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Alea Erika S.



Unforgettable, Knowledgeable, and Spectacular Experience in Senior High School

Being in school for twelve years and counting is tiring. You wake up early, do lots of assignment,

and listen to never ending lectures of every subjects. I wouldn’t deny that there were times that I simply

didn’t feel motivated towards a subject. But after I became a senior high school student, I began to see

things from a different perspective. Senior high school helped me in my personal growth, challenged my

interests and motivation, and helped me to maintain a strong faith in God.

Being in a larger community helped me to grow and improve my personality even more. I used to be

shy when interacting with other people, but I was able to develop my confidence that helped me to have

new friends. Also, as the weeks pass by, I learned to manage my time and stress effectively. I knew when

to have fun and when to focus in my academics. With this, I became more efficient, well-organized with

my academics but at the same time, still spontaneous.

Senior high school challenged my interests and motivation. I used to have clear view on my plans for

my future career even before I enter the senior high school. But with the knowledge that I’m continuously

gaining, I was challenged. Honestly, I was not planning to take a course under the ABM strand, but since I

want to flourish my cooking skill, I’m starting to consider pushing through with a business course on

college. With these interests, I set my siblings as my motivation because just like them, I want to be

successful in the future.

Moving on, senior high school also helped me in maintaining a strong faith towards Him. I was

worried that I might lose that connection with God since I knew that senior high school won’t be easy. But

it got me closer to God. When I started my senior high school, I realized that I became more sincere and

inspired, whenever I trust that God is just beside me. Given the workloads given to us, it didn’t stop me

from being reminded to pray from time to time. Every morning as I arrive in school and in the afternoon

before I go home, I developed a habit of visiting the chapel.

Despite my expectation that senior high school would be very difficult and be a hindrance to continue living

my life like I used to, I figured out that it is indeed enjoyable, exciting and helpful, not just for the

academic’s performance, but also for your own development. Again, senior high school helped me, as a

student, to flourish my personal growth, to challenge my interests and motivation, and to maintain a strong

relationship with God. With this realization, I want to inspire and remind my co-students to always look on

the brighter side of every situation. Senior high school may give us numerous requirements, sleepless nights

and everyday hardships, but behind that, we got to develop and discover more of ourselves. Let’s enjoy and

appreciate the time left for us in this journey because for sure, it has something for all of us that would be

beneficial to our success in the future.

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