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J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.


Fall 2018

By J. Scott Talbert
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Table of Contents
Julie’s Mighty Networks Tour ...................................................................................................................... 5
PRE-TRAINING Week: 1,821 of 5,878 Attending ......................................................................................... 6
Pre-Training Week: Mission #1 - You Must Believe ................................................................................... 7
Pre-Training Week, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 1,944 ............................................................... 8
Pre-training Week: Mission #2 - What Failure Teaches Us ........................................................................ 9
Pre-training Week: Mission #3 - The WHO, Not The HOW ...................................................................... 10
Pre-training Week: Mission #4 – 10x Secrets ........................................................................................... 11
Pre-training Week: Mission #5 – She Did It, So Can You.......................................................................... 12
Pre-training Week: Mission #6 – Take A Breather (Catch Up Day!) ........................................................ 13
Pre-training Week: Mission #7 – Mission Review .................................................................................... 14
WEEK 1: 1,803 of 5,878 Attending ............................................................................................................. 15
Week 1: Mission #1 – Offer Hacking ......................................................................................................... 16
Week 1, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 1,006 ............................................................................... 20
Week 1: Mission #2 – The Greatest Showman ......................................................................................... 21
Week 1: Mission #3 – Offer Sequencing ................................................................................................... 25
Week 1: Mission #4 – eCovers And Offer Assets ...................................................................................... 30
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Week 1: Mission #5 – Create!! .................................................................................................................. 32
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Week 1: Mission #6 – Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day!)......................................................................... 39
Week 1: Mission #7 – Mission Review ...................................................................................................... 40
WEEK 2: 1,606 of 5,878 Attending ............................................................................................................. 41
Week 2: Mission #1 – Publishing ............................................................................................................... 42
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Week 2, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 586 .................................................................................. 46
Week 2: Mission #2 – Epiphany Bridge ..................................................................................................... 47
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Week 2: Mission #3 – Your Origin Story .................................................................................................... 55
Week 2: Mission #4 – Hooks, Hooks, and More Hooks ............................................................................ 59
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 61
Week 2: Mission #5 – Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day) ........................................................................... 63

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #6 – Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day) ........................................................................... 65

Week 2: Mission #7 – Mission Review ...................................................................................................... 66
WEEK 3: 1,545 of 5,878 Attending ............................................................................................................. 67
Week 3: Mission #1 – Core Funnel Strategy .............................................................................................. 68
Week 3, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 324 .................................................................................. 70
Week 3: Mission #2 – Your Share Funnel .................................................................................................. 71
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 71
Week 3: Mission #3 – The Squeeze Page ................................................................................................... 73
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Week 3: Mission #4 – The Sales Page ........................................................................................................ 76
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................... 77
Week 3: Mission #5 – The OTO Page ......................................................................................................... 78
Week 3: Mission #6 – The Members Area ................................................................................................. 80
Week 3: Mission #7 – Mission Review ...................................................................................................... 81
WEEK 4: 1,507 of 5,878 Attending ............................................................................................................. 82
Week 4: Mission #1 – The Three Types Of Traffic ..................................................................................... 83
Week 4, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 111 .................................................................................. 88
Week 4: Mission #2 – The Dream 100 ....................................................................................................... 89
Week 4: Mission #3 – Earn Your Way In .................................................................................................... 98
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................. 100
Week 4: Mission #4 – Buy Your Way In ................................................................................................... 101
Week 4: Mission #5 – Funnel Audibles .................................................................................................... 105
Resources: ............................................................................................................................................. 109
Week 4: Mission #6 – Funnel Audibles .................................................................................................... 110
Week 4, Day 6: “Mission Complete” Count = 83 .................................................................................. 111
Week 4: Mission #7 – Mission Debrief (And Your NEXT Mission… Should You Choose To Accept It!) . 112
Week 4, Day Last: Comment Count = 41 .............................................................................................. 113
Select Videos ............................................................................................................................................ 114
Julie - Q&A 1.......................................................................................................................................... 114
Julie - Q&A 2.......................................................................................................................................... 114
Julie - FaceBook Ads (Week 4, Mission 4) ............................................................................................. 114
Stephen – Funnel Audibles (Week 4, Mission 5) .................................................................................. 114

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Julie’s Mighty Networks Tour


© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

PRE-TRAINING Week: 1,821 of 5,878 Attending

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-Training Week: Mission #1 -

You Must Believe

 Russell sells books to sell CF, and sells the OFA challenge to do the same
 Fundamentals of direct response marketing makes funnels easy
 350 in 2-comma club, 25 in 2-comma club “X”
 Average attention span is about 7 seconds
 RULE #1 – a confused mind ALWAYS says “no” (“confused mind never buys”)
 RULE #2 - sell what's selling, so pick category & figure out what's currently selling
 3 core markets/desires: health, wealth, relationships (then there are sub-markets: real estate
investing, stock investing) (then there are niches: no money flips, short sales)
 3 core elements: hook, story, offer (part of ad, part of landing page, part of offer page, etc.)
o hook - pattern interrupt that gets attention (image, headline, etc.)
o story – become relatable
o offer – (not a product, but an offer)

Stephen’s 14 Rules

 People wouldn’t follow Stephen without knowing his humble beginnings and struggles
 If the goal is worthy, you are not good enough to get it
 Naysayers are the hook… you become the attractive character
 The obstacle sculpts you on the way to the goal
 See 14 rules worksheet
 Will power sucks & will give out… environment lasts longer
 Discipline is greater than motivation

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-Training Week, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 1,944


© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #2 -

What Failure Teaches Us


 Until you have continuity, you don’t have a business

Stephen’s Coaching

 Learn as if you have to teach it to someone else (learning for 2)

 Stress creates great systems

© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #3 -

The WHO, Not The HOW

 Outsource… critical b/c of opportunity cost

 Be a funnel contractor with a vision

Stephen’s Coaching

 A funnel is NOT a business, it is a marketing arm that generates leads & creates sales
 The business fulfills on what is sold
 It’s okay to be “the guy” for a while to document what to do & pass it along
 After revenue begins, hire support & fulfillment
 Write down EVERY task & then make big green dot (writing script, marketing, film sales video)
for big revenue-generating activities… and then little green dots for smaller stuff (revenue-
generating… but not in that moment)… and red dot on other stuff
 Use a public freelancer contest

10 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #4 –

10x Secrets


 Couple of ClickFunnels bundle packages to choose from

Stephen’s Coaching

 This game is a combination of art & science… but it’s more science than art
 Create a sales message first, b/c products don’t make money – the sales message does
 The product just makes good on the promise of the sales message
 You can have no product, but a good sales message… then make money & only later create a
 Built the product WITH THE CUSTOMER – beta pricing, etc.
 Two things to succeed:
o 1. Follow a pattern
o 2. Become a followable leader… an attractive character
 It’s not what to sell, but rather how to sell

11 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #5 –

She Did It, So Can You


*same CF bundles, but from her

Stephen’s Coaching

 Sales happen when people are sold on the message

 So, don’t get hung up on “I know what I’d do in HIS shoes, but I don’t know what to sell.”
 Marketing v. selling: marketing is NOT the FB ad,
o marketing is the act of changing someone’s belief with the intent & purpose for a
purchase to happen
o sales is when you present the offer
o closing is the set of logical reasons to act now
 “there is no relationship between being good and getting paid!”
 But there is a huge relationship between being good at marketing and getting paid
 Make sure the product over-delivers (unannounced bonus), but realize it’s not really about the
 You don’t have to compete on price when you realize it’s not the product
 Page copying works once you have hook, story, offer first
 So, create & collect the assets to put into the funnel for a successful launch
 McDonald’s dollar menu, book, “is this the one,”
 Joining you where our experiences have ended & tell that as the beginning of my story
 Market will tell you 80% of what to do to sell them… you don’t have the creativity, they have the
needs you’ll meet
 So talk about people reaching out to me about online legal pages gone, major Bangladesh
disclaimer, etc.
 It’s not a danger to know a lot about the product, it’s a danger to tell too much about the
 You don’t want to deter them from asking buying questions
 Don’t talk past the sale

12 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #6 –

Take A Breather (Catch Up Day!)

The 30-Day Challenge starts in just 2 days!

That means, we want you to take a breather and use today as your catch-up day, and get ready for the
week ahead (it’s going to be so much fun!)

On Day 1, you’ll be jumping in and getting straight to work, so be sure to take some time TODAY to make
sure you’ve completed all the Pre-Challenge Week missions.

� Your Mission:

Catch up on any of the days you missed:

Day 1: https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/posts/pre-training-week-mission-1-you-must-believe

Day 2: https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/posts/pre-training-mission-two-what-failure-teaches-us

Day 3: https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/posts/pre-training-mission-three-the-who-not-the-how

Day 4: https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/posts/pre-training-mission-four-10x-secrets

Day 5: https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/posts/pre-training-mission-five-she-did-it-so-can-you-

� No coaching call with Stephen today. Feel free to catch up on the replays �

�Comment below #MISSIONCOMPLETE when you've finished!

13 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Pre-training Week: Mission #7 –

Mission Review

Day 1 of the official Challenge begins TOMORROW!

Are you ready to rock?

Today is your last catch-up day before we kick things off, so use it wisely!

Tomorrow, we’ll be diving right in, so use today to catch up on any missions over the last week that you
didn’t yet complete.

Remember that as we go through the next four weeks, it will be a CHALLENGE. There will be times when
you want to quit.

If it were easy, everyone would do it.

Whenever you feel like it's too hard, go back to the safehouse, come back to the pre-training, and
remind yourself that this is possible FOR YOU...not just for me, for Stephen, for Ladyboss, or for any of
the 300+ Two Comma Club winners.

It's waiting for you too.

You're just one funnel away...


