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The Use of Brochure as Media to Improve Students’ Partially Interactive


1.1 Background of the study

English as the one of language is very important in this world because it becomes an
international language which is learned by countries in this world to increase the prosperity of
those country itself. It no doubt that English is certainly important for all people to learn it, all
of people in this world and also Indonesia people have to learn it because we know that the
famous and modern brochure, knowledge, international business, healthy, technology are in
English so people of Indonesia must master English to improve the quality of educational.
Speaking is the important one of four skills which has been mastered by the students. But
in the teacher center learning, teacher does not emphasize in practicing speaking skill to his
students. (Ramelan, 1991) states that the poor mastery of English speaking of students is result
of the old ways of teaching which do not give stress to the mastery of spoken language. It
means the poorness of students’ speaking ability becomes the problem of learning process in
Indonesia because some teachers of Indonesia use the old ways to teach their students as like
the old methods and the teachers do not use the good media in the teaching learning process.
They just concern on the theory not on the practiced. Although improvement of speaking skill
is the important problem, in fact only some teachers realize it.
The information of the important of speaking skills, create the idea to concern to analysis
the skill of partially interactive speaking of student, how they can deliver the information on
the brochure with the style of someone who promotion something to the other people, partially
interactive speaking is when one person speak to the audience or to second person, and the
speaker focus on their speech and the audience just hearing not be interrupt, and the audience
can get the idea from the speaker.
The skill of influence the people, for right now is the importance thing, our young
generation must have this skill because its demands of this era, it is special when the student
will be learn about how to socialize something, for the little example how to presentation in
front of the class, the skill of public speaking must getting by our young generation, for right
now the big problem our faced is how personality can speak enjoyed in front of the audience,
our people still have the shame and lack of self courage with the formal speech or the informal
speech, some of student still can not make it different when they must speak with formal or
not, because of that to learn how to speak with partially interactive speaking with the brochure
media is one way to overcome the problem of public speaking.
At the end of the day, media is one thing that can share the information or the knowledge
to the other people, and the famous media recently and the most popular usage is brochure,
with this media we can give the information, data, or anything to share each other, especially
for this media why choosen by many people because the model or the design is interactive,
some of people like more for it because that reason of modeling this media, it can be guide
many people to interest it, because of that focus on this media is more be efective. Based on
explanation previous findings by (Giri Manik Ismawarningtyas, 2015) The use of tourism
brochures as media to improve students’ motivation in learning vocabulary, that tourism
brochures are chosen as media to improve students‟ motivation in learning English vocabulary
items, though tourism brochures are only simple folded colorful paper, they could help students
in learning English vocabulary items. Students could find many words that are available in
tourism brochures. Moreover, tourism brochures are interesting media, since colors, pictures,
and words are available in the tourism brochures.
1.2 Problem of the study
1. How can Brochure improve students’ partially interactive speaking?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
1. To find out student’s Speaking skills acquisition using Brochure as a media
1.4 Scope and Limitation Study
This study has focus on The Use of Brochure to Improve Students’ Partially Interactive
Speaking Skill and the researcher used brochure to teach the students’ speaking and reading
comprehension skill. Brochure will be put as experimental variable and module media will be
put as control variable in teaching reading comprehension on descriptive text. So, this study
limited to observe study experimental about using brochure in teaching reading and speaking
of eight grades students of SMK 3 Samarinda in academic year 2020.

