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Pilot’s Manual

Basic flight controls

Directions to Station Gamma
Full piloting Manual
Heads-Up Display (HUD)

The Heads-Up Display is your eyes and ears for your ship. It is a holographic interface designed to give
you all the information you need to keep you flying

Ship systems

Throttle/Energy indicator

Near the center of the HUD is a BLUE circular bar on the left. This is your Throttle
indicator. On the right is the RED energy indicator. This shows you the current
power of your weapon capacitor


At the bottom of your HUD is your radar. This shows the ships in space around you.
It is important to know where contacts are in relation to your ship. Let me explain
the details.


Things directly in front of you are in the center of the circle while contacts
around you appear to the sides. Someone fully behind you appears at the
very edges of the radar.


Each contact is assigned a colored blip. WHITE is friendly and cannot be

damaged. YELLOW is neutral and can be attacked, but might attack back if
upset. RED is hostile and will attack you on sight.

Target tracking:

Your current target will appear in your radar with BLUE brackets
around it. This helps you quickly tell which of the blips is your target
and where it is.

Mission-Critical ships:

When the intel is available mission-critical craft such a escorts and

destroyable marks will have small ORANGE brackets around them
on the radar and larger ones in your main viewscreen.

Armor and shields:

In the radar are two circular bars. The outer, BLUE, bar is your front/rear
shield strength. The inner, RED bars are your front/rear armor strength. Be
careful, shields recharge but armor does not.
System status flyouts:

On the right of your screen are six icons that represent the different systems of your ship. As
they become damaged status changes will pop out from the icons to indicate current strength.

Comm windows:

The Comm windows on the left shows you anybody who is hailing you. This may be friendly
or enemy pilots, or even contacts on the ground. Hold ALT to respond, if there is something
to say.

Target info box:

The target info box will show you the name of and distance to a target. It will also display a
ship classification and ship system status for your target. It appears at the top right of your

Waypoint monitor:

The waypoint monitor appears on the right of your HUD. It shows your current waypoint’s
name and distance. To help find it, an arrow points in the direction of the waypoint.

Onscreen waypoints: Follow the direction of the arrow until you see it change to a
GREEN triangular icon. This means that it is in front of your ship. Fly towards the
icon or beacon of light to reach your destination.

Flight controls:

Basic Controls:

Speed settings: Pressing W will accelerate incrementally, while S will decelerate. To set
engines to their maximum thrust, use the HOME key. To cut the engines to full stop use

Heading: Use the mouse to change your ship’s heading. Moving the mouse back and forth
will control the ship’s pitch while moving left/right will control the ship lateral yaw. A and
D will also turn.

Boosters: Some ships are equipped with boosters. These high-powered recharging rockets
propel your ship far beyond the threshold of the normal engines, but for a limited time. Hit
B to engage and disengage.

Advanced Flight controls:

Rolling: To roll to the left, press Q key. To roll right, use the E key. Use this in combat to
perform barrel rolls and dodge enemy fire, or get a better view of the action.

Docking: In some missions, you are required to dock with another craft. To dock with the
ship, it must be stationary. Target it and press U to dock. Some ships may deny your docking

Following another ship: To auto-follow another ship, hit ENTER to engage the chat window
and type /follow with your target selected. Moving the mouse will disengage the autopilot.
This can be useful on escort missions

Inspection: Sometimes you will want to inspect another ship to see what sort of cargo they
are carrying. To perform a technical scan of the vessel, target it and use the I key. This may
take a few seconds

Starfighter combat

Basic Starfighter combat:

Advanced Starfighter combat

Player vs. Player Combat (PvP)

Navigation procedures

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