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eS eR rat (Revision of ASME 830.8-1999) AUS BO AUT DERRICKS AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD ex os The American Society of Coe aa ry cs 5S) te gn gn ty AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FLOATING CRANES AND FLOATING DERRICKS ASME B30.8-2004 (Revision af ASME B30.8-1988) SAFETY STANDARD FOR CABLEWAYS, CRANES, DERRIGKS, HOISTS, HOOKS, JACKS, AND SLINGS ‘Capyrigin © 2004 by he Ame No reproduction nay be rade f Date of tsuance: May 7, 2004 The next edition of this Standard is scheduted for publication in 2007. There will be no addenda ‘issued to this edition ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this ‘Standard. interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at htp:// vw. asme.org/codes/ as they are issued, and wil also be published within the next edition of the tandacd. ASME i ho ceisered trademark of The Amurcan Society of Mechanical Engineer. This cade or standard was developed under procedures secreted 46 mesting the cite for American National standard he Standards Committe hat approved the code o standard wa balanced to assure that duals frm competent and concemed interests have had an appomurity to Garicpat. The proposed code or tandard was made ‘valable for public review and coment na prvides an ogporunity for additonal pubic input fom industry, academia, ‘egulatoy agencies, and the publican. [ASIE cges ot “approve,” “ate.” oF “endorse” any em, constuction, propery deve o stv. [ASME does ot eake any poston with respect to the validity of any patent rights assertet a conection with aay ‘tems mentioned in dis dorament, and oes not underiake to insure anyone ullzing 2 standard against Baily or ‘etingement of any applicable lene pent, rar assume any such Uabily. Uses of 3 code or standard ae wspeesiy ‘advised that deteminaion ofthe vale af any such pate rights, andthe rsh of nfngerent of such nahi, i ney ther own responce Portcpaton by federal agency spresctative(s) or peta affited with indus Is nat tbe iterrted as government oF dusty endorsement of hs code or sande, "ASME accepts responsibly for only thse interpretations ofthis document issued in acconfarce wth the estolshed ASME procidores and polices, whem precludes the ssuanee of ioterpettians by indbAduas No par of eis document may be reproduced in a0y form, In aa elecrone revival sstom or otnenwise, without he ror writen permission of ne publisher he American Society af Mechanical Engineers Three Pack Avenue, New York, MY 100165999

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