� No coaching call with Stephen today. Feel free to catch up on the replays �


� https://members.funnelhackertribe.com/events/stephens-coaching-calls �

14 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

WEEK 1: 1,803 of 5,878 Attending

15 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #1 –
Offer Hacking

https://youtu.be/R1NxAfaGpoo (Julie)

 if you have a great product, you can be bad at selling and still do okay
 distinguish offer hacking from funnel hacking
 identify your customer BEFORE creating the offer
 Markets: health, wealth, relationships (then there are sub-markets: real estate investing, stock
investing) (then there are niches: no money flips, short sales)
o Because of the internet, we all have the chance to play in these markets
 Rule 1 - confused mind never buys
 Rule 2 - sell what's selling, so pick category & figure out what's currently selling… then figure
out, of those, who you want to “spy on”
 HOMEWORK - go to fanpage of 10 people and see their ads (info & ads)... then dissect the ads
for hook, story, offer (everything you get)
o NOTE: offer for ad is click in exchange for _____
o Examples: fit2fat2fit, bulletproof (supplements), tony robbins, click funnels
 fit2fat2fit = IM to horticulture to IM
 ad: hook = image, story, energy product
 click to sales page:
 2 ways to make things cheaper: lower price or increase the value
o Have people feel like they got a better deal than you did
o customer feels like got a better deal than me: both parties better off for the funnel
 Say: “get you and I to connect better to get you to trust me so I can serve you better… and you
get your needs met.”


 easy to sell advice & information – hobbies, expert, talent, things good at
 3 top search engines: google, pinterest & amazon (buyer intent, selling if BSR under 100k) are
the three best search engines
o Pinterest: can lead to blogs, etc. and maybe find funnels (going to their main site &
social media as need be)
 3 core elements: hook, story, offer
o hook - pattern interrupt that gets attention (image, headline, etc.)
 how to bio-hack your mitochondria v. how to bio-hack your vegetables
o story – your stories are full of hooks, so you pull them out & test them ALL
o offer –

16 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



17 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


Stephen’s Coaching

 more about science than art… not about being a creative genius
 2 questions:
o What is selling? (product… but, what’s their offer - if they only have a product, easy to
create an offer)
 Delivery of the offer: membership site, eBook, etc.
o How? (what is the sales message?)… and, if not already covered, the “packaging” of the
 Delivery of the sales message: sales funnel, offline direct mail, etc.
o NOTE: you can create new opportunities by pivoting into different delivery methods
 Product v. offer – selling products (commodities) is a race to the bottom on price
 Maybe add, literally, “upgrade” as a bonus
 Choose ONE of health, wealth, relationships… or sales will suffer
 Note that your product doesn’t have to naturally fit into one of those categories, but your SALES
 Literally map this out… which of the 3, then sub-category, then niche, etc.

18 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 RED OCEAN: when so competitive, the only way to compete is on price (can be controversial
[hooks], has ads, gurus, books, podcasts, etc.)
 THEN, take one step outside of that red ocean… and get to work… creating offers & use
strategies & marketing that make you different (not necessarily better) and sell back into the red
ocean creating a niche
 Core of funnel hacking is really grasping the offer & sales message… and only then do you get
into page modeling to effectuate a blue ocean offer – else you’re building a product & “hopes,
wishes, dreams”
 Go to forums & blogs to read what people are saying and they will give you the hooks
 Then you create a niche by being different, not necessarily better
 1.) know your red ocean
 2.) just outline the offer… don’t make it yet
 You don’t fill your own wallet, so your opinion doesn’t matter… the market chooses, which is
why you have to know the red ocean so well… and sell what people are buying
 You can create something that’s never existed before when you’re ONE STEP out of the red
ocean… and then we le the market vote with their dollars
 Safe for you, safe for them… b/c tapping into HOW they already like to purchase – close to what
patterns of behavior they like to engage in
 Don’t fall in love with the idea or the product… get people to vote on the idea with their wallet
as fast as possible
 We don’t sell based on discounting price (think strawberries)
 Get to know the market… understand the stories… and get in touch with the influencers
 We’re not selling the same crap we’re funnel hacking in the red ocean… we just want to know
what’s working so we can go blue ocean


19 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 1,006

20 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #2 –
The Greatest Showman

 Offer hacking reveals people are offering all sorts of things: grocery lists, books, audios, live
events, video, training, physical products
 you need lots of "products" to combine into an "offer" to “de-commoditize” yourself
o “If you can’t be the lowest-priced leader, there’s NO strategic advantage to being the
second lowest-priced leader.”
o Better to be most expensive: pay for ads, hire a team, etc.
 "first thing you're gonna get is _____, just like everybody else"
o "then... "
o Example of cell phone +:
 Numbers of rich/famous
 Courses on audio book
 Direct access to me
 All favorite audio books
 Podcasts I listen to (obscure you’d not otherwise find)
 Etc.
 People will spend more money for the same product packaged the same way
 categories of additional products to make "thing" (core product) into offer:
o written word: book... you, ghost writer (based on your outline), PLR, public domain
(1923, GUTENBERG.ORG), licensing (clickbank non-sellers)
o spoken word (audio & video): TEACH your outline of book, interview, take public domain
material & teach it (some build whole biz on "think & grow rich" - book, audio, teaching,
seminar, home study), think & grow rich for horticulturists, take hard to find stuff (i
spent the time finding & compiling... so you don't have to waste your life... you don't
have time)
o physical: books, journals, key chain, ali baba, phone call, skype call, FB group (just think
of vista print stuff)
o other stuff: coaching (skype, zoom, etc.)
 My 2 cents
 My summary of this
 My compendium of this
 My compilation of this
 My uncovering of these hidden gems
 example: greatest showman DVD... then take health, wealth, relationships & add-on
o wealth > entrepreneurship... what are their fears & false beliefs/objections,
 end up with public domain e-books from PT barnum, then joe vitale book, then interview with
joe, private FB group, private call where i tell you whatever, etc.
o BUT, note that it must be dream customer... someone interested in wealth
(entrepreneur)... someone who's hot button is relationships or health wouldn't care
 BOTTOM LINE: “is it worth it?”

21 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Stephen’s Coaching

 start with “health, wealth, relationships” & then exploit the “red ocean” roadmap
 business systems v. funnel systems
 the OFA challenge is not about building a BUSINESS, it’s about building a funnel
 do NOT get distracted with business-building systems… like who’s gonna do support
 let the revenue give you the funds to create the business
 you don’t have to compete on price b/c:
o you created a new thing, so there’s no comparison
o you have an offer… not a product
 if you don’t know what to sell… just go to the red ocean and figure out what’s selling like crazy
and pull that out and turn it into an offer… let the market decide
o you’ll be offering more, solving more problems & be more attractive JUST off the offer
alone… not to mention what your sales message could do
 shamwow – it’s just a simple cloth… but you get:
o 1 for the car, boat, kitchen, bath
o Double the order – FREE
o Free mop
o Ask about special blind cleaner thing
 transcripts, workbooks, CDs, coaching, mastermind, etc.
o not just all the stuff… but, remember, also how it’s delivered & consumed
 price & value are 2 different things: don’t drop price, increase value
o that way you can get the price you should be getting
 offer creation: products solve problems… & entrepreneurs provide opportunities
o but note that the solutions create their own problems… so you need to have aspects of
your offer that solve those
o keep solving until there’s nothing less to solve
 ex. – baby bibs
o solves drooling, food spillage problem
o but, now consider what problems you cause by people taking on your product/service
 stains, quantity, proper use, comfort, size/fitting, comes off, social
pressure/judgment/fashion, rashes, sanitary
o and then think about what sort of add-on bonuses
 nutrition crap

Problem Solution Cost to Biz Price for Customer Perceived Value

22 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 win/lose propositions work will: “buy 1, get 2 free” – where it looks like the business is losing
(people like to “win”)
 product doesn't have to fit into health, wealth & relationships
 Cost – Price – Value are ALL 3 different things
 Shoot for “value” 10x the price
 When you sell a product & solve one or more problems… you create additional problems (which
is how you build offers) >>> basically, you overcome objections to those additional problems by
providing solutions to those as well

>>> but sales message must (gillette razors sells relationships - chick likes smooth face)

>>> but note that your headline or whatever can only apply to ONE of these or conversions plummet

> seek highly competitive bloody red ocean (lots of people doing fix & flips for real estate wealth

> in the red ocean, what is selling & how is it selling?

23 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

>>> what is the sales message?

> go from red ocean to blue ocean

> my red ocean is WP plugins: the one WP plugin you need

> also, what is the delivery of the offer...

> NOTE: easiest thing is to take product and make a real OFFER

> be different, not necessarily better

24 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #3 –
Offer Sequencing

https://youtu.be/bLfQDwNj5eM (Julie)

 Brainstorm everything!!!
 lead magnet on squeeze must be SEXY
o and Julie said to discern this from popularity gauged in offer hacking
 main offer has to flow sequentially
o It’s not so much price points… it’s more about the logical sequencing of events
o Grill > charcoal > hotdogs > mustard, not hotdogs > tent > flashlight
 start by creating an “offer cloud”
 FB groups, skype groups, 1 on 1 coaching, live events, fly to my house, coaching calls, (private)
podcast, recording on my thoughts on these different topics, cheat sheets, flash cards,
accountability partner, podcast compilation, walk-thru videos, checklists, audit,
 Map out this:
o Ad > squeeze > sales page [with order bump] > upgrade 1 > (upgrade 2)
 Ad: what’s the offer of the ad? What are they clicking over to do?
o “click to get”
 Squeeze: “finish what you started… you clicked, now get”
o “where do I send it?”
o Email and/or wishlist member webinar
o NOTE: if not converting, it could be:
 The squeeze page
 Or… the freebie itself… meaning the ad has to change
 Sales: “freebie on its way… now, ____”
o Grab from “offer cloud” until
 Upgrade: upsell (more money, but not necessarily)
 It’s not so much about price points… it’s about SEQUENCING
 Give the best customer experience on earth
 KEEP IT EASY – just build it out to justify the price
o If they buy, you succeeded
o If not, your offer sucks… or the squeeze sucks… or the ad sucks
o Or perhaps the hook or story

NOTE: In the video, Julie gives you access to her Funnel Sketch in Google Drive, so you can write it on it
easily! You can access it here -->

PLEASE NOTE!! You will have to sign into your gmail or Google account, and choose FILE MAKE A COPY in
order to use it. If you'd prefer the PDF version, you can use that instead.

