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L'anglais contemporain, Robert et Nathan : vocabulaire thématique gribouiller, griffonner = to scrawl (pour un enfant), to sketch (ébauche)

une devinette = a riddle (poser = to ask a riddle)

1 CHILDHOOD une panoplie = an outfit
déguisement = fancy-dress
la maternité, la paternité = parenthood s'avouer vaincu = to give in. “I give in” = je donne ma langue au chat
parents adoptifs = foster parents faire semblant (2 facons différentes de le dire) = to pretend (+ing), to make
famille monoparentale = one-parent family believe
filleul = godchild / godson / god-daughter formateur = formative, instructive
un enfant unique = an only child bac a sable = sandpit
belle fille/fils = son/daughter-in-law (gendre/bru), stepdaughter/stepson toboggan = a slide
(remariage) un cerceau = hoop
un petit fils = a grandson billes = marbles
les frêres et soeur = the siblings la marelle = hopscotch
vrais jumaux = identical twins le saute mouton = leap-frog (“to be leapfrogging”, cf. presse)
les liens = bonds un manège = a merry-go-round
familial (adj) = family (eg family love) fête foraine = a fun fair
aimant = caring trébucher = to stumble (a stumbling block = a bone of contention)
l'initiation à = initiation into vaciller = to teeter
patience = patience sautiller = to hop, to skip
privation = deprivation > to deprive of poursuivre = to chase
punition = punishment diriger (qqch vers...)= to direct
élever = raise joueur (adj) = playful
gâter, céder à = to indulge sb agité = restless
chouchouter, dorloter = to pet téméraire = reckless (a reckless driver = chauffard)
compréhensif = understanding, comprehensive = complet
turbulent, bruyant = boisterous More words
dur, sévere = harsh, severe Boy scouts / Girl guides
sournoiserie = slyness a pantomime = spectacle traditionnel où les acteurs se travestissent
bouderie = sulkiness > faire la tête = to be/look sulky Common fairy tales : Little Red Riding Hood, Tom Thumb, Puss in boots, The
espieglerie, malice = mischief ugly duckling, Snow White and the seven dwarves
méchanceté = malice, nastyness, maliciousness, meanness, viciousness un chouchou / une chouchoute = a blue-eyed boy/girl
entêtement = obstinacy, wilfulness. Entêté, volontaire = wilful “un petit garcon a sa maman” = a mother's boy
opiniâtreté = stubbornness / !\ (FA) a sister (Brit.) peut vouloir dire une infirmière en chef
obéir à qqn = to ebey sb “kid” is colloquial
effronté, insolent = cheeky faire le jeu de qqn = to play into sb's hand
désobéissant = desobedient jouer sa carte maîtresse = to play one's ace
rebelle (adj) = rebellious, rebel “Like father, like son”. “It runs in the family” = “C'est de famille !”
une toupie = a spinning top
une marionette = a puppet 2 EDUCATION
un soldat de plomb = a tin soldier
assembler, monter (jouet) = to put together fréquenter l'école = to attend school
démonter = to take apart avoir cous d'Histoire = to have a History class
tirer, remorquer = to tow (tow truck = depaneuse) une nourrice = a child minder
traîner = to trag. (fig > to hang around) une école maternelle = a kindergarten (US), a nursery school
un dé= a dice, a die un élève de maternelle = a preschool child
flechettes = darts mettre un enfant à la crêche = to put a child into daycare
l'instruction/la scolarisation (obligatoire) = (compulsory) schooling exiger = to demand
/ !\ FA (Brit) a public school = a private school <> a state school obéissant = obedient docile = manageable
un internat = a boarding school la paresse = laziness
laïque = non-denominational <> confesionnel = denominational l'école buissonière, faire l'école buisonnière = truancy, to play truant
enseignement supérieur = higer education relâcher ses efforts = to slacken/to let up one's efforts (relâcher = to loosen,
formation continue = further education let up...)
un amphi = a lecture room, a theatre peu soigné, négligé = sloppy
l'inscription, s'inscrire = enrolment, registration > to enrol, to register étourdi = scattered-brain, absent-minded. (étourdir = to stun, to make sb's
les admissions = the intake head spin)
les cours = tuition > tuition fees turbulent = boisterous irrespectueux = disrespectful
se spécialiser en (US) = to major in perturbateur = disruptive
formation professionnelle = vocational training évaluation = assessment
un stage, un stagiaire = a training course, a trainee l'alphabétisation = literacy (l'illetrisme = illiteracy)
un programme de formation = a training scheme des notions, des rudiments = a stammering of (to stammer = balbutier,
une formation sur le tas/hors entreprise = on-the-job/off-the-job bredouiller)
training bien connaître, maîtriser = to be familiar with
une formation en alternance = a sandwich course (GB), cooperative atteindre un objective = to achieve
education, instruit, savant = learned, knowledgeable
on-the-job schooling compétent = competent
former a nouveau, recycler = to retrain déchiffrer = to decipher [disaïfer]
le doyen de la fac = the dean of faculty saisir, comprendre = to grasp, to figure out, to catch on, to get...
président d'université (GB) = the chancellor qui sait compter = numerate (<->litterate)
faire de la recherche = to do research doué pour = gifted for
une classe = a class, a form (GB), a grade (US) bulletin scolaire = school report
un ancien élève = an alumnus décerner = to award
le programme scolaire = the curriculum soutenir une thèse = to defend a Ph.D
le programme d'une matière = the syllabus [silebes] (pl. syllabi) la réussite = achievement, accomplishment
les 3 cptences fondamentales = the 3 Rs (Reading, Writing, Arithmetic) un élève en difficultés = a low-achiever un redoublant = a repeater
les lettres = arts quitter l'école prématurément = to drop out of school
l'informatique = computer sciences/studies troubles, difficultés = difficulties, impairment (hearing impairment, visual
/ !\ Linguistics/economics/mathematics/... is a fascinating sbject (sglar impairment..)
