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Internet of Things –
Analysis and Challenges

Assoc. Prof. Dimiter G. Velev, Ph.D. 1. Introduction

UNWE, Department of “Information

Technologies and Communications” onnec﬒vi﬑ is fast becoming a standard
feature of consumer and industrial
devices allowing such products to
Summary: A new concept associated with become part of a future “Internet of Things”
the “Future Internet” is “Internet of Things” (IoT). This network of billions of mobile and
(IoT). IoT describes the idea in which objects sta﬒c devices – each uniquely iden﬒fiable and
become part of the Internet. Every object able to communicate with any other device on
is uniquely identified and accessible to the the network – is mooted as the next stage of
network, its position and status are known. development for the Internet.
In this environment services and intelligence
are added to this expanded Internet, mixing According to analyst Analysys Mason, in a
the digital and physical world, ultimately report en﬒tled “Internet 3.0: the Internet
impacting on our professional, personal and of Things”, the consumer IoT alone will grow
social environments. to encompass 16 billion connectable devices
worldwide by 2020 – and that may be a big
The current ar﬒cle presents an overview underes﬒mate [4].
and summary of the Internet of Things, its
applica﬒on and poten﬒al benefits to socie﬑ “16 billion connectable consumer devices
and economy, based on emerging publica﬒ons by 2020 may actually be a conservative
in Internet. It has to be regarded as an [forecast],” Jim Morrish, Principal Analyst
introductory paper to a wide audience ranging at Analysys Mason and author of the
from strategic research managers, business IT report, said [5]. “Taking into account the
managers and other interested indivisuals. uncertainties inherent in forecasting new
technologies 10 years out, we believe that a
Key words: Internet of Things, IoT, M2M, realistic maximum number of devices may be
sensor, object, socie﬑, economy. 44 billion, and 6 billion a realistic minimum.
That’s a worldwide average of between 0.8
JEL: C87, D01, D8. and 5.8 devices for each person alive in 2020.”
“The most direct potential consequence of
the IoT is the generation of huge quantities
of data,” Morrish added. “In a hypothetical

Ar﬒cles Internet of Things – Analysis and Challenges

IoT environment, every physical object (and daily life. Such a system could greatly reduce
many virtual objects) may have a virtual twin the chances of a business running out of stock
in ‘the cloud’, which could be generating of an item or iden﬒fying the items approaching
regular updates.” expiry date. Mislaid items, parcels in transit
through post or courier, physical the﬎ etc.
In addition to the expansion of connectable could also be monitored by computers be﬐er
consumer devices, the industrial machine- than humans, as the loca﬒on of items would
to-machine (M2M) sector is also growing be known at all ﬒mes.
fast. According to Morrish, as the prices of
M2M communications equipment have fallen, Over the past decade, billions of people have
manufacturers have installed the technology connected to the Internet via the computer
in an increasing amount of consumer energy and mobile devices, leading a communication
“smart” meters, and have started to install it revolution. If all objects in the world have the
in a range of household equipment, cars and necessary information to function optimally
security systems. by adjusting themselves, IoT will extend
this principle exponentially, providing for an
In a separate report, Analysis Mason forecasts unprecedented control over the objects that
that the number of M2M device connections surround humans.
will grow from 62 million last year to 2.1
billion devices in 2020, at a 36 per cent year-
on-year growth rate. The company said that 2. Internet of Things
the automotive and transport sector accounts
for the most M2M device connections today, nternet of Things (IoT), also known as
but other sectors, such as utilities, healthcare
and security, will have overtaken it by 2020.
I ubiquitous compu﬒ng, ambient intelligence
and distributed electronics, is the name given to
the idea of connec﬒ng everyday objects to the
Every human being is surrounded by 1,000 to internet, crea﬒ng smart networks comprised
5,000 objects, as per a rough estimate [1]. of devices that communicate with one another
Each of these items is electronically tagged [10, 11]. Large-scale deployments of similar
and linked through a wireless network to a technologies are already emerging in a range of
central system which will enable us to track industrial sectors, with companies such as IBM,
them as an when needed. In fact IoT aims Cisco Systems and General Electric developing
to do exactly that. It refers to a network applica﬒ons for everything from smart grid
of objects, such as household appliances, to real-﬒me transporta﬒on management and
organised as a self-configuring wireless op﬒misa﬒on. What makes Internet of Things
network. The concept of the Internet of things dis﬒nct is the fact that it refers specifically to
is attributed to the original Auto-ID Center, objects.
founded in 1999 at MIT. While the idea is
very straight forward, its implementation is In most organiza﬒ons, informa﬒on travels along
complex. familiar routes. Proprietary informa﬒on is lodged
in databases and analyzed in reports and then
If all objects in the world were equipped with rises up the management chain. Informa﬒on
miniature iden﬒fying devices, such as RFID also originates externally – gathered from
tags, they can be iden﬒fied and managed by public sources, harvested from the Internet, or
computers leading to a total transforma﬒on in purchased from informa﬒on suppliers.