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Stephen’s Coaching

 Funnel is more than just what’s on the page

 EXAMPLE: start with $97 version of ClickFunnels as product to help with funnels
 First, what problem does ClickFunnels SOLVE
o Leads & sales (keep this broad to attract more people)
 Second, what problem does ClickFunnels CREATE
o Learning curve of software, traffic, copy/sales message, even funnel strategy, make
offer, become attractive character on internet, shopping cart, autoreponder, retargeting
 THEREFORE - Video tutorials, checklists, share files, funnel swipes, page templates, email swipe
files, most eyeballs masterclass, top converting offers for major industries
o Outsource & do interviews & use funnel rolodex
o Experts inside the red ocean would like to be highlighted, so you can use them as a


 I’m doing what Russell did with OFA challenge

o Took software (CF) and added crap… funnel hacks, whatever
 Objections v. concerns
o Concerns just want to be heard
 Talk to spouse… “yeah, but she doesn’t want the bugs.”
o Objections stop the sale
 “still need to talk to her…”
 Filter out top objections
o Book called “pitch anything”
 Brain experiences sales in a certain way… so offer is laid out to correlate to the sales message

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 When you see something new, the croc (fight or flight) brain starts to guard
o That’s why you try to back out of things
 Offer seeks to soothe the croc brain to access the logical part of the brain (hippocampus)…
where it’s still emotional, but we think it’s logical b/c we’ve satiated the croc brain
 Brain experiences sale in a certain order… which is why offer sequencing goes the way it does….
And goes hand in hand with the sales message
 When you see something new, the brain throws red flags (flight – fight – freeze)
 Unfolds this way [will it a.) work, b.) work for me, c.) :
o First question the product itself (vehicle to get customer what they want)
 Is it good?
 “So, there’s no question this is solid and will do what needs to be done – the
product is sound.”
o If overcome objections to product (vehicle), then move to objections about person’s
internal (identity crisis) beliefs about self… and whether it will work for them or they
 Worthy?, not good enough, wouldn’t spend that on me (“identity crisis”)
 SOOOOO, tie a product in the offer to that objection – do you have a broad
enough offer to cover all layers/types of objections?
o Next, after vehicle & internal/identity, then we move on to external-based objections
 Time, money/price, support of peers, support of vendor to help me
 Traffic is an external, resource-based objection
o NOTE: you have to answer objections in BOTH the sales message AND the offer
 Most scripts are based on external CONCERNS, not even objections… and they don’t touch
vehicle or internal (especially internal) concerns/objections
 It’s critical to map out & package/categorize the concerns & objections – about the core
PRODUCT (not offer) - so you can be sure to tackle them in the:
o Offer
o Sales message

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 NEXT, identify what you think is the #1 product-based objection… as well as internal and then
o This is where you customize the pitch – you know the top problems, so go to the
reservoir of products to solve that objection!
o When the products deal with all of this, you have a sexy bundled offer
 Back to CF example, note that the order in which you present the offer has EVERYTHING to do
with the sequencing of overcoming objections… so we’re matching products to meet objections
and allocating the pieces to the pages (squeeze – sales – upgrade)
o SQUEEZE: attractive enough to get them to come into the funnel
 Swipe files
o SALES: CF is obviously main offer on sales page
 So the video tutorial stuff is obvious to overcome the use objections (vehicle)…
in other words, the bonuses are the reasons
 So it goes like this…. Folks likely know what funnels are… so you give them:
o Swipes on squeeze, then pitch CF as best way to leverage (with bonus of setup tutorial +
funnel swipes), then traffic as OTO

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 THIS is marketing… not FB ads, slogans, mission statements, etc.

 Just figure out the objections they have to the blue ocean & decide how to overcome them with
properly-sequenced offer pieces
 NOTE: ALWAYS draw it out
 Still, don’t make the offer’s product yet… next will be the sales script & we’ll develop the
message and then wait for money to come in to develop the rest of the offer

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #4 –
eCovers And Offer Assets

 get eCovers for EVERY piece/product in the offer conglomeration

 russell uses the eCovers as motivation to actually create the products comprising the offer

Stephen’s Coaching

 turn BOTH products AND services into offers to tweak perceived value so we don’t have to
compete on price
 If you can not (will not) be the cheapest, you may as well be the most expensive
o No benefit to being second cheapest
 Wrap a product in solutions to the vehicle, internal, external fears to deliver more & answer
additional questions
o Join the next problems in their head with a matching product that solves it… so, for
instance, upsells are not all that surprising… they should be natural and feel “fluid”
 We don’t convince to buy… we change beliefs to alter the way people see the world, which
creates a gap in their mind… and if we don’t fill that gap with a cool offer, someone else will
 The sales message sells, but it’s the offer that gets people to act now
o It’s the safety net that gets people moving
 Sales psychology exploitation is what thwarts the default to drop price to get people in the door
 YOU may not think it’s worth that much money, but you’re not the one buying it
 The market’s assigned value to my skill set is what matters
 Value is the tail that wags the dog… it both over-delivers for the customer and gives “emotional
license” for the entrepreneur to charge more and put their foot down to take a stand on price
(BECAUSE of value)
 So, offer solves problems for both customer and vendor
 Things in our offer sell well, because they are tangible… it gets experiential (like a test drive)
 Future pacing – trying to get them to try before buy (like free trials)… MUCH easier with physical
 With digital, it’s hard to build that anticipation (stalking the mailman for amazon package)
 But, there’s a buyer’s itch that needs to be scratched… and amazon yields that anticipation…
which is why $.25 of every $1 online goes thru amazon… and there’s no sales message (just
bullet points, reviews, testimonials, etc.) because you can get excited all over again and thwart
buyer’s remorse by way of “Christmas is coming”
 You can get an “e-Cover” image of a credit card with numbers that has logo on it and put that on
the order page
 So, be sure to do e-Cover with computer screen with logo, products, etc.

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 ALSO, take screen shots of member’s lounge… can even put THOSE on phone, tablet, or
computer screen
 People have to be able to imagine what it will be like when they have it… and the eCovers help!
 IF you have a physical product, LEAD with that as the core product… and THEN you’re at all-
digital for upgrades (that’s where the profit is)
o Lead with the high perceived value where you future-pace on physical… then roll into
o Get a higher customer value
 Example: use webinars… and find a way to go physical & future-pace somebody on digital
o “when we send you your welcome package…”
o So, you get them excited about the mailman… even tho it’s going mostly digital (cost of
an email)… and then your kicks drop off big time
o Joy, excitement and anticipation can be matched BEFORE the gig… the build-up can be
as enjoyable as the real deal
 Goal = combine physical with digital to permit “future-pacing”
o “your thing shipped…” (like amazon – tracking… but not for sake of tracking, but rather
“it’s coming)
o Physical represents all that was digital – refunds drop and customer satisfaction goes up





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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #5 –

https://youtu.be/ZalQoS5tQ-c (Julie)

 don’t do the dirty work… just do the minimal amount necessary



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 can use quick time for audio

 can use screen flow for screen capture (screencast-o-matic, loom, etc.)
 canva (sign in with facebook) – graphics, logos, newsletters, etc.
 outline content
o what teach?
 What person gain/accomplish?
 How delivered? (video, audio, workbook, etc.)
 Don’t overlook ease of recorded audio files

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Done is better than perfect

Stephen’s Coaching

 You don’t have to have the creative genius to create what people want… b/c they will tell you
what to sell them
 Example of them giving mock-ups to
 It will always be imperfect, so get over it… you cannot build it all from your self-perceptions and
expect all to go well (don’t be married to your stuff)
 Gauge things by revenue, not your opinion of your product(s)
 NOTE: best is to send traffic to a funnel & see if they vote with their MONEY (not their mouths)
 If you can follow-up with cart abandonment, this is priceless… but, knowing why people bought
is also helpful… AND, learning why folks refunded is crucial
 Be a good detective… not emotional
 Focus on:
o Does it sell

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o Does it fulfill
 Move thru iterations quickly – get out of your way so you can adjust quickly
 Maybe don’t make the actual offer until you have money in pocket… especially in tick-ticket
 SLO (self liquidating offer) funnel – low-ticket to get people in the door ($27 front-end, $47
upsell)… looking for cash & leads
o So, maybe I wait on my plugin and launch something else
o What do I need to do in order to launch in 3 weeks?
 The value ladder determines how much need to be created before selling
 List all the stuff in your offer… then rank them 1 to 5 (1 is most important/time-intensive, so get
started on it right now)…
 Next week we look at how to tie a sales message to the individual products to sell the “offer” as
a whole
 Even if an affiliate… you are still making an offer, it’s just that someone else’s product is PART of
your offer (this is what makes you a powerful affiliate)
 Same with coaching, info products, whatever…

Other Resources for building info-products

1. Design Pickle

2. Fiverr

3. Create Your Laptop Life


4. Upwork

5. 99designs

Building Info-products yourself

Here are some the tools we use when we’re writing books, creating courses, masterclasses,
memberships, and more….

1. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides - Design and then download as a PDF

2. Word/Powerpoint - For worksheets and presentations
3. Quicktime - For audio recordings

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

4. Screenflow/Camtasia - For recording your screen

5. Canva - For graphics
6. Photoshop - For graphics

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #6 –
Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day!)

Today is a (well deserved) Catch-Up day!

Yesterday, we tasked you with a pretty hefty mission - to start creating ALL of the deliverables for your

Depending on how many different products/pieces are in your offer (and how intensive they are), this
might take some time.

So use this day very wisely, and catch up on (and make as much progress as possible with) getting all the
pieces and parts of your offer created.

Once we move into Week 2 of the Challenge, we’ll be focusing on a different topic, with all new
tasks...so get as much as you can...DONE now, so it’s out of the way, and you can move forward next

� Your Mission:



�Comment below #MISSIONCOMPLETE when you've finished!



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 1: Mission #7 –
Mission Review

Week 2 of the Challenge begins TOMORROW, with a whole new topic, and a new wave of tasks!

We want you well rested and caught up before we push into next week’s material...

Today is your “Mission Review” day before we keep plowing ahead tomorrow, so use it wisely!

Tomorrow, we’ll start diving into your STORY, so use today to go back and review any missions over the
last week that you didn’t yet complete (or want to run through again)...

� Your Mission:

Download the following worksheet: �


No Coaching Call with Stephen today.

�Comment below #MISSIONCOMPLETE when you've finished!

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

WEEK 2: 1,606 of 5,878 Attending

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #1 –

https://youtu.be/V6isZUEHhQc (Julie)

 Comedians test the material in the dive bars… taking the 2 of 10 jokes that worked and building
on that… keep going til you got the whole thing
 You cannot start on the big stage, b/c you suck at the beginning – you have to learn your voice &
test your material
 Medium.com for a year and you’ll find your voice, audience will find you, and you’ll have impact
& income
 FB & Instagram – live
 Audio – podcast… anchor.fm


 Turn live into ads…

 Good for animated delivery
 Good if in your garden, flip charts, etc.


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Slightly younger than FB audience

 Long commuters
 Intimate setting
 High value customers
 Good for extemporaneous… pick a topic and go off the cuff – see where the wind takes you


 Cooking, gardening, home organization – there are a lot of “mommy blog” niches
 Men do more video, women more likely to read
 Dog niche lends itself to writing over podcasting
 Julie sends an email… then podcasts about it or does FB live
 This is better where you need to outline or map things out

 Dogs, cooking, gardening, fashion, etc. – anything good for visuals
 This is a combo of video, photo, writing
 Can do live stream… but then can also do stories (like podcasting intimacy via 15 second clips),
then the visual, writing combo
 IF older group, maybe more FB

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Record podcast live on FB & Instagram

 Rip out the audio for anchor.fm
 But then can transcribe into blog post
 Instagram – take quote from blog post & use it for the Instagram caption (plus photo or podcast
teaser video)
 Instastories – just blurbs (5-6 a day) and it’s just about your life

Stephen’s Coaching

 “attractive character” – how to be a followable character on the internet

 The following is the only thing on the internet that is an asset
 You are more believable and more followable if you start publishing now, rather than when you
get it all figured out
 Document the journey… let them see you win in public
 You become the expert in front of them & they celebrate the successes with you
 “vicariously…”
 Publishing is the safety net to the funnel game & you wallet (running ads at first)
 Call your shot
o “follow me as I make ___”
 Get vulnerable & publish the failures too
 Not publishing is not an option
 What you stand for… what you stand against
 Certain, not necessarily confident

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



 Become an attractive character

o Do not give that role up to another person
 Learn to solve your problems
 You are no longer just you… you are a media company (a publishing company)
 This is the biggest shortcut
 The business & funnel are distinct from you… but publishing is YOU
 Most of the other crap you can outsource… but this is the one thing that is you



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 586


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #2 –
Epiphany Bridge

https://youtu.be/8TLQjRT8y-Q (Russell Presentation)

 WHAT is it that, when you were a normal person still, got you to buy?
 Epiphany led to a life-changing experience… but then you became an expert and “know
everything” and then want to share that
 Buy things emotionally & then justify it logically (convincing us & others)
 Logic will never sell anything… it’s the emotional experience
 Don’t give the epiphany… THEY have to have it – marcus said “every business needs a funnel”
 Read expert secrets…
 “state control” – you have to get people to feel the same way you felt… a good story will control
the state of the listener, so they feel what you felt
 Think back about epiphany & prepare to share with no techno-babble
 Reason why got excited about whatever excited about
 P. 114 of expert secrets
 Then there are questions:
o Back-story to have vested interest in your journey
o Internal struggle
o External struggle
o Conflict experienced along the way
o Trying to accomplish
o Wall you hit
o Epiphany you had
o Plan created
o Achievement you had

From stage:

 Goal of marketing: create belief in the minds & hearts of people

 “the one thing” – knock down the one domino that will either knock down the rest… or else
make them irrelevant
 NOTE: if you try to get people to believe more than one thing, you’re dead… you have to get
them to believe ONE THING (goes back to the one sector – health, wealth, relationships)
 In other words, if they believe the one thing, they have to give you money
 “If I can make them believe that (my new opportunity) is the key to (what they desire most) and
is only attainable through (my specific vehicle), then all other concerns and objections become
irrelevant and they have to give me money.”
 If your statement is not true, then a.) you are not in the prolific zone, b.) this is not a new
opportunity, c.) this is not a blue ocean

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



 When you hit a technobabble word… pivot and say “it’s kind of like this ____” (this “kind of like”
bridge keeps you from losing people)
 You don’t tell them the epiphany you had… you tell them the story and let them have it for
 A simple way to tell the hero’s two journeys (framework of how good stories are told) for your
epiphany bridge

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 The emotion is not generated by the desire, it’s derived from the conflicts on the path to desire
 Character development is huge to build the relationship with the audience (which is why you
care if they die)
 Ultimately, they go from their prior belief system to a new one
o Lightening mcqueen is funny & powerful, etc…. journey (new race),
 The hero doesn’t have to accomplish the first journey, it’s most powerful that they accomplish
the transformation journey

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 External desires are easy to share, but the internal ones are what the audience thinks – but
won’t talk about
 The wall is probably the same thing that has the audience stuck… so you have to go on a journey
 What you thought was the answer, wasn’t… but you dared to re-group, double-down, and go in
 Then talk more about the transformation than the achievement

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Perfect webinar pitch… a series of 4 epiphany bridge stories: Origin story

o Vehicle beliefs
o Internal beliefs
o External beliefs
 Then stack & close…

Stephen’s Coaching

 Funnels fail b/c of the story & the absence of connection

 The story is what amplifies value beyond wholesale and retail (more than itself, but not fake or
inflated)… and you need to increase your value in the story

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o And this can be intangible or emotion… hope for gain????

 They buy because of the emotion they have WHEN they see the offer, not b/c of the offer
 New things create walls… familiarity breaks them down
o And you increase your value in the story
 2 introductions (who is this & what is this… you & the product):
o You – you can have the best story, offer, and funnel… but people will still be thinking
“who is this guy”
o Product
o Use the epiphany bridge script as a way to cause epiphanies in a dude’s head to drop
o Use the epiphany bridge script to tell origin story, on podcast, etc. (everywhere)… it’s
the blueprint for how best to persuade the human brain
 A product must be prolific (brought out by the epiphany script)… not mainstream, and not crazy
o Story, what you’re doing, way you’ve acted, and way you’ve become who you are are
not mainstream
o People need to resolve in their head why you’re doing what you’re doing
 People need to know why you’re doing what you’re doing
 Sales scripts & stories are the same thing
o Hook (attention) > story (sales script) > offer (product bundle)
 Be good at pulling emotions out of people… take facts out of my life & position people as the
protagonist of my story
 Story creates the need/desire b/c emotion gets pulled out & there’s a connection
 Use details on the 5 senses to make it all real
 Cause the person to arrive at the epiphany in their own had, do NOT give away the epiphany (do
this using the script)
 Do not glaze over backstory, internal/external desires, or the obstacle
o If you jump straight to offer (epiphany) then you blew it
 It’s the way you tell the story that makes it effective
 Have a bag of stories to draw upon… the best marketers have a reservoir of crazy, cool stories
that have happened in your life
 Use the things people are experiencing RIGHT NOW to connect
 People need to see how you got into your thing (whatever thing that you’re in)… it has to make
 External (do this sweet biz), internal (freaking out, worthy, can I do it?), 17 biz failures (wall),
epiphany = paul Mitchell traffic not converting… then Russell (trust him?), plan = do what he
did… not that crazy, then getting closer… but need funnel hacking live, then
 To be a likable character & followable, just be you louder
 People want to experience the heroe’s 2 journeys with you
o Character, desire, plot
 HAVE to develop rapport, else there’s not enough conflict, build-up, etc. for anyone to care
about the epiphany – if there’s no build-up, conflict, or otherwise… the epiphany has no context