words) troubles du comportement = behavioural difficulties
le processus d'apprentissage = the learning process l'aide, le suivi = monitoring > to monitor a student
soutien pédagogique = remedial course
susciter, éveiller = to arouse (arose, arisen) More Words
un devoir écrit = a paper Brit : Grammar school > lycée classique. Comprehensive school = école
un mémoire = a dissertation pblique (secondaire)
proposer une réponse = to volunteer an answer The Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, Princeton...) > an ivy leaguer
se porter volontaire = to volunteer a freschman = en première année (US) (lycée ou fac)
corriger, se relire= to doublecheck, to proofread
travailler dur = to toil 3 POLITICS AND CITIZENSHIP
plein d'enthousiasme = eager
minutieux = painstaking un chef d'Etat = a head of state
studieux (pej)= bookish la destitution = deposition (to depose = détrôner)
le renvoi, expulser = expulsion, to expel l'héritière = the heiress
la discipline = discipline un coup d'Etat = a coup (un participant au ~ = a coupster)
un parti dissident = a splinter party la cour des comptes = the court of audits
un programme = a platform la PAC = the CAP
une position = a stance, a position la voie royale pour... = the royal road to
inciter = to urge, to induce au regard de la loi = in the eyes of the law
mettre en doute = to question
renier = to disown 4 TIME AND HUMAN LIFE
virer à = to swing to
la candidature = candidacy un sablier = a hourglass un chronomètre = a stopwatch
se présenter à des élections = to run for office, to stand as a candidate les aiguilles (horloge) = the thands un ressort = a spring
prendre un bain de foule = to press the flesh avancer, reculer (pendule) = to put a clock forward/back (one hour, eg)
flatter les electeurs = to woo voters précis = accurate (fiable)
un abstentionniste = a stay-away voter une quinzaine = a fortnight
un vote de protestation = a protest vote avant/apres JC = BC (before christ) / AD (anno domini)
participer = to turn out hivernal/printanier/estival/automnal = winterly/springlike/summery/autumnal
truquer = to rig un agenda = a diary (an agenda = ordre du jour)
être élu a un poste = to win office heures creuses = off-peak hours
les délibérations = the proceedings prendre du retard = to lose time
abroger une loi = to repeal a bill rattraper le temps perdu = to make up for the lost time
un remaniement = a reshuffle faire passer le temps = to while away the time
income tax / property tax = sur le revenu / foncier être pressé par le temps = to be pushed for time
frauder le fisc = to dodge/to evade taxes crépuscule = dusk, twilight
ministre des finances = chancellor of the Exchequer (GB), secretary of the au petit matin = in the small/early hours
treasury (US) du matin au soir = from morning till night
ministre de la justice = the Lord Chancellor (GB), the Attorney General (US) s'obscurcir = to get dark
ministre de l'intérieur = the home secretary (GB) très sombre, obscur = pitch-dark
ministre des affaires E = the foreign secretary (GB), the state secretary (US) la brièveté = brevity
enquêter = to hold an inquiry passer, s'écouler = to go by, to elapse
fouiller un endroit = to search a place prolonger, faire durer = prolong, protract, to lengthen
enfermer qqn = to lock sb up long (adj) = long, lengthy durable = lasting (fig. Sustainable)
dénoncer qqn = to inform against so, to give sb away eternel = eternal, everlasting provisoire = provisional
tribunal = lawcourt incessant = unceasing, incessant, continuing
procureur = the public prosecutor momentané = momentary
assignation a comparaitre = a subpoena (US) jusqu'à présent = up to now jusqu'en 2002 = up to 2002
porter plainte contre qqn = to lodge a complaint against tout de suite = straight away, right away
poursuivre en justice = to take/ to sue sb to court immédiatement = at once, immediately
engager des poursuites = to take proceedings against plus tard = later on se reproduire (evt) = to recur
l'erreur judiciaire = miscarriage of justice fréquent = frequent trimestriel = quarterly
rendre un verdict = to return a verdict une fois de temps en temps/de trop = once in a while / too often
une mutinerie = a mutiny rarement = seldom, hardly ever, rarely
remise de peine = a reprieve une guerre sainte = a holy war
la récidive = seconnd offence (récidiver= to repeat an offence) la Réforme = the Reformation
condamner à la prison = to sentence to prison l'entre deux guerres = the inter-war period
purger une peine = to serve a sentence historic/historical = qui fait date (=landmark)/qui est lié à l'Histoire
un souvenir = a remembrance, a memory
More words vieillot, surrané = antiquated, quaint, old-fashioned, outdated
Check and balances in the US constitution anachronique = anachronistic
dernièrement = lately, recently, not long ago les cieux = the skies
au préalable, d'avance = beforehand l'apesanteur = weightlessness la pesanteur = gravity
pour le moment= for the time being étoile filante = shooting star etoile du berger = theEvening Star
un avant-gout = a foretaste une perspective = a prospect étoilé = starry
ultérieur = subsequent extra terrestre = extraterrestrial
imminent = impending rayons du soleil = sunrays
dans les années à venir = in years to come terrien, terrestre = earthly
un bambin, un tout petit = a toddler (to toddle, faire ses premiers pas) un astronome = an astronomer
allaiter = to breastfeed astrophysicien = astrophysicist
être mineur, devenir majeur = to be under age, to come of age, to turn 18 carte du ciel = star chart > to chart = tracer la carte de
puéril, immature = childish crédule, naïf = gullible révolté = scruter = to peer into
rebellious la terre ferme = the mainland
l'âge mur = middle age mûrir = to mature une faille = a fault
une ride = a line, a wrinkle mûr (fruit) = ripe plateau continental = continental shelf
retarder la prise de sa retraite = to postpone retirement archipel = archipelago [arkipelaigo]
fâner, dépérir = to wither radoter = to ramble un détroit = a strait(s) > the strait(s) of Gibraltar
gâteux = doddering, doting un cap = a cape
le deuil = bereavement (the bereaved = la famille du défunt) Andes / Rocheuses = the Andean/Great Cordillera, the Rocky Mountains/The
les pompes funèbres = the undertaker's Rockies
un cercueil = a coffin un massif = a massif
les cendres = the ashes une crête = a crest
pleurer la mort de qqn = to mourn sb > to be in mourning for sb = porter le un glacier = a glacier [gleicieu]
deuil de un gouffre = a chasm [kaizem]
présenter ses condoléances = to offer one's sympathy (=la compassion) un vallon = a dale
faire un testament = to make a will une plaine = a plain
rajeunir = rejuvenate un bassin, cuvette = a basin
gentle/seep slope. Mountainous, low, high, hilly...
