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Astral Plane Work and the Power of Dreaming– by Rahotep

Copyright © 2000 – 2012

In order to help facilitate Astral Plane work and also for purposes of psychic
protection, I feel that all Astral Plane work should be preceded by a proper
Banishing technique such as the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the
Pentagram) or other banishing which the Magician is familiar with or a circle
drawing as taught in my Heka 1workshop, including the invocation of the 4 Sons
of Horus to protect the sacred space and the magician.

To become competent at Astral Plane work is easier than what you might think.
Many complicate this type of work and often sabotage their own efforts at
obtaining results due to self-doubt.

The Astral Plane corresponds to the realm of the Subconscious mind. For those
of you familiar with the Tree of Life and Qabalah it corresponds to the sphere of
Yesod (the moon). This is also where daydreams and imagination takes place.
Because we are talking about visualisation, daydreams and imagination it is here
that the problem starts, because some people think that by using these terms imply
that these experiences aren’t “real” and that they are “made up”. These people
then expect a different experience and starts complicating things so much that
they defeat their own efforts with negative self-doubt.

Many people think that in order to Astral project, Journey (as in Shamanic
journeying) or to be able to do Astral magick work, they need to experience an
Out of Body state which will feel and look like things do here in the what I want to
call “Ordinary Reality”. They think that visualisation and imagination means that
what they are not experiencing a real projection and that it is only their minds,
“making it all up”.

This is where they are wrong!

Visualisation or sometimes called, imagination (which feels and works the same as
when you daydream) is the key to successful astral plane work.

When we daydream, we are normally in a semi- or trance state. In this state we make
use of our imagination and experience visions (daydreams). It is this identical state
that we wish to induce in order to astral project or journey.
Anyone can do it!
It is that simple!

Ah but I hear you ask: “What about out of the body experiences (OOBE)
during astral projection?”
Using visualisation (imagination), [coupled with all your senses and feeling] in a
deep trance state will eventually automatically lead to OOBE in astral
I must very clearly state however that although you might not have a feeling or
experience of OOBE, does not mean that you did not project your
consciousness out of your body! It also doesn’t make your experience less “Real”
or “Valid”. You don’t have to have an OOBE as most people understand it in
order to validate your experience. If it was similar to an imagined trip, visualised
journey (even if you feel “your mind made it up”) or daydream experience, believe
me, IT WAS REAL! Not all astral plane work means the loss of physical body
control or sensation! I am able to project and still have awareness and control of my
physical body! This is what is known as Bi-locality, which is an ever greater and
more useful ability.

Remember energy (and consciousness is a form of energy) follows thought! So if

you place you thoughts “outside your body” your energy, which is your
consciousness follows there and you are literally projecting your consciousness
out of your body! ASTRAL PROJECTION! Really it is that simple. If you
do it strongly enough it will manifest in an OOBE eventually through constant
practice of certain occult secrets and techniques, quite naturally.

The subconscious, (of which visualisation and imagination [daydreaming] all form
part of) is the direct link to the astral, so by visualising it you are creating and/or
experiencing it on the astral plane. It means that “non- ordinary reality” is as “real”
as “ordinary reality” the only difference being the level or plane where it takes
place and being experienced.

Ordinary reality; everyday reality, (Which in occult terms is called “Maya” or the
“illusion”, is happening in the Material world (Assiah: Representing the material
world, man) which corresponds to Malkuth.
As you can see using the Tree of Life and the 4 worlds on the tree as a model,
that there are other levels above our “Ordinary reality”(material world/Assiah),
which are just as “real” although they are of “Non-Ordinary reality”
Also in Shamanism we have the 3 worlds: Underworld (also called lower world),
Middle World and Upper world.

In this course we are especially going to use all of these modules and ideas to
travel, project and journey to and through these realms.

I want you not to make things too technical or left-brain, but rather experience and
enjoy the Journeys and travels you undertake. In other words don’t be too
concerned whether you are doing it right, in which world you are now or is it all your
imagination etc. There is no right or wrong way to journey or project. There is just
the experience itself. Analysing it while it is happening will bring you out of your
trance and interfere with the process, so just relax, trance and experience.

Because mind chatter often interferes with a journey or the ability to go into or
stay in trance state, Shamans and occultists often use drums or music to help them
relax and distract the “Monkey on the brain” which forever wants attention and
prevents a deep state of trance. Using Drumming, Rattling or Deep trance type
music, the conscious mind starts focusing on the drum rhythm or music, freeing the
subconscious and thereby aids in inducing a state of trance.

So for me keywords in astral work are these 3 words: RELAX, TRANCE and
EXPERIENCE (referring to the actual projection or journey into the astral)

You can see from the above why even guided meditations called pathworkings are
also valid as a form of astral plane work. Often in pathworkings the person
experiencing the meditation will “see”, “hear”, “sense”, smell or “feel” things during
the pathworking before the person guiding the journey actually says what is
happening or about to happen. Now you want to tell me it’s all “made up”? During
a pathworking we employ imagination/visualisation, which connects us with our
subconscious mind during a relaxed trance state. Because the subconscious is the
direct link to the astral, the experience is happening on the astral plane and is
therefore “valid” and “real”.

Again using the Tree of Life and Qabalah as a model, we can see that our
material world or ordinary reality corresponds to Malkuth. This plane is the plane
of flesh and bones etc. and as such is very “dense” matter. So don’t expect to
“feel” a journey on the astral planes the same way you do here. In the astral our
spirit takes flight and it is more surreal, less of a “dense” feeling. When you have an
intuition or gut feel about something, is it a knowing, feeling sensing etc? yes.
Surely it is not the same heavy feeling as is felt when you walk to the shop or hold
your coffee mug? No. No its just feeling or inner knowing, very real, yet subtle
depending how in tune we are with our intuition and the subconscious self.

