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________ are the resources that provide utility value to all other
resources.##1.Men#2.Material#3.Money#4.Machinery;Q2.The term procurement stands
for##1.recruitment and selection#2.training and development#3.pay and
benefits#4.health and safety;Q3.The characteristics of human resources are ________
in nature.##1.homogeneous#2.heterogeneous#3.ductility#4.None of the
above;Q4.Identify the managerial function out of the following functions of HR
appraisal;Q5.Which of the following is an example of operative function of HR
managers?##1.planning#2.organizing#3.procurement#4.controlling;Q6.The scope of
human resource management
includes##1.procurement#2.development#3.compensation#4.All of the above;|
2<$Q7. In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned
with##1.business strategy#2.marketing strategies#3.finance strategy#4.economic
strategy;Q8.Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the
_______ approach.##1.hard HRM#2.soft HRM#3.medium HRM#4.None of the above;Q9.Wright
and Snell made important contribution to the growth of##1.Strategic fit
model#2.Strategic labour allocation process model#3.Business-oriented model#4.None
of the above;Q10.Strategic management process usually consists of _______
steps.##1.Four#2.Five#3.Six#4.Seven;Q11.One of the components of corporate level
strategy is##1.growth strategy#2.portfolio strategy#3.parenting strategy#4.All of
the above;Q12.Strategic human resource management aims to achieve competitive
advantage in the market through##1.price#2.product#3.people#4.process;|1;2;3;2;4;3>
3<$Q13. Which one of the following is not a part of the external environment of an
organization?##1.social factors#2.political factors#3.legal
factors#4.organizational culture;Q14.Identify the odd one out of the following
factors##1.organizational structure#2.HR systems#3.business
strategy#4.technology;Q15.The first recorded human resource management initiative
was made during##1.the pre-industrial revolution era#2.the First World War
era#3.the Second World War era#4.None of the above
;Q16.McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y was introduced during##1.the First World
War#2.the Industrial revolution#3.the Second World War#4.the human relations
movement;Q17.One of the important assumptions of the ----------perspective is that
uncertainty in environment is more of an internal problem and less of an external
problem##1.objective environment perspective,#2.perceived environment
perspective,#3.enacted environment perspective#4.none of the above;Q18.When an
organization creates its own environment out of its knowledge of the environment,
it has created a/an##1.enacted environment#2.perceived environment#3.objective
environment#4. none of the above
4<$Q19. Job analysis is a process of gathering information about the##1.job
holder#2.job#3.management#4.organization;Q20.Which of the following terms is not
associated with job analysis?##1.task#2.duty#3.position#4.competitor;Q21.The
process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called##1.job
evaluation#2.job design#3.job classification#4.job description;Q22.The process of
grouping of similar types of works together is known as##1.job classification#2.job
design#3.job evaluation#4.job description;Q23.Which of the following is not a
component of job design?##1.job enrichment#2.job rotation#3.job reengineering#4.job
outsourcing;Q24.Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is
called##1.job rotation#2.job reengineering#3.work mapping#4.job enrichment;Q25.The
final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements,
namely,##1.job observation and job description#2.job specification and job
observation#3.job description and job specification#4.None of the above
;Q26.The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called##1.job
design#2.job classification#3.job description#4.job evaluation;|2;4;2;1;4;1;3;3>
5<$Q27. The basic purpose of human resource planning is to##1.identify the human
resource requirements#2.identify the human resource availability#3.match the HR
requirements with the HR availability#4.All of the above
;Q28.The primary responsibility for human resource planning lies with##1.HR
Manager#2.general manager#3.trade union leader#4.line manager;Q29.The plans that
necessitate changes in the existing technology, the organizational structure, and
the employees' authority and responsibility are called##1.short-term HR
plan#2.medium-term HR plan#3.long-term HR plan#4.none of the above;Q30.Which of the
following is not a forecasting technique to assess the human resource requirements
of an organization?##1.trend analysis#2.ratio analysis#3.managerial
judgment#4.replacement charts ;Q31.The term bottom-up
approach is commonly associated with##1.normal group technique#2.Delphi
technique#3.managerial judgment#4.work study technique;Q32.The method that requires
the line managers to justify the continuance of each job that becomes vacant is
