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from Dr. Albert Reyes:

I can think of nothing else in my life more precious and more vulnerable than my children. They face
challenges I never experienced and are exposed to more messages of corruption than I ever faced in my
time growing up in South Texas.

As much as I want to protect them from all the hardships they will face in their lives, I know that it is not
really possible.

I also know that scripture tells us, “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6). Put simply: when we
pray, God moves.

At Buckner International, we are dedicated to protecting children and strengthening families, so we
have created this unique devotional to help you lift up your children or grandchildren each day to ask for
God’s protection and guidance.

In this devotional, you will find 7 scripture passages to meditate on, an explanation of the passage, and
words of prayer that can help you to bring your petitions for your children before the Lord.

I sincerely hope this devotional can help to bring God’s blessing on you and your children over the next 7


Dr. Albert Reyes
President and CEO
Buckner International

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Table of Contents

Day 1: Salvation ........................................................................................................ 4

Day 2: Protection ...................................................................................................... 5

Day 3: Provision ........................................................................................................ 6

Day 4: Wisdom ......................................................................................................... 7

Day 5: Generosity ..................................................................................................... 8

Day 6: Obedience ..................................................................................................... 9

Day 7: Pure Thoughts ............................................................................................. 10

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Day 1: Salvation
“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never
enter it.” Mark 10:15 [NIV]

The gospel is simple: Jesus died to redeem lost people and he rose from the dead to save them.
That message is so simple that even children can understand it. In fact, Jesus tells us that we
must become like a child. God is a loving father who wants a relationship with his children. That
relationship is possible through Jesus Christ. Think for a minute about a child in your life. It
maybe your own child, or it might be a child you see at church or in your neighborhood. That
child – and all children – need to know the saving love of Jesus Christ.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Lord Jesus, I pray the message of the gospel would be heard and understood by ________
today. I pray for clarity and understanding of the message and that ___________ come to know
you. Thank you, Lord, for your offer of salvation and that everyone who follows you can rest in
your forgiveness. I pray this in your precious name. Amen”

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Day 2: Protection
“You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from those who conspire against them.
You shelter them in your presence, far from accusing tongues.” —Psalm 31:20 NLT

I believe it is one of our sacred duties as adults, and especially as parents, to protect the
children in our lives. They are weak, vulnerable, and impressionable and God has given us the
responsibility of guarding them. Unfortunately, I have witnessed too many instances of when
that duty to protect has been neglected or betrayed. The physical, emotional, mental, and
spiritual damage that occurs when this happens can be catastrophic. It is no wonder that Jesus
taught his disciples to pray, “Deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13 NKJV). Let’s recommit
ourselves to standing as guardians and protectors of children—and for the times we cannot
physically be with them, let us commend them in prayer to the one who is their fortress and
defender. Pray for his perfect protection of the children in your life!

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Father, I pray Psalm 31:20 now for ________. I ask that you would hide him/her in the shelter
of your presence. God, please keep every child safe from those who would conspire against
them. Help me to do my part in keeping them safe—physically, mentally, emotionally, and
spiritually. Give me the strength to be their guardian, defender, and shepherd—as I imitate you
in those roles. I pray this in your son’s holy name. Amen.”

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Day 3: Provision
“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” —
Philippians 4:19 NKJV

There is an abundant storehouse of riches found in Jesus Christ. And yet how often do we live
like spiritual paupers because we don’t take advantage of those treasures? As James 4:2 says,
we do not have because we do not ask. God is a loving father who supplies our needs and gives
us good gifts when we ask for them. Let’s pray that he would meet the needs—at every level—
of the priceless children in our lives. Let’s also pray that we can play a part in his gracious
provision for them—as earthly representatives of their heavenly father.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Heavenly father, I pray Philippians 4:19 for ________. I pray that you would supply the need of
him/her and for every child according to your riches in Jesus. Lord, you own the cattle on a
thousand hills (Psalm 50:10 NKJV) and there is nothing too hard for you (Jeremiah 32:17 NKJV).
“Everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened”
(Luke 11:10 NKJV) so we ask, seek, and knock on behalf of our young ones. Give them the things
they need, and use me to be an agent for you. Supply my needs as I supply theirs, in Jesus
name. Amen.”