1.5 Theoretical and practical Significances

A. Theoretical
The results of this study are expected that prospective English teachers in order to be
more open to broader insights in the face of competition in the world of education by
using new learning media in order to facilitate the teaching and learning process, this
study will also make new English learning methods more fun and not monotonous so
students can easily catch the lessons given by the teacher.
B. Practical significances
1. Teacher
The teacher can use the material easier and teacher will have a new media to teach
reading by using brochure. Beside of that, the teacher can develop this media to be
interesting media in the students are easy to understand in learning reading and speaking
in descriptive text.
2. Students
The students will be easy to understand about the material, especially on descriptive
text. It will improve the student's ability in reading also speaking.
3. Further Researcher
The researcher can use the result of this study to be reference. The researcher also can
search the same variable and can be revise to completing this method or curriculum of
reading in English environment.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

A. Reading Comprehension
Generally, reading comprehension is most obvious sense, the ability to understand
information in a text and interpret it appropriately. Reading is an active process in
knowing the written text to get the information by comprehending the content of the
B. Speaking skill
(Tarigan, 1990) defines that speaking is a language skill that is developed in child life,
which is produced by listening skill, and at that period speaking skill is learned.
C. Brochure
brochure is an official publication tool from the company in the form of a print, which
contains various information about a product, service, program and so on, which is
intended for a particular target market or target. How to communicate it freely to the
customer or the community in order to introduce more clearly and detailly about
products, services, programs and so on to assist in marketing or marketing public
relations efforts.
2.1 Concept of Teaching Speaking
Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These
learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to
read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill
they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of their accomplishments in spoken
communication. Speaking activities and speaking practice in the classroom should enable
students to gain experience using all the “prerequisites” for effective oral communication.
a.Oral Communication Skill in Pedagogical Research
A review of some of the current issues in teaching oral communication will help to provide
some perspective to the more practical considerations as follow:
1)Conversational Discourse
(Richards, 1990) noted, “the conversation class is something of an enigma in language
teaching.” The goals and the techniques for teaching conversation are extremely diverse,
depending on the student, teacher, and overall context of the class. The goal of teaching
speaking skills is communicative efficiency. Learners should be able to make themselves
understood, using their current proficiency to the fullest. They should try to avoid confusion in
the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, and to observe the social and
cultural rules that apply in each communication situation.
2.2 General Concept of Media
It is important for teachers while teaching the students use communicative media.
Media can be supporting tools for teachers in delivering presentation of the material in the
classroom. Media also have a role to engage the students‟ motivation in learning process. The
teacher should select media which are used in teaching and learning process appropriately.
Selecting media properly and appropriately will be useful to build students‟ interest and
motivation in learning process. By using communicative media, the information or the
explanation about the materials given by the teacher can make students understand easily.
(Murcia, 2001) states that “media are tools or physical things used by the teacher to
motivate the students by bringing a slice of real life into the classroom and by presenting
language in its more complete communication complex”. In teaching and learning process
media include audio visual, game, graph, computer, board, picture, textbook, teacher, smells,
tastes, and so on. In addition, (Gerlach dan Ely, 1971) define “a medium as any person, material
or event that creates circumstances that put the pupils in a position to acquire knowledge, skills
and dispositions”.
2.2 Partially Interactive Speaking Skill
Speaking skill is the ability to express ideas in acceptable spoken English form Isnawati
(2010). Beside that, speaking is also one of the basic skills of language learning. It cannot be
separated from other skill of language learning (listening, writing and reading). Speaking is an
interaction between speaker and listener. It is supported by (Nunan, 2001) that speaking is
physically situated face to face interaction. So they are subjects in speaking process and there
is connection between them. The speaker tries to explain his/her idea and the listener tries to
understand what the speaker said. They can interact in particular situation. There are three kinds
of speaking situations in which we find ourselves:
1. Interactive,
2. Partially interactive
3. Non-interactive
Interactive speaking situations include face-to-face conversations and telephone calls, in which
we are alternately listening and speaking, and in which we have a chance to ask for clarification,
