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1. Introduction to Project
2. Objectives
3. Purpose of the Project
4. Hardware & Software Specification
5. SRS
 Data Flow Diagram
 E-R Diagram
6. Project Analysis
7. Project Designing
 Data Base Structure
 Screen Design (Forms)
 Reports
8. Program Coding
9. Problem Encountered
10. Conclusion
11. Bibliography

This system provides the detail structure of the college

campus and its departments. College Management System
synchronizes the working of all the departments. It looks on all
aspects of a college, its students, faculties, Departments, marks and
other co–curricular activities.

CMS is the easiest way to manage all functionalities of a

college. It is a value-added service offered by NEURAL, which
facilitates colleges to maintain the functionality related to college
employees and their students.

College Management Software is a simple yet powerful

one joint integrated platform that connects all the various
departments of an institution like Administration, Attendance, Staff
details and many more specialized modules.

The project was initially formally discussed among us and

later designed in VB 6.0. The project's back end is Microsoft Access.
The program, as the name suggests is an “College Management”
maintains records in the organization.

The main objectives of the project are:

1. To get work done fast.
2. To make-work easy, simple and unbiased.

While making the project we had following goals in our mind:

1. Make it user friendly

(a) By creating the database search option.
(b) Any operation requires just single mouse click.
(c) Frequent reporting
(d) Huge data storage facility

2. Concentrate on Accuracy
3. Make it reliable and Efficient
4. Fully Secure system
5. Only authorized user can update records

Main aim in developing College Management System is to

provide an easy way not only to automate all functionalities of a
college, but also to provide full functional reports to top management
of college with the finest of details about any aspect of college.

College Management System is software has the

perspective of attaining attraction of those colleges which don‟t
have one good performing software for keeping their information
secure and make their management easier. College Management
System provides one attractive environment where you can
manipulate data and information about students and staff easily. So
we can say the Core purpose of designing “College Management
System” is to manage the task related to the college
students/employees and to reduce time to searching of appropriate
candidates in college view.

Programing Language: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

Interface Requirements


Platform : Windows XP or Windows 7

Microsoft Publisher : MS Office 2003 or above.

Front End : Visual Basic

Back End : MS-Access

 Minimum P-IV machine or higher version 1.8 GHz
 We use P-IV machine 2.66 GHz.

 Minimum 256MB RAM.
 We use 2GB RAM.

VGA Graphics:
 VGA Support On-Board Motherboard

 Laser Jet Printer
 Inkjet Printer

System Analysis


After analyzing the requirements of the task performed,

the next step is to analyze the problem and understand its context this
first activity in the phase is studying the existing system and other is
to understand the requirement and domain of new system. Both the
activities are equally important, but the first activity serves as the
basis of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and
requirement of a new system is more difficult and require creative
thinking. It can be made effective only when we have through
understanding of the existing system. The process becomes even more
difficult when the existing system is almost entirely different from the
one to be developed.

Analysis Model:-

The design starts after the requirement analysis is complete

and coding begins after the design is complete. Once the
programming is complete the testing is done. In this model the
sequence of activity performed in a software development projects are

 Requirement analysis
 Project planning
 System design
 Coding
 Unit testing
 System integration

Here the linear ordering of these activities is critical. End

of the phase and the output of one phase is the input of another phase.
The output of each has to be consistent with the overall requirement
of the system. Some models are also incorporated like after the people
concerned with the project .Review completion of each of the phase
the work done.

Feasibility Study:-
All projects are feasible given unlimited resources and
infinite time, unfortunately. The development of a computer based
system or product is more likely plagued. By the scarcity of resources
and difficult delivery dares. It is both necessary and prudent to
evaluate the feasibility of a project at the earliest possible time.

Need Of Computerization:-
We all know the importance of computerization. The world is
moving ahead at a lighting speed and everyone is running short of
time. One always wants to get the information and perform the task
he/she/they desires within a short period of time and that too with a
good amount of efficiency and accuracy. In entry pass management
system this can be achieved through computerization
The whole process of maintaining records is a rather tedious job.
Quarries about past database are not easy to answer in the present
system. Searching of record manually is time consuming and requires
data collection from various registers.