So why, do people still insist on experiencing the astral plane in the same way as
they do the ordinary reality (our material world)? I think it is due to ignorance or
watching too many Hollywood movies or maybe an unclear understanding of what
they are going to feel or experience during Astral Plane Work.

Remember that with continued practice and in time your astral plane experiences
are going to lead to OOBE quite naturally. The type of stuff most people read
about in astral projection books and expect to experience, failing which they feel
there experience wasn’t real or valid.

I hope that this information has helped to clear up some of the confusion or over
dramatised expectations some people have surrounding Astral Plane work.
It is a scientific fact that we cannot visualise or imagine anything that is not “real”!
As you can see we can all do this quite easily and naturally when we stop the
voices of doubt in our heads that tell us we shouldn’t make up or imagine things!

Now with all the doubt out the way lets look at the magical ability called
visualisation and imagination.

When I say visualisation it means the same as imagining something ok?
Without this ability, HEKA will not work!
As a matter of fact, the word Heka, meaning spells or divine utterance was also
the name of a Neter called Heka, the God of Magick in ancient Egypt. It is
interesting to note that Heka (the Neter) was known as the one who consecrated
and manifested images (visualisation and imaginations!!!). In other words Heka (the
Neter) had the function of making visualised images come to life! To manifest them
on the material plane (Malkuth)!!!!

This is why I (Rahotep) say:

“Do not rebuke your child for daydreaming
Neither for having a vivid imagination
These abilities are the keys to the universe!

When we dream we are “awake”, when we are awake we “dream”

Master this secret and you will master life!

Everything we perceive was dreamed into existence,

If you have no dreams, you have nothing!

We are constantly dreaming our creations into existence,

Whether, we are aware of it, or not.
The Adept has learnt to consciously control the process to manifest hi/her will.
The Inept always blames circumstance

Knowing your limitations can be very enlightening

but daring to dream can be mind blowing!

Dreaming, is not wishful thinking, learn the difference.

“Reality” is stranger than what you can imagine

You have to be realistic – is the lament of the average and inept

Dare to dream – is the motto of the visionary and achiever

In truth we are infinite spirit, one with the Divine, the container of all potentialities.
As we think, we are and again I say: “Dare to Dream”

As you now realise, Dreaming/visualisation/imagination is key in Heka practice

and you should practice this skill often. If you are unsure as how to do this please
do not feel embarrassed or shy to ask me. I will gladly assist you.

At this point I would like to introduce you to a visualisation* which also teaches
you how to “throw Heka” called casting a spell or releasing the energy raised into
your visualised goal. This visualisation is from the book: Ancient Egyptian
Divination and Magick by Eleanor L. Harris.

*Do Magical exercise Meditation supplied. *

Projecting the Ka
Using focused will and visualisation; we can project our Ka [body of light (more on
this later)] or consciousness into something or through a doorway.

These doorways are referred to as Astral Doorways.

An Astral doorway is any image or symbol that is used to project your

consciousness through it in order to explore the realm that lies behind it.
Anything can be an astral doorway. It can be a visualised door or portal or an
actual mirror, tarot card or symbol such as a pentagram, rune, Egyptian ankh etc.
The possibilities are endless! So have fun and experiment. Remember to keep a
journal in your Magickal Diary of astral plane work and experiences.

Working with Astral doorways, trains the imagination and ability to visualise (Vital
to success in Heka and astral plane work)

Exercise 1:
Using a Tarot card as an Astral Doorway

Decide on a Tarot card to use as a doorway.

For our first journey we will use the fool card from my Deck by Clive Barret –
Ancient Egyptian Tarot. (See picture Below.)

Enter a relaxed trance state.

Place the image of the card in front of you so that you can stare at it.
Study the images on the card and make mental notes of what you see.

While looking at the card try to see if there is anything in the picture, which implies
movement or action of any sorts.

Allow the card to start “coming alive” with movement, as if you were watching a
movie! Don’t censor what comes! Go with your intuition and visualisation [dream
Any animals, landscape features such as water etc. or humans will start to “come
alive” and move etc.
At this point, project your Ka into the card. In other words, imagine stepping into
the card as if it was a doorway and start interacting with the images in the realm of
the card.

Once in the card you will experience this landscape in three dimensions and have
all round views allowing you to move around freely in any direction you choose.
Any people1 in this landscape or realm can be interacted with. Ask them questions

Spend some time interacting with and exploring the realm you entered and when
you are ready, return your consciousness to your body and open your eyes.

I often find that I stare at the card eyes open while my mind journeys like in a
daydream. Remember there is no right or wrong way to journey and each person’s
experience might be unique or different.

Try and use as much of your psychic (Astral) senses when entering astral realms
as possible. It is not just sight, which plays a role here. You might hear, smell or
even taste or sense (touch) things.

Here is a great occult secret to achieve OOBE. Using all your senses
(hearing/touching/smelling/seeing/tasting) and emotions (feeling) with intensity
when you experience and interact with the astral plane, will lead to a spontaneous

It is just a matter of dedicated practice and time.

People as in the Shamanistic concept of the word, meaning that even, plants and rocks are alive and
one can interact and communicate with them! Also in Qabalah, where everything is alive with Light
Energy (God consciousness – Life!)

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