MORE WORDS en surplomp = overhanging
the grey wave = metaphor for an ageing sty pleine mer = the open sea
to court the grey vote = to try and attract old people for one party in les fonds marins = the sea bed
elections les embruns = spray les moutons = white horses la houle = the swell
une course contre la montre = a race against time le flux et le reflux = the ebb and fow (ebb=reflux)
jouer la montre (fig) = to play for time une crique = an inlet, a creek
rivage = (sea) shore, edge
un ruissau = a brook, a stream
couler = to flow se jeter dans = to flow/run into déborder =
un gallet > caillouteux = a pebble > pebbly
sinueux > serpenter = winding [wainding] > to wind wound wound
/ !\a “windy road” is actually a winding road (both can be said)
les climats = climate
précipitations, pluviosité = rainfall
6 GEOGRAPHY & GEOPOLITICS mousson = monsoon
/ !\désertique = desert
une averse = a shower une pluie torrentielle = a downpour
la brume = mist, haze la grêle = hail le gel = frost verglas=black ice
bruiner = to drizzle tomber a verse =to pour se lever (brume) = to lift 8 IMMIGRATION
geler = to frost over
averses intermitantes = scattered showers pluie battante = pouring rain des raisons de fuir = reasons to escape
moite = damp humide et froid= dank la misère = poverty, dire poverty
la canicule = heat wave, the midsummer heat la souffrance, les épreuves = hardship
un souffle d'air, un vent léger = a breath of wind s'exiler = to go into exile
se dégager = to clear up s'éclaircir=to brighten se chasser (fig.) = to drive away
couvrir=cloud over malheureux = miserable (unfortunate, unluxky. C'est malheureux = it's a
très frais = chilly glacial = freezing cold, icy cold pity/a shame)
un paratonnerre = a lightning conductor une incitation = an incentive
trembler = to quake effacer de la carte = to wipe out l'attrait = appeal, attraction
Côte d'Ivoire = the Ivory Coast. Un ivoirien = a national of the ivory coast l'aspiration, le désir ardent = yearning, longing >> to yearn for, to long for
un néozélandais = a newzealander > New zealand la recharche de = the search for
Ecosse, écossais = Scotland, scottish une occasion = an opportunity
un recensement = a census un gagne-pain = a livelihood
un effondrement démographique = a baby bust a prospect = une perspective
coloniser = to settle l'ascension sociale = upward mobility
faiblement/fortement peuplé = scarcely populated / overpopulated un cas d'ascension fulgurante = a rags-to-riches story, a success story
s'élever socialement = to work one's way up
MORE WORDS attrayant, tentant = appealing, enticing, alluring
The Big Smoke = Londres avide = greedy
the Athens of the North = Edimburg rich > affluent, well off
The big apple = NY (because of the stress that experienced artists before un flot = a stream
performing) l'installation = settling in (to settle)
the windy city = Chhicago un trafiquant, un colporteur, un revendeur = a peddler (US pedlar)
Tinseltown (tinsel = clinquant) = Hollywood un travail ingrat = a thankless/unrewarding job
Motown = Detroit, because of its car industry travail au noir = moonlighting
la célébrité = stardom trimer = to slave away (familiar)
être né sous une bonne étoile = to be born under a lucky star un permis de séjour, aux USA = a green card
terre à terre = down to earth se faufiler (par ext. entrer clandestinement) = to sneak into
remuer ciel et terre =to move heaven and earth excéder une durée fixe = to overstay
jeter un froid sur = to cast a chill over faire entrer clandestinement = to smuggle into
avoir vent de qqch = to get wind of sth la police des frontieres (US) = the border patrol
il faut battre le fer tant qu'il est chaud = to make the hay while the sun limiter le flot = to curb the flow
shines contenir (endiguer) = to staunch, to arrest
revenir sur terre = to come down to earth empêcher d'entrer = to keep out
reconduire = to escort back. Renvoyer = to send back. Par bateau = to ship
insurmontable = unsurpassable
to get bogged = to get stuck un fardeau social = a social burden
une force de maintien de la paix = a peace-keeping force être vistime de discrimination = to be discriminated against
l'escalade de la violence = the escalation of violence mépriser = to dedspice, to look down on
s'efforcer = to strive prendre l'emploi de = to take jobs away from (pèj)
la diversité ethnique = the ethnic mix
bilinguisme = bilingualism
to adapt / to assimilate / to itegrate les gaz d'échappement = exhaust fumes → an exhaust pipe
se créer de nouvelles racines = to put down new roots le brouillard polluant = smog (smoke+fog)
être partagé entre deux cultures = to be torn between two cultures l'amiante = asbestos
s'accrocher à ses coutumes = to stick to one's ways dégager de la fumée = to release, to let out smoke
concilier = to reconcile avoir tu mal à respirer = to fight for breath, to gasp for breath
bizarre, peu habituel = outlandish, unusual cancérigène = carcinogenic, cancer-causing
sain/malsain = wholesome / unwholesome
MORE WORDS la sécheresse = drought
bateau qui transporta les premiers colons puritains anglais vers USA= nappe phréatique = ground water → ground water level
Mayflower, 1620 dessécher = to dry up, to dry out
the gold rush = 1848 (to california) désertique, aride, stérile = barren (ground, eg)
the closing of the frontier (end of the inner conquest) officially happened in shortage = scarcity
1890 l'abondancce = plenty
Yuccas (young urban cuban americans), chuppies (Chinese + Yuppies), l'excés = glut [glot]
Chicanos (mexican people), wetbacks (those who cross the Rio Grande commencer à manquer de = to run short of
swimming) regorger de, déborder de = to be packed with, to overflow with
Hyphenated american (from foreign origin :eg= African-American, European- une marée noire, une nappe de pétrole = an oil slick
American) déverser = to dump, to disccharge
se contenter de = to settle for, to content oneself with sth dumping = décharge (eg : no dumping)
