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Exhibit 4

AP Invoice Interface: AP_INTF_001

Application Module Name

Accounts Payable
Application Program Interface
Payables Open Interface Import (Short Name: APXIIMPT)
Supplier Open Interface Import (APXSUIMP)
Supplier Sites Open Interface Import (APXSSIMP)

The purpose of the interface is to upload Supplier and Invoice records for high volume
or one-time payee transactions originated outside of Oracle Applications or which
contain confidential information that must be secured outside of Oracle Applications.

The purpose of this interface is to:

 Receive high volume or one-time accounts payable transactions from King
County side systems and automate Special District transactions so they are
accounted for in Oracle EBS.
 Generate open invoices in Oracle AP which can then be validated and paid
through Oracle Payables.
 Automatically create Suppliers and Supplier Site information for one-time payees
sourced from this side system interface, when an existing one-time supplier or
supplier site does not already exist.
 Validate existing supplier information for Standard or One Time Vendors.
 Eliminate the need to manually enter side systems invoice data directly into
Oracle AP.
 Eliminate the forwarding of side system AP documentation to the Accounts
Payable department, therefore, helping to meet the HIPPA confidentiality and
OPD security requirements.
 Increase the speed and accuracy of which side system data can be entered and
paid in Oracle AP.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Business Rules

Rule 1: Source Systems

All sources/side systems will submit files through web services technology or in a common CSV
format using standardized templates. The CSV source files will be transferred to a KC FTP server
or copied to a pre-defined directory on a KC networked server and processed through interface
programs to insert the invoice and supplier records into payables open interface tables KC
Custom tables (Custom Table Name). The Oracle standard Payables Open Interface Import
process will be run to pull the invoice transactions from the open interface tables and create
invoices and credit memos in Oracle AP which can be viewed, modified, validated and paid. The
Oracle standard Suppliers Open Interface Import and Supplier Sites Open Interface Import
processes will be run where appropriate to create Suppliers and Supplier Sites in Oracle.

Rule 2 – One-time Payees

Some of the incoming transactions will be creating invoices for one-time payments to payees. In
these cases, the incoming file will contain the needed information to create the supplier header
and the supplier site information as well as the information needed to generate the Oracle AP
invoice. If a supplier header and site matching the submitted information already exists, then
the existing header and site will be reused instead of creating a new one.
1. One-time payee invoices must be submitted with a null/blank Vendor Number (VENDOR
2. One-time payees must contain a Supplier Name (VENDOR NAME, All CAPS)
3. One-time payees must contain address line 1, city, state, and ZIP code.
4. One-time payees may contain address lines 2-4, and county.
5. One-time payees with a null supplier number will be matched to an existing one-time
supplier header if one exists, or else will generate a new supplier record. The Supplier ID
will be assigned automatically by Oracle and the Supplier Name will be suffixed as
 <VENDOR NAME>-<SOURCE> where <SOURCE> is an abbreviation or acronym
identifying the source agency or system name.
 The <SOURCE> suffix will not display on printed Warrants (AP_CUST_005 XML
Warrant Printing_FS)
 Existing one-time suppliers may contain an additional numerical suffix as in
6. One-time payees with address information and a null supplier site code will be matched
to an existing supplier site if one exists, or else will generate a new supplier site. The
supplier site name will be assigned automatically by Oracle, and suffixed with the
number of sites assigned to the header to keep the names unique (i.e. ONETIME1,

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

7. One-time suppliers will be marked as a Payable site only and given a supplier type of
‘ONETIME PAYEE’. This will prevent the supplier from appearing in the list of values for
any new invoice or purchase order creation windows.

Rule 3 - Standard Suppliers

Some of the incoming transactions will need to identify existing Suppliers and Supplier Sites in
addition to AP invoice fields for the purpose of either ACH payments or 1099 reporting.
All Standard Suppliers:
1. The Supplier must be created manually in Oracle EBS following supplier creation policy
and procedures before an invoice transaction can be submitted through the interface.
2. The unique Oracle Supplier Number (VENDOR NUMBER), Supplier Name (VENDOR
NAME) and Supplier site code (VENDOR SITE CODE) must be included on the interface
file for invoice transaction lines involving ACH payments or 1099 reportable suppliers to
be accepted and validated. The Supplier name is validated against existing record.
3. Oracle will validate the Supplier to ensure it is an active record prior to the invoice
transactions being interfaced.
4. Invoices and payments will be created based on the information on the Oracle EBS
supplier record.

