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R"y del Sole

On December 16, 2016


With R5y del Sole 

F5lcon Books is presenting 5 series of interviews with se5soned

Hermetic pr5ctitioners 5nd those who follow 5 spiritu5l discipline.
The 5im is to sh5re the wisdom, knowledge 5nd underst5nding of
these pr5ctitioners with those just beginning the p5th 5nd 5s 5n
inspir5tion to us 5ll. The focus of these discussions 5re guided
tow5rds the spiritu5l seeker.

Presenting tod5y 5nd interview with R5y del Sole who is the founder
of Sur5 Ac5demy, A p5th to self-development 5nd spiritu5l growth.
He 5lso is 5 prolific writer 5nd 5uthor of Spiritu5l liter5ture including
IIH 5nd 5spects of spiritu5l tr5ining.  He 5lso h5s his l5test book The
Mystic5l P5th. He 5lso h5s 5 blog where he sh5res his insights with

A cordi5l welcome to R5y del Sole from F5lcon Books Publishing.

Gre5t to h5ve you here 5nd th5nk you for t5king the time to 5nswer
our questions.

M. F5lcon Books: I wonder if we could st5rt by you telling us 5 bit

5bout yourself 5nd how you c5me 5cross B5rdonʼs IIH.

R5y del Sole: “Origin5lly I  studied 5rchitecture. But now I h5ve 5n

own psychother5py 5nd co5ching pr5ctice. Here I c5n help people by
combining spiritu5l knowledge 5nd he5ling techniques 5s well 5s the
profession5l psychother5py 5ppro5ch. Altogether it is 5 wonderful
holistic w5y to c5use re5l ch5nges for my clients in very nice w5y.
The modern psychother5py l5cks spiritu5l knowledge, especi5lly the
knowledge of the occult 5n5tomy 5nd the 5pplic5tion of energies to
dissolve block5ges 5nd to 5llow for re5l he5ling to t5ke pl5ce. So this
is 5 gre5t experience for me to work in this w5y.

I must s5y th5t I w5s 5lw5ys driven by the ide5 to g5in re5l wisdom.
This ide5 w5s 5lre5dy very strong when I w5s 5 young boy 5t prim5ry
school. I decided to dedic5te myself to this 5im, willing to s5crifice
other things which 5re norm5lly import5nt in life. L5ter in high school,
I w5s 5ble to study 5ll different of 5re5s of knowledge like science,
religion 5nd 5ncient history, etc. Thus bringing me to the insight th5t
it is import5nt for me to study the “whole world” if I w5nted to re5lly
underst5nd the “whole world” 5s it is. And this ide5 I h5ve followed.

On my p5th, I h5ve met m5ny different philosophies 5nd spiritu5l

schools, 5lw5ys with the ide5 to serve m5nkind for m5king progress.
When I w5s 5round 18 ye5rs old, I visited 5n esoteric exhibition, just
for fun to check wh5t people were offering. And here I h5ve
discovered B5rdonʼs first book. The Germ5n title suggested th5t this
book w5s 5n instruction to become 5 re5l 5dept 5nd this m5de me
curious. So I h5ve re5d the description on the b5ck cover. I w5s re5lly
5stonished to re5d th5t B5rdon w5s offering instructions for m5gic5l
development. At the time it w5s quite uncommon, something speci5l.
So f5r I h5d only 5 b5d feeling 5bout m5gic 5s I knew 5ll these stories
of m5gici5ns who did str5nge things with b5d results, or 5t best were
quite mysterious. But when I w5s scrolling through the book, I w5s
even more 5stonished 5bout the scientific w5y B5rdon g5ve
exercises 5nd expl5n5tions. I w5s so f5scin5ted th5t I re5lly w5nted
to know wh5t he w5s t5lking 5bout 5nd if 5ll these mysteries 5bout
m5gici5ns were true. And so on th5t d5y my p5th beg5n. I h5ve re5lly
devoured his book, diving deeper 5nd deeper into this m5gic5l world.
Over the ye5rs, I h5ve comp5red his te5chings with the te5chings
from other spiritu5l tr5ditions 5nd I h5ve 5lso 5cquired
gre5ter knowledge to further my underst5nding 5nd his core

After m5ny ye5rs of study 5nd pr5ctic5l tr5ining, I must s5y th5t I 5m
more th5n gr5teful for h5ving t5ken this very speci5l p5th. There 5re
so m5ny, indeed uncount5ble tre5sures w5iting for the student.
B5rdon gives 5ll the keys to open the doors.”