un accord, un reglement (a l'amiable) = a settlement ordures ménagères = household waste
dangereux = hazardous
9 NATURE AND ECOLOGY une décharge, un dépotoir = a dump, a tip
de la feraille = scrap → a scrap heap = un tas de feraille, une décharge
a monkey / an ape = un singe / un grand singe (au fig → ancêtre) sentir mauvais = to smell foul, to stink (empester)
mammifères marins = sea mammals s'entasser = to pile up
nageoire = fin suinter, s'infiltrer = to ooze
la pêche à la ligne / un pêcheur a la ligne = angling / an angler malodorant = smelly, foul-smelling
un collectionneur = a collector encombrant = cumbersome
contrebande, contrebandier = smuggling, a smuggler le tri (écologique) = sorting out
le braconnage = poaching → a poacher / to poach ramasser le verre usagé = to collect used glass (un collecteur ~ = a bottle
chasser (faire fuir) = to drive away, to frighten away bank)
massacrer = to massacre, to slaughter consigné = returnable
tirer sur = to shoot at conscient des enjeux écologiques = environmentally-minded
diminuer (en nombre) = to dwindle surveiller = to watch
le déséquilibre écologique = ecological imbalance porter plainte / intanter un procès à = to lodge a complaint / to bring a
une branche (arbre) = a branch lawsuit
acajou = mahogany against
du bois de chauffage = firewood révéler, dénoncer = to reveal, to expose
déboisement = deforestation une mesure d'encouragement = an incentive
une scierie = a sawmill une réserve naturelle = a nature reserve
le défrichage = land-clearing des mesures d'économie d'énergie = energy-saving measures
rare, se raréfier = scarce, to become scarce des ressources inexploitées = untapped ressources
la diminution, l'appauvrissement = depletion → to deplete = to exhaust le co-voiturage = car-pooling
désastre écologique = environmental disaster voter une loi = to pass a law
ravager = to devastate, to wreak havoc [wrik] les économies d'énergie = energy efficiency
/ !\ an emission = une émission (de gaz) une station d'épuration = a sewage treatment plant
traitement des déchets = waste disposal galvanisant = rousing
assainir = to clean up riposte = retort
traiter : eaux usées → to proccess sewage ; déchets → to manage, to dispose s'insurger = to rail against
waste to joke about
qui fonctionne à l'énergie solaire/éolienne = solar/wing-powered ridiculiser = to deride
économique en carburant = fuel-efficient ressasser = to harp on a subject
sans plomb/phosphates/agents polluants = lead/phosphate/pollutant-free aller droit au fait = to go straight to the point
prudent = cautious
MORE WORDS un sanglot = a sob (to sob)
“écologiquement correct, bien vu” = ecologically PC gémir = to groan
“not in my backyard” = celui qui se mobilise qd son environnement direct est pleurnicher = to snivel
menacé (pas derrière ronchonner = to moan
chez moi) gronder = to tell off
countrycide = hazardous for the countryside (pun) balbutiement = stammering
the greening of business, of aggriculture, of politics... 11 THE SELF AND OTHERS : HARMONY
donner le feu vert = to give the green light
nettoyer a fond = to clean out une âme soeur = a kindred spirit
/!\ clean is also an adverb : clean=completely. “we're clean out of bread” un penchant = a liking for (personne), a leaning toward
intimité = closeness to
10 SPEAKING AND SPEECH /!\ sympathy = compassion > to sympathize with, to be sympathetic
entretenir de bonnes relations = to be on friendly/good terms
marmonner = to mumble se compléter = to complement each other
une expression consacrée = a set phrase être solidaire de qqn = to stand by sb
la langue de bois = cant (= hypocritical talks) attaché à = devoted to
murmurer = to murmur amour maternel = motherly love > fraternel, paternel...
un orateur charismatique = a spell-binder solidarité féminine = sisterly solidarity
prononcer un discours = to deliver a speech narcissisme = self-love
couper la parole = to cut sb short tendresse = tenderness
mettre son grain de sel = to butt in être fou de qqn = to dote on sb
persuader qqn = to talk sb into doing sth séduisant = alluring, appealing
to convince of / to dissuade from un cavalier = an escort
au deuxieme degré = tongue-in-cheek une maîtresse = a mistress
parler sans discontinuer = to rattle away a romance = une idylle, romance = romantisme
franchise = frankness, straightforwardness poser un lapin = to stand someone up
dire ce que l'on pense = speak one's mind un célibataire = a bachelor
tourner autour du pot = to beat about the bush une vieille fillle = a spinster, an old maid
mâcher ses mots = to mince one's words une union = a match
rire aux éclats = to roar with laughter le témoin = the bridesmaid
hurler de douleur = to wail jeunes mariés = newly-weds
enroué, rauque = hoarse mariage blanc = a paper marriage
perrçant = shrill une pulsion = an urge
évoquer = to mention le désir = lust
aisance = fluency volupté = sensuousness
s'adresser à = to adress s.o. caresser = to stroke > caresser du regard = to look at sb lovingly, caresser
dans le sens du poil = to stay on the right side of sb
sexual liberation, birth control, free love, contraceptive devices,... head over heels in love with = éperdument amoureux de
la fête, les réjouissances = a spree > to go on a (shopping) spree qu'on ne saurait avoir pour rien au monde = not to be had for love or money
échnagisme = mate-swapping un(e) ex = an old flame
une aventure sans lendemain = a one-night stand
obsédé sexuel = sex-ridden people 12 THE SELF AND OTHERS : CONFLICT
plénitude = fulfillment
l'entrain = cheerfulness l'irritation, l'agacement = irritation
contentement, joie = delight > ravi, enchanté = delighted le désagrément = inconvenience
béatitude = bliss un fléau, désagrément = a nuisance
sérénité = serenity froisser = to offend
to like doing sth, to take pleasure in doing sth, to please sb (faire plaisir)... s'opposer à qqn = to oppose sb
réconforter qqn = to cheer sb up éprouver la patience de qqn = to try sb's patience > éprouvant, difficile =