Software design sits at the technical kernel of the software

engineering process and is applied regardless of the development
paradigm and area of application. Design is the first step in the
development phase for any engineered product or system. The
designer goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that
will later be built. Beginning, once system requirement have been
specified and analyzed system design is the first of the three technical
activities- design, code and test that is to build and verify software.

The importance can be stated with a single word “Quality”

.Design is the place where quality is fostered in software
development. Design provides us with representation of software that
can access for quality. Design is the only way that we can accurately
translate a customer view into a finished software product or system.
Software design serves as a foundation for all the software
engineering steps that follow. Without strong design we risk building
an unstable system-one that will fall when small changes are made,
one that will be difficult to test, one whose quality cannot be quality,
cannot be accessed until the last stage.

During design progressive refinements of data structure,

program structure and procedural details are developed reviewed and
documented. System design can be viewed from either a technical or
project management perspective.

MS. Visual Basic the fastest and easiest way to create

application for MS Windows whether you are an experienced
professional or brand new windows programming Visual Basic
provides you with a complete set of tools to simply rapid application
develop. The VISUAL‟ part refer to the method used to create the
graphical user interface (GUI ).Rather than writing numerous lines of
code to describe the appearance and location of interface elements
,you simply add pre-built object into place on a screen. If you have
used a drawing program. Such paint you already have most of the
skills necessary to create an effective user interface.The „BASIC‟ part
refers to the Basic( beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code)
language, a language used by more programmers than any other
language in the history of competing Visual basic has evolved from
the original basic language and now content sever hundred statements
function and keywords, many of which relate directly to window GUI
beginners can create an useful application by learning just a few of the
keywords, yet to power of the language allows professionals to
accomplish anything that can be accomplished using any other
window programming language.

In backend we use different tools through which we can manage

the data base in proper way.

MS Access

MS Access is an interactive relational data base management

system for MS Windows. It helps to store, find, organize and present
data meaningful.

MS Access is GUI (graphical user interface).MS

Access takes full advantages of the graphical in window which give
access to data and simple way to view and work with the information.

Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and

analyze movement of data through a system. These are the central tool
and the basis from which the other component are developed. The
transformation of data from input to output, through processed, may
be described logically and independently of physical component
associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow
diagram. The physical data flow diagram shows the actual implements
and movement of data between people, departments, and work
stations. A full description of a system actually consists of a set of
data flow diagram. Using to familiar notations Yourdon, gain and
sarson notation develops the DFD. Each component in a DFD is
labled with a descriptive name. Process is further identified with a
number that will be used for identification purpose. The development
of DFD‟s is done in several levels. Each process in lower level
diagrams can be broken down into a more detailed DFD in the next
level. The top level diagram is often called context diagram. It consist
a single process bit which play vital role in studying the current
system. The process in the context level diagram is exploded into
other process at the 1st level DFD.
The idea behind the explosion of a process into more
process is that understanding at one level of detail is explosion is
necessary and an adequate amount of detail is described for analyzed
to understand the process.
Larry Constantine first developed the DFD as a way of
expressing system requirement in a graphical from this lead to the
modular design.
A DFD is also known as “Bubble Chart” has the process of
clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformation
that will become program in system design to the lowest level of
detail. A DFD consist of a series of bubbles Joined by data flow in the


The DFD, there are 4 symbols

 A square defines a source (originator) or destination of system

 An arrow identifies data flow. It is the pipeline through which
the information flows.
 A circle or bubbles represent a process that transforms incoming
data flow into outgoing data flows.
 An open rectangle is a data store, data at rest or a temporary
repository of data.

Notation Used In DFD: -

There are four simple notations are used to complete DFD‟s.

i) Data Flow: -

ii) External Entity: - -

iii) Process: -

iv) Data Store:-

Data Flow Diagram

First form
First form contains the Login Password of the project. In
this form the user has to type his or her required password.

Second form
Second form displays the home page of the program which
contains five menus through which user can view the information
about different form and manipulate the database.

