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I. 上午 (shàng wǔ)= morning

中午 (zhōng wǔ)= noon; 中 = middle of something/somewhere

下午 (xìa wǔ)= afternoon

晚上 (wǎn shàng) = evening

Example: 上午十一点 (shàng wǔ shí yí diǎn) = 11 am

下午两点 (xià wǔ liǎng diǎn) = 2 pm (note 2 = 两 is used for hour clock not 二)

上午我去游泳,下午看世界杯。(shàng wǔ wǒ qù yóu yǒng) =

I went to swim in the morning and watched World Cup in the afternoon.

一刻 (yí kè) = 15 minutes

三刻 (sān kè) = 45 minutes

Example: 七点一刻 (qī diǎn yí kè) = 7:15

七点半 (qī diǎn bàn)= 7:30; (note: 二刻 is not used to express time)

七点三刻 (qī diǎn sān kè) = 7:45

II.星期一 (xīng qī yī) = Monday

星期二 (xīng qī èr) = Tuesday

星期三 (xīng qī sān) = Wednesday

星期四 (xīng qī sì) = Thursday

星期五 (xīng qī wǔ) = Friday

星期六 (xīng qī liù) = Saturday

星期天 (xīng qī tiān) or 星期日 (xīng qī rì)= Sunday

Dialogue: A: 你喜欢看世界杯吗? (nǐ xǐ huan kàn shì jiè bēi ma?) =

Do you like to watch the World Cup?

B: 喜欢。你呢? (xǐ huan. nǐ ne) = I like it. How about you?

A: 我也是。 你几点看世界杯?(wǒ yě shì. Nǐ jǐ diǎn kàn shì jiè bēi? ) =

Me too, what time do you watch the World Cup?

B: 上午 11 点 ,下午五点。你呢?(shàng wǔ shí yí diǎn, xià wǔ wǔ diǎn. nǐ ne) =

11am, 5pm. How about you?

A: 我上午工作,下午看世界杯。周末你看世界杯吗?

(wǒ shàng wǔ gōng zuò, xià wǔ kàn shì jiè bēi.zhōu mò nǐ kàn shì jiè bē ma)

I go to work in the morning, and watch the World Cup in the afternoon. Do
you watch the World Cup on weekends?

B: 不看,星期六我去见朋友。现在几点了?

(bú kàn, xīng qī liù wǒ qù jiàn péng yǒu. xiàn zài jǐ diǎn le)

I don't watch it, I go meet friends on Saturday. What time is it now?

A: 5 点一刻。(wǔ diǎn yí kè) = 5:15.

B: 再见,我去看世界杯!(zài jiàn, wǒ qù kàn shì jiè bēi) =

Bye, I'm going to watch the World Cup!

A: 我也去!(wǒ yě qù) = I will also go!

III.月and 日(yuè and rì)= Month and Day

月 (yuè)= month, moon

一月 (yī yuè)= January

二月(èr yuè) = February

三月 (sān yuè) = March

四月 (sì yuè) = April

五月 (wǔ yuè) = May

六月 (liù yuè) = June

七月(qī yuè) = July

八月(bā yuè) = August

九月 (jiǔ yuè) = September

十月 (shí yuè) = October

十一月 (shí yī yuè) = November

十二月 (shí èr yuè) = December

日 (rì) = Day, Sun (note: 号(hào) is used more in spoken language)

Example : 十二月二十五日(shí èr yuè èr shí wǔ rì) or 十二月二十五号 (shí èr yuè èr shí wǔ hào) =

December 25th

七月四日 (qī yùe sì hào) = July 4th

生日 (shēng rì)= birthday

Example: 爸爸的生日是二月七号 (bāba de shēng rì shì èr yuè qī hào) =

Dad's birthday is February 7th

几月几号 (jǐ yuè jǐ hào) = What date is it?

Example: 你的生日是几月几号? (nǐ de shēng rì jǐ yuè jǐ hào) =

What's the date of your birthday?

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