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1. ASRI PRATIWI (718 3342020)
2. BEATRIX GURNING (7183342008)
3. NURNILAM SARI (7182142025)



Thank you, we pray to God Almighty for the blessings and mercy the author
can complete this Mini Riset.

The preparation of this paper the author realizes that the smooth writing of
critical review journals is thanks to the help and motivation of various parties.
Therefore the author would like to express his gratitude to the parties who have
helped in the smooth writing of this mini riset.

In writing this paper, the author has tried to present the best. The author
hopes that this mini riset can provide information and have value benefits for all

Medan, May 15, 2019


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................... i
KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................. ii
DAFTAR ISI ................................................................................................ iii
BAB I PRELIMINARY ............................................................................... 1
BAB II THEORITICAL REVIEW ............................................................ 2
BAB III METHOD OF RESEARCH ......................................................... 5
BAB IVDISCUSSION.................................................................................. 7
BAB V CLOSING ...................................................................................... 10
A LIST OF BOOKS ................................................................................... 11
ATTACHMENT......................................................................................... 12
A. Dokumentation ................................................................................. 12
B. Quesioner ......................................................................................... 13



A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a person's language. A vocabulary,

usually developed with age, serves as a useful and fundamental tool
for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary
is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.
Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular
person". Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to
recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to
measure word knowledge.


1. What is vocabulary?
2. How to memorizing accounting vocabulary?
3. How many students are available in accounting vocabulary?

1. Knowing the meaning of vocabulary.
2. Knowing how to memoring accounting vocabulary.
3. Knowing how many students are available in accounting vocabulary


In the process of learning a foreign language, we often hear how someone can
fluently speak a foreign language by memorizing the "vocabulary". Especially in
learning English, the vocabulary is the most important thing in the learning phase.

Definition of vocabulary, Penny (1991: 60), "Vocabulary can be defined,

roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language."
Barnhart (2008: 697), he interpreted the vocabulary as follows, "... (1) stock of words
used by person, class of people, profession, etc. (2) a collection or list of words, usually
in alphabetical order and defined. "
Valette (1977) suggests that vocabulary is a word or group of words that have certain

From the definition of vocabulary put forward by experts, it can be seen that
vocabulary is a new word that has meaning that is used from various languages that
have meaning. Vocabulary will be a stage someone can make a sentence and can
understand reading, can speak, write and listen well.
From the research conclusions from the journal entitled "Strategi Belajar
Kosa Kata (Vocabulary) Mahasiswa TBI STAIN PAMEKASAN” said that Vocabulary
has a very essential role in mastering foreign languages, especially English. Without
mastering adequate vocabulary, students not only have difficulty communicating and
cannot even communicate at all. Not mastering English grammar at all is still possible
to be able to communicate if you have enough vocabulary. The series of words
delivered is not grammatical, it can still be understood by audiences by understanding
the meaning of the vocabulary.
Vocabulary is interpreted as "the entire stock of words belonging to a branch
of knowledge" or known by an individual. In a broader understanding 'vocabulary is
not only confined to words but also includes how to use words and how to use words
and relationships between words, phrases, categories of words and phrases. This
indicates that the vocabulary is not merely a collection of words that we memorize and
know their meaning but also the learning process in arranging those words.
From the results of research conducted by Tidar University, it was concluded
in the journal that "the vocabulary is the first and foremost important step in language
acquisition. Students who want to learn English as their foreign language have to learn
that element first. In a classroom where students are not comfortable with the second
language, the teacher should make the language learning interactive and interesting
vocabulary exercises. "

From the journal entitled “Penguasaan Kosakata dan Kemampuan Membaca

Bahasa Inggris” states that "Vocabulary is the total number of words in a language. It
is also a language of the words a person knows and uses in speaking and writing.
Vocabulary or vocabulary is the sum of all words in a language; also the ability of
words that are known and used by someone in speaking and writing. The vocabulary
of a language always changes and develops because life is increasingly complex. The
exact number of vocabulary words in English to date cannot be ascertained, but reliable
estimates say about 1 million. Based on the definition above, it is clear that mastery of
vocabulary is sufficient, it is important to be able to learn languages well. Besides
speaking about language, it cannot be separated from vocabulary. Vocabulary is words
that people understand both their meaning and usage. How many words does a person
have to have? A person must have enough vocabulary to understand what is read and
heard, can speak and write with the right words so that they can be understood by
There are many other ways that can be used to improve student vocabulary
mastery by listening to the radio, tapes, watching television, puzzle games and so on.
In this way the level of vocabulary mastery and the organization of understanding of
what is heard and watched on radio, cassette and television or in the game; can be
improved, so that by itself, students' reading skills will also increase.
From the journal entitled “Pentingnya Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dalam
Menyongsong ASEAN Community 2005” States that mastery of English is the basic
capital in competing to face the era of globalization. In the era of globalization, the
world is progressing and opening opportunities for scope between various countries.
Only people who can speak English can take this golden opportunity. Where, English
is very important in the career world.
The world of work will basically give high appreciation to people who have
good English skills. Where, to be able to join in the multi-language world of work in
English is the main requirement.
Chapter III

Method Of Reseach

A. Place And Time Of Activity

Pelaksanaan Mini Riset ini dilakukan di Universitas Negeri Medan,
Fakultas Ekonomi pada jam 08.30 Wib sampai dengan selesai .
B. Activity Participants
Participants in the activity are students and students from the State
University of Medan. The study was conducted in the Department of
Accounting, namely the Accounting Education Study Program Class B and C .

