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Name : Nurma Mentari Amanati

NIM : 25000117120010

Class :A

Batch : 2017

Semester : IV

Faculty : Public Health


Nurma Mentari Amanati
Diponegoro University
E-mail : nurmamentari9@gmail.com

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a document that will become a reference in the
framework of development and negotiation in the countries of the world. The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) are a continuation of the global goals of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) which ended in 2015. SDGs not only apply to developing countries, but also to
developed countries by the end of 2015.

The aim of this paper is to explain the solution in achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) 2030 in the third point, ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all
ages, especially in mental health.

The good mental health is when the mind feels calm and serene, so the person can enjoy
their daily life and respect the others. A Healthy mental individuals can use their abilities to the
fullest in facing all life challenges and can establish good relationships with the others.

KenTal Health Center can become the solution to the people with mental health disorder,
that from data released by Ministry of Health of Indonesia in 2015, 15,8 % of families had severe
mental disorders patient who were treated and not treated. By July 7th, 2018, only 13 million
families were monitored and recorded in the application. The data result of healthy family
application assume that there is one case of mental disorder in one family. Some mental disorders
like emotional mental disorder (anxiety and depression) and severe mental disorder suffered are
schizophrenia and bipolar.

This mental health service generally aims to improve public health especially for mental
health disorder people. Someone who has healthy mentality can do and carry out their activities
normally. They can also adapt to solve their problems through their ability to handle stress. When
someone has a health mentality, he will be able to use his abilities or potential to the fullest in
facing life's challenges, and building positive relationships with others. Not a few people with
mental disorders tend to be depressed and choose to end life by suicide. Suicide due to mental
disorders is a problem that requires great concentration in handling it. Many people with mental
health disorders need attention and discussive consultations with mental health or mental health
personnel or psychiatrists or mental or mental health clinics.

The concept of the KenTal Health Center is to provide services through mentoring and
face-to-face consultations in the health center provided. Consultation is carried out with health
professionals who are professional in dealing with mental health or psychologists. The specialty
of the KenTal Health Center is that it is an innovation of health facilities, especially mental health,
that can provide consultation and assistance for people who need consultation or mentoring
services for mental health. So that there will be no reason for people to get mental health services.
In addition, the KenTal Health Center was given mental health literacy for the public to provide
an understanding of the importance of maintaining mental health for each individual.

Meanwhile, the type of research used is the study of literature from relevant studies. The
analysis technique used is content analysis. Content analysis is a research that discusses in depth
the literature review in writing and unwritten. The results of this study are the need to optimize the
KenTal Health Center to realize the objectives of the SDGs 2030.

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