Third form
Third form contains Student Registration which needs
Student information.

Fourth form
Fourth form displays the fee structure of the courses that
offered by the college.
Fifth forms
Fifth form displays the courses that offered the university
to the college. Like PGDCA, DCA, B.COM, B.sc etc.

Sixth form
Sixth form is used to search any particular student by
name, class and medium.

1. Data Base Structure:-

2. Screen Design (Forms)
College Management system

College Management system

College Management system
College Management system
Source Code:
1. Index Form/Main Page
Private Sub Form_Load()
Form3.WindowState = 2
End Sub

Private Sub Label2_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label4_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label5_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Label6_Click()

End Sub
2. Login form:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text2.PasswordChar = "*"
Dim A As Variant
Dim B As Variant
A = (Text1.Text)
B = (Text2.Text)
If A = "vb" Then
If B = "vb" Then
Unload Me
Load Form3
SendKeys "{HOME}+{END}"
End If
MsgBox "The Username or Password is Incorrect"
SendKeys "{HOME}+{END}"
End If
End Sub
3. Registration/Addmission form:
Private Sub Combo1_Change()
Combo1.AddItem "b com"
Combo1.AddItem "pgdca"
Combo1.AddItem "b tech"
Combo1.AddItem "bsc"
End Sub

Private Sub Combo2_Change()

Combo2.AddItem "A"
Combo2.AddItem "B"
Combo2.AddItem "C"
Combo2.AddItem "D"
End Sub

Private Sub Combo3_Change()

Combo3.AddItem "ENGLISH"
Combo3.AddItem "HINDI"
Combo3.AddItem "PUNJABI"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Form1.WindowState = 2
End Sub
4. Courses Offered Form:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

On Error Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Form5.WindowState = 2
End SubLogin

Text2.PasswordChar = "*"
Dim n%

n = Text2.Text

If n = "1212" Then




MsgBox " Sorry invalid Password, try again!, [bharti]"

End If

login.WindowState = 2

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()



Attendence Entry
Option Explicit

Dim cd2 As ADODB.Connection

Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset

Dim rsd As ADODB.Recordset

Dim rse, rsf, rsg, rsh, rsi, rsj As ADODB.Recordset

Dim flagsave As Boolean

Dim flagedit As Boolean

Dim flagsearch As Boolean

Dim lunchtime, daytime, totaltime, thour, totalminute As Integer

Dim la, da As Date

Dim lb, db As Date

Dim strlunchtime As String

Dim count1 As Integer

Private Sub exit1_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set cd2 = New ADODB.Connection

cd2.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"

cd2.Open App.Path & "\db1.mdb"

Set rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset

rs2.Open "select * from attendenceentry", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Me.aentry.Enabled = False

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

Me.save.Enabled = False
flagsave = False

flagedit = False

flagsearch = False

Set rsd = New ADODB.Recordset

rsd.Open "select * from departmentname", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Set rse = New ADODB.Recordset

rse.Open "select * from employeeentry", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

'******* fetch department name**********

While (rsd.EOF = False)

Me.dname.AddItem (rsd.Fields("dname"))



Me.DTPicker1.Value = Now

Me.DTPicker2.Value = Now

Me.atype.AddItem ("AB")

Me.atype.AddItem ("P")

Me.atype.AddItem ("HOLYDAY")

End Sub

Private Sub add_Click()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False
Me.aentry.Visible = True

Me.aentry.Enabled = True

Me.save.Enabled = True

Me.atype.Enabled = False


flagedit = False

End Sub

Private Sub dname_Click()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False



While (rse.EOF = False)

If (rse.Fields(0) = dname.Text) Then

Me.ename.AddItem (rse.Fields(2))

End If



End Sub

Private Sub ename_Click()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

If flagedit = True Then

Set rsf = New ADODB.Recordset

rsf.Open "select * from attendenceentry where date1='" & Format$(DTPicker1.Value,

"d/M/yyyy") & "' and ename='" & ename.Text & "'", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


If rsf.RecordCount = 0 Then



count1 = 0

While (count1 < rsf.RecordCount)