la décence, la retenue, la politesse = decency trying
le tact = tactfulness se brouiller avec = to fall out with
l'estime, la considération = consideration, regard mécontent de = dissatisfied with
complicité = mutual understanding coléreux = hot-tempered
une mutuelle = a friendly society detestable, odieux = obnoxious
une organisation caritative = a charity rancune, ressentiment = resentment (to resent sth = s'offenser de qqch)
l'abnégation = self-denial la rigueur impitoyable = ruthlessness (ruthless = impitoyable)
la bienséance, décence, correctiton = propriety, morality, politeness, l'insensibilité = heartlessness
decency bad, evil, wicked, mean, spiteful, cruel (to), unkind, pitiless
galanterie = gallantry moqueur = mocking (to mock at sb)
fréquenter des gens = to socialize > la vie sociale = socializing malhonnêteté = dishonesty
complimenter = to pay compliments fausseté = mendacity (hypocrisy = insincerity)
bien élevé, poli = well-mannered, well-behaved tromperie = deception (déception = disappointment)
attentionné = considerate traitrise = treachery
bien intentionné = well-meaning un faux-semblant = a pretence
galant, courtois = gallant, gentlemanly. Also: gallant=courageux (=brave) berner, duper = to fool sb
liberté de réunion = freedom of assembly dissimuler = to conceal, to hold back, to hide
légalité = legality, lawfulness trompeur (apparence) = deceptive, delusory, misleading
défendre la veuve et l'orphelin = to defend the weak le mépris = contempt, scorn, despite, disrespect (méprisable = contemptible)
exiger avec vigieur = to press for a demand suffisant = self-satisfied
respecter la loi = to abide the law (faire respecter = to enforce) vantard = boastful, brash
un arbitre = arbitrator (politics), referee (sports) hautain = haughty, lordly, prideful, disdainful
un compromis = a compromise pour se venger de = in revenge for (se venger = to take revenge, vengeur =
une visite d'amitié = a goodwill mission vengeful)
convoiter = to covet, to long (un peu moins) (cupide = covetous, greedy,
MORE WORDS avaricious)
OXFAM = Oxford Committee for Famine Relief, an international charity user de représailles = to retaliate, to pay sb back (le lui faire payer)
created in England in 1942. Struggles against poverty and injustice. Now to get angry at/with sb(contre qqn), at/about sth
established in several countries in the world mettre en colère = to madden, to infuriate
The Shaftesbury Society = christian charity founded in 1844, by Earl exaspérer = to incense
Shaftesbury. Like Emmaus in France, it defends the weak and disabled to discriminate against // to endure discrimination
people (providing housing, eg). In 2007, its name became Livability léser qqn = to wrong sb, to treat unjustly
bosom friends = amis intimes (bosom = poitrine, coeur) rejeter = to expel, to ban
puppy love / calf love = premier amour adolescent la barrière raciale = the colour bar
délinquance = delinquency (un délit = an offence, un délinquant = an népotisme = nepotism
offender) langue de bois = doublespeak
un complice = an accomplice sortir de ses gonds = to fly off the handle (handle = la manche)
l'agression = assault, mugging (assailant, mugger), attack, attempt > to
attack, Proverbs/quotes
assault, Man is a wolf to man
to mug Revenge is sweet
un voyou = a thug
blessure = wound (intentionnelle), injury (involontaire) 13 THE MEDIA 1 : THE PRESS, THE RADIO AND TELEVISION
de sang-froid = cold-blooded
cruel, inhumain = barbarous, savage, cruel, brutal presse automobile = motoring press (US car press)
a battered wife = femme batue // a wife beater = un mari violent un éditorial = a leader
maltraiter, injurier = to abuse, to ill-use, to mistreat la rubrique mondaine = the gossip column
le mécontentement social = social dissatisfaction le courrier du coeur = the agony column
l'agitation sociale = social unrest un n° de parution = an issue
un défilé = a march trimestriel = quarterly
une occupation = a sit-in chroniqueur = columnist
agiter des banderoles = to wave banners redacteur en chef = editor
une explosion de violence = an outburst of violence > the escalation of éditeur = publisher
violence communiqué de presse = a news release (US)
affrontement = confrontation to report ON = to cover sth
le pillage = looting. A looter, to loot = to plunder publier en exclu = to scoop
saccager = to wreck, to vandalize, to wreak havoc (on) capter (radio) = to pick up
violations des droits de l'homme = human rights abuse/violation régler son poste sur une station = to tune in to a station
la repression de... = crackdown on (to crack down on) be on the air / be off the air
emprisonnement = imprisonment poste de TV = TV set > le petit écran = the telly, the box
interrogatoire = an interrogation (to interrogate) télécommande = remote control, zapper. / zapper = to zap, to channel-flick
un bourreau = a torturer, an executioner to flick = appuyer sur, donner un petit coup à
la souffrance = suffering < agony antenne parabolique = a dish aerial, a dish antenna (US)
totalitaire = totalitarian temps d'antenne = air time
porté disparu = reported missing un feuilleton = a serial, une série = a series
soumis = submissive une rediffusion = a repeat, a return
angoissé = anguished, tormented, tortured captiver = to engross. > captiver le public = to hold the audience
arbitraire (adj) = arbitrary divertir = entertain
purification ethnique = ethnic cleansing (to cleanse = nettoyer, purifier) en différé = pre-recorded
la déportation dans un camp = internment (FA : deportation = banissement) éducatif = educational
le déracinement = rootlessness (>an uprooted person) abêtissant, abrutissant = stultifying
un animateur = a compere > animer un spectacle = to host/compere a show
More Words : un journaliste sportif = a sportcaster
National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, NAACP (US) présenter les informations = to present the news
The Civil Rights Act, 1965, USA gives the right to vote to all the minorities chasse au scandale = muckraking