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However the predictable pathways of informa﬒on Business models based on today’s largely sta﬒c
are changing: the physical world itself is informa﬒on architectures face challenges as
becoming a ﬑pe of informa﬒on system [11]. In new ways of crea﬒ng value arise [15]. When
what’s called the Internet of Things, sensors and a customer’s buying preferences are sensed in
﬒ny devices (actuators) embedded in physical real ﬒me at a specific loca﬒on, dynamic pricing
objects—from roadways to pacemakers—are may increase the odds of a purchase. Knowing
linked through wired and wireless networks, how o﬎en or intensively a product is used can
o﬎en using the same Internet Protocol (IP) create addi﬒onal op﬒ons—usage fees rather
that connects the Internet. These networks than outright sale, for example. Manufacturing
produce large volumes of data that flow to processes equipped with a mul﬒tude of sensors
computers for analysis. When objects can both can be controlled more precisely, raising efficiency.
sense the environment and communicate, they When opera﬒ng environments are monitored
become tools for understanding complexi﬑ and con﬒nuously for hazards or when objects can
responding to it swi﬎ly. What’s revolu﬒onary take correc﬒ve ac﬒on to avoid damage, risks
in all this is that these physical informa﬒on and costs diminish.
systems are now beginning to be deployed, and
some of them even work largely without human The implementa﬒on of IoT in large scale would
interven﬒on. need encoding 50 to 100 trillion objects and

Ar﬒cles Internet of Things – Analysis and Challenges

follow their movement. The Internet Protocol has the poten﬒al to significantly influence all
Version 4 (IPv4) in use today has limita﬒on in facets of socie﬑.
its addressing capaci﬑. The next genera﬒on IPv6
would be able to communicate with devices According to Elgar Fleisch [16], IoT is relevant in
a﬐ached to virtually all human-made objects every step in every value chain. He has iden﬒fied
because of its extremely large address space. seven main value drivers. The first four based on
value from machine-to-machine communica﬒on,
IoT encompasses a number of research disciplines while the last three create value with the
that enable the Internet to reach out into the integra﬒on of users. The drivers as iden﬒fied by
real world of physical objects. Technologies like Fleisch are:
RFID, short-range wireless communica﬒ons,
real﬒me localiza﬒on and sensor networks are • Simplified manual proximi﬑ trigger – things
now becoming increasingly common, bringing IoT can communicate their iden﬒﬑ when they are
into commercial use [9, 12]. They foreshadow moved into the sensing space of a sensor. Once
an exci﬒ng future interlinking the physical world the iden﬒﬑ is known and communicated, a
and cyberspace – a development that is not only specific ac﬒on or transac﬒on can be triggered.
relevant to researchers, but to corpora﬒ons and • Automa﬒c proximi﬑ trigger – an ac﬒on
individuals alike. is triggered automa﬒cally when the physical
distance of two things drops below a threshold.
The Internet of Things refers to a network of The iden﬒﬑ of the thing is known, which when
objects not historically connected. Four kinds of combined with the physical loca﬒on and ac﬒on
objects can be considered [2, 8, 11]: allows for be﬐er processes.
• Automa﬒c sensor triggering – a smart thing
1. The device containing electronics in order to can collect data via any ﬑pe of sensor including
fulfil its primary func﬒on (eg, washing machine, temperature, accelera﬒on, orienta﬒on, vibra﬒on
car, aircon unit); and humidi﬑. The thing senses its condi﬒on and
2. The electrical device tradi﬒onally absent of environment, communicates the informa﬒on
sophis﬒cated electronics (eg, ligh﬒ng, hea﬒ng, which enables prompt (and global) decision
power distribu﬒on); making.
3. Non-electrical objects (eg, food and drink • Automa﬒c product securi﬑ – a thing can
packages, animals, clothing); provide derived securi﬑ (informa﬒on) based
4. Environmental sensors (eg, for variables such on the interac﬒on between the thing and its
as temperature, ambient sound and moisture). cyberspace representa﬒on (e.g. a QR-code
containing a specific URL poin﬒ng to relevant
IoT has poten﬒al for societal, environmental as informa﬒on).
well as economic impact. Accurate informa﬒on • Simple and direct user feedback – things
about the status, loca﬒on and iden﬒﬑ of can incorporate simple mechanisms to provide
things, which forms part of and impacts on feedback to a human present in the environment.
the environment, allows for smarter decision O﬎en these feedback mechanisms are in the
making and appropriate ac﬒on taking. IoT form of audio (audible beep) or visual (flashing
concepts have been demonstrated in a varie﬑ light) signals.
of domains, ranging from logis﬒cs, transport • Extensive user feedback – things can provide
and asset tracking, smart environments (homes, rich services to a human (o﬎en the thing is linked
buildings, infrastructure), to energy, defence and to a service in cyberspace through a gateway
agriculture. In essence, IoT impacts and certainly device such as a smart phone). Augmented