If ((Me.ename.Text) = (rsf.Fields(2))) Then

Me.atype.Text = rsf.Fields(4)

Me.avalue.Text = rsf.Fields(5)

If rsf.Fields(6) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dstart.Text = rsf.Fields(6)

End If

If rsf.Fields(7) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dend.Text = rsf.Fields(7)
End If

If rsf.Fields(8) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lstart.Text = rsf.Fields(8)

End If

If rsf.Fields(9) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lend.Text = rsf.Fields(9)

End If

Me.totalhour.Text = rsf.Fields(10)

End If

count1 = count1 + 1



End If

End If

Me.atype.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub DTPicker1_closeup()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

If flagedit = True Then

Set rsf = New ADODB.Recordset

rsf.Open "select * from attendenceentry where date1='" & Format$(DTPicker1.Value,

"d/M/yyyy") & "' and ename='" & ename.Text & "' ", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


If rsf.RecordCount = 0 Then

Me.dstart.Text = ""

Me.dend.Text = ""

Me.lstart.Text = ""

Me.lend.Text = ""



count1 = 0

While (count1 < rsf.RecordCount)

If ((Me.ename.Text) = (rsf.Fields(2))) Then

Me.atype.Text = rsf.Fields(4)

Me.avalue.Text = rsf.Fields(5)

If rsf.Fields(6) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dstart.Text = rsf.Fields(6)

End If

If rsf.Fields(7) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dend.Text = rsf.Fields(7)

End If

If rsf.Fields(8) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lstart.Text = rsf.Fields(8)

End If

If rsf.Fields(9) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lend.Text = rsf.Fields(9)

End If

Me.totalhour.Text = rsf.Fields(10)

End If

count1 = count1 + 1



End If

End If

Me.atype.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub DTPicker1_change()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

If flagedit = True Then

Set rsf = New ADODB.Recordset

rsf.Open "select * from attendenceentry where date1='" & Format$(DTPicker1.Value,

"d/M/yyyy") & "' and ename='" & ename.Text & "' ", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


If rsf.RecordCount = 0 Then

Me.dstart.Text = ""

Me.dend.Text = ""

Me.lstart.Text = ""

Me.lend.Text = ""



count1 = 0

While (count1 < rsf.RecordCount)

If ((Me.ename.Text) = (rsf.Fields(2))) Then

Me.atype.Text = rsf.Fields(4)

Me.avalue.Text = rsf.Fields(5)

If rsf.Fields(6) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dstart.Text = rsf.Fields(6)

End If
If rsf.Fields(7) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dend.Text = rsf.Fields(7)

End If

If rsf.Fields(8) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lstart.Text = rsf.Fields(8)

End If

If rsf.Fields(9) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lend.Text = rsf.Fields(9)

End If

Me.totalhour.Text = rsf.Fields(10)

End If

count1 = count1 + 1



End If

End If

Me.atype.Enabled = True

End Sub
Private Sub DTPicker1_lostfocus()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

If flagedit = True Then

Set rsf = New ADODB.Recordset

rsf.Open "select * from attendenceentry where date1='" & Format$(DTPicker1.Value,

"d/M/yyyy") & "' and ename='" & ename.Text & "'", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


If rsf.RecordCount = 0 Then

Me.dstart.Text = ""

Me.dend.Text = ""

Me.lstart.Text = ""

Me.lend.Text = ""



count1 = 0

While (count1 < rsf.RecordCount)

If ((Me.ename.Text) = (rsf.Fields(2))) Then

Me.atype.Text = rsf.Fields(4)

Me.avalue.Text = rsf.Fields(5)

If rsf.Fields(6) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dstart.Text = rsf.Fields(6)

End If
If rsf.Fields(7) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.dend.Text = rsf.Fields(7)

End If

If rsf.Fields(8) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lstart.Text = rsf.Fields(8)

End If

If rsf.Fields(9) = "12:00:00 AM" Then

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"


Me.lend.Text = rsf.Fields(9)

End If

Me.totalhour.Text = rsf.Fields(10)