X.   F5lcon Books: You h5ve mentioned in the p5st there is 5 wise

w5y to 5ppro5ch B5rdonʼs 5nd 5 slow w5y.

5) Wh5t h5ve you discovered is the best w5y to 5ppro5ch this?

b) Wh5t would you 5dvise someone who is st5rting out?

R5y del Sole:  B5rdon h5s written 5ll his books with 5 secret wink. He
offers offici5l instructions which work like 5 route description. But you
c5n re5d 5lso between the lines 5nd then you discover sm5rt w5ys to
get from A to B. These “secrets” c5n be found by re5l pr5ctic5l
tr5ining 5nd deep studies of 5ll his books. Further on, the 5ddition5l
knowledge of the occult 5n5tomy reg5rding the psychic centers, the
ch5kr5s is 5 big de5l for progress. And cert5inly, the
subconsciousness c5n be integr5ted into the tr5ining very well.
B5rdon is 5 re5l m5ster in giving sm5ll hints to big 5nd import5nt
topics 5nd he le5ves it up to the student to become 5w5re of these
hints 5nd to follow them. He simply 5ssumes th5t the m5ture student
will m5n5ge his w5y independent from problems, obst5cles, etc.

Besides these “secrets” or 5 sm5rt w5y to do the tr5ining, it is

f5scin5ting th5t the whole tr5ining system is so simple th5t it c5n be
5ccomplished 5lso without comprehensive intellectu5l studies. This
me5ns th5t you could t5ke the book 5nd give it to 5 young m5n who
h5s no educ5tion 5t 5ll but who h5s 5 gre5t desire for spiritu5l
m5stery 5nd this young m5n would just h5ve to follow in 5 stubborn
w5y the single exercises. For sure, he would re5ch m5stery in the
end. All is given in the exercises 5nd in the short expl5n5tions. It
t5kes only the motiv5tion 5nd stubbornness to go through it.
Simplicity is the key 5nd l5ter the developed skills will help to
underst5nd wh5t you 5re doing.

And this shows the problem which we h5ve to f5ce tod5y: We 5re
used to de5ling with complexity, with complex problems 5nd complex
solutions. We 5re not used to simplicity but simplicity is the n5ture of
5ll re5l spiritu5l te5chings. God is simple 5s God is the One while
cre5tion itself is b5sed on diversity, on big numbers 5nd with this on
complexity. Those who w5nt to underst5nd God must le5rn simplicity.
We move from the complex world of cre5tion to the top of the
pyr5mid, the One to experience unity. 

In f5ct, our problem is the 5ppro5ch to try to m5n5ge 5ll ch5llenges

with the intellect but the intellect pl5ys here 5 minor role. Intuition is
holistic 5nd pr5ctic5l experiences 5re most import5nt. The intellect is
too limited for 5ll the wonders of the m5gic-mystic5l p5th 5nd re5l

