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Farnham 1

Sam Farnham

English 9 D Block

May 23, 2019

Chapter 71

Everyone says that I am smart. I have never understood what smart means because 257

days ago, my dad said that the smartest person from his high school, Eric, shot a lead bullet

through the prefrontal cortex of his brain. I asked my dad how Eric was so smart if he could not

survive on his own without any other dangers like:

1. An Australian box jellyfish

2. A serial killer

3. Colon cancer

4. Professor Moriarty from “The Final Problem”

5. One of the 8 billion dormant super viruses

My dad said that Eric was a victim of depression and depression is a disease in the brain and

I told him that there were no recorded brain diseases that caused a gun to shoot a lead bullet

straight through the prefrontal cortex. He said that depression was much more than a disease, that

it was a mental condition that can affect anybody.

On another day, I asked Siobhan what smart meant and he said that smart is the same as

intelligence and I know that intelligence is the same as IQ and my IQ is 150 which is in the top

0.01% of IQs in the world therefore I am smart. However, Siobhan said that being smart is also

being able to read emotions and connect minuscule details which he said I am not able to do
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because I am too focused on numbers, pictures, decimals, radians, animals, and approximately

2,435 other things.

Since I am very intelligent but also am distracted by numbers, pictures, decimals, radians,

animals, and approximately 2,435 other things, I am the moderately smart. Here is a diagram that

illustrates how smart I am.

As you can see in the diagram, my smartness is approximately 6/10 which means I am in

the top 40% of smart people in the world which isn’t bad but isn’t great. I told Siobhan that I was

a six and he said there is no way to measure smartness, but I just did so maybe that raises my

smartness score from a six to a seven. Since I am a seven now, I am approximately in the top

30% of smart people in the world which means that I am approximately just as smart as Siobhan

because he is 7.28.

If my mom was still alive, she would say that I am a ten on the smartness scale because

she always overestimated my abilities. One time, my mom said that I was smarter than Albert

Einstein which obviously is not true because he has an IQ of 160 and more emotional awareness
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than I do. I concluded that although I am not as smart as Albert Einstein, I am still very smart


1. Everyone says I am smart

2. I am going to take Maths A Level

3. I am the only detective at my school

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