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1 Work in grouPs.First everY
m e m b c ro f t h e g r o u Pm a k e st u t r

a. What are the advantages of

U.iVnat aie the disadvantages'7
Think of: healthiexPerie nce'
Now discuss vour listsrrith each
other anclPrt:Pareone ctlmPletc
listfor the erouP.
rstancltrr these
2 What clot'tlu trtrcle
Yott t'utt I It oltl tlo54new
tric ks .
T h e r c ' . st t L tl ' r t r t l i k e w t o l d J ' o t t L '

R e a dt h i s P o e m .

w el t r p r r r p l e
T . l 6 W h c r rl i l n l i l l l ( ) l t l\ ( ) m i l l l s l l l r l l
cltlesn't suttmc'
With a rctl ltlrtwhieh dtlcsn'tgtl' and
and summerglovcs
i,-l.t t ,t"t"ttspenclmy pensiorionbrancly
anclsaywe'vt:no moncy for buttcr'
f sit clclwt-t on thc pavemcntwhcr-r I'm tircd
f .tf-tuf
in shopsancl.prcss alarmbclls
nnligr.,trUf sample.s
. up
A n . l i u n t u t i i . k l l o r t gl h e p u b l i er r r i l i n g s
A n d n t l r k cu P l ( ) rt l t cs o h r i c l yo l m y y t l u l h '
I shallgo out irrmy slippersin the ratn
Anclplk the l]owersin otherpeople'sgardcns
Ancliearnto sPit.
You can weal terrible shirtsanclgrorvmore
And cat threc pounds of sausagcs at a go
o r o nl y h r c u t lr t t t l p i c kl e l t r f l t \ \ c ek
anclthingsin boxes'
A;; h;"rJ pensarxl pencilsanclbcermats
But now we must haveclothesthat keep us
Ancl pay our rent and not swearin the street
Anclsei a goodexamplefor the children'.
We will havefriendsto dinner and read trle
But mavbeI ought to practisea little now?
and surprised
5o p"opf" who fnow me are not too shocked
old and startto wear purple'
wri"n iuddenly I am
t- Jenny JosePh
;;. '

CheckanYwordsYoudon't know'

ir ''

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