The Equal Rights Amendment, 1972, USA, same rights without consideration droit à l'information = the right to know
of sex journalisme d'investigation = investigative journalism
délit d'initiés = inside trading un sujet vedette = a newsmaker
soudoyer = to bribe sb (a bribery =un pot de vin) une faute éthique = a breach of ethics (a breach of = un manquement, une
blanchiment d'argent = money-laundering infraction ; to be in breach of = enfreindre ; to step in the breach =
s'engouffrer dans...) un périph = a bypass, a ring road
diffamation (écrite) = label (to libel, to defame) > une calomnie (verbale) = a un carrefour = a crossroads
slander un chauffard = a reckless driver
voyeurisme = voyeurism une dépaneuse = a tow-truck
to pester = to harass transport routier = haulage (un transporteur = a hauler)
to dig out = to unearth le code de la route = the highway code
accurate // inacurate reculer, faire marche arriere = to back up, to reverse
reliable // unreliable caler = to stall
un microt secret = a (phone) bug > to tap/bug a phone ceinture de sécurité = seat-belt
la mise sur écoute = eavesdropping > suprendre conversation = to le capot = the bonnet
eavesdrop on coffre = the boot, the trunk (US)
une saisie = a seizure > to confiscate, to seize plaque d'immatriculation = licence-plates
to blue-pencil = corriger (US?) rouler à l'essence = to run on petrol
bailloner = to gag. Réduire au silence = to silence un aiguillage = a switch
limiter l'accès = to curtail access (to curtail = to restrict = to cut back = une consigne automatique= a locker
mettre une entrave à) monter/dessendre (train) = get on, get off
un chantier naval = a shipyard
More words faire escale à, faire un arret à (bateau, train) = to call at, to stop at (train)
Fleet Street = London street where all the English journalists work, in their faire escale / une escale (avion) = to stop over, a stopover
editorial offices. salle d'embarquement = departure lounge (the arrivals lounge)
The “silly season” = summer period, during which all journalists fill in the une piste = a runway
magazines with entertaining and pointless anecdotes. deservir = to serve
A soap opera = un feuilleton à l'eau de vaisselle debris = the wreckage (a wreck = une épave, a shipwreck = un naufrage)
a stalkarazzi sujet aux accidents = accident-prone (to be prone to = être sujet à)
newsworthy (adj) une station = a resort (seaside resort, winter resort, ski resort)
on the record/off the record = de source officielle/officieuse pension complete = full board
to worm out information = soutirer une chambre libre = a vacancy (complet = « no vacancies »)
to fish for information = récolter un coup de soleil= a sunburn (to be sunburnt)
Bad news travels fast bronzer = to get a suntan (bronzé = tanned)
rotir = to bake
14 THE MEDIA 2 : EXCHANGE AND COMMUNICATION circuits touristiques = touring
visiter, voir les monuments = to see the sights (sights = attractions
visiter un pays = to tour a country
pittoresque = picturesque
a couper le souffle = breathtaking
camping-car = a Dormobile
15 TRANSPORT AND TOURISM matelas pneumatique = a lilo
une table pliante = a collapsible table
une sortie, excursion = an outing une torche = a flashlight , a torch (GB)
le désir de voyager = wanderlust (un flaneur, vagabond = a wanderer)
qui a bcp voyagé = well-travelled More words
libre comme l'air = footloose être completement perdu = to be all at sea
un itinéraire = a route dans le sillage de, a la suite de =in the wake of
sur le chemin du retour = homebound être dans la même galere = to be in the same boat
un centriste, modéré, en politique = a middle-of-the-roader
« Travelling broadens the mind » = les voyages forment la jeunesse to spend lavishly = depenser sans compter
the customer is king / is always right
allécher = to entice
persuader, inciter = to induce free-market economy, state-run economy, planned economy
honteux, scandaleux = outrageous privatization / nationalization
un prospectus = a leaflet domestic/home market VS global/ world market
distribuer des ~ = to hand out leaflets mettre sous tutelle de l'état = to bring under state control
placarder = to post up un arrêt (dans la croissance) = a standstill (s'immobiliser = to be at a
un air accrocheur = a catchy tune standstill)
une foire = a trade fair une reprise = a recovery
un magasin de fruits et legumes = a greengrocer's être en plein marasme = to be in the doldrums
un poissonnier = a fishmonger's s'effondrer = to collapse, to slump, to plummet (dégringoler)
une papeterie = a stationer's un billet = a banknote (bankbill US)
un étal = a stall les cartes de crédit = plastic money
une caisse de sortie = a checkout (counter) une devise = a currency
un caissier = a cashier sûr = steady
s'occuper de, servir = to attend une action = a share >> a shareholder
bien agencé = well laid-out le cours = quotation
un coursier = a messenger un boursicoteur = a dabbler in stocks
un client habituel, un habitué = a patron a falling/rising market
comparer les prix entre magasins = to shop around délit d'initié = insider trading
faire du leche vitrine = to go window-shopping être à son maximum = to peak
imprévisible, inconstant (personne), changeant (weather) = fickle un guichet = a window
capricieux = whimsical (un caprice = a whim) remboursement = repayment (rembourser = to reimburse, to pay back)
difficile (à contenter) = choosy être à découvert = to be overdrawn, to have an overdraft
de la camelote = cheap-junk être à la banque X = to bank with X
la baisse de la qualité = slipping standards encaisser un cheque = to cash a cheque
defectueux = defective, faulty avare = miserly (adj)
baclé, négligé = sloppy petites entreprises = small businesses
association de consommateur = consumer group PME = medium-sized business
faire pression sur = to lobby conclure une affaire = to clinch a deal
retirer un produit du marché= to take sth off the market rentabiliser qqch = to make sth profitable /!\ faux ami !
