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What am I Years from now?

Having been on the other side of the world, made me realize the true
value of a nurse. In every country, Nurses plays a vibrant role.

For me, my ultimate goal in life is to become a nurse. Just last 2017, I
started my journey to reach my greatest dream. Why did I took up nursing? I
took up nursing because I believe it is the most noble and rewarding career a
person can hold. I want to be a nurse because I really want to help people
through some of their most vulnerable moments.

Reaching my dream to become a nurse is not that easy. we have to

develop a wide range of skills including learning to love your patients, and that
is for me the most interesting part of being a nurse. The intentions that I have
for when I become a nurse are to aid and care for the sick as well as I am able
but also not only to assist doctors and staff as well as I am capable. No matter
what field I begin in, ER, maternity, intensive care, etc, I would work as
diligently and as efficiently as I could. It would not matter whether I had the
day or night shift or if I was walking out the door to go home and a patient
came in and needed help. Every patient that I work with will have my best
intentions of helping them as well as I can.

Nurses are leaders, they are communicators. They are the patient’s
confidant and advocate. What else does a nurse do, for me to love this
profession? To me, nursing is selflessness. We have to put up our patients
wellness as our priority. We have responsibilities to humanity. Being a nurse
means we have the opportunity to help others. Dealing with people is not easy
especially when you’re offering services. For a nurse, it is even more
challenging considering that they are dealing with people in pain who at times
tend to be rude and harsh. A professional nurse understands that these people
are just in pain and scared. All they require is a kind gesture and reassurance,
and they will be good. Nursing is all about helping people and giving them

The nurses stays with the patients for the rest of their shifts that any
other health care providers do not! That what makes a nurse unique than the
other health care team. Nurses perform an emotional labor that not everyone
can do. They work with people ranging from newborn children to people
who are on the cusp of death. Nursing is one of the most emotional jobs
one can have and it requires a lot of strength. I know that I wouldn’t be
able to deal with everything that nurses deal with and go into work
everyday with a smile on their face. However, they still do. It’s important we
focus on the emotional wellness that they bring people along with the
physical and mental wellness. Seeing your patient well and already fine is
the most rewarding thing for me.

Being a student nurse now, have given me the opportunity to experience

being a nurse for a while. The feeling is surreal. That I told myself to really
work hard to achieve my goal. Which is to become a registered nurse.

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