End If

count1 = count1 + 1



End If

End If 'end of flag edit stat


Me.atype.Enabled = True

End Sub
Private Sub atype_click()

If (dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM" Or dstart.Text = "00:00:00 PM" Or dend.Text = "00:00:00

AM" Or dend.Text = "00:00:00 PM") Then

Me.totalhour.Text = ""


If (lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM" Or lstart.Text = "00:00:00 PM" Or lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Or lend.Text = "00:00:00 PM") Then

lunchtime = 0


la = Format$(lstart.Text, "HH:mm")

lb = Format$(lend.Text, "HH:mm")

lunchtime = DateDiff("n", la, lb)

End If

da = Format$(dstart, "HH:mm")

db = Format$(dend, "HH:mm")

daytime = DateDiff("n", da, db)

totaltime = daytime - lunchtime

thour = (totaltime / 60)

totalminute = (totaltime Mod 60)

strlunchtime = "" + Str(thour) + " h" + Str(totalminute) + " m"

Me.totalhour.Text = strlunchtime

End If

End Sub
Private Sub atype_gotfocus()

If (dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM" Or dstart.Text = "00:00:00 PM" Or dend.Text = "00:00:00

AM" Or dend.Text = "00:00:00 PM") Then

Me.totalhour.Text = ""


If (lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM" Or lstart.Text = "00:00:00 PM" Or lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Or lend.Text = "00:00:00 PM") Then

lunchtime = 0


la = Format$(lstart.Text, "HH:mm")

lb = Format$(lend.Text, "HH:mm")

lunchtime = DateDiff("n", la, lb)

End If

da = Format$(dstart, "HH:mm")

db = Format$(dend, "HH:mm")

daytime = DateDiff("n", da, db)

totaltime = daytime - lunchtime

thour = (totaltime / 60)

totalminute = (totaltime Mod 60)

strlunchtime = "" + Str(thour) + " h" + Str(totalminute) + " m"

Me.totalhour.Text = strlunchtime

End If

End Sub
Private Sub avalue_click()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False

End Sub

Private Sub avalue_gotfocus()

Me.searchframe.Visible = False


Me.avalue.AddItem ("1")

Me.avalue.AddItem ("0.5")

End Sub

Private Sub save_Click()

If Me.dname.Text = "" Then



Exit Sub

End If

If Me.ename.Text = "" Then



Exit Sub

End If

If Me.atype.Text = "" Then

Me.atype.Text = "-"

End If
If Me.avalue.Text = "" Then

Me.avalue.Text = "0"

End If

If Me.dstart.Text = "" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

End If

If Me.dend.Text = "" Then

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

End If

If Me.lstart.Text = "" Then

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

End If

If Me.lend.Text = "" Then

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

End If

If Me.totalhour.Text = "" Then

Me.totalhour.Text = "0"

End If

If Me.atype.Text = "AB" Or Me.atype.Text = "HOLYDAY" Then

Me.dstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.dend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.lstart.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.lend.Text = "00:00:00 AM"

Me.avalue.Enabled = False


Me.avalue.Enabled = True

End If

If flagedit = False Then

'*********** if record is already there

Set rsg = New ADODB.Recordset

rsg.Open "select * from attendenceentry where date1='" & Format$(DTPicker1.Value,

"d/m/yyyy") & "' ", cd2, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


If (rsg.RecordCount = 0) Then



count1 = 0

While (count1 < rsg.RecordCount)

If ((Me.ename.Text) = (rsg.Fields(2))) Then

MsgBox "already in record"


GoTo here

End If

count1 = count1 + 1


'End If

Set rs_pay_save = New ADODB.Recordset

rs_pay_save.Open "select * from pay_slip WHERE Dept_name='" & L_dname.Text & "' and
Emp_name='" & L_ename.Text & "' AND Month1='" & L_month.Text & "' AND Year1='" &
Me.L_year.Text & "'", cd_pay, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

