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Language, Identity adn Culture

These three things are intertwined and related each other. In social life, the way a person
speaks and convey language can show what is your identity and what culture you belong to.
That is why i told you these three thing can not be separated. So what language, indentitiy and
culture is, let’s see.

Based on two articles that i read, Language is a system of spoken, manual or written
symbols which people express themselves, it is about communication of internal thoughts
formulated by our verbalization or signs. We can identify persons’ culture through their

A specific language as a rule indicates out an explicit gathering of individuals. When

you interface with another language, it implies that you are additionally communicating with
the way of life that talks the language. You can't comprehend one's way of life without getting
to its language straightforwardly.

When you take in another language, it not just includes taking in its letter set, the word
plan and the principles of syntax, yet additionally finding out about the explicit society's
traditions and conduct. When learning or showing a language, it is imperative that the way of
life where the language has a place be referenced, in light of the fact that language is
particularly instilled in the way of life.

Later on, talking about Identity, is the fact of who or what is a person or something.
Here is an excerp that i think represent what identity is,

“Identity is used in this book to describe the way individuals and groups define them-selves
and are defined by others on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, language, and culture” (Deng
1995, 1).

For me identity is everything about “who are you?”. By answering this question you
will eleborate your own identity, first you will told me about your gender, place of birth, race,
age etc and starting talking about perseption and cultures.

Culture is a group of people's characteristics and knowledge, including language,

religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Culture is a defining feature of a person's identity
and contributes to the way they see themselves and the groups they identify with . A person's
understanding of his or her own and other identities develops from birth and is shaped by values
and attitudes at home or community evironment.

In conclusion, language, identity and culture are one complete package that we always use
everyday. And this has an effect to the way you see the world, perseption and assumption and
taking point of view about something.

Learning other language means learning the culture and the identity of the people , we are as
english student, we not only learn or master english. It is mean we have to master their culture
identity too. Through this subject, i have a dream to learn english and the culture, interact with
the people directly, in London someday.

Midnight at the beginning of the year.

Best regrads,

Zawil Marjan

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