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product informa﬒on is a good example of applica﬒ons in targeted areas, while more

extensive user feedback. radical and demanding uses are s﬒ll in the
• Mind changing feedback – the combina﬒on conceptual or experimental stages [14].
of real world and cyberspace might generate
a new level of changing behaviours in people.
One possibili﬑ is changing the driving behaviour I.1. Tracking behavior
as sensors in the vehicle communicate driving
pa﬐erns to an outside agency. When products are embedded with sensors,
companies can track the movements of these
The widespread adop﬒on of the Internet of products and even monitor interac﬒ons with
Things will take ﬒me, but the ﬒me line is them. Business models can be fine-tuned to
advancing thanks to improvements in underlying take advantage of this behavioral data. Some
technologies. Advances in wireless networking insurance companies, for example, are offering
technology and the greater standardiza﬒on to install loca﬒on sensors in customers’ cars.
of communica﬒ons protocols make it possible That allows these companies to base the price
to collect data from these sensors almost of policies on how a car is driven as well as
anywhere at any ﬒me. Ever-smaller silicon where it travels. Pricing can be customized to
chips for this purpose are gaining new the actual risks of opera﬒ng a vehicle rather
capabili﬒es, while costs, following the pa﬐ern than based on proxies such as a driver’s age,
of Moore’s Law, are falling. Massive increases gender, or place of residence.
in storage and compu﬒ng power, some of it
available via cloud compu﬒ng, make number In retailing, sensors that note shoppers’ profile
crunching possible at very large scale and at data (stored in their membership cards) can
declining cost. As the technology develops and help close purchases by providing addi﬒onal
matures, the range of corporate deployments informa﬒on or offering discounts at the point
will increase. Now is the ﬒me for execu﬒ves of sale.
across all industries to structure their thoughts
about the poten﬒al impact and opportuni﬒es In the business-to-business marketplace, one
likely to develop from the Internet of Things. well-known applica﬒on of the Internet of
Six dis﬒nct ﬑pes of emerging applica﬒ons, Things involves using sensors to track RFID
which fall in two broad categories, have been (radio-frequency iden﬒fica﬒on) tags placed
iden﬒fied so far [2, 14]: on products moving through supply chains,
thus improving inventory management while
a) informa﬒on and analysis, and reducing working capital and logis﬒cs costs.
b) automa﬒on and control. The range of possible uses for tracking is
expanding. In the avia﬒on industry, sensor
technologies are spurring new business
I. Information and analysis models. Manufacturers of jet engines retain
ownership of their products while charging
s the new networks link data from airlines for the amount of thrust used. Airplane
A products, company assets, or the
opera﬒ng environment, they will generate
manufacturers are building airframes with
networked sensors that send con﬒nuous data
be﬐er informa﬒on and analysis, which can on product wear and tear to their computers,
enhance decision making significantly. Some allowing for proac﬒ve maintenance and
organiza﬒ons are star﬒ng to deploy these reducing unplanned down﬒me.

