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The Rite of the Draconian Oracle


What it is
The Oracle rite is pretty much the central rite of the DBoE system, in the same sense that the 0=0 is
the foundation of the GD system- it's pretty much the foundation of the whole system, and most
other rites are variants of it.
It has three primary uses:
• Rite of the Black Sun - This is the first big rite of the DBoE system. It acts in a similar way
to the GD 5=6 and Liber Pyramidos of the A.'.A.'. , or rather, the first part of each- this rite
builds the temple and sacrifices the False Self (Abel), however it is not until the completion
of HU that the initiation is sealed on the body of the candidate (the second step to this
initiatory formula).
• Rite of the Black Moon - This is a rite done on each new/dark moon at the home shrine.
• Rite of the Black Earth - This rite prefaces the main rites of the year (HU, SA, BA etc.),
acting as the rite of the first circle. To an extent, the main rites take the form of 'Oracle plus
something else', showing how fundamental it is.
Where to find it
Because it's describing three rather different variations of the same rite, this area of the book is quite
sprawling, and can lead to confusion easily. In it's entirety, the rite is discussed from pp77-126,
however the section on the Hendecarch (the ritual theory of the Oracle rite, sort of like a Z-
document for it) is technically also relevant; it's discussed from pp127-144.
To summarise- the entire body of teaching on the Dragon Oracle is on pp77-144 (inclusive).

Midwinter Rite of the Black Sun

Comments (2)
What it is
Basically, the candidate uses the Rite of the Draconian Oracle to self-initiate into the Crooked Path.
It's an adapted form of that rite.
Structurally, it involves the candidate building up the temple, and self-sacrificing by burning the
Marriage Vessel on the central hearth. The candidate identifies with Cain throughout the rite.
Where to find it
Because of the way the Oracle Rite is structured (one rite used in three completely different ways),
this rite is presented very messily in the book. But roughly speaking, the ritual is discussed on pp79-
Tools required
This one is actually reasonably light on essential tools, though there's still a bit to get.
You'll need:
• The Marriage Vessel
• Servitor Vessels
• Stang
• Skull
• Grave-dirt (or other consecrated powders for the circle and the consecrations)
• A swan's feather (I used incense instead)
• Water mixed with sexual fluid
• Candles
• A fire (so kindling, matches, firelighters, stones, etc)
• Red cloth to wrap Dragon Vessel in
• Dragon vessel
• Boughs from the 8 trees listed, plus a crown of oak
• Cords

Ritual Script (my interpretation)

Aspirant = As

As: Hekas Hekas, Este Bebeloi

0: Creation of the Point: Preliminary Gestures
As. enters the circle, bows to the central hearth, then bows to the North.
He then takes his Vessel and paces one circle Widdershins (0th Hallowing)
When this is complete, he places the Vessel as a cornerstone of the circle. He sounds a bell. (13th
knell of midnight)
1: The Encharming of the Point: The Oracle
Silence after bell.
As. recites the Oracle [pp82]
2: The Revelation and Establishment of the Path
As. recites the Declaration [pp82]
As. recites the Chant of the Tree [pp84] while making three Widdershins circumambulations of the
circle. Tree visualised as “the axis of the world...as a burning pillar of illumination. Forming the
ladder of souls that stretches between the height of heaven and the depth of hell.” (directed at the
unlit hearth)
The Sacrifice of the Sacred Vessel
Vessel is placed within the unlit hearth.
The First Casting of the Circle: the Triple Exorcisms
As. take bowl for consecration, goes to North. Prostrates fully before Stang.
As. recites the Exorcism of Fire [pp85], lighting contents with a candle from the North.
Deosil circumambulation, bowing at each quarter. Between each quarter-station, he bends low and
purifies with the water. Then purifies his own body with the smoke. As. Returns to the North and
bows. Then lights the hearth, offering seven breaths. Final part of the ritual charm recited. Ashes
offered to the central hearth.
When the pyre burns steadily, As. recites the Exorcism of Salt [pp87]
As. puts offering in shell, dedicates it Northern Guardian with a bow. Blesses each quarter-guardian
deosil with a cross sign (X, not +) of the brow a powder-besmeared hand. Some powder strewn
around circle's edge between quarters. As. Returns to the North and bows. End of charm recited.
Remaining powders offered to the Spirit by putting them in the hearth.

