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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education


Final Report

* Please TYPE (including comments) DIRECTLY onto this form. Submit a SIGNED, DOUBLE SIDED paper copy.

PS III is a five-course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum
design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the
semester during which they assume responsibility for approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study
is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus
and are coordinated by the University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

Select the course in which you are registered:

Education 4571 Elementary Education Internship
Education 4572 Secondary Education Internship
Education 4576 Native Education Internship
Education 4578 Early Childhood Education Internship
Education 4582 Inclusive Education Internship
Education 4583 Technology in Education Internship


SCHOOL: St. Joseph School Coaldale
Grade Level(s): Science 8, Science 9 and Health 6
Teacher Mentor: Zac Coupland
Administrator: Mary Anne Murphy and Brent Christensen
University Consultant: Rick Homan


Final Conference Date: ✔ Date:

Review the Portfolio: ✔

Review the Professional Inquiry Project ✔

Intern Teacher Report and Signature ✔

Teacher Mentor Report and Signature ✔

Administrator Report and Signature ✔

University Consultant Report and Signature ✔

Complete Final Report submitted to Field Experience Office by UC ✔

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: April 2018) Page 1 of 5

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University Consultant: Rick Homan

Intern Teacher: Andrea Tkach

University Consultant Comments:

I very much enjoyed working with Andrea Tkach as her PSIII university consultant at St. Joseph's School (Coaldale) during
the Fall Semester of 2018. I found Andrea to be consistently and thoroughly prepared for every lesson, as well as being
positive and friendly to everyone. She always presented her best side and was quick to forge positive and meaningful
relationships with both students and staff. Andrea was always professional in every aspect, responded constructively to
feedback and has a clear personal vision to guide her teaching.

Andrea chose to emphasize for personal growth classroom management as well as to focus on a well planned and organized
approach to teaching. As a result, her rules of behavior were simple but consistently applied and encouraged her students to
take ownership of their behavior and to be respectful of all people and property. The result was a classroom environment that
was both relaxed and interactive, energetic but respectful, making learning fun in a safe and caring environment. Her unit and
lesson plans were detailed and organized containing a wide variety of instructional strategies and cross-curricular
opportunities that were differentiated and engaging. She was particularly adept at incorporating activities that got her students
out of their desks and into a variety of groupings combining students of differing skill and comprehension levels to achieve
success, and to perform a variety of scientific discovery activities, as they conducted a number of labs and explored the
greater school environment with purpose.

Andrea has a strong command of the curriculum and an obvious passion for Science. She consistently demonstrates the
ability to create lessons and unit plans that meet the needs of all students, and she injects a variety of both formative and
summative assessment tools that meet the knowledge and skill standards laid out in the Program of Studies. Throughout her
planning and delivery she remained flexible and responsive to student needs and to feedback from her mentors. Her focus on
building student interest in Science, as well as science literacy, was a consistent focus of her teaching as she constantly
modelled and encouraged the proper use of scientific terminology and to give praise to students when they complied.

Andrea understands that the teaching profession is a life style choice and not just a job as she was quick to become involved
in the school community outside her classroom in a number of ways. Her willingness to coach volleyball, to contact parents on
her own time to discuss and consult about their student's progress and success, to participate in on-going Junior High School
meetings and other professional development opportunities, spoke to her acceptance and understanding of a teacher's role
and responsibilities. She understands and makes use of technology as she eagerly learned about Google Classroom and
used it to increase communication, and to further enhance and enrich students learning. And the focus for her Professional
Critical Inquiry Project was to teach her students how to be critical thinkers accomplished through a number of lessons that
examined "controversial issues" connected to the field of science.

To me Andrea represents the kind of teacher who goes about her business of teaching without seeking recognition or praise,
but rather from the satisfaction of knowing her teaching has impacted a student's learning and success in life. I see Andrea as
an enhancement to any staff she joins as she is a cooperative, caring and hard working person with excellent teaching skills. I
am proud, with the support of her mentor teacher Zac Coupland, her administration Mary Anne Murphy and Brent
Christensen, to award a PASS to Andrea Tkach for her excellent effort in PSIII.

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is: PASS

University Consultant Signature Date

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: April 2018) Page 2 of 5

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