Ar﬒cles Internet of Things – Analysis and Challenges

I.2. Enhanced situational awareness rely on extensive sensor networks placed in the
earth’s crust to produce more accurate readings
Data from large numbers of sensors, deployed of the loca﬒on, structure, and dimensions of
in infrastructure (such as roads and buildings) or poten﬒al fields than current data-driven methods
to report on environmental condi﬒ons (including allow. The payoff: lower development costs and
soil moisture, ocean currents, or weather), can improved oil flows.
give decision makers a heightened awareness of
real-﬒me events, par﬒cularly when the sensors As for retailing, some companies are studying
are used with advanced display or visualiza﬒on ways to gather and process data from thousands
technologies. of shoppers as they journey through stores.
Sensor readings and videos note how long they
Securi﬑ personnel can use sensor networks that linger at individual displays and record what they
combine video, audio, and vibra﬒on detectors ul﬒mately buy. Simula﬒ons based on this data
to spot unauthorized individuals who enter will help to increase revenues by op﬒mizing retail
restricted areas. Some advanced securi﬑ systems layouts.
already use elements of these technologies, but
more far-reaching applica﬒ons are in the works In health care, sensors and data links offer
as sensors become smaller and more powerful, possibili﬒es for monitoring a pa﬒ent’s behavior
and so﬎ware systems more adept at analyzing and symptoms in real ﬒me and at rela﬒vely low
and displaying captured informa﬒on. Logis﬒cs cost, allowing physicians to be﬐er diagnose
managers for airlines and trucking lines already disease and prescribe tailored treatment
are tapping some early capabili﬒es to get up-to- regimens. Pa﬒ents with chronic illnesses, for
the-second knowledge of weather condi﬒ons, example, have been outfi﬐ed with sensors in a
traffic pa﬐erns, and vehicle loca﬒ons. In this small number of health care trials currently under
way, these managers are increasing their abili﬑ way, so that their condi﬒ons can be monitored
to make constant rou﬒ng adjustments that con﬒nuously as they go about their daily
reduce conges﬒on costs and increase a network’s ac﬒vi﬒es. One such trial has enrolled pa﬒ents
effec﬒ve capaci﬑. In another applica﬒on, law- with conges﬒ve heart failure. These pa﬒ents are
enforcement officers can get instantaneous data ﬑pically monitored only during periodic physician
from sonic sensors that are able to pinpoint the office visits for weight, blood pressure, and
loca﬒on of gunfire. heart rate and rhythm. Sensors placed on the
pa﬒ent can now monitor many of these signs
remotely and con﬒nuously, giving prac﬒﬒oners
I.3. Sensor-driven decision analytics early warning of condi﬒ons that would
otherwise lead to unplanned hospitaliza﬒ons and
The Internet of Things also can support longer- expensive emergency care. Be﬐er management
range, more complex human planning and of conges﬒ve heart failure alone could reduce
decision making. The technology requirements – hospitaliza﬒on and treatment costs by a billion
tremendous storage and compu﬒ng resources dollars annually in the United States.
linked with advanced so﬎ware systems that
generate a varie﬑ of graphical displays for
analyzing data – rise accordingly. II. Automation and control

In the oil and gas industry, for instance, the next aking data the basis for automation
phase of explora﬒on and development could M and control means converting the data