se faire indemniser =to receive compensation affaires florissantes = thriving business (to thrive = prospérer)
se faire rembourser = to get a refund affaires en plein marasme = slack business
siège d'une entreprise = head office
More words conseil d'adiministration = board of directors
the consumer price index = l'indice des prix à la conso le pdt = chairman (présider = to chair)
60 millions de consommateurs = Which? (brit), Consumer report (US) reduction/augmentation d'effectif = downsizing/upsizing
awkward = pas commode, difficile à gérer facture = invoice (to invoice sb for sth)
it costs an arm and a leg baisser les prix = to cut prices
at all costs = coute que coute; à tout prix une enchère, un appel d'offre = a bid
to buy a witness = suborner un témoin prendre une part de marché = to grab a market share
« I'll buy it » = ok, je te crois concurrencer = to compete with
to buy sth unseen = acheter les yeux fermés canibaliser = to canibalize
a favourable / negative trade balance diriger une ferme = to run a farm
une guerre commerciale = a trade war vivre de la terre = to live off the land
un blocus = a blockade la matériel agricole = farm equipment
a socio-professional group une tondeuse a gazon = a lawnmower
un créneau commercial, une niche = a market gap, a niche une remorque = a trailer
la fidélité (pour une marque) = loyalty (faithfulness pour un couple) une cuve = a vat
haut/bas de game = up-market down-market, upscale downscale un tonneau = a cask, a barrel
prix public conseillé = the high street price une moissoneuse batteuse = a combine harvester
ettiquette de prix = price tag (étiquette = label, l'etiquette=les une brouette= a wheelbarrow un rateau = a rake
manières=décorum) semer = to sow désherber = to weed
bon rapport qualité prix = good value for money (weeds=mauvaises hrbs)
rentrer la récolte = to get the crop in
More words faire les vendanges = to gather the grapes
ALENA = NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association) l'agro-alimentaire = agribusiness
Lombard Street = rue de londres associée aux grandes banques, marché l'industrie alimentaire = the food industry
financier une coopérative agricole = an agricultural cooperative
a perk (a perquisite) = un avantage en nature, un a-coté le rendement = yield → to yield = donner, produire
an oillionaire = un magnat du pétrole ! une culture de base = a staple crop
A money spinner = une mine d'or (fig) les céréales = corn (représente la culture principale : US → mais. GB → blé)
a golden handshake = une grosse prime de départ, ou de bienvenue les cultures vivrères = food crops
he's rolling in it = il est plein aux as la vigne = vine
to kill the golden goose = tuer la poule aux oeufs d'or les plaies de l'agriculture = the ills of agriculture
it's monet down the drain = c'est jeter de l'argent par les fenêtres un animal nuisible, un parasite = a pest, a parasite
a sory business = une bien triste affaire un rongeur= a rodent
« Money begets money » (beget = engendrer) = « l'argent va a l'argent » ruiner, détruire une récolte = to blight a crop
« Money can't buy you happiness » dévorer / ronger = to eat up / to gnaw
gelé = frostbitten
18 AGRICULTURE un enclos, une cloture = an enclosure
un éleveur (de bétail) = a (cattle-)breeder
la terre (cultivable) = the soil un berger = a shepherd
la terre cultivée / non cultivée = the farmland / the idle land engraisser = to fatten, to feed up
une haie = a hedge un troupeau : petits animaux = flock, gros animaux = a herd
être en jachère / la jachère = to lie fallow / fallow land une jument = a mare
un pré, une prairie = a meadow / !\ a sheep, several sheep
la superficie = acreage la volaille = poultry, fowl
fertile = fertile, fruitful une oie = a goose
un hangar, un abri = a shed pondre un oeuf / éclore = to lay an egg / to hatch
une grange = a barn une ruche = a beehive
une écurie = a stable un apiculteur = a bee-keeper
un puits = a well piquer = to sting
un jardin potager = a vegetable garden la pisciculture = fish farming
un verger = an orchard l'industrie laitière = dairy farming
un paysan, une paysane = a countryman/woman produits laitiers = dairy produce
les gens de la campagne = countryfolk traire = to milk
un laboureur, labourer = a ploughman, to plough à vous figer le sang = blood-curdling (to curdle = cailler)
a nursery = une crèche ou une pépinière un agronome = an agronomist
l'industrie agro-alimentaire = agribusiness, the farm-produce industry une grue = a crane
l'approvisionnement en eau = water supply rénover = renovate, refurbish
le fumier = manure la fabrication = manufacture
l'agrochimie = agrochemicals un entrepôt = a warehouse
manipulations biologiques = biological engineering / genetic engineering fondre = melt
OGM = GMO produire de l'énergie = to yield power / fournir de l'énergie = to power
generically engineered food un puits = a pit, a shaft (un puits de pétrole = an oil well)
une race (espèce) / un croisement de races = a breed / crossbreeding forer à la recherche de pétrole = to drill for oil
l'élevage industriel = factory farming → battery farming exploiter une mine = to work a mine
améliorer, accroitre = to enhance énergie marémotrice = tidal power
rapporter, produire = to yield → crop yield = rendement des cultures déchets radioactifs = nuclear waste
altérer, trafiquer = to tamper with stocker = to store
devenir résistant à = to build up resistance to les trois-huit = shift work (une équipe = a shift (=un changement, aussi) )
qui résiste aux parasites = pest-resistant travailler par équipes = to work shifts
les subventions agricoles = farming subsidies rationaliser des taches = to streamline tasks
le prix à la production = the farm gate price
une crise agricole = a farm slump More words
production à flux tendu = just -in-time production
sunrise industries = en expansion VS sunset industries
les cuivres (orchestre) = the brass
steeliness = dureté, inflexibilité > steely
appeler un chat un chat = to call a spade a spade
être vendu aux enchères = to come under the hammer
« A bad workman blames his tools »

une pénurie de main d'oeuvre = a labour shortage
le savoir faire artisanal = craftsmanship (artisan = craftsman) titulaire d'un emploi = a jobholder
activités artisanales = craft industry arriver sur le marché de l'emploi = to join the labour force
une vis = a screw (un tournevis = a screwdriver) être responsable /!\ = to be in charge of
abattre (un arbre) = to fell discrimination par l'age = ageism [eidjizem]