called##1.simulation model#2.zero-base forecasting#3.human resource allocation
approach#4.Delphi technique ;|4;1;4;4;3;2>
6<$Q33. The primary aim of recruitment and selection process is to ##1.meet the
high labour turnover#2.hire the best individuals at optimum cost#3.ensure the
availability of surplus in the case of sickness and absence#4.None of the
above;Q34.Recruitment is widely viewed as a _______ process.##1.positive#2.negative
#3.both positive and negative#4.none of these;Q35.The process of developing an
applicants' pool for job openings in an organization is
called##1.hiring#2.recruitment#3.selection#4.retention;Q36.Recruitment policy
usually highlights the need for establishing##1.job specification#2.job
analysis#3.job description#4.none of the above;Q37.Which of the following is the
most serious problem that might arise due to excessive reliance on internal
recruitment? ##1.reduced job performance#2.high labour turnover#3.lack of
motivation#4.internal resistance
;Q38.State employment exchanges are generally the main agencies of ##1.private
employment#2.public employment#3.professional employment#4.None of the
above;Q39._______ indicates the degree to which a tool or test measures what it is
supposed to measure##1.validity#2.reliability#3.dependability#4.goodness of
fit;Q40. Internal recruitment has the potentiality to increase the _______ of the
7<$Q41. Selection is usually considered as a _______ process.##1. positive#2.
negative#3. neutral#4. none of the above;Q42.The process of eliminating unsuitable
candidates is called##1. selection#2. recruitment#3. interview#4. induction;Q43.The
process of selection of employees is usually influenced by##1. rules and
regulations#2. strategies and objectives#3. principles and programmes#4. none of
the above;Q44.The purpose of an application blank is to gather information about
the##1. company#2. candidate#3. questionnaire or interview schedule#4.
competitors;Q45.Which of the following is used to measure the various
characteristics of the candidate?##1. physical test#2. psychological test #3.
attitude test#4. proficiency test;Q46.Identify the test that acts as an instrument
to discover the inherent ability of a candidate.##1. aptitude test #2. attitude
test #3. proficiency test #4. physical test;Q47.Which of the following helps the
managers with the information required to make good human resources decisions?##1.
selection#2. industrial relations#3. recruitment#4. performance appraisal;Q48. When
the candidate is put to hardship during interview, it is called##1. patterned
interview #2. in-depth interview#3. stress interview #4. preliminary interview;|
8<$Q49. Which of the following is not an objective of employee orientation?
##1.preventing employee alienation#2.a.developing team spirit#3.acclimatizing the
employees#4.raising the salary of the employees;Q50.The process of finding an
appropriate fit between the people and the positions in an organization is
called##1.orientation#2.placement#3.socialization#4.none of the above;Q51.The
process of introducing or integrating the new employees into the organizational
culture is known as##1.placement#2.socialization#3.orientation#4.none of the above
;Q52.The systematic process of offering essential information to the new employees
is usually called##1.orientation#2.socialization#3.placement#4.none of the
above;Q53.The values, attitudes and other behaviours already acquired by the new
employees before their entry into the firm is called##1.anticipatory
socialization#2.organizational socialization#3.tournament-oriented
socialization#4.disjunctive socialization;Q54.Socialization programmes that aim at
reinforcing the values and beliefs brought in by the new employees is
called##1.tournament-oriented strategy#2.contest-oriented strategy#3.investiture
strategy#4.divestiture strategy;|4;2;2;1;1;3>
9<$Q55. Positions held by an individual throughout his work life are normally
referred to as##1.job#2.task#3.career#4.none of the above;Q56.Which of the
following perspectives looks at the career of an individual from the future
positions he is likely to hold?##1.subjective perspective#2.objective
perspective#3.neutral perspective#4.none of the above;Q57.The systematic and
deliberate advancement made by an individual in his career in the entire work life
is known as##1.career path#2.career goals#3.career guidance#4.career
anchoring;Q58.The factors that influence the selection of individuals' career
choices are usually referred to as##1.career anchoring#2.career path#3.career
goals#4.mentoring;Q59.Which of the following is used as a self-assessment technique
by the employees?##1.The strength and weakness balance sheet#2.The likes and
dislikes survey#3.The type focus assessment#4.All of the above;Q60.A series of
processes aimed at assisting the employees make informed career decisions is known
as##1.career guidance#2.career anchoring#3.mentoring#4.career goals;|3;1;1;1;4;1>
10<$Q61. Which of the following is not true about training?##1.It is a short-
duration exercise.#2.It is technical in nature.#3.It is primarily for managers and
