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Porque psicología By what psychology?

Have taken the decision and today you are enrolled in the program of
Psychology of the UNAD. Are in fact initiating the activities of the course of
Epistemology of psychology, the first course directly related with the
a career that you've decided to study. What follows will be a permanent road
discoveries. It is a very important decision, you have chosen a path to
your life. But to move forward, it is important that we reflect on some
What is the reason for which studying psychology?
Do you know what is psychology?
Do you know what studying psychologists?
Do you know what do psychologists do?
Do you know if you have the skills to be a psychologist?
Then, let's take a little on these questions.
Are the reasons why many people choose to study Psychology
various and diverse. Some because they believe that it is a "pretty" career,
other because they believe it will not find boring math,
Some perceive it as an easy race, other because they have a legitimate
dedication to helping others, among others. If we consult to new students
surely different and specific reasons will be found. In any
case, this first reading is intended to help you have greater clarity
on the importance and the scope of the decision taken.
First of all it is necessary to remove some misconceptions about the
1. the psychology is not a career or an easy profession, on the other hand
trained as a psychologist (a) is a very serious academic and personal challenge and requires
a commitment to clear and forceful; and requires the development of a set of
very clear personal and professional skills, without which we know of
Psychology but are not a psychologist.
2. the psychology is not necessarily a nice career, while
women consider it mostly and many beauty queens; But if it is
a career that can take you to reach the best satisfactions, if you can
appropriate supportive sense and the ability to help others. It is not
necessarily a nice race to the extent that puts you in front of the
more complex individual and social problems of the human being. Of course
There are that say that the psychology also you placed in a place of privilege to
help and enable the development of those who surround you.
3 it is true that mathematics are entirely absent from the process
formation of the psychologist, except when the psychologist should be also
as a researcher and it is necessary to study minimally thought logicomatematico
and descriptive statistics.
4. the psychology not is a career short. While the academic curriculum
You can develop in five years or less the training process just started.
After the degree the new professional should engage with its consolidation
academic and professional. You must be of that psychology is a science
in construction and daily reformulated theories, there are new, are
they propose procedures and techniques. In short the psychology is a career of all the
5. the role of the psychologist is very different from the one of a priest or the of a
friend. Every action and every word of a psychologist must be sustained in
Scientific and technical elements. In addition, the psychologist is responsible for the
effects of those actions or words which has been issued as part of its
professional practice.
The second theme is the initial knowledge that should be about what is
Psychology and glimpses of an initial response to questions 3, 4 and 5. In spite of
that surely each of you has an idea about what is psychology,
It is necessary to make a minimum introduction in this regard.
Psychology is a science, is a discipline and a profession. This
It means that they are three ways of taking psychology. As science is of
think of the object of study and the methods used to deal with that object.
As discipline is thinking in the theoretical fields that is occupied and that
they have been developed to date. And as a profession it's sizing up the
work or practical work in the different fields of action of the psychologist.
In the field of science there are many discussions on the subject of the
Psychology, but we will not deal with them at this time. So important is
point out that these different discussions of psychology as a science has
excelled as an essential object the explanation and understanding of behavior
human. It could be said that the scientific goal of psychology is precisely the
to understand why people behave as they do.
To achieve this purpose, the psychology as science goes initially to the
scientific method. This involves making use of different forms of
research that are valid (quantitative and qualitative research) and in that
framework developed specific procedures to deal with different interests
research. Be present to human beings in conceived by Psychology
as a bio-psycho-socio-cultural; which means that understanding of the
human behavior involves you understand their biology, their social relations,
its cultural framework and elements of the psyche itself.
As a discipline, the psychology covers different fields theoretical. Among others
We can mention the psychology of development, mental processes, the
personality, health and mental pathology, behavior assessment, the
historical development of psychology, the construction of the different approaches
psychological, the problems social and psychosocial. These, therefore, are
fields of study of main interest in the process of formation of the psychologist.
These are some of the issues that you will have to study and appropriate.
As a profession, psychology has presence in any area where there is
presence of humans. Yet there are a few areas of professional activity of the
a psychologist who are the most recognized. First there is the clinical psychologist, that
It focuses on providing psychological treatment or psychotherapy for patients or clients
with minor mental illness (neurotic disorders, phobias, anxiety, conflict
sexual identity, relationship, among many other issues).
Then is the psychologist organizational that acts on any type of
company in order to ensure the best results in relation to the
Mission of the institution; for which handles process as the selection of
staff, the performance evaluation, the description of the charges, plans of
incentives and promotion within the company, permanent training and the
creation of a culture organizacional particular together with the maintenance of the
better working environment, among other things.
Later is the educational psychologist whose main stage are the
educational institutions of any level. There purpose is to facilitate and manage
processes that lead to the success education of the students and of the institution
same. This includes assessment of income, identification of educational needs
individuals, identify curricular improvements, improvements of the
educational environment, strengthening of pedagogic and didactic processes,
work of student motivation, vocational and professional orientation
among other things.
On the other hand are the social psychology and community psychology. Although not
they are the same thing if they are two branches of psychology that keep one
very strong interdependence. As social psychology is concerned with the study and
understanding of the psychosocial phenomena that affect groups, communities
and to society in general community psychology acts permanently
to reduce these problems. The action of community psychology can be as much
preventive and corrective action.
Of course, a very interesting professional area is the psychology
legal. It is the field of psychology that has made possible the presence of the psychologist
in the judicial States, military facilities, family stations
or in legal medicine. It is of course a much-needed presence in those
environments thanks to the functions which the psychologist meets there. Remember that the
legal or forensic psychologist deals with elaborate psychological profiles, surveys
psychological Victimology, processes of reconciliation, among other things.
Then raised the six main professional fields of exercise
Psychology. It does not mean that they are all. Knowledge of all fields
professionals of Psychology will be taken throughout the race. But it is worth
mention other fields such as sports psychology, health psychology, the
neuropsychology and of course research in psychology.
Finally, it is necessary to draw attention to the initial knowledge
about competences and/or key skills that should be a good
psychologist. Here comes value drawer if question psychologist is born or is?
do we?
As well, we are not going to answer that question because it is a discussion that
has no end; but we will say that it is one thing to know psychology and another being a
psychologist competent. In any case the first thing is to have psychological knowledge,
IE know all the issues that have been mentioned here and many others.
Then there is the question of being competent when it comes to make use of that knowledge.
Throughout the career these different skills will be identifying and
skills that are vital in the exercise of the psychologist.
But which is want to mean here is that there are two types of competitions:
the personal and the professional. The professionals are those that have to do
to properly apply the techniques, instruments and procedures
own every applied field; they are the skills that are acquired with the
judicious study courses and carrying out the practical tasks to