ACH Suppliers:
1. Supplier transactions that are to be repeatedly paid electronically will be set up using
the ACH payment method.
2. The Supplier’s name, address information, bank name, bank address, bank account and
routing information must be provided and exist within Oracle EBS prior to any AP
invoice transactions being interfaced.
3. The ACH transactions contained in the interface file shall reference ACH payment
method EFT.
4. A batch cannot have Standard (Check) as well as EFT (ACH) type payment Invoices.

1099 Suppliers:
1. Any Supplier or transactions for which the county is responsible for submitting a 1099
requires the source KC agency to submit a signed Supplier W-9 with the supplier
creation request.
2. Special Districts will be exempt from this requirement as the county is not obligated to
maintain 1099 information or report said information on behalf of the Special Districts.

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Management System
Exhibit 4

Rule 4 – Wire Payments

Wire Payments will not be processed through this interface. Requests for Wire Transfer are
submitted directly to AP. AP will process these with Cash Management.

Rule 5 – Special Witness Payments

Certain invoice and payment information for special witnesses have specific security
requirements. The invoices for and payments made to special witnesses must not be viewable
or reportable by users other than the Office of the Public Defender (OPD) and Accounts Payable.
 Security will be provided to prevent view and reporting through Standard Oracle EBS
Function, Menu, Responsibility, and User based security. Where Responsibility and Menu
functions provide limited security, Forms Personalization and Custom Library solutions
will be constructed. If Oracle EBS Forms allow restricted views, VPD security will be
implemented to restrict the records returned from a database object AND the columns
shown to the user.
 Not all transactions from OPD require security. A specific Payables Pay Group (e.g.
Secured OPD) will be used to identify those transactions that require security from view
and reporting.
 OPD shall classify specific secured transactions on the interface by referencing the
specified Pay Group.
 It is assumed no security is required for the staging table as only assigned responsibilities
within Accounts Payable will have access to this table and those individuals will have
authority to view the details of all OPD transactions.
Rule 6 – Authorization to Pay
KC policy requires authorized staff to certify the invoices being interfaced are approved for
1. A summary worksheet included in the interface template will be auto-generated based
on the detail invoice information populated in the standardized template.
2. The summary worksheet shall be protected from editing.
3. The summary worksheet will be printed, signed by the approving signature(s), and
submitted to Accounts Payable via TIFF, PDF, Fax, or Mail to certify authorization for AP
to pay the interfaced transactions in accordance with KC policy.
4. The interface file shall be imported and validated after the authorization and summary
worksheet have been received by Accounts Payable.
5. Due Date/Payment Date: The interface template will include a field to record required
Payment Date. This will be displayed on the Read Only file and will provide view to
scheduled payment date confirmation for Special District and KC Agency authorization
reviewer. The Payment Date will be associated with one batch and must be not more

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

than 25 days after the date the file is submitted. If subscribers want to have multiple
payment dates, they will need to submit in separate files. The payment date is a
required field for Special Districts.

Rule 7 – Loading of the Interface File

Special Districts and KC Agencies will load the CSV file to the FTP server or push the data through
web services on a mutually agreed upon schedule for KC agencies, or on an as-needed basis for
Special Districts.
1. Each interface file will use KC BRC Interface File Standard Rule related to Batching,

Rule 8 – Importing the Interface Batch

Accounts Payable will compare the interface batch with the signed Authorization to Pay before
the Open Interface process is run to import the transactions into Accounts Payable.
1. The interface file shall automatically load the data to staging tables where the
interface batch can be queried via a form by Source and file name whereby
Accounts Payable can view and verify the total transaction count and batch control
2. Acceptance of the interface load to the staging tables by AP shall automatically run
the AP Open Interface process and import the transactions into the Payables
module. A unique, sequential invoice batch name will be automatically assigned for
each import into Oracle EBS.
3. On import, all validated transactions shall be created. Errors shall be rejected.