executives.#4.It is concerned with specific job skills.;Q62.In which type of
analysis are corporate goals and plans compared with the existing manpower
inventory to determine the training needs?##1.Organization analysis#2.Operation
analysis#3.Individual analysis#4.None of the above
;Q63.The process of enhancing the technical skills of workers in a short period is
called##1.training#2.development#3.education#4.none of the above;Q64. E-learning is
all about##1.computers and computing#2.being technology-
driven#3.electronics#4.experience;Q65.The planned use of networked information and
communications technology for the delivery of training is called##1.e-
learning#2.role playing#3.case study#4.programmed learning;Q66.Which one of the
following is a source of assessing training needs?##1.performance
evaluation#2.attitude survey#3.advisory panel#4.all of the above;|3;1;1;4;1;4>
11<$Q67. Teaching by a wise and trusted superior on a one-to-one basis is
called##1.In-basket training#2.Behaviour modelling#3.Mentoring#4.Action
Learning;Q68.The development technique which educates the trainees about the need
for and the techniques of prioritizing the situations for decision-making is
called##1.In-basket training#2.Action learning#3.Mentoring#4.Executive
coaching;Q69.Trainees forming teams and assuming managerial roles in two or more
imaginary but rival companies is part of the _______ development
technique.##1.university-based programmes#2.external coaching#3.in-house
development centres#4.None of these;Q70.The initial training effort to inform the
new managers about the company, the job, and the work group is known as##1.Action
learning#2.Behaviour modeling#3.Executive coaches#4.Executive orientation
;Q71.Which of the following is not a hurdle for an effective succession management
plan?##1.Lack of criteria for successor identification#2.Improper diagnosis of
development requirements#3.Absence of managerial initiative and support#4.Absence
of strike or lock-out;Q72.Which of the following is the most objective method of
identifying the potential successor in succession management?##1.Performance
evaluation#2.Peer group suggestion#3.Superior's recommendation#4.Management's
12<$Q73. Organizational development as an intervention programme is basically a
_______ approach.##1.top-to-bottom#2.horizontal#3.bottom-to-top#4.None of the above
;Q74.A scientific approach to study and then solving organizational issues
experienced by an organization is called##1.action research#2.applied
research#3.pure research#4.None of the above
;Q75.Which one of the following is not a stakeholder in an organizational
development process?##1.Customers#2.Suppliers#3.Government agencies#4.None of the
above;Q76.Which of the following methods is adopted when there is a high
uncertainty in the external environment?##1.Contingency approach#2.System design
approach#3.Data-driven approach#4.None of the above
;Q77.Which of the following is not an organizational development intervention
programme?##1.Team-building#2.Survey feedback#3.Leadership development#4.All of the
above ;
13<$Q78. Performance management is viewed as a process carried out as
a(n)##1.once-a-year task#2.twice-a-year activity#3.ongoing process or cycle#4.None
of the above;Q79.Performance evaluation can be defined as a process of
evaluating##1.past performance#2.present performance#3.future performance#4.past
and present performance;Q80.The 360-degree performance feedback involves the
evaluation of employees by##1.HR managers#2.employees#3.supervisors#4.all who are
directly in contact with the ratee;Q81.When the focus of the evaluation is on facts
and not on traits, it is known as _____
evaluation.##1.objective#2.subjective#3.performance#4.career;Q82.Which of the
following is an essential prerequisite of MBO?##1.Joint goal-setting#2.Mid-term
review#3.Developing reviews#4.All of the above;Q83.Which of the following is not an
analytical method of job evaluation?##1.Point ranking method#2.Factor comparison
method#3.Paired comparison#4.None of the above;Q84.Which of the following is an
analytical method of job evaluation?##1.Paired comparison#2.Ranking method#3.Job
grading#4.Point ranking method;Q85.Job evaluation is a technique adopted for
determining the _______ of the job.##1.internal worth#2.external worth#3.internal
and external worth#4.None of the above;Q86.When each job is individually compared
with every other in the organization, it is called##1.Ranking method#2.Paired
comparison method#3.Point ranking method#4.Factor comparison method;|
14<$Q87. Providing equal pay for jobs of equal nature based on job evaluation
ensures _______ in compensation administration.##1.external equity#2.internal
equity#3.neutrality#4.None of the above
;Q88.Payment of cash rewards for the work extracted from the employee is normally
called##1.direct compensation#2.indirect compensation#3.non-monetary
compensation#4.None of the above
;Q89.Which of the following is the fixed component in compensation packages?