To 5nswer both questions 5t once: I would suggest for the beginner

to study deeply 5ll books of B5rdon 5nd to implement quite e5rly very
import5nt knowledge like his te5chings of wisdom 5nd the l5ws of
cre5tion. Further on it is very import5nt to follow 5ll hints, even if he
mentions only 5 word or h5lf of 5 sentence. In the m5in, this is the
occult knowledge of the ch5kr5 system 5nd the comprehensive use
of the subconsciousness right from the st5rt. Different techniques
should be combined 5nd orient5te on re5lizing one 5im. And in f5ct,
one of his biggest “secrets” is th5t he simply expects the student to
h5ve 5 spiritu5l-mystic5l 5ttitude together with good he5lth. So if you
suffer from imb5l5nces in your mind, soul or body, then this 5re
obst5cles on the p5th. And without 5 true spiritu5l 5ttitude you h5ve
best ch5nces to f5ll into the countless tr5ps of selfishness 5nd
delusions which 5re w5iting on both sides of the n5rrow p5th. Only 5
spiritu5l 5ttitude c5n offer re5l s5fety 5nd good progress. The
mystic5l 5ttitude me5ns th5t you love God, th5t you long for divine
unity, th5t you 5re willing to refine yourself 5nd to serve m5nkind 5nd
cre5tion. Only when you underst5nd yourself 5s 5 p5rt of the gre5ter
whole, 5ll other p5rts (beings) 5re willing to support you 5s you do it.
Cre5tion me5ns cooper5tion. We 5re 5ll serving e5ch other.
Selfishness is 5n illusion. It simply does not work out.

Unfortun5tely, B5rdon does not emph5size the import5nce of the

spiritu5l-mystic5l 5ttitude directly in his first book but t5lks only
much l5ter 5bout these things 5nd simply 5ssumes th5t everyone
knows it. In f5ct wh5t B5rdon c5lls m5gic is pure spiritu5lity in its
highest form. We 5ll h5ve to w5lk the p5th of met5physics 5nd
mysticism independent from culture 5nd tr5dition.”

F5lcon Books: In step 2 of IIH B5rdon touches upon 5bout working

with the subconscious mind. How import5nt would you s5y this is 5nd
wh5t do you feel is the best 5ppro5ch to underst5nd 5nd become 5t
one with our subconscious.

R5y del Sole:  “B5rdon often shows 5 f5scin5ting w5y of 5ccessing

topics. I guess th5t most students directly step into the tr5p of the
“evil” subconsciousness blocking progress 5nd supporting 5ll th5t we
donʼt w5nt. This c5n develop to 5 re5l fight with the
subconsciousness 5nd lots of problems. Here is one m5in point to
underst5nd th5t if you h5ve 5 strong will, you wonʼt experience 5ny
problems with your subconsciousness. The subconsciousness only
s5bot5ges your wishes if you l5ck willpower. And 5lre5dy by
undergoing the concentr5tion exercises, you develop 5 good 5nd
strong will. Then there is 5lso 5 secret in it. You c5n bring your will
5nd your subconsciousness into the s5me positive st5te where both
cooper5te. The will or norm5l consciousness c5n be seen 5s the m5le
pole 5nd the subconsciousness c5n be understood 5s the fem5le
pole. Then our wishes 5re the b5bies, seeds pl5nted by the will 5nd
c5rried out by the subconsciousness. The subconsciousness in its
fem5le power is completely underestim5ted. So indeed, the 5ctive
tr5ining should go h5nd in h5nd with the use of the
subconsciousness to m5ke new 5bilities, etc. grow (overnight). I h5ve
written 5 corresponding book 5bout this topic, so th5t everyone is
5ble to 5pply the techniques of 5utohypnosis in 5 profession5l w5y.
L5stly, it is very import5nt to re5lize 5 loving 5nd positive unity with
your subconsciousness 5nd to neglect the ide5 of fighting it 5s this
t5kes lots of energy 5nd c5uses only problems.”
`. F5lcon Books: As 5 pr5ctitioner of Hypnosis how h5ve you found
your work 5ided those pr5cticing B5rdons IIH?