Rule 9 – Error Log

If there are any errors trapped by the code these shall be displayed in an Error Log file to be
generated at the end of the program. All similar functional errors (e.g. missing information or
mapping errors) shall be grouped together in the Log file. The output of the Error Log should be
in a format that is meaningful and easily interpreted by the functional users to be able to
troubleshoot. KC Rejection notifications shall be sent to end users.

Rule 10 – Non-Taxable and Purchase Order Transactions

No taxable transactions (sales or use tax) shall be submitted through the interface.
No purchase order related transactions shall be submitted through the interface.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Rule 11 – Original Invoices

Original invoices shall be submitted along with the Invoice Authorization to Pay Summary,
except when specifically exempt by central Accounts Payable (e.g. HIPAA related information).

Rule 12 – CON 7.2 Exemptions

Original invoices shall be submitted along with the Invoice Authorization to Pay Summary for
any interface transaction that falls under CON 7.2 Exemption.
Any CON 7.2 exempt transaction that includes sales or use tax must be submitted through the
standard, manual business process.

Rule 13 – Payments to King County Employees

Some of the incoming transactions will include invoices for payments to county employees.
All Standard Suppliers:
1. The employee must be created manually in Oracle EBS as a supplier record according to
policy and procedures before an invoice transaction can be submitted through the
2. The unique Oracle Supplier Number (VENDOR NUMBER), Supplier Name (VENDOR
NAME) and Supplier site code (VENDOR SITE CODE) must be included on the interface
file for invoice transaction lines payable to county employees before it can be accepted
and validated. All three – Vendor Number, Vendor Name, Vendor Site Code – shall be
validated during KC Validation.
3. Oracle will validate the Supplier to ensure it is an active record prior to the invoice
transactions being interfaced.
4. Invoices and payments will be created based on the information in the Oracle EBS
supplier record for the employee.

Rule 14 – UTM Validation Options

It is possible for interfacing systems or agencies using this interface to contain one of the
following types of transactions:
a) Transactions with defined vendors (e.g. 1099 reportable, ACH transactions) only
b) One-time payee transactions only
c) Combination of defined vendors and one-time payee transactions
1099 reportable transactions require a higher level of validation. The county needs to ensure it
is in compliance with IRS reporting regulations. Where an agency will be interfacing defined
vendor transactions only (see option a), an additional level of validation shall occur before
importing transactions into Oracle EBS to assure that each transaction references an Oracle
Supplier Number in order to prevent creation of a one-time payee.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

1. Rules will be built in Oracle to identify whether interfacing transaction(s) will require a
valid Supplier Name, Supplier Number, and Supplier Site.
2. The Source referenced within the interface file shall identify whether this rule applies
for a specific side system or department.
3. For Sources where this rule applies, Oracle will not import invoice transactions that do
not include a Supplier Name, Supplier Number, and Supplier Site. Validation will occur
before records are loaded to the Staging Table. This ensures that records are validated
before they are viewable to AP for acceptance or rejection.
4. An error report will be generated.
5. A list of Source systems to which this rule applies shall be updateable to add or
inactivate systems.
Rule 15 – Submission of ACH Transactions
Electronic payments to vendors often involve requirements to pay expeditiously. Time
constraints also exist for submission to the bank. As time and efficiency is paramount for
electronic submission of payments, transactions to be paid through ACH shall be submitted
separately from transactions that will be paid by warrant.
1. Agencies and Special Districts shall use and submit a different interface file or web
services submission to interface transactions to be paid electronically.
2. Rules will be built in Oracle to reject interfacing files where ACH transactions are
combined with standard warrant pay method.

