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Thesis Questionnaire

I am Rameen Asif, student of MS Education (Registration No: UW-16-F-EDU-MS-001)

in University of Wah. My thesis topic is “An Analysis of Teaching Styles on Academic

Achievement of Students at University Level”. The purpose of conducting this study is to identify

teaching styles and to find out the relationship between teaching styles and academic

achievement of university students.

Kindly fill the attached questionnaire. It consists of three sections. It is to measure teaching styles

of your teachers and your academic achievement. Section 1 is for gathering of demographic


I promise that I will use this data only for the purpose of research and publication, your

information will not be shared with anyone. I will ensure anonymity and confidently. The research

will be beneficial for students, teachers and administration because this study will explore most

effective teaching styles which can be used for increasing university students’ learning. The study

will provide detail review of three styles of teaching (Lecture style, facilitator style and

demonstration style) and their relationship with and effect on students’ achievement.

Thank you


Rameen Asif

MS Education

University of Wah
Section 1

Demographic Information

Please select appropriate options for items 1 to 3, and write your answer for items 4 to 8 in the

given spaces.

1. Gender (1) Male (2) Female

2. Age (1) 18 to 21 (2) 22 to 25 (3) 26 to 29 (4) above

3. University (1) Public (2) Private

4. Department

5. Program (MS,M.A,BS,BSc etc)

6. Semester


8. GPA
Section 2


Please select appropriate options.

Sr Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

No. Agree Disagree

Items 5 4 3 2 1

1 Teacher encourages us to learn by

providing opportunities.

2 Teacher develop skills in students to

solve problems

3 Teacher supports students to identify

their abilities.

4 Teacher motivates students to ask

questions about different concepts.

5 Teachers use a number of alternate

strategies to help students achieve their


6 Teacher brings out a variety of opinions

and ideas by effective discussion with

7 Most of my teachers perform classroom

activities during teaching.

8 Most of my teachers used multimedia

presentations to explain their topics.

9 Teachers used flip charts, posters,

models for presenting materials that are

too complex for students to understand

10 My subject instructors teach complex

ideas through systematic step-by-step


11 Teacher motivates learners through

using AV aids (Board, Marker,

Multimedia, Chart, etc) in their teaching.

12 Teacher illustrates different points


13 Teachers allow students to interrupt

their teaching if they have any problem.

14 Teachers convey large amounts of facts

and figures during their teaching session

15 Teachers allow discussion during

teaching session
16 I can discuss points during lecture with

my teachers

17 I relied on the lecturer to learn what I

need to know

18 Teachers mostly use traditional oral

communication in teaching.

19 Teacher makes sure to increases

students participation by providing task

guidance systematically.

20 Teacher control potentially dangerous

materials or machinery.

21 Teacher guide us to discover variety of

solutions for one problem.

22 Teacher maintains a neutral approach to

topics and serves the whole group in an

unbiased manner.

23 Teacher support the group works

together by encouraging participation

24 Teachers provide fewer opportunities for

interaction during teaching.

25 Teacher helps students to understand

their common objectives through

providing them guidance.

26 Teacher helps students to plan for

achieving their objectives.

Section 3

Please write your response to the item in the given space. If you need extra space for answer

of these questions please write on the other side of this page.

Q1: Which teaching style do you like?

Q2: what techniques of your teacher during teaching you like the most?

Q3: In your university/department, the most used teaching style(s) is/ are………….

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