R5y del Sole:  “Wh5t is c5lled hypnosis is simply profession5l work on

the level of the subconsciousness, using st5tes of tr5nce. We c5n
5lso e5sily s5y th5t hypnosis consists of techniques of ment5l m5gic,
of medit5tion, of work 5lso on 5n Ak5sh5 level 5nd if the hypnotist is
skilled enough then he c5n work with energies to c5use he5ling,
vit5lizing, dissolving of block5des 5nd to go on ment5l tr5veling with
his client beyond time 5nd sp5ce. It is even usu5l to go into former
inc5rn5tions for rese5rch 5nd he5ling, 5nd to m5ke meetings with
spiritu5l guides 5nd dece5sed souls. In conclusion, hypnosis is m5gic
5nd m5gic includes hypnosis. There 5re no re5l limits. The m5in use
is cert5inly focused on he5ling 5nd the 5n5lysis of the roots of
problems but 5lso new skills 5nd qu5lities c5n be 5nchored 5nd
strengthened in 5 person. The techniques 5re 5ll very f5scin5ting. So
indeed I recommend to my students to do studies in psychother5py
5nd hypnother5py 5s you c5n le5rn 5 lot 5bout m5gic.

Hypnosis c5n be 5lso seen 5s 5 guided medit5tion 5nd when you

medit5te in 5 deeper st5te then you do something like 5utohypnosis
5lre5dy. The focus of hypnosis is the inner experience in contr5ry to
the outer experience of the m5teri5l world. So indeed we work on the
higher pl5nes. And in the subconsciousness, we find not only the
roots of 5ll problems but 5lso the individu5l solutions. The
subconsciousness is connected to the whole cre5tion on 5ll pl5nes.

So, 5ll in 5ll, it is f5scin5ting work which is 5lso very efficient 5nd

a. F5lcon Books: Following on from this, wh5t tools could you

recommend to 5id students so they 5re 5ble to gr5sp the steps
more e5sily 5nd ……?

R5y del Sole: “I recommend to underst5nd the simple principles of

5utohypnosis 5nd to 5pply them with specific 5nchors of h5nd
postures, finger postures, etc. So it is quite e5sy to get 5 good book
5bout 5utohypnosis 5nd to underst5nd the m5in principles. Then you
c5n 5lre5dy st5rt with the 5rmch5ir which you use for your
medit5tion or your concentr5tion exercises. You c5n progr5m your
subconsciousness with the ide5 th5t every time you sit in your
5rmch5ir, your body is c5lm while your mind gets into the perfect
st5te for medit5tion. All outer disturb5nces will be 5utom5tic5lly
ignored, so th5t you c5n 5ccomplish your exercises perfectly. Indeed
you c5n determine 5ll 5spects for sitting in your 5rmch5ir 5nd doing
your exercises. This would be 5n “5rmch5ir 5nchor”. Further on you
could think 5bout different postures of your h5nds or fingers like the
known mudr5s where you connect cert5in st5tes of consciousness to
or where specific powers 5re 5ctiv5ted. This is 5 f5scin5ting field of
experiments where you c5n follow your individu5l intuition.
The more routines 5nd progr5ms you “inst5ll”, the better c5n your
subconsciousness support you. S5me time, s5me pl5ce, s5me
posture, etc. 5nd then 5ll you need for 5 specific exercise will be
offered 5utom5tic5lly.”

c. F5lcon Books: In your book The p5th of the Mystic, you offer
guid5nce to those who wish to follow 5 devotion5l/mystic5l p5th
c5n integr5te th5t 5long with B5rdonʼs IIH pr5ctice. For the
beginner, I think the first st5ges of IIH 5ppe5r to be quite dry 5nd
I think perh5ps m5y put people off who wish to follow th5t w5y.
Could you ple5se tell us 5 bit more 5bout this 5nd wh5t inspired
you to write it.

R5y del Sole: “B5rdon s5ys th5t IIH de5ls with m5gic 5nd yes,
cert5inly this is the c5se. M5gic is nothing else th5n met5physics 5nd
met5physics me5ning the science of physics on the level of mind 5nd
soul, –  working with energies 5nd the corresponding l5ws. On the
other h5nd, B5rdon emph5sizes the import5nce th5t m5gic 5nd
mysticism h5ve to go h5nd in h5nd if the student does not w5nt to
suffer from 5ny imb5l5nces (or re5l problems).

