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Nancy Kim

Lesson Title: Indian Act + Kahoot

Lesson #
Subject: Socials
Grade: 5

Learning the logistics of the Indian act, and how it affected Aboriginal culture
and communities in the past and present. Students will have some
understanding of traditional practices prior this lesson, but will go deeper by
analyzing the Indian Act in groups.
Curriculum Connections:
Core Competencies
- Connect and engage with others
Personal and Social (positive personal & Social Identity)
- Relationships and cultural contexts
Big Idea
- -Canada’s policies and treatment of minority peoples have negative and
positive legacies
Curricular Competencies
Socials Studies
- Make ethical judgments about events, decisions, or actions that consider
the conditions of a particular time and place, and assess appropriate
ways to respond
- Use Social Studies inquiry processes and skills to — ask questions; gather,
interpret, and analyze ideas; and communicate findings and decisions
- Construct arguments defending the significance of individuals/groups,
places, events, and developments
- Sequence objects, images, and events, and recognize the positive and
negative aspects of continuities and changes in the past and present
Language Arts
- Access information and ideas from a variety of sources and from prior
knowledge to build understanding
- Use a variety of comprehension strategies before, during, and after
reading, listening, or viewing to guide inquiry and deepen understanding
of text
- past discriminatory government policies and actions, such as the Head
Tax, the Komagata Maru incident, residential schools, and internments
- human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadian society
Learning Intentions:
- DAY 1 – I can identify key points about the my Indian Act reading
- Day 2 – I can teach my peers about my reading on the Indian Act & I can
demonstrate my new learning on sticky notes
- Day 3- I can demonstrate my understanding of the Indian Act in a Kahoot

Materials and Resources with References/Sources:

Nancy Kim

- Chromebooks
- Text books  Canadian Issues and Governance & Speaking Our Truths
- https://create.kahoot.it/share/indian-act/8594858b-4064-449b-b55f-

Assessment and Evaluation:

- Checking if students can work in a group setting
Organizational/Management Strategies:
- Teacher will choose the groups
- Teacher will circulate and monitor students’ progress in activity
Adaptations/ Differentiated Instruction:
- ELL students & low learners will be partnered up with their stronger reading
- These students may use the Chromebook to complete the jigsaw using
speech to text
Nancy Kim

Lesson Activities:
DAY1 Pacing
- Teacher projects PowerPoint onto the screen
o Question: Why do we have laws?
o Students will discuss in table groups
 Techer will set timer of 2 minutes on the timer
- Students will then share their ideas that were discussed in
table groups
- Teacher changes slides to the slide that shows 10 mins
examples/reasons why we have laws
o Hopefully students touched based on all these
- Teacher changes slides
o Quote from John A Macdonald
 Who do you think said this?
 What type of role do you think this person
o Students will share their ideas in a discussion
- Teacher reveals that it is John A Macdonald  First Prime
Minister of Canada
o Do you think it would be okay for Justin Trudeau to
say that presently?
- The Indian Act
o Teacher will ask if any students have any prior
o Students with prior knowledge will share their
- Teacher will then place students into their groups of 3 10 mins
o Each group will be labeled a number
- Odd numbered groups will do the reading from Canadian
Issues and Governance
- Even numbered groups will do the reading from Speaking
Our Truth
o Go over activity from PowerPoint
- Students will complete their reading in their groups either in
the classroom or in the hallway 30 – 40 mins
o Teacher will circulate and monitor
o Task should be completed by the end of this work
Nancy Kim

Lesson Activities:
DAY 2: Pacing
- Teacher will ask students if they completed the task from
o Hands up 10 mins
o If students are not done they will be given some time
 Teacher will put on the physical timer on
- Students will quickly re-read their notes to refresh their mind

- Teacher will then pair groups with their corresponding
o Odd and even groups will be place together  30 mins
creating groups of 6
o Groups will then discuss what they read, sharing their
key ideas  having an informal discussion
- Once students finished with their discussions
- Students will return to their desk
- Teacher will put up the last slide 15mins
o Student helper hands out info sheet
o 21 Things You Didn’t Know About the Indian Act
- As a class we will go over the list and highlight something
new, surprising, or interesting
- Each person will highlight at least 1 thing
o Everyone will share one thing they highlighted and
why it was important to them  Write on a sticky
note and place onto anchor chart
Nancy Kim

Lesson Activities:
DAY 3: Pacing
- Teacher will review previous concept  Indian Act
o Teacher will pull out anchor chart and read sticky 5 mins
notes to refresh students
o Students share ideas
- Teacher will direct students to grab their Chromebooks
o Evens go first
o Odd will go once evens have grabbed their
- As students are retrieving their Chromebooks and logging in 10 mins
o Students will write down the URL on the board
o Teacher will discuss expectations
 What happened last time we did Kahoot?
- Teacher will put up the Kahoot pin
- Students will register into the Kahoot
o Students are not to use nicknames
- Teacher will facilitate the Kahoot
o As questions are being answered  if number of 25 mins
incorrect answers are high for a question, teacher
will stop and discuss the question
- Once Kahoot is complete, students will then log off their
Chromebooks and put them back into the cart

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