##1.Profit-sharing#2.Base salary#3.Gain-sharing#4.Equity stock options;Q90.Ensuring
a fair balance between an employee's contributions to the job and the rewards
received in return from that job is the essence of##1.equity theory#2.expectancy
theory#3.agency theory#4.contingency theory
;Q91.Which of the following theory states that the employees work hard in the job
only whey they are sure of positive outcomes from that job?##1.Equity
theory#2.Expectancy theory#3.Agency theory#4.Contingency theory
;Q92.Wages which are usually positioned above the minimum wages but below the
living wages are described as##1.real wages#2.fair wages#3.minimum wages#4.living
;Q93.Stock option and performance shares are examples of##1.base salary#2.short-
term incentive plan#3.long-term incentive plan#4.All of the above;Q94.Performance-
based annual bonuses are an example of##1.base salary#2.short-term incentive
plan#3.long-term incentive plan#4.All of the above;|1;1;2;1;2;2;3;2>
15<$Q95. Which of the following is not an objective of wage incentive programmes?
##1.Developing ownership interest#2.Improving employee retention#3.Reducing labour
cost#4.Facilitating the separation of employees;Q96.When the same rate of
incentives is paid to the employees for each unit of goods produced by them, it is
called##1.Straight piece rate#2.Differential piece rate#3.Task and time
bonuses#4.None of the above;Q97.When more than one piece rate is offered to the
individuals for goods produced by them, it is called##1.Straight piece
rate#2.Differential piece rate#3.Priestman bonus plan#4.None of the above;Q98.Which
of the following methods discourages too much speed in the production by the
employees?##1.Straight piece rate#2.Differential piece rate#3.Task and time
bonuses#4.None of the above;Q99.In which of the following methods is the standard
time stated as minutes and points?##1.Bedeaux system#2.Barth variable incentive
plan#3.Task and time bonus#4.None of the above;Q100.Which of the following is not
usually a group incentive plan?##1.Halsey incentive plan#2.Priestman bonus
plan#3.Rucker incentive plan#4.Towne's incentive plan;|4;1;2;3;1;1>
16<$Q101. The primary purpose of employee safety programme is to preserve the
employees##1.mental health#2.physical health#3.emotional health#4.All of the
above;Q102.The visual presentation of the ranking of work sites in a factory based
on the number of accidents reported from each site is called##1.Accident Frequency
Method#2.Spot Map Method#3.Incidence Rate#4.Severity Rate;Q103.The responsibility
for maintenance of employee health and safety is
with##1.employees#2.employers#3.government#4.All of the above;Q104.Inspections by
superiors and interviews for promotion usually come under##1.short-term response
stress#2.long-term response stress#3.delayed response stress#4.None of the
above;Q105.Which of the following types of personality is comparatively less
exposed to internal stress?##1.Type A personality#2.Type B personality#3.Type C
personality#4.None of the above;Q106._______ is a scientific and systematic effort
to modify the characteristics of an employee's job.##1.Job redesign#2.Time-
out#3.Mentoring#4.Employee empowerment;Q107. Ensuring the safety, health and
welfare of the employees is the primary purpose of the##1.Factories Act,
1948#2.Payment of Wages Act, 1936#3.Equal Remuneration Act, 1976#4.Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947;Q108.Which of the following is not connected with employee
safety and health?##1.The Factories Act, 1948#2.The Mines Act, 1952#3.The Payment
of Bonus Act, 1965#4.The Dock Workers (Safety, Health And Welfare) Act, 1986;|
17<$Q109. The employee welfare facilities available outside the organization are
called##1.intra-mural facilities#2.extra-mural facilities#3.extravagance#4.None of
the above;Q110.The employee welfare facilities available inside the organization
are called##1.intra-mural facilities#2.extra-mural facilities#3.extravagance#4.None
of the above;Q111.Who among the following has the responsibility for employee
welfare?##1.Employers#2.Central government#3.State government#4.All of the
above;Q112.Which of the following benefits is covered under social security
schemes?##1.Retirement benefits#2.Compensation facilities#3.Medical
