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My understanding of Jesus

I grew up in a Seventh-day-Adventist home. We had worship every day, always place Jesus as

the center of our every doing. From my experiences within my home and the church and my own

personal life, I understand Jesus as to be the one and only best friend. He’s practically everything…He

knows everything.

If I visit any part of the world today, talk to people of any religion. No matter how committed

they are to their particular religion, if they know anything about history, they will have to admit that

there has never been a man like Jesus of Nazareth. He is the most unique personality of all time. Looking

at the life and influence of Jesus, I can see that He and His message always produce great changes in the

lives of men and of nations. Wherever His teachings and influence have gone, the holiness of marriage,

women's rights and voice in society have been acknowledged; schools and universities of higher learning

have been established; laws to protect children have been made; slavery has been abolished; and a

multitude of other changes have been made for the good of mankind. Individual lives are also

dramatically changed.

I believe that Jesus is the avenue that we are to look at when it comes to guidance and

knowledge about everyday life. I think that is why Christ wanted it to be that Jesus became man…so that

He can experience what it is that we too would experience in this day. So when it comes to an example

we can look to Him. That’s where I call Jesus as ‘The Personal Jesus’. Because the fact is that he knows,

and because of that we can have that personal relationship with Him. I can go to Him with anything,

Because He knows my weakness and my strengths, and He alone understands my hurt because He was

there to. As a human, Jesus experienced the same types of temptations that come to us. He suffered the

same kind of physical pains we suffer. He also experienced emotional pain. He even wept over the death
of a loved friend. He ignored, unappreciated, unloved, misunderstood, and even despised even though

He did nothing wrong

People treated Jesus so cruelly, and the amazing thing is that He had the power to stop their

torture and taunting at anytime. His power was so awesome beyond anything that we could compare or

even understand. Yet He did not defend Himself. He allowed Himself to be love a innocent little lamb

that hurt no one. So, he was sacrificed for the sins of the people. Not only is Jesus the GREATEST

PERSON TO EVER LIVE, He is our Creator and He deserves all glory and honor!

Jesus is a real-life example of who God is and what He requires of us. Jesus was to reveal God

both to men and to angels. To me, Jesus is the Word of God – as my father says “God’s thoughts made

audible” nothing in Jesus’ earthly ministry “just happened”, life lessons can be gained and a greater

relationship with God can be attained from living out the life of Jesus. Jesus came to earth to show us

what God is like and to save us from sin. So because of that, Jesus brought hope, joy and light, and an

example for how we are to live.

All of this written is my understanding of who Jesus is, not only in general but also as how I

understand Him operation in my life. Jesus is the most outstanding personality of all time, the greatest

leader, the greatest teacher, the One who has the most of the good of mankind, and the holiest life

anyone has ever lived. We now are to take example.

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