Required & Optional Fields

The table below lists the required and optional fields from the file. Required fields are the fields
that must be provided by the side systems.
Field Field Name Data Type Length Required? Description
1 RECORD TYPE TEXT 2 Required B1 for invoice header record.
2 INVOICE NUM TEXT 50 Required Enter the invoice number that
needs to be assigned to the
invoice created in Payables
from this record. The number
must be unique for the
supplier. If no value is
populated in this column, then
the import of the invoice will
This can be the number
provided by the supplier, or

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Field Field Name Data Type Length Required? Description

can be an internal reference
number provided by the
subscribing agency/District
that references one or multiple
invoices from the Supplier.
Subscriber would need to
provide supporting
documentation with mailing of
warrants to suppliers.
3 INVOICE TYPE LOOKUP CODE TEXT 25 Required Type of invoice: Credit or
is zero or greater, the invoice
type is Standard.
Must be all CAPS, STANDARD
or CREDIT. For example, you
can use ‘STANDARD’, but you
cannot use ‘Standard’ as the
invoice type code.
4 INVOICE DATE DATE Required The date format should be
5 VENDOR NUM TEXT 30 Conditionally Supplier number. ACH and
Required 1099 suppliers require
assigned VENDOR NUM and
payees should leave this null.
6 VENDOR SITE CODE TEXT 15 Conditionally ACH and 1099 suppliers
Required require assigned VENDOR
One-time payees should leave
this null.
7 VENDOR NAME TEXT 40 Required All CAPS for Regular Suppliers.
Mixed Case for Employee
Names, formatted “LastName,
This is the unique name used
to identify the supplier.
8 ADDRESS LINE1 TEXT 50 Conditionally First line of supplier site
Required address. Required for one-time
payees. (Enter a period if
address is not required on
Invoice.) Leave null for defined
9 ADDRESS LINE2 TEXT 50 Optional Second line of supplier site

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Field Field Name Data Type Length Required? Description

10 ADDRESS LINE3 TEXT 50 Optional Third line of supplier site
address. Not recommended
unless absolutely necessary.
11 ADDRESS LINE4 TEXT 50 Optional Fourth line of supplier site
address. Not recommended
unless absolutely necessary.
12 CITY TEXT 25 Conditionally City Name
Required For one time payees (Warrant
template) Required
13 STATE TEXT 2 Conditionally State Abbreviation
Required For one time payees (Warrant
template) Required
14 ZIP TEXT 5 Conditionally Postal Code
Required For one time payees (Warrant
template) Required
15 COUNTY TEXT 150 Optional The County code will be
autopopulated based on the
City, State, ZIP code data
16 PROVINCE TEXT 150 Conditionally Province
Required For one time payees (Warrant
Required if outside of U.S.
17 COUNTRY TEXT 25 Required Oracle Abbreviated Country
Name. Oracle List of Values.
Lowercase values will be made
uppercase by the interface.
18 INVOICE AMOUNT NUMBER Required Invoice amount. This amount
should be negative for invoice
type 'CREDIT'. Do not enter
more than two numbers after
the decimal point.
19 DESCRIPTION TEXT 240 Required Enter the description that you
want to assign to the invoice
created from this record.
If there are multiple Invoice
Type Lookup Codes, for
example, one time supplier
invoices could use description
field to identify “Credit Memo”
and also include a description,
invoice #, date.
This information displays on
the Remittance Advice.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Field Field Name Data Type Length Required? Description

20 ATTRIBUTE1 TEXT 150 Optional Descriptive Flexfield for future
21 ATTRIBUTE2 TEXT 150 Optional Descriptive Flexfield for future
22 ATTRIBUTE3 TEXT 150 Optional Descriptive Flexfield for future
23 SOURCE TEXT 25 Required Source of the invoice data.
Each Side System, Special
District, or Agency will be
assigned a Source. This Source
will be used in each of their
individual files.
24 PAYMENT METHOD LOOKUP CODE TEXT 25 Required Name of the payment method
used to pay the supplier site.
25 PAY GROUP LOOKUP CODE TEXT 25 Required Name of the Pay Group
defined to pay a group of
invoices in the same payment
batch. Default will vary for
each interface depending on
special handling requirements.
Oracle List of Values.
26 EXCLUSIVE PAYMENT FLAG TEXT 1 Optional Flag that indicates whether to
pay invoice on a separate
payment document (warrant)
without including other
invoices for the supplier.
Oracle Default = ‘N’. Options:
'Y' or 'N'
27 PAYMENT DATE DATE Conditionally Date format will be YYYY-MM-
Required DD.
This field will populate the
Scheduled Payment Date for
payment processing once file is
imported to Oracle. This field
is Required for Special

