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Pick That Cotton, Bail, That Hay, Shut Up Negro or Else You’ll Pay

Delroy Constantine-Simms


This article is framed through the dystopian lens of a 21st Century America, which heuristically
perceives African-American dissent as a heinous act of insolent disobedience, that requires a
19th Century slave master response. . The most recent, high-profile act of such dissent, was
displayed by Colin Kaepernick, a former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, who chose
to kneel instead of stand for the US national Anthem, before participating in a 2016 pre-season
NFL game. His silent protest immediately relegated him from sporting hero to sporting and
social pariah status.


Hostility towards Kaepernick’s protest, was further exacerbated by his perceived political and
ideological alignment, with Muhammed Ali, who in 1967 refused to enlist in the US army to
fight against communism in Vietnam, while being denied constitutional rights at home. Ali
eventually stripped of his heavy weight titles. Kaepernick’s critics are further because he
resurrected the painful memories of open insubordination by African-American sprinters,
Tommie Smith and John Carlos, who at the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, defiantly
raised a black gloved fist, during the medal ceremony. Smith and Carlos displayed the black
power fist in solidarity with African-Americans seeking equality and justice in racist America,
as a consequence both were permanently suspended and excluded from the US track and field
team, like Ali, Smith, and Carlos were ostracised by mainstream America, faced financial
hardships, including constant death threats.
Crime Punishment and Social Media

If social media, had existed during the good old whip em, lynch em, and castrate em days,
media organizations such as Celebrate No Negroes (CNN); No Black Compensation (NBC);
Federation of Organized Xenophobia (FOX); Academy of Black Censorship (ABC); Public
Beating Service (PBS) would have requested immediate action against Kaepernick, for being
an uppity negro who dared to defy slave codes so openly. Influential organizations like
WAASP and MAASSA1 would also be horrified and concerned, that a millionaire athlete like
Kaepernick, would choose to sacrifice his meritorious manumission status, simply to promote
his new organization, KYRO2 which allegedly teaches survival skills for those at risk of
experiencing slave patrol police harassment and brutality 21st Century style, in the form of
racial profiling, frisk and search including extra judicial death by slave patrols in blue.

Organization like by WAASP3 and MAASSA4 would argue that KYRO is nothing more than
an extension of Kaepernick’s emancipationist agenda, which facilitates the radicalization of its
members, who are then encouraged to disseminate dangerous philosophies of freedom, justice
and equality to the normally obedient slave code abiding African-American community. The
ever-present fear of plantation neighbourhood is so great, that MAASSA and WAASP would
demand that the FBI subject Kaepernick to draconian track and trace surveillance measures.

Their request would be based on the suspicion that Kaepernick had illegally acquired literacy
skills, for the purpose of accessing unauthorised websites, that glorify and praise the lethal
activities of Jamaican emancipationist Nanny and Sam Sharp of Jamaica. However, the greatest
fears of MAASSA and WAASP would be reserved for the arch emancipationist Toussaint L’
Overture, the founder of the ruthless HEMP5 network, which has a successful track record of
radicalising, and inspiring his followers to fight, defeat and liberate themselves from the
tyrannical French chapter of WAASP.

Make African-Americans Slaves Again
Know Your Right Organization
White African Slave Purveyors
Make African-Americans Slaves Again
Haitian Emancipation Management Party
Concerns and Threats

The MAASSA lobby would be concerned that members of the Haiti based HEMP’s are
disseminating their anti WAASP doctrine through KYRO and BSM7 Furthermore, the
emancipationist activities of Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner,
would be considered evidence that the radical philosophy of HEMP is spreading amongst
residents in urban plantation communities across the USA. As far as MAASSA is concerned,
members of KYRO and BSM are using their illegal access to online networks, to recruit new
members and maintain the loyalty of existing members, to create havoc in potentially volatile,
plantation communities.

In order to pre-empt HEMP style revolt, the FBI would place Kaepernick and all his known
KYRO associates under slave state surveillance. The level of sophistication among these
emancipation networks, is so complex, that a specialist team of trained COONS8 would be
employed to decipher complex planation vernacular, often disguised in musical genres such as
Gospel, Hip-Hop, Rap. MAASSA would recommend that the NRA place Kaepernick under
curfew, while the FBI would restrict his cell phone use and internet access, while monitoring
and recording the activities of all his associates.

Fearful of slave radicalization by social media, MAASSA would demand the immediate
closure of all illegal dark web sites, such as Runaway.com; Emancipation News; Freedom.com;
Blackworld.com; Freeblacks.com; Chainfree.com; Freeofmasser.com and Killamasser.com.
The aforementioned targeted websites are known to have a gruesome reputation for live
streaming the capture, torture and execution of MAASSA and WAASP’s. MAASSA’s
ultimate fear is that self-radicalised Colin Kaepernick and his organization KYRO could inspire
a new generation of woke and radicalised freedom fighters, to emulate the machete wielding
activities of Nat Turner, who’s social media pages Chopodeadia.com, and Meatslicer.com,
unashamedly encourages their followers to update and practice their machete wielding skills
on MAASSA, WAASP’s including members of the NAACP 9

6 White African American Slavery Purveyors

7 Black Slaves Matter

8 Covert Observe and Obliterate Negro Service

The National Association for the Advancement of Collaborators and Puppets.
Arrest and Subdue

The authorities are well aware of Kaepernick’s hero status, therefore any action that serves to
elevate him from plantation hero status to martyr status, would be avoided at all costs. The last
thing slave masters would want is widespread slave revolts, property damage, financial loss
and the loss of white life, all because of an uppity negro. The more strategic slave owners,
affiliated with the CIA,10 would adopt terror threat management strategies, as outlined in
federal slave codes, which stipulate that former Meritorious Manumission individual like
Kaepernick, must be used as a live propaganda tool, to be publicly paraded at strategic
plantations points.