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and analysis collected through the Internet II.2. Optimized resource consumption
of Things into instructions that feed back
through the network to actuators that in Networked sensors and automated feedback
turn modify processes. Closing the loop mechanisms can change usage patterns for
from data to automated applications can scarce resources, including energy and water,
raise productivity, as systems that adjust often by enabling more dynamic pricing.
automatically to complex situations make Utilities such as Enel in Italy and Pacific Gas
many human interventions unnecessary. and Electric (PG&E) in the United States, for
Early adopters are ushering in relatively basic example, are deploying “smart” meters that
applications that provide a fairly immediate provide residential and industrial customers
payoff. Advanced automated systems will with visual displays showing energy usage and
be adopted by organizations as these the real time costs of providing it. Based on
technologies develop further [14]. time-of-use pricing and better information
residential consumers could shut down air
conditioners or delay running dishwashers
II.1. Process optimization during peak times. Commercial customers
can shift energy-intensive processes and
The Internet of Things is opening new fron﬒ers production away from high-priced periods
for improving processes. Some industries, such of peak energy demand to low-priced off-
as chemical produc﬒on, are installing legions peak hours.
of sensors to bring much greater granulari﬑
to monitoring. These sensors feed data to Data centers, which are among the fastest-
computers, which in turn analyze them and growing segments of global energy demand,
then send signals to actuators that adjust are starting to adopt power-management
processes – for example, by modifying ingredient techniques tied to information feedback.
mixtures, temperatures, or pressures. Sensors Power consumption is often half of a typical
and actuators can also be used to change the facility’s total lifetime cost, but most
posi﬒on of a physical object as it moves down managers lack a detailed view of energy
an assembly line, ensuring that it arrives at consumption patterns. Getting such a
machine tools in an op﬒mum posi﬒on. This view isn’t easy, since the energy usage of
improved instrumenta﬒on, mul﬒plied hundreds servers spikes at various times, depending
of ﬒mes during an en﬒re process, allows for on workloads. Furthermore, many servers
major reduc﬒ons in waste, energy costs, and draw some power 24/7 but are used
human interven﬒on. mostly at minimal capacity, since they are
tied to specific operations. Manufacturers
In the pulp and paper industry, for example, have developed sensors that monitor each
the need for frequent manual temperature server’s power use, employing software that
adjustments in lime kilns limits produc﬒vi﬑ balances computing loads and eliminates
gains. One company raised produc﬒on 5 the need for underused servers and storage
percent by using embedded temperature devices. Greenfield data centers already are
sensors whose data is used to automa﬒cally adopting such technologies, which could
adjust a kiln flame’s shape and intensi﬑. become standard features of data center
Reducing temperature variance to near zero infrastructure within a few years.
improved product quali﬑ and eliminated the
need for frequent operator interven﬒on.