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Day 4: Wisdom
“Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for
understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures.” —
Proverbs 2:2–4 NLT

The Bible says that we should be pursuing wisdom like valuable treasure. How much more do
the children in our lives, whose understanding is so limited, need this wisdom? So many verses
in the Proverbs tell us to not only seek wisdom, but to impart it to our children. Where does
wisdom begin? With a fear of the Lord—a healthy reverence and awe of God. As we follow him
and receive more wisdom each day, let’s be sure to pass that wisdom on to the children in our
lives. Take time to teach them. Show them by example. Be patient with them as they learn. And
realize that you are representing God as you do these things.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Lord Jesus, I pray Proverbs 2:2–4 right now for ________. I pray that he/she would tune
his/her ears to your wisdom. And as I pray for children to have understanding, I pray also for
myself, that you would open my eyes to the desperation of so many children in the world who
wonder if anyone loves them. As you open my eyes to the needs of children, I pray you would
also motivate me to act for these children. Please give us the wisdom we need to make good
choices and bring glory to you. In your good name I pray these things. Amen.”

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Day 5: Generosity
“Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to
those in need, always being ready to share with others.” —1 Timothy 6:18 NLT

We serve a generous God. Not only has he made a way to save us from our sins, he has given us
abundant life here on earth and the promise of eternity with him. Are we deserving of these
things? Absolutely not. It’s his love that gives us mercy and grace every day. When we are
generous, we are imitating our heavenly father. How much more should we instill this virtue in
the lives of children we know and care about. Let’s teach our children to be liberal with their
time, their money, their service, and their forgiveness.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Lord, I pray 1 Timothy 6:18 for ________ today. I pray he/she would use money to do good for
the benefit of many people. Lord, more than being rich in possessions or wealth, I ask that you
would make us rich in good works (Ephesians 2:10). I ask that you would make us generous to
those in need and always ready to share with others. I pray these things for myself as well,
Lord, that ________ can mirror my actions, as my heart mirrors yours. Freely we have received;
help us to freely give (Matthew 10:8), just as your son so freely gave his life as a ransom for us
(Mark 10:45). It’s in his name I pray. Amen.”

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Day 6: Obedience
“Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. . . Obey them so that their work will be a joy,
not a burden . . .” —Hebrews 13:17 NIV

In a world that says, “It’s cool to be a rebel. Do your own thing. Swim upstream. Follow your
heart. Fight the establishment. You are the captain of your own ship,” Jesus says, “If you love
me, you will obey what I command” (John 14:15 NIV). Our pride keeps us from submitting to
God and to those who are in authority over us. But contrary to our line of reasoning, the truth is
there is freedom in obedience. As we align our will to God’s and allow him to have his way, we
find that there is a joy and a peace that is unexplainable. How do we teach this to the children
in our lives? By modeling it. As they see us submit to God and to our leaders, they will
undoubtedly see the blessing that comes from God’s order of doing things.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Dear Jesus, I would like to pray Hebrews 13:17 right now for ________. I pray he/she would
obey leaders, including parents/grandparents/foster parents/stepparents, teachers, coaches,
and anyone else you have placed over him/her. Help us to submit to authority so that our work
would be a joy and not a burden. Help me to model obedience and to demonstrate my love for
you by doing what you want me to do. In your name I pray. Amen.”

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Day 7: Pure Thoughts

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and
honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent
and worthy of praise.” —Philippians 4:8 NKJV

In this day and age, the onslaught of images, words and ideas that bombard our children is
unbelievable. Unfortunately, many, if not most of these things are negative in nature.
Television, internet, cell phones, movie theaters, schools and sadly for many kids, even their
homes, which are dysfunctional places to live. Are we doing all we can to fill our kids’ minds
with things that are true, excellent, and praiseworthy? The source of these things is Jesus Christ
and it should be a top priority to consistently and continually point their eyes to him. May God
grant us the grace to do so.

—Albert Reyes

Praying the Scripture:
“Dear God, as I pray for ________, I pray the words of Philippians 4:8. Please, Lord, fix his/her
thoughts on what is true, honorable, and right. Focus his/her attention on what is pure, lovely,
and admirable. I pray that every child would think about things that are excellent and worthy of
praise. Help me to guard their eyes and their minds from the perverse things that the world and
the enemy are trying to put in front of them. Show me practical ways to put true, pure, and
lovely things in their path. Thank you that I can bring this request before you, because of the
access that’s been given to me in the name of your son, Jesus. Amen.”

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