C. Scope of Activities
The scope of the mini research activities are female students at the
Medan State University accounting education study program, who have
studied accounting, management and business. So here try to give a test to see
how much they understand about the use of English.

D. Implementation Method & Data Collection Techniques.

The research method used is a qualitative research method. This

research method was chosen on the grounds that qualitative research can reveal
and explain the problems that are the object of research in a narrative and in-
depth manner.The quantitative research was carried out by distributing 39
(thirty nine) questionnaires to accounting students B and C stambuk 2018.

1. Observation
Research Data Collection with Observation. Observation or observation is
also one of the data collection techniques used in research. Observation as
a data collection technique has specific characteristics rather than other data
collection techniques (interviews) that are not necessarily as
communicating verbally to the object under study.
2. Questionnaire

Fill in the questionnaire in the form of 80 (eighty) Vocabulary related

to accounting, management and business.

Following The Research Steps :

1. Determine which study program students will be given a questionnaire
2. Start with an explanation of the purpose reseach
3. Carry out questionnaires and fill out questionnaires
4. Confirm the results of the questionnaire to members of the study for the sum
of the data collection.


English is a primary need in communicating when all aspects of socio-

economic life require us to use English to be able to communicate with anyone. At the
college level, various departments have included English as a compulsory curriculum
for their students.

After researching 40 accounting education students on Friday, May 10, 2019,

we found that there was a lack of mastery of the accounting vocabulary they had ... The
40 people we surveyed received an average score of 70-95 of the 20 random questions
we gave. With an average value after addition 81.4033. With the number of questions
we provide with an assessment that the vocabulary used as a questionnaire is a very
familiar basic vocabulary the value of 81.4033 includes still low.

We detected that the lack of mastery of English vocabulary was caused by

several factors, namely:

1. Lack of student reading interest

2. Lack of English language library materials that can invite reading interest

3. Lack of a place for channeling student creativity related to the use of English
vocabulary outside of the course hours.

The importance of mastering accounting vocabulary especially for Accounting

Education students cannot be denied, especially after the industrial revolution 4.0.
Students should be able to master basic vocabulary in accounting. With wider coverage
they also have to be able to master formal vocabulary. Because its use is needed when
in the workforce later.
Mastery of this vocabulary can be trained to use every day to get used to
English, so that these students can master this accounting vocabulary which is very
important for them.

Someone who has more vocabulary mastery will tend to be easier to capture
information than those who have low vocabulary skills so that their reading
comprehension becomes relatively higher as well. So it is important to have vocabulary
mastery especially among students.

To enrich the vocabulary of the students, here are some tips that can be done to
enrich your vocabulary in our opinion:

1. Keep reading as much and as consistently as possible. There is no better

way to enrich your vocabulary than reading. Read various types of
reading materials that are varied. The wider and in your reading material
the more new words you learn from time to time.
2. Pay attention and realize the new words that you meet while reading. If
you don't know the exact meaning or purpose of a word, try to
understand from the context of the sentence. Put a word that you don't
understand so you can see it again later. After that you can confirm the
meaning of the word in the dictionary. Another easier way is to directly
ask the meaning of the word to someone around you or someone you
think knows.
3. Try to use the new word immediately. Once you understand the new
word, you can try using it in the form of conversation or writing. Writing
a word in a sentence will help you remember the word. Using new words
immediately will speed up the process of absorbing and storing these
words in the vocabulary bank in your brain.

When students have been able to understand this accounting vocabulary, they
should be able to practice its use in daily life. So that mastery of this vocabulary can
continue to be improved at any time.
For the mastery of new vocabulary, actually this is all related to the effort and
willingness. The more practice and the greater the willingness in the self, the more
proficient the mastery of the English vocabulary is.

Even though it is related to accounting vocabulary, we can begin mastering

English vocabulary starting from listening to English songs, watching English films,
or also textbooks in English. In addition to this technique, making papers in English
can also increase the ability to use English vocabulary.
A. Conclution

Vocabulary has a very essential role in mastering foreign languages,

especially English. Without mastering adequate vocabulary, of course you will
have difficulty when working with business partners from foreign countries.
Because English is an international language. Which is the language used in
communication between countries.

Mastery of English vocabulary is quite important. Because the vocabulary

of a language always changes and develops because life is increasingly complex.
The exact number of vocabulary words in the English language to date cannot be
ascertained, but it is estimated that those who can be trusted say about 1 million.

Many ways can be used to improve vocabulary. Because English is the basic
capital in competing to face the era of globalization.

B. Suggestion
For the use of English, you should increase your memorization of
vocabulary. because English is the basic capital to face the era of globalization
going forward.







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