This ide5 to combine the te5chings 5nd tr5ining of met5physics with

the ide5s of cle5ning, he5ling 5nd refinement of mysticism is 5
m5tter of wisdom 5nd with this of the fourth T5rot C5rd respectively
higher te5chings. Here we see how import5nt it is to re5d 5ll books
before st5rting the tr5ining of IIH respectively B5rdon mentions this
problem m5ybe only in one or two sentences in IIH. Besides this, the
tr5ining of IIH c5n 5ppe5r 5t le5st in p5rts 5s re5lly dry 5nd h5rd 5s it
l5cks 5ll the be5uty of norm5l spiritu5l te5chings which 5re 5 m5tter
of mysticism, the qu5lity 5spect of the whole tr5ining 5nd
development. Mysticism gives life to the dry tr5ining. It 5lso offers
motiv5tion, h5ppiness, 5 re5l sense in 5ll the tr5ining. The mystic
loves God, loves m5nkind 5nd cre5tion, loves to serve, loves to refine
himself 5nd to unite with God.

Love is 5 gre5t drive, 5 gre5t motiv5tion. And devotion 5nd

humbleness h5ve much gre5ter me5nings th5n most people
underst5nd. In the end, re5l mysticism is 5 m5tter of the third book
5bout the cosmic l5ngu5ge. Here you underst5nd th5t the highest
mystic5l pr5ctice me5ns to tr5nsform your n5ture to the
m5crocosmic divine n5ture in 5ll 5spects. So 5 re5l mystic is the
highest 5uthority in cre5tion. Only 5 re5l mystic c5n cre5te like God

So in conclusion, I try to offer the student some mystic5l te5chings to

compens5te the m5gic5l tr5ining, to m5ke it more vit5l, more
f5scin5ting 5nd in f5ct the 5spects of cle5ning, he5ling 5nd
refinement c5n never be overr5ted. Especi5lly beginners often h5ve
to f5ce m5ny problems simply bec5use they h5ve too m5ny ment5l
5nd emotion5l block5des which need to be cle5ned, dissolved so
th5t he5ling c5n t5ke pl5ce 5nd on this level of higher h5rmony
success is e5sier to 5ccomplish. For this re5son, I emph5size very
much the steps of cle5ning, he5ling 5nd refinement in my Ac5demy
5nd in my books. “Cle5ning, he5ling 5nd spiritu5liz5tion
(refinement)!” w5s the slog5n of the old mystics. Only those who 5re
refined to divine degrees c5n unite with God.”

f. I w5s wondering if you would be willing to sh5re your own

experience of the mystic5l p5th with us?

R5y del sole: “I guess if I w5nted to sh5re 5ll my mystic5l experiences

I would h5ve to write 5 new book. Mystic5l experiences c5n be
understood 5s st5tes of unity with the Divine in one, or sever5l
5spects which come 5long with tr5nce 5nd gre5t feelings of 5
diversity of ecst5sies. The unity with God m5kes you feel re5lly high,
beyond norm5l hum5n experiences 5nd you t5ke p5rt in divine
virtues 5nd powers. These 5re 5ll experiences of highest fulfilment.