facilities#4.All of the above;Q113.In which year was the Employees State Insurance
Act enacted?##1.1948#2.1976#3.1923#4.1961;Q114.In which of the following years was
the Workmen's Compensation Act introduced?##1.1948#2.1976#3.1923#4.1961;Q115.The
Maternity Benefit Act was introduced in the
year##1.1948#2.1976#3.1923#4.1961;Q116.The Payment of Gratuity Act was introduced
in the year##1.1972#2.1976#3.1923#4.1961;|2;1;4;4;1;3;4;1>
18<$Q117. The committees which promote workers' participation in management are
usually established only at the##1.corporate level#2.plant level#3.shop-floor
level#4.All of the above;Q118.Joint management councils are normally formed in an
organization at a level which is##1.above the board of directors#2.below the board
but above the shop-floor level#3.below the shop-floor level#4.None of the
above;Q119.Which of the following is not usually an example of indirect
participation by the employees in participative management?##1.Worker-director#2.A
joint management council member#3.Collective bargaining#4.Suggestion-box
scheme;Q120.Which of the following not an example of direct participation by the
employees in participative management?##1.A joint management council
member#2.Autonomous work group#3.Open-door policy#4.Suggestion-box
scheme;Q121.Which of the following is not a characteristic of the workers'
participation in management?##1.Consequence sharing#2.Application of upward
control#3.Participation in decision making#4.One-time activity in the life of the
organization;Q122.Employee empowerment in general means##1.increased job autonomy
for the superiors#2.increased job autonomy for the subordinates#3.decreased job
autonomy for the subordinates#4.None of the above;|4;2;4;1;4;2>
19<$Q123. Which of the following is not usually a characteristic of employee
promotion?##1.upward movement#2.decrease in authority and
responsibility#3.permanency#4.merit or seniority as the basis;Q124.Find the odd man
out on the basis of information about kinds of promotion.##1.horizontal
promotion#2.vertical promotion#3.open system of promotion#4.None of the
above;Q125.Which of the following is not a reason for demotion?
##1.Inefficiency#2.Indiscipline#3.Administrative convenience#4.Absence of
promotional opportunities;Q126.Which of the following is not an example of
transfer?##1.Displacement transfer#2.Versatility transfer#3.Shift
transfer#4.Remedial transfer;Q127.The transfer which facilitate the employees in
acquiring a wide variety of skills is known as##1.Displacement
transfer#2.Versatility transfer#3.Shift transfer#4.Remedial transfer;Q128.Which of
the following is not a reason for the involuntary separation of employees?
##1.Employee health problems#2.Employee indiscipline problems#3.Organizational
problems#4.None of the above;Q129.Which of the following makes the employees
ineligible for provident and gratuity benefits?
20<$Q130. That the authority rests solely with the management with no right to
anyone to challenge it is the basis of the##1.Pluralist approach#2.System
approach#3.Unitary approach#4.Social action approach;Q131.The balance of power is
not vested with any one group" rather, it is maintained between the parties to the
industrial relations. This is the essence of the##1.Pluralist approach#2.System
approach#3.Unitary approach#4.Social action approach;Q132.That the behaviour,
actions and role of the individuals are primarily shaped by the cultures of the
society is the basic assumption in the##1.Pluralist approach#2.System
approach#3.Unitary approach#4.Social action approach;Q133.Which of the following
approaches assumes that the understanding of industrial relations requires an
understanding of the capitalized society?##1.Marxist approach#2.Gandhian
approach#3.Human relations approach#4.Giri approach;Q134.The utility of non-
violence as the means of conflict resolution is the core principle of
the##1.Marxist approach#2.Gandhian approach#3.Human relations approach#4.Giri
21<$Q135. The presence of grievances among employees may cause ##1.indiscipline
among them#2.strain on the labour–management relations#3.a decline in the
employees' performance and productivity#4.all of the above;Q136.Which of the
following techniques permits the grievant (complainant) to remain anonymous?