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Be good storyteller and people will beg for what you have b/c you’ve married up your backstory
to what the person is currently experiencing… there’s an emotional bond with me, them, the
product, the future, the possibilities
 You become likable & interesting when you have 2 of the 5 things… people are identifying and
want it
 Protagonist must leave their home
 First external journey (facts of story, what physically doing)
 Second journey – cars, he could “win,” but the journey of achievement gives way to the journey
of transformation (the essence of the individual shifts in front of the audience)
o Everyone thinks they want the brass tacks nuggets… but what they really need is the 2nd
journey – where the essence of the individual changes in front of the audience
o YOU CAN NOT skip the second journey… if you stick just to the facts (1st journey), you
are screwed… it will have no relevance & will be anti-climatic
 Pull off the heroe’s 2 journeys, tell origin story, have achievement & transformation, back story,
get rapport - etc. with the epiphany script
o Again, but as long as you can achieve the 2nd journey, then the audience sees more than
achievement, they see a higher thing happen (transformation)… and THEN they are
overwhelmed and will do whatever (grab your sweet offer) to help them pull it off too
 Above is adequate – don’t walk & talk past the sale by getting too detailed on crap they don’t
care about
o Stephen went too deep into the science, etc. and blew it in the pest control gig
 People want the emotional connection (that comes from the internal/external desire disclosure)
that strokes the “it’s oaky,” and drops the barriers
 Regardless of what you’re selling: backstory (2 of 5), desires (first 10%), describe walls (point of
no return @ 50% story… likely same wall others are facing), in dark moment there’s a glimmer of
light & hope and somebody gave hand up (even if use other people’s stories), cause epiphany,
work plan & maybe more obstacles… but achievement, then win on the outside but then also
 Story amplifies value…
o And you help them see it’s more than the benefits the product conveys… it’s what it can
do for them and transform into something great
 This is why I’m doing what I’m doing
 This is why the product does what it does… backstory of the product and history of the red
ocean… they can relate, b/c you’re talking about the thing they are already consuming & so you
join them where they are
 What will product achieve: not only what it does, but also what it helps you transform into
o Responsible & respected business owner
 Backstory of red ocean
 Join story in person’s head… regarding the red ocean (they can relate to it, because that’s what
they are already consuming)
 Get comfortable enough with own backstory, be clear & open & vulnerable with audience about
internal/external… and get momentum to blast thru the wall (or over, or under, or realize it
wasn’t a wall after all)
 Tell (epiphany bridge) stories that break the things that are thwarting you

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o This is what Stephen has been doing… telling stories to relate to US, to help us break
 Obstacles are not so large, b/c we have tools for that
 In the same way that Stephen anticipates our obstacles & tells stories with the epiphany bridge
script to help, that’s what we’re doing with our prospects… tie it to where they are to where
they need to go
 Make sure people want to be a part of it by NOT skipping the attractive character & jumping to
o Don’t forsake the story!


 Build rapport the first 10% of the story, or people don’t care about you the rest of the story


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #3 –
Your Origin Story

 Internal – acceptance, approval… this is the transformational journey

 Wall is the current scenario (opportunity) you are in… which isn’t working, and so you have to
move on to something else (epiphany)
o Even if you’ve been doing what you’ve been taught all your life
 Embrace the scary new vehicle and take action
 Execute plan and meet conflict, but push thru… and either achieve or not but, in any event, you
hit the transformational mark


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Stephen’s Coaching

 secret to content: you react to what the audience is asking for… which is why you don’t have to
know today what you’re going to talk about tomorrow
 it’s not hard for me to talk, so I need only give my 2 cents – as best I can – according to the
epiphany bridge script
 recap: the product will not sell itself… focus more on how to sell
 use the framework – and remember to consider addressing the PROBLEMS you create when
providing the solution to the first problem you solved… this is the way to build out the offer
 product makes good on the promise of the story/offer… but they don’t buy the product, they
buy the story
 just buy the ticket to funnel hacking live & experience the positive pressure of figuring out how
to stay alive… rather than trying to figure out how to get the money for the event ticket
 go public with goals (financial)…
 origin story: how you got into the thing you’re doing
o audience needs to see it for themselves (have it justified in their head) why it was logical
that you decided: “I have to do this”
 paul Mitchell traffic, but no conversions (optins) > then crossed paths with russell > stuff started
 craft out an origin story… and keep in mind that – all the while – you’re aiming for at least 2 of
the factors so people care to hear the rest of the story… and realize there’s a LOT of ROI on the
back story b/c it’s the backdrop for selling, well, anything! (you will get annoyed by back story
quicker than others)
o back story (your history in the red ocean) – ex. Of failed businesses that resonate with
audience (red ocean product users – who need to go blue), attracting people in the red
ocean, money, just married, think of all sorts of angles to reach so many people, “17
failed attempts” – people relate, 1 meal a day, riding bike to school,
o internal – I’m a failure again, how’m I gonna support the family
o external – “ain’t nothing but a thing,” “I got this,” “no sweat”
o walls – dad won’t give cash
o epiphany / new opportunity – while the backstory will be the same for anything you’re
selling, the epiphany will be specific… got to FH live, about the funnel, story not the
product… depends on what you are selling > here is where you craft things in
 tell it where you’re not the owner of the results happening… you’re just the
reporter (part of the attractive character)
 gave the epiphany on the shoulders of another person… so, not that I got a job
at CF, but rather that dude offered a job
 remember the 5 senses-worth of details (paint a picture)
 I need THEM to become the protagonist in MY story so they feel what I felt and
become so connected with the emotions I experienced, so they trust & buy
(“this guy’s great,” “I need to buy this”)… it’s as if it happened to them
 Main epiphany here is funnels

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o Plan – funnel hacking live

o Conflict – money, biking across san diego,
o Achievement – went to FHL, got job offer, 2 days later, 2 hours they called to help
o Transformation - called wife: “babe, we did it! Our life just fundamentally changed…”
 Need audience to have that sigh of relief… we can breathe
o Some reason you’re doing the thing that you are… so that’s your story
o At some point you were justified emotionally… mentally you went all in
o CHALLENGE: ex. – if selling a protein powder into the market of people wanting to get
healthy… so lean on your experience with the market (even if you leverage somebody
else’s story)
o NOTE: how our educational system & culture make us think we don’t have it all
together… but you can get an “F” on the funnel & still have a great life… doesn’t have to
be perfect
o As long as it breaks even, you have a million dollar funnel
o QUESTION: why am I doing what I’m doing? Why am I selling what I’m selling?
 b/c protein powders were all crappy… BUT, when did you realize that? WHAT
HAPPENED to you that disrupted the old beliefs that you had
 “junk that was in there”
 How did you get disrupted from the path of least resistance you are on?
 How did it become the way that you MUST have done this thing? (which can
connect to why THEY HAVE TO as well!)
o The epiphany does NOT have to be about the product that you are selling… it can be
enough that it creates rapport & lets them drop the walls so, when you say “go get the
credit card” it’s cool (and makes sense)
 Tailor epiphany to audience… intro yourself (origin story… by way of epiphany
script), and intro the product (why you’re doing what you’re doing)… you weave
thru all that in the origin story… people see why it was logical and makes sense
for you to be doing what you’re doing
o Stephen left CF so he could “call his shot” and document the journey toward his next 2-
comma funnel
o The decision to sell the product, call the shot, etc. is what you’re documenting
o It works best if your story starts where audience is now
o Good story compensates for bad offer
o Remember – biggest “objection” you’re looking to overcome is WHY you’re doing what
you’re doing
o Podcast role play:
o > know what I want: Permission to explore and go figure out what you want in this life?
 What do you want to do/be v. what do you want your life to be like…
o > confidence:
o > not afraid of own ideas: building your own train tracks can be scary
 I’m not afraid of my own ideas… dare to build your own train tracks
 What if I tried it? What if I DID NOT?

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o > If you have the slightest amount of discipline in this life, you will dominate in life
o We have a good shot at making it, b/c we know the funnel game
o Marinade in the millieu
o 1. Know what you want – permission to go fail at things to figure it out
o 2. Don’t have confidence
o 3. Don’t be afraid of own ideas
o 4. discipline


o Leave a great OFAreview.com review (FB post)using the epiphany bridge script… and get
funnel reviewed live

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #4 –
Hooks, Hooks, and More Hooks

 Use a number of different hooks to get everyone to the same origin story
o And the hooks are little cliff-hanger pieces OF the story
 So the ads have lots of different hooks… fit2fat2fit used lots of images, headlines, etc. to get to
the same origin story
 Russell – different ads to expert secrets book (sales page for which there was HSO)… but, there
were lots of HSO ads
o As he worked on the book, he would extract portions and podcast tidbits to build
o He does a FB live about every image in the book
 Podcast – talking about the book they cannot yet buy… but sends them back to the origin story
 Extract the hooks from the origin story… these become podcasts, ads, etc.
 In other words, the epiphany bridge-based origin story doesn’t go but so deep… so you take
excerpts from the overall summary to dive deeper (“… I covered only briefly, so here’s the
o “everyone keeps asking about ‘what it felt like’”
o Hidden benefit – I got it to do this, but discovered that
o What others are doing with it
 Now, for more podcast content… tell stories about the funnel – so you go do an episode on the
o What is the story behind the squeeze page
 THEN, what are the hooks IN that story… and these become their own story
 Even if it’s not ready, you can talk about it to build anticipation
 But you can go deeper and pull hooks out of the squeeze page offer (dissect it)
 Then move on to the main offer product
o What’s that story?
 What are the hooks inside that story… and what story can be told about them?
 Stephen built a following and then, once he launched, they all went and bought and he made a
lot of money at once
 Just tell the epiphany bridge story about what sent you on the journey to do this piece or this
piece of the brainstorm whiteboard that became the stuff of the offer funnel
o What made you create the thing?
 Even if you teach them everything in your offer, they still want it to go back to… so, Russell
publishes everything to create desire for his stuff
 It will build desire for your other stuff
 1 – origin story
 Next week – hooks from origin story
 After that… hooks from offer funnel

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 This is the map of future episodes

