they have only 5 minutes in
doing the activity.
- Below is the criteria for rating the performance of the group.

Criteria Points
Presentation 20
Confidence and sense of humor 25
Cite information beyond their tasks 25
Collaboration and cooperation of the group 30
Total 100

2. Post-lesson Discussion

- The teacher discusses within 15 minutes about Avogadro’s number.

- The teacher will discuss some problem solving regarding the mass of an object.
3. Application
- The learners will answer the following questions below:
- What is the advantage of the Avogadro’s number in knowing the mole of the substance?
- How this activity affects your learning about the solving the moles of the substance?

4. Generalization


IV – Evaluation

Directions: Get ½ crosswise. Draw and label the following rays.

1. How many molecules are there in 6 moles of water?
2. How many molecules are there in 15 moles CH4?

V – Assignment
- What is the mole of CO2, if the value of its molecules is equal to 3.5x1024?

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