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Weekly Planning for English

Week Beginning: May 13th, 2019 Theme: Spring

Subtheme: Life-Cycle-Butterfly

Grupa Mini:

 Creative Area: “Tissue Paper Butterfly Craft”

 Malleable Area: “Soft Caterpillars and Butterflies”
 Game: “Fly, Butterfly, Fly!”
 New Words: egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly, wings, leaf
 Song:

Fly, Fly, Butterfly

Fly, fly, fly the butterfly,

In the meadow is flying high
In the garden is flying low
Fly, fly, fly the butterfly

Grupa Mica:

 Creative Area: “Handprint Butterfly Craft”

 Math Area: “Pattern Caterpillars”
 Malleable Area: “Soft Caterpillars and Butterflies”
 Game: “Fly, Butterfly, Fly!”
 New Words: egg, caterpillar, pupa, cocoon, butterfly, wings, leaf
 Song:

Hungry Caterpillars

Tra-la-la yummy leaves!

Tra-la-la yummy leaves!
Yum, yum, yummy leaves!
Tra-la-la yum!

I’m a hungry caterpillar.

I love to eat, eat, eat!
When I grow,
grow, grow, grow up,
I’ll be a beautiful butterfly.

Yum, yum, yum.

Yum, yum, yum.
Yum, yum, yum, yum,
yummy leaves!
We are hungry caterpillars.

We’ll become beautiful


Grupa Mijlocie:

 Creative Area: “Plastic Spoon Butterfly”

 Malleable Area: “Soft Caterpillars and Butterflies”
 Painting Easel: “The Big and Fat Caterpillar”
 Jolly Phonics: Finger Phonics 4: /Jj/ sound
 New Words: egg, caterpillar/larva, pupa, cocoon, butterfly, wings, leaf, crawling, life-cycle
 Fingerplay:

Caterpillar creeping,
Caterpillar crawl.
Caterpillar climbing
All along the wall.
Caterpillar spinning,
Caterpillar snug.
Caterpillar changing,
What have you become?

 Songs:
Tiny Caterpillar
Sung to: “She'll Be Coming 'Round The Mountain”
There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf, wiggle, wiggle!
There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf, wiggle, wiggle!
There's a tiny caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar
There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf, wiggle, wiggle!

Additional Verses:

He will eat the leaves around him till he's full, munch, munch.....
A cocoon is what he's spinning for his home, spin, spin....
He will be a butterfly and fly like this: flap, flap....

The Caterpillar Crawled

A caterpillar crawled to the top of a tree.

I think I'll take a nap said he.
Under a leaf he began to creep,
He spun a chrysalis and went to sleep.

Spring came, along, shook him, and said,

"Wake up, wake up, you sleepy head."
Out of the leaf he spread his wings to fly,
"Look at me! I'm a butterfly!"

 Stories :
 The Very Hungry Caterpillar
 Butterfly Life Cycle
 The Bunnies Picnic
 The Cat in the Hat
 The Very Quiet Cricket
 Are you a Butterfly?

Grupa Mare:

 Creative Area: “Caterpillar/ Butterfly Craft”

 Malleable Area: “Soft Caterpillars and Butterflies”
 Game: “Caterpillar Names”
 Jolly Phonics: “Zac the Rat” – Level 1 Reading Story
 New Words: egg, caterpillar/larva, pupa, cocoon, butterfly, wings, leaf, crawling, life-cycle
 Song:

Where Are My Wings?

I am a caterpillar
I’m fuzzy and green
I wiggle in the grass
I am never mean!

But I want to fly in the big blue sky!

But I have no wings
I'm not a butterfly

I went to Pink Butterfly

She said to me
"Just wait caterpillar
and you will see!"

I wait and I wait for my wings to come

“But what colour could they be?”
Maybe a rainbow of red, blue and green?
I wait and I wait, and I'm so very keen!

Still a caterpillar
I'm green and I’m fun
But I want my wings
To fly in the sun

Today I got tired

And made a cocoon
I laid in it slowly
and went for a snooze

 Stories
 The Very Hungry Caterpillar
 From Caterpillar to Butterfly
 Butterfly Life Cycle
 The Bunnies Picnic
 The Cat in the Hat
 The Very Quiet Cricket
 Ten Little Caterpillars

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