ébénisterie = cabinetmaking passer un test = to sit a test, to take a test (US) (to pass = réussir)
forgeron = blacksmith refuser un candidat = to turn down an applicant
orfèvre = silversmith formation professionnelle = vocational training
serrurier = locksmith un stagiaire = a trainee
vitrier = glazier (une vitre = a window pane) le mérite = merit
le bâtiment (secteur) = the building trade être titularisé = to get tenure
travaux publics = civil engineering gérer, faire avancer sa carrière = to further one's career
chantier de construction = building site / building yard licenciement économique = redundancy > to be made redundant
travaux de construction = construction work un renvoi = a dismissal, a discharge
le gros oeuvre = the shell (lourds travaux= the heavy work) supprimer des emplois = to cut down jobs
charpente =framework (aussi au figuré) indemnité = compensation (to compensate for sth)
ouvriers du bâtiment = building workers les horaires flexibles = flexitime
un maçon = a mason [meiz'n] faire des heures supplémentaires = to work overtime
PIB = GDP (gross domestic product, gross = brut) avoir une bonne santé = to enjoy good health
avantages sociaux = fringe benefits garder la forme = to keep fit
survivre tant bien que mal = to keep one's head above water sain = sound > sain et sauf = safe and sound
recevoir une pension = to be on a pension surmenage = strain, overwork, stress
une maladie du travail = an occupational disease ne pas se sentir tres bien = to be out of sorts
une incapacité de travail = an incapacitation for work être malade de = to be ill with
prendre un jour de congé = to take a day off légèrement = slightly > slightly different
syndicalisation = unionization (a trade-unionist = un syndiqué) souffrant (adj) = poorly, unwell, unfit
revendication salariale = wage demand /!\ to demand = exiger (faux ami) une foulure = a sprain > se fouler = to sprain
être insatisfait, mécontent de = to be dissatisfied un sparadrap = a plaster (GB). Plaster = (also) du plâtre
le droit de grève = the right to strike le contrecoup, les séquelles = the aftereffects, repercussions, aftermath (fig)
un rejet = a rejection une écharpe = a sling
élever des objections contre qqch = to object to sth béquilles = crutches
mener des négociations = to carry out negociations être dans le plâtre = to be in a cast (a cast = un plâtre)
céder = to yield estropier, mutiler = to mail, to cripple (s'estropier = to maim oneself)
la migration vers les villes = the drift to towns un accès de fièvre = a bout of fever
un accès, un déclenchement = an outbreak (also, fig > le début d'une guerre
More words par ex)
un boulot pépère = a soft job, a cushy job (cushion = coussin) un diagnostic = a diagnosis [daïagnosis] > to diagnose / symptomatic of
se tuer a la tâche = to work oneself to death tomber malade, attraper une maladie = to fall ill/sick, to catch a disease
to work out = imaginer avoir de la fièvre = to run a fever > to be feverish
“all work and no play make jack a dull boy” = pas que le travail dans la vie toothache, backache, stomachache...
“you don't get sth for nothing” = on n'a rien sans rien éternuer = to sneeze
transpirer = to sweat
21 SPORT AND PERFORMANCE maladie cardiaque = coronary disease
etouffer, manquer d'air, haleter = to choke, to stifle, to gasp
s'évanouir = to pass out (avoir le vertige = to feel dizzy)
cloué au lit = bedridden
(in)curable = (in)curable
un microbe = a germ
un séropositif = an HIV positive / an AIDS sufferer
un groupe (population) à risque = a high risk community / group
se réveler positif au controle de = to test positive for
22 HEALTH AND MEDECINE transmettre un virus = to pass on a virus
contenir une épidémie = to control/contain an epidemic
un membre = a limb anomalie génétique = genetic defect
une côte = a rib trisomie 21 = Down's syndrome
le poignet = wrist hériter d'une déficience = to inherit a defect
ventre = belly héréditaire = hereditary
menton = chin a lunatic = un aliéné / !\ lunatique = whimsical (capricieux)
hanche = hip un névrosé = a neurotic
intestin = bowels déséquilibré (mentalement) = mentally unbalanced
vitalité = vitality [vaïtaliti] > plein de vitalité = lively un bossu = a hunchback
la résistance, l'endurance = stamina, resistance endurant = un invalide = a cripple, an invalid (crippled = estropié)
resilient boiteux, la claudication = lame, lameness (a lame duck)
zozotement = lisping
bégaiement = stuttering fécondation in virto = in vitro fertilization
daltonien = colour-blind faire (d'une thecnique) un usage abusif = to misuse
gêne, malaise = discomfort un vide juridique = a legal limbo, a gap in the law
douleur, élancement = pain, ache, twinge une directive = a guideline
démanger = to itch
piquer = to sting MORE WORDS
tenace = persistent a blind spot for = une faiblesse en, un point faible en
un remède / un médicament = a cure / a medecine teething troubles = des débuts difficiles (teething, premieres dents)
désintoxication = detoxication c'est dur à avaler = it's a bitter pill to swallow
effets secondaires = side effects “prevention is better than cure”
faire effet = to take effect
en vente libre = over-the-counter // only delivered on prescription
antidépresseur = antidepressant
thérapies parallèles = alternative techniques
un guérisseur = a faith healer
somnifère = sleeping pill
pommade = an ointment
guérir, cicatriser = to heal
soulager apaiser= to relieve (cf a sight of relief)
greffer = to graft une greffe = a transplant
rechute / guérison = relapse / recovery
une aggravation / une amélioration = a turn for the worse / a change for the
état stationnaire = a stable condition
capacité de récupération = power of recuperation
seringue = needle
dépistage obligatoire = mandatory screening (dépistage=screening)
un docteur en... / un généraliste = a doctor of... / a GP (Brit.)
pédiatre = paediatrician
sage-femme = midwife
ambulancier = ambulance man
pharmacien = chemist, pharmacist
perfusion = a drip une radio = an X-ray un point (suture) = a
prescrire = to prescribe soigner, s'occuper de = to nurse
un cabinet = a surgery (GP's surgery, brit)
sécurité sociale = social securité (UK-> NHS)
health-care coverage / health insurance
une mutuelle = a mutual insurance company
soins non conventionnés = out of pocket health care (+ gen. : out-of-pocket
avoir droit à = to be entitled to
un exploit = a feat, an achievement, an accomplishment
acharnement thérapeutique = therapeutic fury
pratiquer l'euthanasie = to carry out euthanasia
bébé éprouvette = test-tube baby

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