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Add text and arrows in this tikz picture

I am trying to create a small scheme for the so called Goldbeter-Koshland loop. I'm almost done, but I have to include the text
$E_1$ above the arrow that goes from P to P* and a small arrow that goes from the base of the text to the middle of the arrow.
How can I do that? So far I have the following code:

[bend angle =60,inner sep=0pt, minimum size =10mm,very thick,
protein/.style={circle,draw=black,very thick},
\node[protein] (p) at (-2,0) {$P$};
\node[protein] (ps) at (2,0) {$P^*$}
edge [towards, bend left] (p)
edge [from,bend right] (p) ;

I would like the figure to look something like:

P1 P2

Thanks in advance!


asked Nov 2 '12 at 18:43

331 6 14

2 Answers

Add a nodes with names and then draw the arrows:



[bend angle =60,inner sep=0pt, minimum size =10mm,very thick,
protein/.style={circle,draw=black,very thick},
\node[protein] (p) at (-2,0) {$P$};
\node[protein] (ps) at (2,0) {$P^*$}
edge [towards, bend left] node[below=20pt,name=e2] {$E_2$} (p)
edge [from,bend right] node[above=20pt,name=e1] {$E_1$} (p) ;
\draw[->] (e1) -- +(0pt,-25pt);
\draw[->] (e2) -- +(0pt,25pt);


answered Nov 2 '12 at 18:53

Gonzalo Medina
356k 29 1144

You can just add a node.


You can adjust the position along the line by pos= option. I placed it at 0.5 which
is the same as midway . See Moving a label along the path for more details.
The above and below options are added so that the label is not on the line itself.



[bend angle =60,inner sep=0pt, minimum size =10mm,very thick,
protein/.style={circle,draw=black,very thick},
\node[protein] (p) at (-2,0) {$P$};
\node[protein] (ps) at (2,0) {$P^*$}
edge [towards, bend left] node [pos=0.5, below] {$E_2$} (p)
edge [from, bend right] node [pos=0.5, above] {$E_1$} (p) ;

edited Apr 13 at 12:35 answered Nov 2 '12 at 18:49

Community ♦ Peter Grill
1 148k 19 378 681

    With auto and swap you don't have to manually position the nodes at the arrows. – Qrrbrbirlbel Nov 2
'12 at 18:52

    @Qrrbrbirlbel: I am not familiar with those options. Using auto I get both nodes below the lines. Using
auto, swap I get both labels above the lines. Using auto for the first one and auto, swap does yield
the desired result. Is that what you meant? – Peter Grill Nov 2 '12 at 18:56

    Yes, it is. Normally one would issue auto=[left|right] to the outer scope and use only swap where it's
needed. In this instance, I'd set auto and just use \path[bend left, towards] (ps) edge node {$E_2$}
(p) (p) edge node {$E_1$} (ps); … no need to set any manual positions. – Qrrbrbirlbel Nov 2 '12 at

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