##1.The exit interview#2.The gripe-box system#3.The opinion survey#4.None of the
above;Q137.The management should redress only those grievances that
are##1.real#2.imaginary#3.real or imaginary#4.none of the above;Q138.In which of
the following methods are grievances ascertained at the time of employees quitting
the organization? ##1.The exit interview method#2.The gripe-box system#3.The open-
door policy #4.Opinion surveys;Q139.Which of the following acts has a direct
relevance for grievance handling practices? ##1.The Industrial Employment (Standing
Order) Act, 1946#2.The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947#3.The Factories Act,
1948#4.All of the above;Q140.When workers are encouraged to meet the relevant
manager in his office and to share their opinions, it is called ##1.an opinion
survey #2.the gripe-box system#3.the open-door policy#4.the exit interview method;|
22<$Q141. Imposing discipline in the form of rules and regulations is an
inalienable right of the##1.management#2.employee#3.trade unions#4.None of the
above;Q142.Which of the following is an objective of employee discipline?##1.goal
accomplishment#2.changing employee behaviour#3.promoting industrial relations#4.All
of the above;Q143.Getting the willing cooperation of the employees in voluntarily
observing the discipline code of an organization is the essence of##1.negative
discipline#2.positive discipline#3.progressive discipline#4.None of the
above;Q144.The threat of punishment as a key to imposing discipline is the basis
of##1.Negative discipline#2.positive discipline#3.progressive disciplin#4.None of
the above;Q145.Adopting a step-by-step approach in dealing with indiscipline
problems is the fundamental principle of##1.progressive discipline#2.negative
discipline#3.positive discipline#4.None of the above;Q146.Which of the following is
not a disciplinary action against employees?
##1.dismissal#2.increments#3.discharge#4.disciplinary demotion;Q147.Which of the
following is not a characteristic of the Hot Stove Rule of Discipline?
##1.immediacy#2.consistency#3.consistency#4.secrecy;Q148.Which of the following
statements indicates a good disciplinary system?##1.An employee must be reprimanded
in public.#2.An employee must not be reprimanded at all.#3.An employee must be
reprimanded in private.#4.None of the above;|1;4;2;1;1;2;4;3>
23<$Q149. Which of the following is not a cause of industrial dispute?##1.demand
for pay and benefits hike#2.demand for hygienic and safer working
conditions#3.demand for better labour welfare#4.None of the above;Q150.When
employees resort to unauthorized strike in violation of the labour contract or
agreements, it is called##1.pen-down#2.tools-down#3.sit-in strike#4.wild-cat
strike;Q151.Which of the following is a specific form of protest organized with the
intention to prevent or dissuade the non-striking employees from attending to their
work during the strike period?##1.hunger strike#2.work-to-rule
strike#3.picketing#4.sick-out strike;Q152.The strike organized to express
solidarity with the striking employees in the same organization, industry or region
is called##1.hunger strike#2.sympathy strike#3.tool-down strike#4.None of the
above;Q153.Which of the following dispute settlers cannot make a binding decision?
##1.arbitrator#2.adjudicator#3.conciliator#4.industrial tribunal member;Q154. "One
party gains at the expense of another" normally refers to which type of collective
bargaining?##1.distributive bargaining#2.integrative bargaining#3.centralized
bargaining#4.None of the above;|4;3;3;2;3;1>
24<$Q155. Which of the following is not a characteristic of trade union?