 Publishing is the fuel that propels everything else

Stephen’s Coaching

 Hook is something that merely gets attention

 Have to be good at hooking
 Don’t give it all away – they are curiosity-based, open-looped based
o Don’t satiate all curiosity
 “he said ‘son…’” – gotta have the cliff hanger
 If you close the loop, you take the curiosity out
 What causes the open loop is key to understand
 1. Throw rocks back at the red ocean – if selling organic protein powder, “why whey protein
powder is killing you kidneys…”
o So, for EAC, “why info products on making money merely take yours instead…”
 2. Throw rocks at the identities that the red ocean has given somebody
o Example – anti-lead pages campaign, confusionsoft
o Not at the individual or person, or CEO… but the products or solutions the red ocean is
 So, throw rocks at FTC Guardian (why would you want to be guardian of a federal government
 Hook can come from one of the 8 questions that make up the epiphany bridge script
 So, could be headline: “why slowing killing kidneys” “increases muscle 30% more than rest”
 Apart from headline: do it with the way you’re telling stories, so market can vote… use the little
micro-hooks to see what people like, let them tell you “oh my gosh, I have to know”
o Testing to see what the right stories were
o Look at podcast download stats, “DM”
o Write out hooks (micro-stories) from origin story and create the open loops & let the
market vote… the collective “they” will tell you
 Think of hooks as headlines or even full-length stories you test with the market to grab their
 Write down hooks (micro-stories) and create open loops for them
o Run ads to them to see what converts
o Take the pressure of that decision-making off your shoulders
 They have to opt-in to close the loop
 Ask yourself “WHY” a given ad catches your eye – what’s the hook?
 Recap: rocks at identities/vehicles in red ocean, micro-stories, elements from epiphany, open-
 Think of the impactful stories… open the loop

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Grab element from script where most riveting, curiosity-causing, etc.

 1. Throw rocks at the dream products/vehicles the red ocean folks are currently using… that you
know aren’t right, that you disagree with
 2. Throw rocks at the identities the people are not taking on, but could: “sick & tired of being
broke” “if lost it all” (that’s how CF got people into this challenge)
 3. Get used to creating Open loops… without closing them
o Let the market decide… either $5-$10 to each one
o Or tell the stories in the podcast to see which is best and put THAT in the sales message
 4. Let the market decide… it’s not up to you, which should be a relief
 It’s about being a better detective than a creative genius
 They will tell you how they want you to sell them… so, when you put the story together for the
sales message, just weave the stuff that was best received in the podcast

Do you need more training on hooks? Check out these links!

Hooks & Testing Your Material


Rebirth of the Squeeze and Focus on the Hook


Why I Throw Out So Many Hooks


The Hook, The Story, The Offer


Hook, Headline, Framework


Simplifying & Sexifying Your Message

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


5 Sexy Secrets to a Presentation That Sells 100% of the Time


Why The Hook To Your Sales Message Is Everything


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #5 –
Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day)

Stephen’s Coaching

 Just in time learning – need to know…

 Stop waiting to see beginning to end to engage & take action
 Just focus on the result and don’t worry about the landmines you’ll pass
 What are the things that happened in order for me to prepare myself mentally to be capable of
doing something like this?
 Can origin story be beginning of the OFA journey? Yes…. Then piggy back into the offer
 Hack – tell the origin story of how you got into what you’re doing… then pivot off origin story
and move into 3 secrets
o Sales message can be continuation of the origin story you led with
 REMEMBER – product merely makes good on the promises of the sales message… which is what
they are buying
o They get married to the promises of the sales message… and then want the product b/c
they want the results the product promises to deliver
 Podcast pre-sells the product… and you take those stories that are a hit and build the sales
 Typically the origin story is on the squeeze page… we lead with it
o Headline: “why I could only afford to feed my wife one meal a day”
o “so, that’s why I’m doing this…” “click below & I’ll send free PDF & how we got out of
the problem”
o Sales page: “can also toss in the actual 13 steps I used… buy now”
 Build event around the launch date… keep mentioning the launch date with every story about it
 Doesn’t matter what you’re seeling… whn you get to the wall & epiphany, that’s when you can
transition to sell… there’ still an intro to YOU, in addition to the product
 EVERY story follows the epiphany bridge script… but the origin story is just the first story that
provides context
o Why was it logical to get into this
o Why was it logical for the product to be created
 30 days book, plus offer creation template, walk thru sales message creation process live, 2 day
event (can be 2 day “summit” - virtual)
 The only skill that you should truly be good at is telling stories
 Solve problems, create value… make money along the way
 Every story starts at a place of high drama
 Viral content recipe: do a LONG post on FB
 Marketing is changing someone’s belief

63 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Go into member’s area and do a Q&A asking what they want to learn about
 Game is about apprehending the basic framework and then freaking launching… imperfectly…
let the market tell you how to fix it over time… game is not knowing about all the pieces… but
they cannot weigh in on something you’ve not put in their hands
 The best measure of how you’re doing is to recollect when the last time is that you made an
 Homework to be successful: origin story published (it will advance things & shortcut the game if
this is done) & have offer ready to go
 Funnel is message & offer… regardless of where it’s told… funnel is NOT pages

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #6 –
Take A Breather! (Catch Up Day)

We strategically planned a 2nd catch up day this week for you!

I know we’ve thrown a lot your way, and creating your story (and your hooks) can be a daunting task.

After each set of heavier tasks, we’ll do our best to give you some extra “buffer” time so you can either
complete the missions that you didn’t accomplish, or (in this week’s case) you can go back and start to
refine what you DID complete…

How are your hooks coming along?

Do you have a pile of them to start testing out?

This is also a good time to mention that you had some offer creation going on in week one.

How is that going?

How can you continue to move the needle?

Use today wisely!

The Challenge is going to shift gears here in the next two weeks. Week three has 7 missions with NO
RESTING or catch up days...because we’re building the funnel.

Use today (and tomorrow - which is mission review) to get as much offer creation and publishing done!

� Your Mission:

1. Watch the following video:


Julie's Content Creation Board (Trello): �


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 2: Mission #7 –
Mission Review

Today is your Week 2 Mission Review Day!

By this point, here’s what you should have completed:

You should have:

Gotten comfortable with publishing, and started testing your material

Learned the Epiphany Bridge, and the formula/script for story-selling

Created your own origin story, USING the Epiphany Bridge script

Written out several hook ideas to be tested

If you don’t have all of this done and complete - STOP HERE!

Go review and finish whatever you need to, before moving forward.

Week 3 of the One Funnel Away Challenge begins TOMORROW!

Which means, we’ll be back to hitting the ground running with weekly tasks again!

Week 3 has no days of rest. It will be the hardest crunch of the challenge….you’ve got products you’re
making, stories you’re publishing, and next...a funnel you’re building.

Are you ready for the week ahead?


� Your Mission:

1. Download the worksheet: �


�Comment below #MISSIONCOMPLETE when you've finished!

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

WEEK 3: 1,545 of 5,878 Attending

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #1 –
Core Funnel Strategy

 Funnel purpose:
o leads &
o customers
 Goal: $1/month/name
 Best thing on the squeeze page is best
 Non-buyers get email sequence with different hooks (subsequent bites at the apple)…
o fortune is in the follow-up
 break-even can come later… it’s normal
o get a funnel that breaks even, and that’s a million dollar business
 Then, over time, push them thru additional funnels
 Use leftover stuff that didn’t go into this funnel, goes in next funnel
 Webinar is same… lead, customer
 TAKEAWAY: your customer list is your financial freedom


 VSL = 5 minutes or less

 1st thing to do is present the problem
 Twist the knife
 What life would be like if the offer existed
 Story: failure, then success

Stephen’s Coaching

 Websites have multiple exits

 Funnels only allow you to move one direction > forward
 We only care about two metrics:
o Average cart value:
o Cost per acquisition:
 If all we do is break even on the front-end funnel, then you have free customers and every
purchase in every funnel after that is pure profit
 To break even is to bypass every other loan-getting business method
 Sales message & an offer
 Solve problems and create value

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 324


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #2 –
Your Share Funnel

 Funnel hacker cookbook has LOTS of different funnel schematics/diagrams

 Funnel builders secrets LITE – training on CF
o Paid version gives you funnel scripts
 FunnelScripts.com – blueprints map out the funnel & show what scripts correspond

3/2 2:30 lots of different funnels

 Page has:
o Green Sections (squeeze is one big green section… sales page may have more)
o Blue Rows (basically, columns)
o Orange Elements (bullets, logo/images, text, etc.)
 Copy & stories is what matters… the funnel design is maybe 10% > so, it’s all about messaging


 Step 1: go get the funnel hacker cookbook

 Settings for domain, FB pixel, clone, etc.
o RESET stats after testing
 Links are always live
 NOTE: remove from funnel keeps it available for later, but red X (and delete button) actually get
rid of it forever
 NOTE: you can clone a given page/step
 NOTE: sub-menus for automation (email, SMS, etc.)
 Can save templates… for footers, etc.
 Change URLs, etc.
 21:55 > FOMO settings???

Stephen’s Coaching




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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior




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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #3 –
The Squeeze Page

 :20 “yesterday you picked your share funnel”

 Google doesn’t like short squeeze pages
 1. SIMPLE design
 2. CURIOSITY gets the email addy
o If they can guess it, they won’t opt in (doesn’t matter if they’re wrong)
o Make sure they cannot guess
 GET EMAILS & FOLLOW UP (takes multiple “touches” to buy)
 Video DECREASES optins by half or more
 Marketingsecrets.com/blackbook (/binge)
 Hook, story, offer (on ad, on squeeze, on sales page, on upgrade… everywhere)
 Ad: hook may just be image, video quick story (bigger story here than on squeeze), offer is: click
to discover
 Squeeze: headline is the hook (that causes curiosity)
o Marketing secrets blackbook
 sub-headline is story
o 99 methods to….
 e-Cover image (it’s own hook, too) is offer
 then optin (offer exchange… “give me email, I give you thing”)
 google ads like more content… so maybe a section below that says “in this guide you’re gonna


 all CAPS headline for first letter of each word

 need 2 different elements for different size text

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 can add icon to

 Don’t do a big image or it distorts mobile
o Have to save small or mobile will be ginormous
 Be sure to turn on mobile & double check it all
o NOTE: if you adjust margins & stuff, it WILL affect desktop, but you can tweak fonts &


 Link to video or put PDF in google drive or dropbox

 NOTE: pre-header text
 NOTE: this video was all about “delivering” a link to a PDF or video
 You can use actionetics, 3rd party integration (like arp Reach), and finally the digital assets


 Actionetics MD (new thing, may not be available yet)

 sendgrid
 use domain email NOT attached to your funnel???


