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Five Year Plan

High school, high school, high school, for years we attend high school with

dreams of graduating and moving onto the next step of our lives, attending college or

working. We all have different paths to take, some people aren’t sure and don’t know

what do with their lives, some might choose not go to college, while others have already

submitted their applications to UC’s, we are all different but one thing we have in

common is we are all starting a new journey, maybe not together but individually we are

all staring something new. As for me, what I am choosing on doing is attending a

community college and hopefully after 2 years transferring out to possibly a UC.

I choose the Merced Community College to start that new experience for me

because I found it to be the best option for me. Not only is it a much cheaper alternative

but it can also work for my schedule and is a lot closer to me also. I believe this college

offers everything I need and more, and provides all the classes and resources I will

need to fulfill my career pathway. The Merced Community College also provides

financial aid which is very helpful, and the first year is free, I mean that sounds pretty

good to me.

My hopes for the future are to hopefully get a job and save money up while

attending college. I plan on being a part time student and also having a part time job to

be able to pay for books and other possible necessities. I am hoping I will be able to

balance out work life and school life at the same time without much trouble, but we can

only hope. I would like first work at a retail stores, grocery stores, and fast food places.

Retail and fast food places are great places to learn how to interact with customers, and

also provides the basic training for future jobs and careers. Starting off with these types
Five Year Plan

of jobs will help me adjust to talking to people, and being around them. I think it’s going

to be a good place to start for the first few years of my life.

I can honestly say that for the first few years I will be living at home with my

family for now. I find it to be the best option for me because I would save money on rent

and the other extra bills. My vision for the future after that will be to have saved enough

money to move out and be independent. As for moving out I picture myself living in an

apartment with a roommate so we can split the costs and not struggle as much. I have

high hopes for my future living situation.

I plan on getting a job this summer in order to pay for my necessities. I work

every summer in the fields to pay for my things, so I already have that going for me, but

I would like to stray from that and move in a different direction. Tired, pained,

exhausted, and burnt are all things we feel as field workers everyday and I no longer

feel that i need to put myself through that if I have other alternatives.

After my first four years of college and earning my undergraduate degree, I will

proceed to furthering my education for an additional four years to receive my doctorate

degree. I wish to pursue the career pathway of becoming a psychologist for many

reasons, those starting with I am quite fascinated with the human brain and human

behavior. I would love to start working after my first four years but I´m going to apply for

an internship to gain experience and put my skills to the test. Sadly to start working as a

psychologist, I would have to first complete my education, so I won't necessarily be

working as a psychologist but as an intern. I am extremely hopeful for the future and

cannot wait to start this new chapter in my life.

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