Ar﬒cles Internet of Things – Analysis and Challenges

II.3. Complex autonomous systems • IBM’s Smarter Planet ini﬒a﬒ve aims to add
intelligence to systems and processes that
The most demanding use of the Internet of interface with the world. To u﬒lise the data
Things involves the rapid, real-﬒me sensing of collected from things such as clothes, appliances,
unpredictable condi﬒ons and instantaneous the natural environment, road infrastructure,
responses guided by automated systems. This and the electrical grid to make a difference in
kind of machine decision making mimics human energy, banking, healthcare and ci﬒es.
reac﬒ons, though at vastly enhanced performance • Microso﬎’s Eye-On-Earth platform creates
levels. The automobile industry, for instance, and environment where water and air quali﬑ of
is stepping up the development of systems a large number of European countries can be
that can detect imminent collisions and take viewed, thus aiding in climate change research.
evasive ac﬒on. Certain basic applica﬒ons, such • HP is researching IoT based infrastructure
as automa﬒c braking systems, are available in in their Central Nervous System for the Earth
high-end autos. The poten﬒al accident reduc﬒on ini﬒a﬒ve. Their aim is to populate the planet
savings flowing from wider deployment could with billions of small sensors aimed at detec﬒ng
surpass $100 billion annually. Some companies vibra﬒ons and mo﬒on.
and research organiza﬒ons are experimen﬒ng
with a form of automo﬒ve autopilot for Similarly, IoT has been placed on the research
networked vehicles driven in coordinated agendas of countries and regions:
pa﬐erns at highway speeds. This technology
would reduce the number of accidental jams • The European Commission has recognised
caused by small disturbances that cascade into the importance of addressing the challenges
traffic bo﬐lenecks. in IoT. Their Cluster of European Research
Projects on the Internet of Things (CERP-IoT)
Scien﬒sts in other industries are tes﬒ng swarms comprises of many (in excess of 30) research
of robots that maintain facili﬒es or clean up ac﬒vi﬒es, platforms and networks focused on
toxic waste, and systems under study in the the “Internet connected and inter-connected
defense sector would coordinate the movements world of objects”.
of groups of unmanned aircra﬎. While such • The Chinese Government is inves﬒ng in IoT
autonomous systems will be challenging to and sees it as a vehicle for economic growth.
develop and perfect, they promise major gains in • Worldwide a lot of research groups address
safe﬑, risk, and costs. These experiments could problems in IoT:
also spur fresh thinking about how to tackle • The MIT Auto-ID Laboratory is focusing on
tasks in inhospitable physical environments (such RFID and wireless sensor networks to drive
as deep water, wars, and contaminated areas) IoT and is recognised as being one of the early
that are difficult or dangerous for humans. adopters of IoT.
• In Europe, large scale involvement is driven
through the CERP-IoT.
3. Current Significant IoT Activities • In South Africa, the Internet of Things
Engineering Group at the CSIR Meraka Ins﬒tute,
oT is fast becoming an important priori﬑, is focused on crea﬒ng a framework allowing
I not only for academia, but also industry and
governments. Mul﬒na﬒onal companies have
for channel agnos﬒c communica﬒on between
things and applica﬒ons in IoT. Applica﬒ons
recognised the commercial poten﬒al of a IoT. which demonstrate IoT concepts while u﬒lising
Examples include [2, 4, 13]: the framework have been developed. They

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include an applica﬒on to serve as an indigenous scalable applica﬒ons remain a major technological

knowledge repository (Urban Memory) where challenge.
physical objects are linked to cultural events of
significance which have been captured and are The following key IoT challenge areas have been
living in cyberspace. iden﬒fied [3, 6, 7, 10] :

a) Privacy, Iden﬒﬑ Management, Securi﬑

4. IoT Challenges and Access control – IoT presents significant
challenges in terms of who can see what with
number of challenges need to be overcome which creden﬒als (recalling that the en﬒﬒es are
A in order IoT to achieve its vision. They
challenges range from applica﬒ons to new
no longer only people, but might be any form of
IoT “appliance”.
technical developments [10, 14]. b) Standardisa﬒on and Interoperabili﬑ – How
to guarantee that hugely diverse technology
A world where all things are connected, platforms con﬒nue to act in a platform manner.
communica﬒ng informa﬒on and data about its c) Data deluge – The IoT shares many of the key
local environment to a central loca﬒on opens challenges similar to large scale data ini﬒a﬒ves
the door for “Big Brother”. The individual’s as iden﬒fied in the e-Infrastructure domain.
right to privacy needs to be protected. How to deal with the data stream of billions of
The individual’s trust in the IoT should be “actors” and how to ensure the data remains
fundamental and complete, knowing that usable for future genera﬒ons?
informa﬒on will not impact nega﬒vely on any
individual or socie﬑. Principles of informed A number of applica﬒ons were listed above that
consent, data confiden﬒ali﬑ and securi﬑ must would find a home in many situa﬒ons on the
be safeguarded. Trust raises an interes﬒ng con﬒nent. In addi﬒on to these, a number of
technological challenge: how and when can relevant applica﬒on areas might present unique
sensors in an environment be controlled? opportuni﬒es and are listed below [8, 11, 13]:
Governance in the IoT is crucial. Policy makers
and public authori﬒es have a responsibili﬑ a) Food securi﬑: The abili﬑ to measure and
to ensure that IoT will create impact, from respond appropriately to issues affec﬒ng food
economic growth to addressing societal securi﬑, such as droughts, pests, and lack
problems. of knowledge of proper farming methods in
different circumstances may have a significant
Standardisa﬒on of technologies is important, implica﬒on for food securi﬑. Interven﬒ons may
as it will lead to be﬐er interoperabili﬑, thus take the form of large scale fusion of remotely
lowering the entry barriers. Currently, many sensed informa﬒on mixed in with in-situ, cost
manufacturers are crea﬒ng ver﬒cal solu﬒ons, effec﬒ve sensors and the necessary informa﬒on
using their own technologies and inaccessible and communica﬒on infrastructures to alert a
services. Standards need to be created to change small scale farmer through a mobile phone text
IoT into the more complete model. message that certain por﬒ons of his land need
par﬒cular a﬐en﬒on. On the small scale, it may
One significant aspect in IoT is the large number include “smart packaging” of seeds, fer﬒liser
of things being connected to the Internet, each and pest control mechanisms that respond to
one providing data. Finding ways to reliably specific local condi﬒ons and indicate ac﬒ons by,
store and interpret the masses of data through for instance changing colour. Monitoring on a