I must 5dmit th5t this is not my first inc5rn5tion where I worked on

my spiritu5l development, so my p5th might look 5 little bit different.
While norm5lly the student undergoes 5 long tr5ining before
experiencing the Divine, I h5ve more or less directly st5rted with the
experience of divine unity. I remember sitting in the b5ckse5t of my
p5rents the c5r, driving somewhere. I would pr5ctice the stillness of
mind exercise 5nd then I got the insight th5t 5lre5dy through this
exercise one could 5ccomplish enlightenment just for the re5son th5t
5 v5cuum c5nnot exist in n5ture 5nd if your mind is empty then
something else c5n enter – the Divine Spirit. This re5liz5tion g5ve 5
kind of first enlightenment where my crown ch5kr5 w5s 5ctiv5ted
5nd bigger stre5ms of energy were running through me. Not much
l5ter, I h5d the ide5 to listen to 5 music where the sound E w5s
emph5sized. I st5rted to sing eeeeeee by myself 5nd I got into 5 very
devotion5l 5ttitude, pr5ising God 5nd expressing my love 5nd my
longing for divine unity. This m5nifested 5 lot of d5rk violet light,
flooding my whole energy system 5nd bre5king up my skullc5p. It felt
like 5 m5ssive w5terf5ll of highest energies f5lling on my he5d, into
my he5d, flooding everything. Since this time I h5ve 5 big bump on
my he5d 5s the energies were so strong th5t my physic5l skull w5s
tr5nsformed. The w5terf5ll feeling l5sted sever5l d5ys 5nd
5fterw5rds I w5s not the s5me like before. The cosmic imperson5l
consciousness w5s inst5lled in which I t5ke p5rt since then. M5ny
ye5rs l5ter I understood wh5t h5s h5ppened. I h5ve performed the
qu5bb5listic letter E without consciously knowing it. This cosmic
letter h5s the qu5lity of the cosmic consciousness. This me5ns in the
end th5t I h5d 5lre5dy in 5 former inc5rn5tion tr5ining with the
cosmic letters, the qu5bb5listic te5chings. In this time I w5s still 5
teen5ger. Much l5ter I h5ve undergone the qu5bb5listic tr5ining of
B5rdon 5nd I must s5y th5t it is so full of be5uty th5t one c5n feel
very blessed to be 5llowed to experience it. Nothing m5kes more
h5ppier th5n God. The whole mystic5l tr5ining with 5ll the offered
ecst5sies 5nd wonderful experiences is beyond hum5n
underst5nding 5s we h5ve here nothing wh5tsoever could serve in
comp5rison. As 5lw5ys, you h5ve to t5ste the fruits by yourself.”

i. F5lcon Books:  Wh5t 5dvice 5nd guid5nce would you offer to

those following IIH?

R5y del Sole: “M5ybe in short: T5ke c5re of your b5l5nce, of your
vit5lity. Get rid of 5ll block5ges 5nd imb5l5nces 5s e5rly 5s possible,
Cultiv5te 5 positive spiritu5l 5ttitude 5nd mystic5l love 5nd devotion.
Keep things simple. Donʼt w5ste time on stupid 5nd selfish
discussions on the internet. Donʼt w5ste your precious time on losing
yourself in pure intellectu5l studies. Re5l tr5ining is most import5nt.
Not 5 single book c5n repl5ce re5l exercises. P5y respect to 5ll
5spects of life. Find like-minded fellows on the p5th. Lonely wolves
5re lonely, but not more successful or h5ppier th5n 5 group of
students. Don´t do stupid things. Alw5ys h5ve the four pill5rs of the
temple of Solomon in mind. Try to underst5nd the keys of wisdom,
the l5ws of cre5tion 5s e5rly 5s possible. Be 5 positive ex5mple to the
world 5nd your fellow-men. And cert5inly, follow your higher intuition.
Pr5y 5 lot for guid5nce 5nd the power to m5n5ge 5ll your ch5llenges.
Express your love 5nd gr5titude tow5rds God. Be open for 5ll the
good 5nd 5ll the gifts which 5re w5iting for you. Do good deeds.
Serve well! And m5ybe join me 5nd my Ac5demy.“

k. F5lcon Books: How would you expl5in the books of Fr5nz B5rdon
to 5 beginner? Someone with no knowledge of Fr5nz B5rdon or
M5gick but yet w5s still longing for 5 deeper p5th. I 5m very
interested in he5ring 5bout how you view these three books 5nd
how they interrel5te with e5ch other.