repetition, or slower speech from our conversation partner. Some speaking situations are
partially interactive, such as when giving a speech to a live audience, where the convention is
that the audience does not interrupt the speech. The speaker nevertheless can see the audience
and judge from the expressions on their faces and body language whether or not he or she is
being understood. Some few speaking situations may be totally non-interactive, such as when
recording a speech for a radio broadcast.
2.4 Brochure as One of Visual Media in Teaching English
Brochure is a print application design. Brochures are usually folded, or sewn and
sometimes small to pocket. Brochure sizes vary, and must be designed according to the size of
the budget. Brochures are usually used as a marketing tool for a company. So, in addition to
displaying the products or services offered by the company, in the brochure also displayed
profiles of related companies or organizations. Whatever the style of design, what is important
is that what is contained in the brochure should describe the willingness of the client so that it
fits their goals, both visually and in its contents (Yuliastanti, 2008) Brochure is a print
application design. Brochures are usually folded, or sewn and sometimes small to pocket.
Brochure sizes vary, and must be designed according to the size of the budget. Brochures are
usually used as a marketing tool for a company. So, in addition to displaying the products or
services offered by the company, in the brochure also displayed profiles of related companies
or organizations. Whatever the style of design, what is important is that what is contained in
the brochure should describe the willingness of the client so that it fits their goals, both visually
and in its contents, (Yuliastanti, 2008)
In this chapter, the researcher presents research method. It focuses on the method used
in conducting this study. The method consist of research design; population, sampling and
sample; research variables; research instrument; reliability and validity testing; normality and
homogenity testing; data and data source; data collection method and method of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our
understanding of a topic or issue (Creswell, 2012). In this study, the researcher use
experimental research to investigates the impact of using Brochure in English teaching.
Arikunto (2013) explain there are three ways the research is done, that are description research,
operation research, and experiment. The experimental design adopted in this study was One
Group Pretest- Posttest Design, There are three steps of this design:
1. Administering a pretest measuring the dependent variable (students’
vocabulary) of SMK 3 Samarinda.
2. Applying the treatment the use of brochure to the students of SMK 3 Samarinda.
3. Administering a posttest measuring the dependent variable (students’
vocabulary) of SMK 3 Samarinda.
3.2 Instrument
A. Pre-Test
This test can be called as the pre-test before the treatment of this research. The pretest
is aimed is to know the students’ vocabulary mastery before the treatments carried out. In the
testing process, the students have to answer the pretest. This result of the test became the
evaluation before using brochure in teaching vocabulary is applied in the class.
B. Post-Test
Posttest is done after the students get treatments is taught by using short story. From
the score of this test, the writer is intended to find out the effectiveness of using short story as
the medium in teaching vocabulary. The result of the scoring then is compared with pre-test.
In this case, the researcher knows how far is the effectiveness of using brochure as the medium
in teaching vocabulary
C. Validity test
Validity of instrument is the test measure what will be measured. (Brown, 2000) states
“Validity is the degree to which the test actually measures what
it is intended to measure”. An instrument is called valid if the instrument is able to
measure what will be measured
D. Reliability test
Reliability is consistency. The research instrument has high reliability if it can produce
consistent result. (Brown, 2000) states “A reliable test is consistent and dependable”.
According to (Tanzeh, 2009) reliability is an index that indicates the extent to which a
measuring device used to measure two times the same phenomenon and the result of
measurements obtained relatively consistent, then they called reliable. In other words,
reliability shows a measure of consistency in measuring the same phenomenon.

Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning abd teaching. In Fourt edition (fourth
edi). Pearson Education, Inc.
Creswell, J. W. (2012). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Thousand Oaks.
Gerlach dan Ely. (1971). Teaching & Media: A Systematic Approach (Second Edi).
Giri Manik Ismawarningtyas. (2015). THE USE OF TOURISM BROCHURES AS MEDIA TO
Murcia, M. C. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.
Nunan, R. C. and D. (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other
Languages. Cambridge University Press.
Ramelan. (1991). Linguistics and its contribution to language teacher. Semarang: IKIP
Semarang Press.
Richards, J. C. (1990). The teacher as self-observer. In Jack C. Richards, The Language
Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tanzeh, A. (2009). Pengantar Metode penelitian. Yogyakarta: Teras.
Tarigan. (1990). Intermediate Communication Games. england: Longman Group.
Yuliastanti, A. (2008). Bekerja Sebagai Desainer Grafis. Jakarta Utara: Esensi.

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