Ar﬒cles Internet of Things – Analysis and Challenges

con﬒nuous basis the fer﬒lisers and pes﬒cides d) What about catastrophic failures of the
used on export-based products enables a small systems? The more data is submited bt users to
scale farmer to have their produce “cer﬒fied” for the Internet, the more dependent they are on
an export market in a cost effec﬒ve manner. it. The more interconnected the world becomes,
b) Natural disasters: Through the combina﬒on the more users have to lose from catastrophic
of sensors and simula﬒on, many a life could be failures. Terrorist a﬐acks, hackers’ intrusions
spared if, for instance, the occurrence of land- and plain old disasters could wreak havoc on a
slides may be predicted in ﬒me for villages to world where everything is connected to a giant
take appropriate ac﬒ons. O﬎en the remotely electronic brain.
sensed data that may be used together with
simula﬒on tools (including PC based tools right
up to supercomputer applica﬒ons) do not 5. Future of IoT
provide the real-﬒me informa﬒on and resolu﬒on
necessary to take appropriate ac﬒on in ﬒me. he Internet of Things has great promise, yet
Flash floods present another example where in-
situ monitoring is very important.
T business, policy, and technical challenges
must be tackled before these systems are widely
c) Water: With the importance of water for embraced [1, 4]. Early adopters will need to
both human and economic development in the prove that the new sensor- driven business
region and its scarci﬑ in many places, networks models create superior value. Industry groups
of sensors, ﬒ed together with the relevant and government regulators should study rules
simula﬒on ac﬒vi﬒es might not only monitor long on data privacy and data securi﬑, par﬒cularly
term water interven﬒ons such as catchment area for uses that touch on sensi﬒ve consumer
management, but may even be used to alert users informa﬒on. Legal liabili﬑ frameworks for the
of a stream, for instance, if an upstream event, bad decisions of automated systems will have
such as the accidental release of sewage into the to be established by governments, companies,
stream, might have dangerous implica﬒ons. and risk analysts, in consort with insurers. On
the technology side, the cost of sensors and
The list can easily be extended to cover areas such actuators must fall to levels that will spark
as health, the environment, the state of road widespread use. Networking technologies and
infrastructures and other areas of importance to the standards that support them must evolve
the emerging and developing economies of the to the point where data can flow freely among
world. sensors, computers, and actuators. So﬎ware to
aggregate and analyze data, as well as graphic
There are some problems for which answers display techniques, must improve to the point
need to be found out [7, 15]: where huge volumes of data can be absorbed by
human decision makers or synthesized to guide
a) Can the infrastructure support such a huge automated systems more appropriately.
expansion of the Internet?
b) Can everything be entrusted to a technology Within companies, big changes in informa﬒on
that can easily crash? Reliabili﬑ of the systems is pa﬐erns will have implica﬒ons for organiza﬒onal
in ques﬒on. structures, as well as for the way decisions are
c) From the privacy angle, IoT will allow made, opera﬒ons are managed, and processes
companies and governments to collect are conceived. Product development will need
unprecedented amounts of informa﬒on about to reflect far greater possibili﬒es for capturing
its ci﬒zens, with its repercussions. and analyzing informa﬒on [11, 15].

108 Economic Alterna﬒ves, issue 2, 2011


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Things capabili﬒es for the corresponding 9. EuroAsia Industry, Smart Networks, h﬐p://
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