##1.voluntary association#2.common goals#3.intermediary#4.individual
actions;Q156.Which union is focused on making the skills of its members valuable
and not easily replaceable in organizations?##1.industrial union#2.occupational
union#3.general union#4.white-collar union;Q157.A union meant to protect the
interests and rights of the non-manual employees is called a##1.white-collar
union#2.blue-collar union#3.brown-collar union#4.None of the above;Q158.Employees
join unions to fulfil their _______ needs##1.social#2.esteem#3.economic#4.All of
the above;Q159.What should be the minimum number (of persons) required to register
a trade union?##1.six#2.seven#3.eight#4.nine;|4;2;1;4;2>
25<$Q160. Which of the following pieces of information is normally not considered
for HR audit?##1.job description and job specification statements#2.hiring
policies, practices and procedures#3.details about exit and other interviews#4.None
of the above;Q161.The HR audit needs to be done at _______ levels of the
organization##1.two#2.three#3.four#4.five;Q162.When the efficiency of the HR
activity is measured in terms of the organizational productivity and cost, it is
called the _______ approach.##1.internal#2.external#3.self-directed team#4.task
force;Q163.Which of the following conditions is essential for an effective HR
audit?##1.top management’s commitment#2.clarity in HR audit objectives#3.regularity
and continuity#4.All of the above;|4;2;1;4>
26<$Q164. The automation of attendance keeping, payroll preparation and applicant
tracking are some of the activities carried out at the _______ level.##1.management
information system#2.decision support system#3.electronic data processing#4.None of
the above;Q165.The simulation of a situation is the uniqueness of the _______
model.##1.management information system#2.decision support system#3.electronic data
processing#4.None of the above;Q166.Which of the following is not an advantage of
the Human Resource Information System?##1.a reduction in labour cost#2.the ability
to manage voluminous data#3.better supervision and control over the human
resources#4.None of the above;Q167.Which of the following is not normally an
essential condition for an effective HRIS?##1.Ensuring clarity of HRIS
goals#2.Strengthening the infrastructure and other supporting systems#3.Changing
the HR manager#4.Sustained enhancement of the HRIS capabilities;Q168.Which of the
following is/are the sub-system(s) of HRIS?##1.Position control and budgeting
system#2.Compensation management system#3.Performance management system#4.All of
the above;|3;2;4;3;4>
27<$Q169. When the cost incurred on recruiting, training and developing the
employees is considered for determining the value of employees, it is called##1.the
replacement cost approach#2.the historical cost approach#3.the opportunity cost
approach#4.none of the above;Q170.The opportunity cost approach in human resource
accounting was introduced by##1.Hekimian and Jones#2.Rensis Likert#3.Eric G.
Flamholtz#4.William C. Pyle;Q171.The aggregate payment approach in human resource
accounting was developed by##1.Myers and Flowers#2.Hermanson#3.S. K.
Chakraborty#4.none of the above;Q172.The value of human resources is the function
of the average salary of the employees and their average employment tenure in the
organization. This is the essence of the##1.aggregate payment model#2.five-
dimensional model#3.causal, intervening and end-result model#4.unpurchased goodwill
model;Q173.Fixing the value of an employee depending upon his productivity,
promotability transferability and retainability is the core of the##1.certainty
equivalent model#2.stochastic reward valuation model#3.human asset multiplier
model#4.present value of future earnings model;|2;1;3;1;2>
28<$Q174. A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour
of all employees is called##1.code of ethics#2.word of ethics#3.ethical
dilemma#4.None of the above;Q175.An empirical inquiry into the actual rules or
standards of a particular group is##1.normative justice#2.descriptive
justice#3.interpersonal justice#4.None of the above;Q176.The HR policy which is
based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is
covered under the##1.utilitarian approach#2.approach based on rights#3.approach
based on justice#4.None of the above;Q177.Which of the following is not usually the
objective of a code of ethics? ##1.to create an ethical workplace#2.to evaluate the
ethical components of the proposed actions of the employees#3.to improve the public
image of the company#4.to enhance the profits of the business
continuously;Q178.Which of the following is not a core principle of the Society for
Human Resource Management's Code of Ethics?##1.professional
responsibility#2.fairness and justice#3.professional development#4.None of the
above;Q179.Which of the following factors shapes the ethical behaviour of the
members of an organization?##1.The supervisor’s behaviour#2.organizational
culture#3.code of ethics#4.All of the above;|1;2;1;4;4;4>
29<$Q180. Transformational change in an organization refers to##1.complete change
in almost all aspects of the organization#2.incremental change in which necessary
improvements are made in the existing organization#3.no change in any aspect of the
organization#4.None of the above;Q181.Which of the following is normally the cause
of organizational change?##1.technological development#2.change in labour
characteristics#3.mergers, acquisitions, etc.#4.All of the above;Q182.When employee
resistance provokes a well-grounded debate and constructive criticism leading to
improvements in the change process, it is called##1.positive resistance#2.negative
resistance#3.passive resistance#4.None of the above;Q183.Which type of employee
resistance aims at ensuring the complete failure of change initiatives of the
organization?##1.positive resistance#2.negative resistance#3.passive
resistance#4.active resistance;Q184.Which of the following is not a symptom of
employee resistance to change?##1.increase in employee absenteeism#2.non-
participative and indifferent behaviour#3.increase in performance and
productivity#4.unprofessional conduct;|1;4;1;2;3>
30<$Q185. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a virtual company?