As. recites the Exorcism of Water [pp88]

As. goes to the North and bows. Deosil circumambulation, head and heels of each Quarter-guardian
cross-signed (X, not +) with liquid, empowered by a breath. Between each quarter-station, circle is
sprinkled with fluid. Returns to North, bows. Final part of exorcism recited, remaining liquids
offered to fire.
As. performs a fourth, final circumambulation, and bows. Then recites the Binding of the Triple
Exorcisms. [pp89]
The Second Casting of the Circle: the Salutation of the Four Quarters and the Empowerments
of the Pentalphic Sign
Proceeding deosil around the circle: (Watchers visualised as collossal serpents/cobras, ready to
strike the heart of the circle)
As. goes to East, prostrates full before Watcher. He raises both arms, outstretches hands, extends
fingers to make the sign of the fivefold star. He visualises an avese pentagram proceeding left hand,
upright pentagram proceeding from right; these extend to strenghten the circle, then unify in a
single point. As. then recites the Salutation to the Eastern Quarter [pp90] (Watcher born from light
of sunrise, formed by the agency of air, emerges from dawn in clear ruby-red light) (During the last
part of the charm, the power of the Watcher is sent forth to hallow the entire circle)
As. does as before, then recites the Salutation to the Southern Quarter [pp90] (Watcher born from
the light of midday, formed through agency of fire, emerges from noon in brilliant white light).
As. does as before, recites the Salutation to the Western Quarter [pp91] (Watcher born from light of
sunset, formed through agency of water, emerges from dusk in mist and twilight grey).
As. does as before, recites the Salutation to the Northern Quarter [pp91] (Watcher born from black
light of infernal sun, formed through the agency of earth, emerges from midnight in all-absorbing
then bows to the central hearth. (Possibly also visualisation of the pentagram here, as in LRP)
6. The Salutation unto the Heights, Centre & Depths: the Binding of the Four Ways and the
Summoning of the Fifth Watcher
As. recites the Salutation to the Heights, Centre & Depths. [pp92] (Double pentagram visualised
uniting with the centre of the compass. Rays of the pent marry the Four Watchers in a single point
in the centre) (Fifth watcher visualised as giant uraeus, bigger and more powerful than the others.
He rises out from the pyre. Made of space and stellar light, very bright. Once Fifth Watcher has
been visualised, he is reunified with the fire).
As. recites the Binding of the Five Salutations [pp92]
The Offering of the Boughs
As. recites the Chant of the Eight Trees. [pp93] Boughs are placed in the fire as their respective line
is recited. Crown of the Greenwood is placed in the fire last.

7. The Dragon's Rune: the Third Casting of the Circle

(Visualising circle as circle of flames) As. Moves widdershins around the circle, reciting the Circle-
Chant of the The Dragon's Rune three times [pp94] (Presumably 3 circumambulations). As.
scourges the ground with daggers or knotted cords as he walks. (Heptagram visualised in the centre
of the circle- possibly A.'.A.'. star):
Chant finished with the Sorceror's Cry. As. returns to centre.
8) The Charge to the Shadow
As. recites the Address & Charge unto the Shadow. (Way of the Shadow visualised opening) [pp94]
As. recites the Assumption of the First-Born. [pp96]
As. goes to hearth bearing new Vessel, and gathers seven pinches of ash, placing it within the new
Vessel. He then gathers dust from each of the eight compass points of the circle. Using the
Sorceror's Cry, he offers seven breaths, and then seven drops of blood into the Vessel.
The Consummation of the Rite
As. recites the Consummation of the Oracle Rite. [pp97]
and then Consummation II. (He places a knot upon his sacred cord when prompted in the text)
He then performs three circumambulations around the edge of the circle with the new Vessel.
The rite is sealed by leaping over the pyre while bearing the Vessel, uttering the Sorceror's Cry.
Guardians are thanked, and the rite is ended,
As. performs a divination for the period ahead.

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