 Funnel builder secrets lite

 Asdf

Stephen’s Coaching

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 7 phases of the funnel (page 112 of Dot Com Secrets)

 3 squeeze page types:
o Lead Page: Short & sweet – give info & get more info
 Pro of having less is high curiosity… b/c there are so many open loops
 Con is not much of a filter
o Reverse squeeze page – give value up front then, if you like that, optin to get more
 Qualify harder
o Lead magnet – give info & get the thing promised
 Clickbank – click inside find products, type nothing, hit enter & sorts across all

Members Area Link:


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #4 –
The Sales Page

 Sales page:
o H, S, O:
 Headline is hook… why would they stay here?
 VSL (or longform sales letter) is story/offer (origin story of offer)
 Can do powerpoint/slideshow of offer
 Offer (stack) is offer (which also appears in video)
o NOTE: inside of each component of the offer… there is a H, S, O
o Order form can open up on that same page when click button (depending on which
template you picked 3:25
 Spend a lot of time on offer… b/c in each portion of the offer, you’re breaking down the H,S,O
o For the first part, “let me tell you about…”
o For the second part, “let me tell you about…”
o Ex. Traffic secrets – created by first guy to do $1MM/day (he sold the company, etc.)
o “give you this, for free… b/c I want to over-deliver and make sure you have what you
need for speed.”
 Bump – idea is to get the bump to cover all ad costs, so the rest is profit
 VSL – get camera out & tell origin story about why created, tell what offer is, then sell it
 Otherwise, if not me on camera, do powerpoint slideshow
 Probably, the first video & sales page will suck
 “Thx for grabbing… special offer… this is replication, let me tell you why… if you want it, then
get all these special bonuses… OTO – click & we’ll get it in your member’s area”


 Be liberal in text descriptions with bold, underline, etc.

 VSL: Who, what, why, how?
 Set up support links & NEED LOGIN LINK FOR MEMBER’S AREA


 Order form
 Add main product first, then bump
 Get transactional emails ready

Stephen’s Coaching

 13:48 screenshot

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Red dot, green dot

 Right down every task, do the dots
 Cut the waste
 Do impt. Stuff when freshest
 Plan, design, build & launch
 NOTE: want me to review your stuff??? Pay me…
 Never do the red dots… we are a salesman and only do green dots
 Guarantee – 4 hour work week: feeling of security for the customer
 “potential & power to create things that never existed & put things in your life… doing things
that nobody in the history of your family has ever done”
 Crisis
 Opportunity
 Calamity & opportunity

Here's a free headline generator from Jim Edwards (the owner of FunnelScripts):



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #5 –
The OTO Page

 Make it a real OTO, not something they can get everywhere

 Keep the buying loop still open… if you close it, you’re dead
o SOOOOO, you are NOT saying “you’re gonna love what you just bought… it’s amazing”
 2-5 minute video… you’re just getting the second “yes”
 Never sell more of the same thing… unless e-commerce
 Info products, do not sell more of same – sell the NEXT thing
o Again, consider the customer journey and now SOLVE THE PROBLEMS YOU JUST
 Ex. – “yes, I’m interested in becoming an expert… here’s the biggest thing I found, becoming the
expert is easy… but getting people to show up is the hard part”
 Ex. – split testing labs book… then tried to upsell the whole course on split testing… but
conversions sucked b/c they had already dealt with that
 Itch has been scratched… they aren’t in pain until they solve the problem, it’s until they buy
something to solve problem
 Example: after split testing, next sell traffic (ex. – EAC… app panacea… then further
 Remember, you’re solving the problem that the prior solution solved anyway
 What’s the next logical thing they need…
o Ex. – after weight loss, then 6-pack abs then supplements
o When these things become the upsell, conversions skyrocket
 NOTE: even after opting in, that’s solved… now what do they need
o Ex. – EAC: offer is the done for you stuff… b/c otherwise you’d have to go do it all alone
 Offer page w/ bump, then upgrade 1 & upgrade 2 is the max – don’t do 3 OTOs
 Dotcom secrets book > need to scale, so CF > need copy, now expert secrets > need traffic, so
 Funnel is just an offer sequence based on solving a series of problems
 NOTE: not giving incomplete solutions… just augmenting


 Hey, thx for purchasing… gonna help you ________ (confirming purchase). For people who
bought, special offer….

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Stephen’s Coaching

 Having a bump with 2 upgrades & a downsell > increase money by 540%
 “second money” or “follow-up money”
 Spend marketing dollars on the funnel… not to a shopify store or whatever
 For upgrades, etc. think about progression of customer journey… and solving problems
 1. Funnel hack a winner
 2. Draw it out
 3. Write out all the tasks that need to be done
 $82/person cart value:


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #6 –
The Members Area

 Lesson section (per product), with each piece of the product as a lesson
 Depending on the funnel you picked :30


 Section per product

 Open in editor to do look & feel

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 3: Mission #7 –
Mission Review

 Test funnel – make sure it’s all working

 ALSO, make sure the funnel even makes sense… the progression


 Set domain, if not already

 Do the STEP URL first, then individual settings if need be

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

WEEK 4: 1,507 of 5,878 Attending

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #1 –
The Three Types Of Traffic

 Traffic is just people, and they are already congregating online… so just go play in the traffic
 Who is my dream customer? Where are they ALREADY at?
o Then figure out how to get the hooks out in front of them
 1. Traffic you control (by appropriately dipping into traffic owned by someone else)
o Buying your way in
 2. Traffic you don’t control… in other words, traffic you earn – like guest on podcast or blog
o Working your way in
 3. Traffic you own
o Freedom: $1/month per person on list… so just get 10,000 & be financially free
 If anyone ever buys your company, they aren’t likely buying the product or service… it’s the
traffic (customer base)


 Email signature, both gmail (settings > signature) and autoreponders (nice signature line)
o Settings > canned responses
 Facebook profile – click image and put description


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Facebook – featured image spot, extra text stuff, … plus these little links:


 Plus the intro:


 On top of your profile, you can link out from profile to page and put it there (call to action
button, pinned post, and whatever the hell else she was talking about):

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Instagram profile link (one link)… some sort of swipe up follower thingy…
 Other platforms, like linked in (you can publish there) – so create article & linked in that way
 Put link under YT videos & SEO description
 Plus… medium
 NOTE: use redirect links so you can always push to latest funnel… easily
 Thedigitalgangsta.com/masterclass
 Tease existing list before sending and put a timer (and/or price drop).. .then change price, offer,
o It has to be made to feel like an event
 https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/ (or bit.ly etc. for tracking)

Stephen’s Coaching

 Build phase v. harvest phase – don’t run off & start building new funnels when you haven’t fully
exploited something that already works
 Just shift creativity from birthing the thing to TRAFFIC
 Stephen poked around in FB groups & forums to get sales
 BUT, a real entrepreneur will want to spend as much as possible to acquire customers/leads as
quick as possible
o You need to OWN the traffic so you sell stuff later
o When you can put $1 in & get $2 out, you’re good
 By pouring money into ads, you free up time to build more ATMs
 The traffic is the money, but if you can free yourself from that… then you’re actually free
 Obsession needs to be traffic systems
 Focus on listbuilding b/c 10,000 people on the list is freedom
 2 lists to run the whole deal on (bucket strategy):
o 1. People who optin for freebie – EAC optin

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 AR sequence pushes them back to sales page (soap opera sequence)… THEN,
when done, they go to the giant, MAIN list (Seinfeld list – EVERYONE who gets
the broadcast about the latest, greatest… but without interrupting current
o 2. Buyers list(s) – just have ONE buyers list PER funnel (not separate list for OTO 1, OTO
2, etc.)

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4, Day 1: “Mission Complete” Count = 111


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #2 –
The Dream 100

 Chet Holmes – ultimate sales machine book

 Charlie munger hired chet to aggressively market the people buying ads in the competing
 Took a while, but blew the magazine up from bottom to top
 Send plugin to these people & get it to move
 Basically, you’re not marketing to the end consumer, but rather to the people who can reach
them quickly & easily
 Go down list: emailers, bloggers, podcasters, FB people, youtube, instagram influencers… make
big list for each and create a dream 100
o I need to focus on WP places & people
 Then, figure out whether you’re gonna work your way in… or buy your way in
o May be easier to buy in to, for instance, tony robbins fans (targeting via FB live)
o You’re grabbing from your toolbox of hooks to see what would fit best where


 For dream 100 people… (and maybe I need a new email address for this)… go to site & optin,
and go to FB and click on ad to get into funnel
 Can reply to emails when you’re on lists… let them know you checked out their stuff and liked it
 Join free groups or communities
 Leave a review or comment & feedback
 Buy something of theirs that gets you into their inner club/group (byran harris)
 NOTE: you’re doing all of this stuff BEFORE you send snail mail (token of appreciation or
whatever based on what they like)
 “verified” interest on facebook or instagram (so you can target their people specifically)
o Saved audiences
 You can use this to get other suggestions to add to your dream 100
 HIGHLIGHT the “interests” so you’ll know you can target their folks directly

Stephen’s Coaching

 TELL a story!!!!!!!!
o Wrap the nugget in a story so people remember it
 Buying customers 4 ways:
o Time – pitch to one person [lost time]
o Time – pitch to many people (like a podcast) and re-purpose that time [repeatable time]

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o Ads – this is speed… don’t take profits… publish to get people to pay & then dump into
ads over & over (Stephen doesn’t like to pay for ads until people start paying)
o Stand in front of existing rivers - dream 100
 You don’t create traffic… you just siphon it off
 Dream 100 is about adding value to the influencers
 They will endorse you when you make them look like a rockstar
o You help them increase their status/ protect following
o You help protect them against decrease in status
 Treat influencers different than customer
 Build the river v. talk to the river owner
 NOTE: if you can not only find the biggest influencers, but also identify those who are also
publishers… you’re good!


