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Respectable ( Mr. Hudatullah, M.

Pd as the head Master of Islamic School of Al Hamidiyah NW

Yang terhormat, bapak Hudatullah M.Pd selaku kepala Sekolah MA Al-Hamidiyah NW
Honorable Mr. Samsul Irpan, M.Pd as the lecturer of UIN MATARAM
Yang terhormat, bapak Samsul Irpan, M.Pd selaku dosen pembimbing lapangan PPL -2 UIN
Honorable All of the teacher of Islamic School of Al Hamidiyah NW Sidemen)
Yang terhormat, bapak dan ibu guru MA Al-Hamidiyah NW
My lovely Brothers and sisters PPL UIN Mataram
Yang kami sayangi kakak – kakak PPL UIN MATARAM
And unforgattbel al ofl our friends whom we love
Dan yang tidak kami lupakan, seluruh teman – teman kami yang berada ditempat ini

Assalamualaiku Wr Wb

First of all, let’s thank unto our GOD “Allah SWT” who has been giving us mercies and
blessing, so we can attend and gather the metting in this place in good condition and happy
Secondly, my salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW the last messeger g Allah,
the best man in the word, who has guided us from the jahiliyah era to the Islamic era namely
Islamic religion just we love
We’are standing here , we would like to read the agenda in this meeting
For the first agenda is Opening
Acara pertama pembukaan
the second agenda is reciting of holly qur’an
Acara kedua pembacaan Al-Qur’an
The third agenda is reception
Acara ketiga sambutan
The forth agenda is giving something speciall
Acara keempat pemberian cindremata
The next agenda is to delivery testimonials
Acara selanjutnya penyampaian pesan dan kesan
The next agenda is praying
Acara selanjutnya doa
And the last agenda is closing
Acara terakhir penutup
Well, Happy Audience Ladies and gentlemen
Before we enjoy out meeting today, let’s open our agenda by reciting BASMALAH
Sebelum kita mulai acara pada pagi hari ini, marilah ketua buka dengan mengucapkan basmalah
Now we are going to the second agenda,
For the second agenda is reciting of holly qur’an
Acara kedua pembacaan kalam ilahi
For our beloved sister Hizfil hayati Opportunity for you
Kepada saudara kami Hifzil Hayati waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan
For the Third agenda is Reception
Acara ketiga sambutan
1. The first reception is from leader of PPL ( for, Riyadussolihin )Opportunity for you
Sambutan pertama dari ketua PPL, Kepada saudara Royadussolihin waktu dan tempat
kami persilahkan
2. The second reception is from The headmaster of Islamic School of Al Hamidiyah NW
Sidemen) for, Mr. Hudatullah M.Pd time is yours
Sambutan kedua dari Kepala sekolah Al hamidiyah, kepada bapak Hudatullah M.Pd
waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan
2. The third reception is from our lecturer of UIN mataram ( for, Mr. Samsul Irpan, M.Pd)
times is yours
Sambutan ketiga dari Dosen pembimbing Lapngan sekaligus penarikan PPL 2 UIN
Mataram, kepada bapak Samsul Irpan M.Pd waktu dan tempat kami persilahkan
Well, Happy Audience Ladies and gentlemen

Now we are going to the next agenda, that is giving something speciall
Kita beranjak keacara selanjutnya pemberian cindremata
To the head master and each three capten of classes
Please Comfoword
Kepada bapak sekolah dan masing - masing ketua kelas di mohon kesediannya untuk maju
Now we are going to the next agenda that is delivery testimonials
Acara selanjutnya penyampaian kesan dan pesan
For our beloved sister ...... Time is yours
Kepada kakak ..... Dipersilahkan
Well happy audience ladies and gentlemen
Now wea re going to the next agenda, namely praying
Acara selanjutnya do'a
For Ustadz Anhar time is yours
kepada ustadz Anhar waktu dan tempat dipersilahkan
For the last agenda is CLOSSING
Acara terakhir penutup
Let’s close our agenda by reciting AL-hamdalah together
Marilah kita tutup acara ini dengan sama – sama mengucapkan hamdalah.

Well, Happy Audience Ladies and gentlemen

Now we are going to dedication agenda
Hadirin hadirat yang berbahagia
Kita beranjak ke acara persembahan
for the first dedication is speech
1. For the first speaker is , she is coming from class 3
Pidato pertama dari siswa kelas XII
For our sister USWATUN HASANAH opportunity for you
kepada saudara USWATUN HASANAN dipersilahkan
2. For the second speaker is , she is coming from class 1
Pidato pertama dari siswa kelas X
For our sister ALFNIA opportunity for you
kepada saudara ALFINIA dipersilahkan

For our beloved sister (..................) time is yours

Kepada saudara kami ....... Waktu dan tempat dipersilahkan
The last dedication is drama from the students
Persembahan terakhir penampilan drama dari siswa siswi

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