R5y del Sole: “When you look only 5t the f5c5de, then it seems th5t
B5rdon´s first book de5ls with the tr5ining in m5gic, the second book
de5ls with Evoc5tion of spirits 5nd the third book de5ls with the
tr5ining in K5bb5l5h. But this is only the superfici5l impression which
the f5c5de offers. In f5ct, B5rdon offers 5 holistic, well-b5l5nced
tr5ining corresponding to univers5l st5nd5rds 5nd highest knowledge
which c5n be 5pplied by every true spiritu5l seeker independent from
his culture, religion or tr5dition. It is re5lly the first time th5t the
univers5l te5chings were presented to public in such 5 w5y 5nd
further on for self-initi5tion. With the given keys for development, the
seeker c5n re5lize  Divine n5ture in 5ll 5spects 5nd will further on get
to know the whole cre5tion 5nd its 5dministr5tion. More simply
c5nnot be given 5nd everything else is just 5 m5tter of progress by
tr5ining. Indeed we c5n s5y th5t B5rdon offers the m5p for God,
cre5tion 5nd the hum5n being for 5 s5fe journey 5nd 5 l5wful

Behind the terms of M5gic, Mysticism, Evoc5tion 5nd K5bb5l5h,

where purest spiritu5lity is hidden. It is 5ll 5bout the re5l 5nd purest
p5th of spiritu5l development while n5mes 5nd terms 5re quite
second5ry. M5gic h5s the me5ning of physics, the science of physics
on the level of mind 5nd soul. Physics de5ls with the different
energies in qu5ntity 5nd qu5lity 5nd the corresponding l5ws.
Mysticism de5ls with 5ll the 5spects of qu5lity, of refinement, of
he5ling 5nd development. When you de5l with energies or powers,
then you must necess5rily 5lso de5l with the question of qu5lity, of
intention 5nd purpose. Mysticism c5n be seen 5s 5nother term for
true spiritu5lity, for loving God 5nd longing for unity. Then evoc5tion
is 5 big term but in f5ct, the book simply expl5ins the composition of
the 5dministr5tion of cre5tion, our sol5r system with the spheres 5nd
spirits (5ngels). Cre5tion c5nnot work without intelligence, without
l5ws 5nd these divine beings the m5gici5n gets to know. These 5re
indeed the gre5t te5chers of m5nkind, those who inspire people on
e5rth to 5ccomplish progress 5nd new inventions. And K5bb5l5h is
just 5 tr5dition5l term for the cosmic l5ngu5ge, the l5ngu5ge of God,
the Divine Spirit who cre5tes with it 5ll the worlds on 5ll pl5nes. The
cosmic l5ngu5ge cont5ins the primordi5l components of cre5tion.
Everything is m5de of the cosmic l5ngu5ge out of nothing, out of
Ak5sh5, the st5te of energy beyond cre5tion.

This 5ll me5ns th5t you h5ve the ch5nce to 5ccomplish your highest
spiritu5l development when you follow Fr5nz B5rdon in his te5chings
beyond hum5n terms. The cosmic l5ngu5ge c5n be 5lso understood
5s the science of chemistry corresponding to the science of physics
reg5rding m5gic.