consciousness. These competencies are not born with the subject, are made with commitment
academic discipline.
In terms of personal skills are those that do see that a
psychologist is better than another, even if their knowledge, poise and discipline are
similar. They have a lot to do with the vocation, the personality of the subject, with
their identity and their system of values and beliefs.
The first competition is communication; the good psychologist communicates
very easily with the different forms of language (oral, written, gesture,
symbolic). Remember that a very important part of know how to communicate, more
for the psychologist, is listening to the other not only in verbal but also in the
emotional level.
The second competition is empathy; the ability to generate
confidence, security and tranquillity in others.
The third is the absence of prejudices; the psychologist can not judge anyone
sexual, emotional, family, status because of their beliefs, by their practices or
for their tastes.
In fourth place is the initiative and creativity; not can be is the
psychologist with as instructed, always tries to generate improvement actions
for your group, for their community.
In fifth place is the sensitivity to the suffering of the other; If you're not
sensitive you can hardly have an altruistic or prosocial action.
And in sixth place will point out the attitude respectful and conciliatory to the
difference; the psychologist may not be the cause of further conflict, must be the agent
of the solution. This is a premise that should evidence is from the home in this
course and generally in the collaborative learning that is logo on the UNAD.
Surely many of you will have difficulties in their group activities and
collaborative in this and in other courses; the invitation is to make them
purpose and learning opportunity, as well as the psychologist will face
always the problems faced in his professional practice.
Of course there are other personal competencies that the psychologist, must have
but we aspire to be the students who reflect on the matter. By
Now we want to finish this reading inviting to study Psychology in the
UNAD having a good idea of what is psychology, which can be reached at
make a professional psychologist and the skills they should aim to develop
in order to become a good psychologist.

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