 WARNING: not fun to test your offer on OTHER people’s list

 You MUST know the offer is proven before doing this
 Therefore: publish, ads, etc…. NOW do dream 100
 Make a dream 100 list that has lots of C-levels, some B-level, and a few A-level
 When the big influencers have a distribution channel, this is huge
 ALSO, don’t want to compete with the dream 100 person, but rather want to compliment
 Go to iTunes and search for podcasts & google blogs for your topic
 Don’t forget similar web.com
 Rank as A, B, C and consider whether competitive or complimentary
 How to create value for the influencer (how to sell the influencer on me – lead with origin
o Customer wants solution to problem, but influencer wants more status
 Influencer.co
 The influencer isn’t as concerned about the product as they are me
 Ideas are not value… you need to show up with an asset to matter to influencers

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

o But the product isn’t really the asset

o They will ultimately promote you… more than your product
 Be committed to one (or a few things), b/c multiple personality disorder is a risk
 Customer motivated by problems solved… influencer motivated by status increase
 Your publishing platform is massive leverage to reach the influencers
 1. Lead with origin story in a way to increase status, add value, and NO pitch
 Dream 100 is not packages… it’s adding value & creating relationships… and one way to deliver
the script is via packages


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 Stephen then sent another package a month later

 NOTE: he didn’t resolve the curiosity… at the end of the story, he left a cliff-hanger (“what did
your dad tell you?”)
 Let one episode have a cliff-hanger to the next
 Eventually, you tap the “emotion” of reciprocity

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #3 –
Earn Your Way In

 With movies, the actors/actresses ARE hooks themselves

 Then, the producers create a “dream 100” and put those people on various tv shows (dream
100) to pitch the movie
 We’re doing the same thing – in the same way that you always know when a movie is coming
out, people need to know when our “thing” is coming out
 So, we have to get on these people’s blogs, podcasts, etc.
 The dream 100 is a tv show & we have to get on it to let them know the “movie” is coming out
 If you like podcasts, do them first… if blogs, that first… pick what you’re most comfortable with
and go from there
o Again, pick ONE to start with and run that “circuit” first
 Subscribe & listen in to podcast to know how they do things…
 Have to know how each person does their “show” and what they are looking for: “the reason I’d
be a good fit for your show is (pick a hook) ________________”
 Customize pitch for each one… so & so didn’t talk about this aspect, and I can fill that void
 Then, the host will say: “how can people find out more?” (then send to funnel)
 SERVE the audience to earn your way in… focus on changing their lives (audience/customers)
 Just go promote your “movie”
o Generate a lead
o Create a customer
 NOTE: the irony is that this is a great way to “find your voice” and test your material
 For blogs, you’re not being interviewed… but rather doing guest posts
 Just get good at picking the right hooks for each “tv show”


 Find some way to pivot off of their gig to add value and make it a win-win
 Create a custom hook… WIIFM (what’s in it for me)
 Visibility platform – if you create a funny, helpful, or polarizing response to a popular thread in a
FB group, then people may hover and see your activity in the group… and then they will go to
your FB profile… and this “FB Funnel” can drop to your funnel that way
 Instagram has direct message… so you can reply to people

Stephen’s Coaching

 Add value to the community of the influencer

 Therefore, even if the influencer doesn’t know who you are, their people DO!

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 Book: behind the cloud (how salesforce became the top CRM)
 The press is distribution… this is the hack to getting an audience really quickly
 Stephen will just get lots of Bs & Cs on the podcast… they then tell their followers (maintain
their status) about the interview and Stephen gets traffic
 “love to put you on the show & highlight you as the expert that you are”
o I’ll tell you when it’s live… traffic stats, etc.
o Oh, I don’t know if your audience would like this… it’s something I have on the squeeze
 Interview C level people, f/u to tell live, then share stats of show… hopefully got some value
 Sometimes, at end of show… “where’s a place people could go to learn more about you…”
o Somebody bought a URL in stephen’s name and forwarded it to his affiliate link
 With no assets, no show, whatever… add value to their distribution channel
 Then, you could be a leader amongst the following
 Then, you could let the interviewer have a URL with their name that redirects to their affiliate
link for your products!!!
 Libsyn, pod beam, anchor, podmio, etc.
 If you only interview, people never get to know you… and you will not take the pedestal before
your audience
 You create content to fuel your offers & funnels… not just to create cool stuff
 Selling by telling…
 Classify levels based on distribution level – test is how many people would hear if they told their
crew your name
 To become a rapid-fire attractive character, you must become vulnerable and transparent
 1. If you have no real asset, go become a leader among that person’s audience
 2. If you do have a show or something to publish on (with a squeeze page), interview them &
make “Carmen is awesome.com” that goes to affiliate link & they promoted
 3. Only interview UP...... same level or up, don’t go down
 4. Vulnerability is the key to having effective content – people quit either because they are on
the wrong medium… or not feeling it, or not being themselves… just be a louder version of you
 Russell promoted his book by going on lower-level publishing platforms and providing affiliate
 For affiliate links… don’t necessarily need new domain… can just do “/persons-name”
 Can do a VLOG, instead of a BLOG

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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior



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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #4 –
Buy Your Way In

 “lift letter” – when the dude writes a quick endorsement note “ratifying” the sales message
 Earning is better traffic b/c of them vouching for you (just think of webinars)
 So, you can be working on earning your way in… but, in the meantime, you can look at becoming
a sponsor
 Ad is more direct – “hey, I’m a huge ____ fan & wanted to do a cool thing, so _____”
o Interview is more subtle
 Podcasts = sponsorship, fb = custom audience, YT = target channels or SPECIFIC ads… so you can
have CUSTOM hooks for very targeted deals, IG = buy swipe ups/shout outs, bloggers = banner


 FB may smack income claims

 Maybe use FB pixel helper extension in chrome
 Put pixel & tracking code… tracking leads
 Can add more event codes – initiate checkout, etc.
 On order confirmation page, can put purchase code (maybe just use FE offer amount - $7)
 NOTE: FB has campaign-level objectives

Stephen’s Coaching

 Earn or buy… podcast, interview, packages, relationships

 1. Track average cart value and cost to acquire a customer
 2. Then track earnings per click
 THEN, go do JVs
 NOTE: these testimonials – backstory, internal/external desires, wall, epiphany, plan, conflict,
achievement, transformation

101 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #5 –
Funnel Audibles


 Squeeze = 20% optin minimum

 Sales = 1-5% FE offer
 Bump = 20-40%
 OTO = 3-10%

Stephen’s Coaching

105 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


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© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior


 You can say: “want to start your training now… and what you’re really doing is walking them
thru a pitch to buy.”


 Remember, to dive deeply into the internal/external desires

 Need an auto-pilot funnel with affiliate or MLM that will still get leads and you sell something of
your own to SLO and create more leads faster than anyone can possibly do
 THEN, you pitch the external offer and tell them to “go sign up & come right back here”
 Put new idea on a new line or next section… do this when building pages
 Build up idea, support it, get it in their head… then move on
 You never conclude your origin story… so just go live the hook

108 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

 NOTE: because I have lived the hook so much, I have plenty of content
 The reason you are doing what you are doing right now is enough of a story in itself
 “why?, why?, why?” – not just facts, but emotions…
 WHY did you choose to sell what you are?
 The things you are embarrassed by are your superpower… and what makes you followable
 Your “crap” is what “crafts” your opportunity & makes you relatable
 Learn to be a vulnerable storyteller

You can use this Google sheet to determine how many clicks to the landing page you need in order to
get the profits you want! Get Google Sheet!


Here’s the quick instruction video on how it works… How to use the Funnel Audibles Worksheet


109 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #6 –
Funnel Audibles
 Squeeze = 20% optin minimum

110 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4, Day 6: “Mission Complete” Count = 83


111 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4: Mission #7 –
Mission Debrief (And Your NEXT Mission… Should You Choose To
Accept It!)

Your Next Mission...Should You Choose To Accept It:

� https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eBdBP2XERjG6XMXzlfBC8A

Mission Complete T-Shirt:


1-Comma Club Application:


112 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Week 4, Day Last: Comment Count = 41



113 | P a g e
© Copyright · All Rights Reserved: J5 Generational Wealth Fund, LLC (d.b.a. Lawyer2Warrior)
J. Scott Talbert, J.D., B.A. (Psychology), Ph.D. (ABD), B.A. (Theology) · about.me/Lawyer2Warrior

Select Videos

Julie - Q&A 1

 See also: https://www.useloom.com/share/4b3927700db6480d900e4341aca4f54c

Julie - Q&A 2

 See also: https://www.useloom.com/share/09d9fc48f21346519139fc4c84c17494

Julie - FaceBook Ads (Week 4, Mission 4)

 https://www.useloom.com/share/268f32d74ac2407c83332fd65b9b0af2

Stephen – Funnel Audibles (Week 4, Mission 5)

 https://www.useloom.com/share/694df0ad3da74d3bb581231e0d4f33b4

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