The CIA and FBI objective would be to dehumanise him and delegitimise his protest by
displaying a bald, caged and chained Kaepernick, in standing position, wearing the USA flag,
while being forced to listen to the US national anthem, through headphones attached to his bald
head. The CIA and FBI would argue that the display of a subdued Kaepernick would act as a
reinforcing stimulus, a sort of psychological deterrent, intended to encourage adaptive
behaviours among those at risk of being radicalised by the despised KYRO, SLM organisations
which allegedly encourages its supporter to engage in illegal emancipation activities, which
specifically targets MAASSA, WASP and their respective financial interests. Once the CIA
propaganda parade had been completed, MAASSA would be required to transport Kaepernick
by open horse and cart to a state designated and approved N.F.L.11 stadium. On arrival, he
would be escorted by FBI approved slave patrol officers, to a locker room, on lynch row, in
preparation for his impending demise.


Exclusive invitations to this eagerly anticipated event, would be sent by Klan-mail to sponsors
with most favoured status, such as NRA General tickets would be available through
EverWhite.com and WickedMaster.com. On the day of this co-sponsored Haterade event, a bald
headed Kaepernick, wearing apparel emblazed with the number seven, would be forced to stand
and listen to the American national anthem, while wearing a rope tied around his neck.

Counter Intelligent Africans
Narcissist Fraternal League
After lethal corrective measures had been applied to Kaepernick, spectators would be invited
to take pictures to be share on whites only social media platforms such as Insta-hang; Insta-
lynch; Whip-it; Whipper, Lynched-in; Trumped-up; White book, and Wickedpedia. Access to
limited edition merchandise and previously unseen images, would be made available for those
who could not attend this Slave-No-Ade sponsored event. For those eager to buy, sell or
exchange related merchandise, the NFL would recommend the use of auction site MassaBay.
Unfortunately, MassaBay only accepts payments processed through SlavePlay and
MasserCard. Just for the record, slaves found to be illegally in possession of literacy skills,
caught accessing any whites only social media sites, with the intention of setting up fake
profiles, sharing fake news on topics such as freedom, emancipation, diversity and equality,
would face immediate imprisonment, without the right to due process

Banning the Afro Comb.

The Colin Kaepernick’s Afro is perceived as a symbol of pride. In contrast, MAASSA, FBI
and the NAACP would consider the Afro as the ultimate symbol of emancipation,
radicalization. Furthermore, the Afro-Comb would be classified as a weapon of MAASSA
destruction, and a threat to the American kleptocratic plantocracy system. In order to minimise
the radicalization potential of Colin Kaepernick’s protest, Afro’s would be banned, including,
cane rows and dreadlocks. Furthermore, the purchase, possession and distribution of Afro-
combs would be restricted to slaves, formally approved by the NRA12 a highly influential anti
slave emancipation, lobby group first established in 1690.

The legal ownership and possession of an Afro comb, would only be granted, to those that have
successfully completed the Meritorious Manumission tests designed and approved by the
FBI.13 by the NRA and MAASSA. Final approval, of Afro comb ownership would be subject
to excellent references from approved subjugators such as a slave master, overseer or a slave
patrol officer. In order to avoid disappointment, organizations like the NRA, FBI, and
MAASAA would strongly recommend that all applicants check slaveancestory.com before
submitting an application. Applicants found to be descendants of Malcom X, Louis Farrakhan,
Muhammed Ali, Angela Davis, Hughie Newton including descendants of Harriet Tubman, Nat
Turner or any other party involved in emancipationist slave revolts and their associates would

No Rights For Africans
Fraternity of Black Impediments
have their applications rejected. Applicants accused of having associations with Colin
Kaepernick, Eric Reid, or have attended anti-slavery radicalisation programmes, such as

The moment Colin Kaepernick decided to take a knee, instead of standing for the US national
anthem, he enraged mainstream America, to its very core, which eventually reframed him from
sporting hero to social pariah. American Football franchise owners may have responded by
blackballed him, and Kaepernick may have responded by filing a collusion law, but eventually,
they brought his silence, a silence that could have been permanent, given the numerous death
threats that he faced. Kaepernick’s detractors may have demonised, ostracised and blackballed,
him, but unwittingly, they have actually helped to immortalise the iconic image of Afro
wearing Kaepernick, taking a knee. Kaepernick’s Afro, like Angela Davies’s ’Afro, evokes
white fears of violent black resistance, which plagued the USA during the 1960’s and 1970’s,
hence the ferocity of allegations which suggest that Kaepernick is an unpatriotic and ungrateful
black radical, trying to incite violence by way of his protests against police brutality.


The ideal scenario for Kaepernick’s detractors, would have been for him to simply, pick that
cotton, bail that hay, shut up and play ball. Kaepernick hasn’t played ball with his detractors
and sadly, he’s unlikely to ever play competitive American Football ball ever again

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