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Pregnancy with Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever in Zainoel Abidin

General Hospital Banda Aceh: a Case Report

Mohd Andalas*, Febrina Yolanda** , Ashabul Anhar**, Romi sattria**


Demam berdarah dengue adalah penyakit menular berbahaya yang disebabkan oleh
virus, menyebabkan gangguan pada pembuluh darah kapiler dan sistem pembekuan darah
sehingga mengakibatkan perdarahan. Virus dengue tergolong arbovirus, termasuk famili
Togaviridae yang merupakan penyebab pada demam dengue. Prevalensi nasional Demam
Berdarah Dengue adalah 0,62%. Demam berdarah dengue dalam kehamilan dapat
menyebabkan prematuritas, kematian janin dalam rahim dan gangguan keseimbangan
elektrolit pada ibu. Berikut akan dibahas mengenai kasus seorang wanita 30 tahun dengan
usia kehamilan 20 minggu datang dengan keluhan demam hilang timbul sejak 4 hari yang
lalu dan disertai mual muntah. Pada kasus ini akan di bahas mengenai demam berdarah
dengue dalam kehamilan.

Kata kunci : demam berdarah dengue, dengue, demam berdarah dengue dalam kehamilan.

Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is severe infection disease caused by a virus affect
capillary and coagulation system, resulting bleeding and death. Dengue virus classified as
arbovirus in Togaviridae family which cause dengue fever. The national prevalence of
dengue haemorrhagic fever is 0.62%. Dengue haemorrhagic fever in pregnancy could lead
prematurity, intrauterin fetal death, and electrolytes imbalance for mother. We will discuss
about pregnant woman in 20 weeks gestational age who had fever for 4 days, nausea and
vomitus. In this case, we will discuss about dengue haemmorhagic fever in pregnancy.

Keyword: dengue haemorrhagic fever, dengue, dengue haemorrhagic fever in pregnancy

*Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Medical School Syiah Kuala

University/Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh
** Clinical clerkship in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Medical School Syiah
Kuala University

Introduction Dengue virus infection can occur at
different ages and circumstances, not least
Dengue fever is a systemic
in pregnancy.4 There is no many reports of
infectious disease caused by dengue virus.
dengue fever occur in pregnancy in
Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is severe
Indonesia, but several case reports from
infection disease caused by a virus affect
various countries have been published.
capillary and coagulation system, resulting
Treatment of dengue hemorrhagic fever in
bleeding and death. Outbreaks of dengue
pregnancy has a special aspect because
fever in Europe occurred in 1784, while in
various physiological changes that occur in
South America between 1871-1873. The
pregnancy resulting special modifications
term of haemorrhagic fever in Southeast
in fluid therapy, therefore this case report
Asia first time used in the Philippines in
can be used as a reference.
1953, when a dengue attacked children
with bleeding and shock manifestations.2
The national prevalence of Dengue
History, Clinical Finding, and Treatment
Hemorrhagic Fever (based on the diagnosis
A 32 years-old pregnant woman at
of health personnel and respondent's
20 weeks of gestation was admitted to a
complaints) is 0.62%. A total of 12
general hospital complaining of fever
provinces including Aceh have a
(initial Tmax 38.3 C) and was associated
prevalence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
with a mild erythematous skin rash. After
above the national prevalence. In
admission, the patient progressed with
Indonesia, Dengue Hemorrhagic fever was
arthralgia, myalgia, frontal headache, and
first suspected in Surabaya in 1968, but a
nausea or vomiting.
new virological confirmation was obtained
A pregnant woman had fever for 4 days,
in 1970.2 From January to May 2004,
gestational age was 20 weeks with first day
Indonesia faced a dengue fever that deeply
of last menstruation on 12/8/2016 and
disturbed the community and also affected
Estimated Labor Date on 19/5/2017.
the panic of health workers in hospitals and
Antenatal Care at Obsgyn Specialists with
other health facilities as a result of the
ultrasound investigation (ultrasonography)
surging patients. The number of dengue
obtained the fetus in good condition.
fever cases in Indonesia from January to
Patient arrives at the hospital had
May 2004 reached 64,000 (IR 29.7 per
complained of fever for 4 days, fever
100,000 population) with 724 deaths (CRF
disappeared and bursting at night. Patients
also complained of nausea & vomiting that inflammation could lead increase of
was felt since 2 days ago, vomiting more permeability resulting circulation and
10 times a day. The movement of the fetus haemostasis disorder.4,5 There are various
has been felt this week. No history of other changes in the immunological system in
family members suffering from dengue pregnant woman, so that with the dengue
fever. fever cause pregnant women are
Vital sign finding compos mentis, susceptible to various infections and allow
blood pressure 90/60 mmHg, pulse rate 88 infection to grow into severe.6,7,8
bpm, respiratory rate 20 tpm, and From physical examination the
temperature was 36,20C. patient had petechiae in lower extremities
Obstetric finding we got fundal and rumple leed test was positive. Those
height about 2 finger below umbilicus. His caused by blood vessel congestion under
was negative and fetal heart rate was 165 the skin due to the occurrence of plasma
bpm. Genitalia examination there is no infiltration. Plasma seeps during the course
discharge in vulva and uretra. Speculum of the disease from the beginning of the
examination there are smooth portio, OUE fever and reaches its peak during shock. In
closed, no fluxus and fluor. patients with severe shock, plasma volume
Treatment for patient was IVFD may decrease to more than 30% .9,,10, 11
ringer lactate 20 dpm, neurobion injection 1 Patient was observed in Zainoel
amp/ 24 hour, paracetamol 500 mg tid. Abidin Hospital for 3 days. Treatment
include bed rest, fluid therapy with
crystaloid and drugs for symptoms.
Pregnant women with dengue
Antipyretics and analgesics for this patient
hemorrhagic fever had more risk for
from class of acetaminophen, eukinin, or
maternal complications. Complications that
dipiron, but in the use of acetosal should be
can occur in mother is haemostasis
avoided cause of its danger of bleeding.
Post treatment and evaluation for 3 days in
The diagnosis of dengue
hospital, patient had recovered and can be
hemorrhagic fever is based on anamnesis,
outpatient for control condition mother and
physical examination and investigation.
Symptom of pregnant women with dengue
Crystaloid fluid in dengue fever for
hemorrhagic fever is fever. Fever was
circulation fluid volume maintenance and
caused by inflammation. In addition,
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