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Field Field Name Data Type Length Required? Description

1 RECORD TYPE TEXT 2 Required B2 for invoice line record.
2 LINE NUMBER NUMBER 15 Required Unique line number for an
3 LINE TYPE LOOKUP CODE TEXT 25 Required Type of invoice line (ITEM)
For the line type code, it must
also be in all CAPS. Value should
be ‘ITEM’ only.
4 AMOUNT NUMBER 12 Required The invoice distribution amount.
This amount should be negative
for invoice type 'CREDIT'. Do not
enter more than two numbers
after the decimal point.
5 FUND TEXT 9 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts.
6 PROJECT TEXT 7 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts.
7 COST CENTER TEXT 6 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts.
8 ACCOUNT TEXT 5 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts.
9 BARS TEXT 7 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts. Use a default
value of 0000000 for
transactions using asset or
liability accounts; special BARs
values will be needed for
expenditure accounts.
10 FUTURE TEXT 5 Conditionally Segment of GL code
Required combination string. Required for
Special Districts. This should be
the hard coded value 00000 for
11 PROJECT NUMBER TEXT 25 Conditionally Identifier for project used to
Required build default accounting
flexfield. Required for expense
transactions within KC agencies
only. When used, the GL string is
not provided.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

12 TASK NUMBER TEXT 25 Conditionally Identifier for project task used

Required to build default accounting
flexfield. Required for expense
transactions within KC agencies
only. When used, the GL string is
not provided.
13 EXPENDITURE TYPE TEXT 30 Conditionally Project expenditure type used
Required to build default accounting
flexfield. Complete value needs
to be provided which is
Required for expense
transactions within KC agencies
only. When used, the GL string is
not provided.
14 EXPENDITURE ITEM DATE DATE 10 Conditionally Date format will be YYYY-MM-
Required DD. Required for expensed
transactions using a POETA
string only.
15 EXPENDITURE ORGANIZATION TEXT 60 Conditionally Identifier for project
NAME Required organization used to build
default accounting flexfield.
Complete value needs to be
provided which is NUMBER and
DESCRIPTION. Required for
expense transactions within KC
agencies only. When used, the
GL string is not provided.
16 AWARD NUMBER TEXT 6 Conditionally Award number. Required for
Required sponsored projects on expense
transactions within KC agencies
only. Cannot use ‘Funding
Pattern’ value with projects
having Funding Pattern. When
used, the GL string is not
17 TYPE 1099 TEXT 10 Optional Income Tax type for 1099
reporting purposes. The value
must be a valid and active value
table (MISC types 1-14, except
MISC9, MISC11 and MISC12),
and the supplier for this record
must be defined as federally
reportable. Only needed if the
transaction qualifies as a
different 1099 type from that

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

assigned to the supplier upon

18 SHIP TO LOCATION CODE TEXT 60 Required Required value is ‘NTX-KC-001’
for Special Districts and KC

19 WORK ORDER_SIDE SYSTEM NAME TEXT 25 Conditionally Work Order or Side System
Required Name from a List of Values.
Required for transactions where
outbound payment information
(AP_INTF_003) will be needed.
KC Agencies Only.

The following fields are required by the interface. They are defaulted as constant by the
BRC EBS team; they are not presented in the source data file.
Field Name Constant Value Description
ORG ID Defaults from System Organization identifier.
PAYMENT PRIORITY Defaults to 99 Number representing
payment priority of a
scheduled payment (1 to
99) Needs to be checked
in the AP_INTF_001 Code.
GROUP_ID Will be derived from
other fields based on
business rules.
GL DATE Defaults to sysdate The GL Date for the
invoice distributions. The
date must be in an open
or future period.
TERMS NAME Defaults to “PAY Identifies the payment
ACCOUNTING DATE Defaults to sysdate The Accounting Date for
the invoice distributions.
The date must be in an
open or future period.
PAY SITE FLAG Defaults to “Y” Indicates whether or not
payments are allowed to
this site.
ONE TIME FLAG Defaults to “Y” All one-time suppliers will
have the ONE TIME FLAG
set to “Y”

