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Megan Sunderman


Journal 2

Advocacy, Policy, and Procedures for Community Involvement

“We can do more when we work together”. This quote signifies how community

involvement promotes student learning. According to an NEA policy brief on Parent, Family,

Community Involvement in Education, “It takes a village to raise a child” is a popular proverb

with a clear message. The message of this proverb is that the whole community has an essential

role to play in the growth and development of students. In the past, parent involvement was

characterized by volunteers, mostly mothers, assisting in the classroom, chaperoning students,

and fundraising. Today there is a much more inclusive approach, where school-family-

community partnerships now include mothers, fathers, stepparents, grandparents, foster parents,

other relatives and caregivers, business leansers, community groups, etc. are now all

participating in goal-oriented activities, at all grade levels, in which is linked to student

achievement and school success.

According to an NEA policy brief on Parent, Family, Community Involvement in

Education, parent, family, and community involvement in education correlates with higher

academic performance and school improvement. When schools, parents, families, and

communities work together to support learning, students tend to earn higher grades, attend

school more reguary, stay in school longer, an enroll in higher level programs. According to the

New Hampshire Department of Education, research shows that students whose parents are
involved in their education are more likely to adapt well to school, complete homework more

consistently, have better social skills, show improved behavior, and have higher self-esteem.

Linking community activities to the classroom improves school-related behaviors, positively

impacts academic achievement, and reduces school suspension rates.

Parents, families, and communities get involved by parenting, communicating,

volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating with the community, in

which offers a broad range of school, family, and community activities that can engage all

parties and help meet students needs. Parenting means parenting skills are promoted and

supported. Communication means regularly communicating between home and school, it is two-

way, and meaningful. Volunteering means parents and community members are welcome in the

school, and their support and assistance are sought. Decision making means parents are full

partners in the decisions that affect students and families. Collaborating with the community

means community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and students learning.

To promote community involvement and learning communities I plan to constantly

communicate with parents and keep them up-to-date about their children and what is occuring. I

plan to invite community groups and members, such as Firefighters to promote safety and

educate children about their community members. I plan to collaborate with parents and

community members to help meet the needs of students and educate students on the different

types of community members and groups within the community. I plan to include parents and

family members in decision making that will affect their child and their families.

As a Visionary Coach/Leader, I need technology, communication, and collaboration with

teachers, principles, etc. to bring the community, parents, etc. together. My role should be to

promote and encourage schools to allow community members to come in and visit the students,
talk to them, explain and demonstrate what they do in the community. My role should also be to

promote and collaborate with schools about parents and allowing them to volunteer in the

classroom. I should promote and encourage teachers to collaborate and communicate with the

parents and family members. I should encourage the use of technology to communicate with

parents, families, and community members. I should demonstrate how technology can be used

within the classroom, such as by watching videos created by parents, families, community

members, demonstrating live chats, etc.

The quote, “We can do more when we work together” signifies how parents, families,

and communities working together promotes not only student learning, but it also promotes

school improvement. Working together enhances collaboration, communication, and

involvement within the classroom.

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