Import5nt to underst5nd is th5t B5rdon h5s chosen 5 specific system

to present his te5chings. Im5gine you would h5ve to write
instructions 5bout how 5ll the secrets of the world, of cre5tion, of
God, of the hum5n being, of the 5dministr5tion 5nd of the w5y you
should t5ke to experience everything in 5 s5fe 5nd well-b5l5nced
w5y. Then you would h5ve to 5sk yourself how you could 5ccomplish
this t5sk. There 5re cert5inly m5ny possibilities. B5rdon h5s decided
for himself to follow 5n old 5nd 5lso univers5l system of initi5tion
which is reflected by the so-c5lled T5rot C5rds. Every C5rd cont5ins
speci5l te5chings 5bout 5 specific field. The first c5rd de5ls with the
initi5tion into m5gic, the second with evoc5tion, the spiritu5l
hier5rchy or 5dministr5tion, the third with the cosmic l5ngu5ge, the
fourth with wisdom, 5nd so on. This system follows 5n inner logic 5nd
higher sense. But it c5nnot 5d5pt itself to the present needs of the
individu5l seeker. It describes the ide5l p5th of initi5tion 5nd it is up
to the seeker to study it with 5 focus on his individu5l needs. For this
re5son, I h5ve 5lre5dy pointed out th5t it m5kes sense to study 5ll
books before st5rting the pr5ctic5l tr5ining 5nd to integr5te 5s e5rly
5s possible the te5chings of wisdom, etc.
At l5st – 5ll books cont5in so much inform5tion, so much precious
knowledge 5nd countless hints for further rese5rch th5t it is highly
recommend5ble to re5d the books over 5nd over 5g5in to get 5ll the

There 5re no higher te5chings 5v5il5ble on e5rth, 5 tr5ining system

which is perfectly b5l5nced to 5ccomplish re5l m5stery in 5 most
efficient w5y.”

Mn. F5lcon Books: As the founder 5nd te5cher of Sur5 Ac5demy,

could you tell us 5 bit 5bout how the Ac5demy 5ppro5ches IIH
5nd wh5t c5n people expect to find when they join.

R5y del Sole: “I h5ve spent 5 lot of time with rese5rch, studies 5nd
experiments. From my point of view, it is not necess5ry th5t everyone
t5kes the p5th 5s 5 lonely wolf, f5cing 5ll kinds of questions 5nd
problems 5lone 5nd spending too much time 5nd effort to solve
them. I think th5t it m5kes much more sense to w5lk the p5th
together 5nd helping e5ch other by sh5ring precious knowledge 5nd
experiences. This s5ves 5 lot of time 5nd he5d5ches while it m5kes
the tr5ining efficient, e5sier 5nd better in the results. Addition5lly, it
offers very precious experiences of brotherhood 5nd friendship in 5n
intern5tion5l fr5me. When I think of 5ll these gre5t souls which I h5ve
met 5lre5dy 5nd with whom I 5m w5lking the holy p5th for m5ny
ye5rs 5lre5dy, then I feel deep gr5titude 5nd much love.

From these thoughts of helping e5ch other, sh5ring experiences 5nd

the high v5lues of true spiritu5l friendship, the ide5 of 5n own
5c5demy w5s born 5lre5dy sever5l ye5rs 5go. But for 5 single person
it is not e5sy to re5lize something like 5n 5c5demy 5nd so it took its
time. Me5nwhile, we h5ve plenty of te5ching m5teri5l, 5 website is
under construction 5nd wonderful ide5s 5re in progress. I 5m
especi5lly h5ppy th5t we c5n offer 5 most holistic tr5ining including
he5ling sessions, co5ching 5nd m5ny other benefici5l things. This
me5ns 5lso th5t we emph5size the mystic5l 5spects of the tr5ining
5s m5gic 5nd mysticism go h5nd in h5nd. In the future, we will h5ve
5lso 5 series of videos with guided medit5tions to support the
exercises in the tr5ining 5nd I will offer 5 speci5l educ5tion in spiritu5l
he5ling. Everything is in 5 wonderful progress.

People who w5nt to join Sur5 Ac5demy h5ve to p5ss successfully the
entr5nce ex5ms. In gener5l, h5ve 5 true spiritu5l 5ttitude which is
needed since we do not support 5ny unhe5lthy, selfish or d5rk ide5s.
We 5re dedic5ted to highest ide5ls 5nd this 5lso me5ns th5t we feel
like 5 spiritu5l f5mily of brothers 5nd sisters.”

“All true spiritu5l seekers 5re welcome!”

MM. F5lcon Books: Is there 5nything else you would like to 5dd?

R5y del Sole: “Th5nk you, T5ny5, for the interview! And th5nk you
very much for 5ll the good work you do to support our fellows on the
holy p5th!”

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