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

Defaulted by the system to Defaulted by the system

LAST UPDATE DATE the current date. during interface run.
Defaulted by the system Defaulted by the system
LAST UPDATED BY during interface run. during interface run.
Defaulted by the system to Defaulted by the system
CREATION DATE the current date. during interface run.
Defaulted by the system Defaulted by the system
CREATED BY during interface run. during interface run.

Data Validation Rules

 Each file may contain one or more Invoices and each invoice may have multiple invoice
 Each Side System, Special District, Agency will ensure that invoices submitted are
reviewed and that duplicate invoices are not transmitted in the file.
 Invoice number is a required field which will be unique for each supplier and will not
exceed 50 characters.
 An Invoice date will be required with each invoice transaction.
 GL date will be the date of validation of the imported invoice batch.
 Invoices generated through the Side System interface will not be matched to Purchase
 Invoices generated through the Side System interface will not include transactions for
assets or controllable items.
 Invoices generated through the Side System interface will not include inventory
 Invoices may have amounts that are greater than or less than zero
 All interfaced invoices will be defaulted the payment term of “Pay Immediately “.
 The Scheduled Payment date will override the default payment term.
 Interface files containing errors and invoice data that does not match the Authorization
for Pay form will be rejected (not imported) and the agency or Special District will be
responsible to correct and re-submit the file.
 Each Side System, Special District, or Agency will be assigned a Source. This Source will
be used in each of their individual files.
 Pay Groups will be used to segregate payments for invoices that require special
handling, (i.e. AGENCY PICK-UP, AGENCY STANDARD, etc.)
 There will be no discounts for interfaced invoices.
 The AP Liability Account will be defaulted. Each file or source of data will distribute
charges based on one of the following:
1. POETA (Project, Organization, Expenditure Type, Task, Award)
2. Accounting Flexfield
 The one-time payees are not 1099 Reportable.

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Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System
Exhibit 4

 Standard Suppliers may be 1099 reportable.

 The appropriate KC procedures for new supplier creation and supplier modification are
followed for Standard Suppliers that will be paid through ACH, or are 1099 reportable.
AP will transmit ACH files directly to the bank.
 Wire payments will not be processed through this interface. Requests for Wire
payments will be processed with AP. AP will transmit the wire information to the
Treasury department.
 Transactions shall not include tax (i.e. must be tax exempt or non-taxable). The
interfaced invoice information must default a valid Oracle, non-taxable Ship-To Location
Code: NTX-KC-0001.
 NIGP Codes are not required on interfaced payments.
 ‘Award’ from POET(A) is required for sponsored projects. ‘Award’ will be auto-
generated if there is one and only one valid value for the specified project.
 Warrants for Special Districts will have the remittance advice invoice description
prefixed with Pay Group Description, which includes district name and phone number.
 For defined vendors, Supplier Name in the interface file must exactly match Supplier
Name in the supplier record.

File Format & Name Convention

 Master Data elements shall conform to King County Standards and Naming Conventions
per published project document.
 Side system must provide each invoice batch as a flat file or web service.
 File naming standards, plus Header and Footer requirements shall conform to published
standards. Each data field is separated by a comma; each line is a single invoice line.
 No tab is allowed in the file.
 No blank space is allowed between field value and comma or between comma and field
value. The following are not valid:
Other ,Other
Other, Other
The correct format should be: Other,Other
 The data fields must be ordered based on the above table. Required fields must have
values. Optional fields can be blank, but keep the field positions by using comma.
Conditionally required fields would need data based on the data itself. (Details are
explained in the description).
 Comma is used as data field separator, so if the data field contains a comma, the data
needs to be enclosed by double quotes (“”). Example:
“Other,Other” would be treated as one field.

RFP #1163-17-GMK
Comprehensive Facilities Asset
Management System

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