##1.permanent teams#2.geographical dispersion of employees#3.information
technology–enabled organization#4.customer-driven organization;Q186.A horizontal
networking among partners of the organization who perform different but related
activities characterizes##1.alliance organization#2.displaced
organization#3.invisible organization#4.truly virtual organization;Q187.When the
physical separation of employees is not known to the outsiders who perceive them as
a single unit, it is called##1.alliance organization#2.displaced
organization#3.invisible organization#4.truly virtual organization;Q188.When
employees perform work from their home and remain away from the office, it is
called the _______ model.##1.telecommuting#2.frontline#3.cyber link#4.None of the
above;Q189.When the employees perform their work from the client's workplace or
site, it is called##1.telecommuting#2.frontline#3.cyber link#4.None of the above;|
31<$Q190. The country where the headquarters of a multinational company is located
is known as##1.host country#2.home country#3.third country#4.None of the
above;Q191.When an international firm follows a strategy of choosing only from the
nationals of the parent country, it is called##1.polycentric approach#2.geocentric
approach#3.ethnocentric approach#4.None of the above;Q192.When the firms adopt a
strategy of limiting recruitment to the nationalities of the host country where the
branch is located, it is called##1.polycentric approach#2.geocentric
approach#3.ethnocentric approach#4.None of the above;Q193.When the firms choose a
strategy of recruiting the most suitable persons for the positions available in the
firm, irrespective of their nationalities, it is called##1.polycentric
approach#2.geocentric approach#3.ethnocentric approach#4.None of the
above;Q194.Which of the following factors is not related directly to the success of
expatriate assignments?##1.the personality of expatriate employees#2.the intentions
of expatriate employees#3.the incapability of the spouse to adjust to the new
situation#4.the nature of products produced by the company;|2;4;1;2;4>
32<$Q195. The term competitive advantage stands for##1.the superior market position
of a company in the market vis-a-vis its competitors#2.the organizational
confidence level#3.the expansion of product lines in the market#4.None of the
above;Q196.The reason for organizations' efforts to gain competitive advantage out
of HR is:##1.HR environment is responsible for competitive advantage as it cannot
be imitated easily by the competitors.#2.Human resources are more important than
physical resources.#3.It is easy to obtain competitive advantage out of HR
practices.#4.None of the above;Q197.When a manager is moved to another country for
employment, he is called##1.international manager#2.foreign
manager#3.expatriate#4.None of the above;Q198.The treatment of employees as one of
the factors of production is the basic assumption of the _______ version of
HRM.##1.soft#2.hard#3.medium#4.indifferent;Q199.Which of the following resources is
a source of competitive advantage?##1.physical resources#2.human
resources#3.organizational resources#4.All of the above;Q200.Performance evaluation
improves competitive advantage by##1.involving immediate supervisors in the
evaluation process#2.providing strong basis for demotion, transfers, and lay-
offs#3.increasing the frequency of performance evaluation#4.reducing grievance and
labour turnover by making employees trust that they are treated fairly;|

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