If rs_pay_save.RecordCount = 0 Then


rs_pay_save.Fields(0) = Me.L_dname.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(1) = Me.L_ename.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(2) = Me.L_month.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(3) = Me.T_prday.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(4) = Me.T_abday.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(5) = Me.T_holiday.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(6) = Me.T_wday.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(7) = Me.T_salary.Text

rs_pay_save.Fields(8) = Me.L_year.Text





End If

End Sub
Private Sub cmd_exit_click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_print_Click()

DataEnvironment1.rsCommand3.Open "Select * from pay_slip where Emp_name= '" &

Me.L_ename.Text & "' AND Dept_name='" & Me.L_dname.Text & "' AND Month1='" &
Me.L_month.Text & "' AND year1='" & Me.L_year.Text & "' ", cd_pay, adOpenStatic,




End Sub

Private Sub cleartext()

Me.L_dname.Text = ""

Me.L_ename.Text = ""

Me.L_month.Text = ""

Me.T_prday.Text = ""

Me.T_abday.Text = ""

Me.T_holiday.Text = ""

Me.T_wday.Text = ""

Me.T_salary.Text = ""

End Sub

Pay Slip Report

Dim d As ADODB.Connection

Dim r As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()

Set d = New ADODB.Connection

d.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"

d.Open App.Path & "\db1.mdb"

Set r = New ADODB.Recordset

r.Open "select * from departmentname ", d, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

count1 = 0



While (count1 < r.RecordCount)

Me.L_dname.AddItem (r.Fields(0))

count1 = count1 + 1



Me.L_month.AddItem ("JANUARY")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("FEBRUARY")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("MARCH")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("APRIL")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("MAY")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("JUN")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("JULY")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("AUGUST")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("SEPTEMBER")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("OCTOBER")

Me.L_month.AddItem ("NOVEMBER")
Me.L_month.AddItem ("DECEMBER")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2005")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2006")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2007")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2008")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2009")

Me.L_year.AddItem ("2010")

Me.cmd_print.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_search_Click()

Set r = New ADODB.Recordset

r.Open "select Emp_name as 'Employee Name',Total_wday,Total_salary from pay_slip

where Dept_name='" & L_dname.Text & "' and Month1='" & L_month.Text & "' AND Year1='" &
Me.L_year.Text & "'", d, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.ColWidth(0) = 6000

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.ColWidth(1) = 1500

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.ColWidth(2) = 2000

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Size = 10

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.AllowUserResizing = flexResizeColumns

Me.MSHFlexGrid1.Font.Bold = True

If r.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No record!!!"


Set Me.MSHFlexGrid1.DataSource = r

End If

Me.cmd_print.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_print_Click()

alary from pay_slip where Dept_name='" & L_dname.Text & "' and Month1='" & L_month.Text & "'
AND Year1='" & Me.L_year.Text & "'", d, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic




End Sub

Private Sub cmd_exit_click()

Unload Me

While developing the software, we faced many major and

minor problems. Initially, we were not able to connect the database to
the front end and faced some problems related to the connectivity and
the consistency of the database. Then it was very difficult to print the
REPORT, as a required printer driver was not available. Similarly we
could not manipulate the Report Page size.

During deployment, Project didn't work as expected,

which helped us to figure out that program can't be ported to client's
machine without setup file as the program was running fine on our
machine but we were unable to run it on the client's machine in
absence of appropriate runtime DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries). The
most exasperating problem was to print the form thus making it
impossible for us to work further.

We took the help of all the possible people we could ask

them for, and with their assistance we came out in triump.

In the modern world people‟s needs have increased

enormously. Technology has also developed profoundly. So we have
more data to collect, store, update, retrieves and use. Computers have
made their operation easier and quicker.

Today people need faster work on computers. So this

software is design to assist the college staff to deal with information
of which student, facility offered to student and other related

This project is a small module of large software, which is

for the “TOURISM MANAGEMENT”. This software will provide
a great deal of help to its motor booking insurance.

It makes easier operate for ticket reservation, booking and


1. Beginner’s Guide to VB 6.0

… Rita Sahu

2. Programming in Visual Basic VB 6.0

… Sumita Arora

3. Mastering in VB

… Evangels Petroutsos

4. Database Programming in VB 6.0

… Roger Jennings

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