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Conversation analysis, doctor-patient interaction and medical


Article  in  Medical Education · May 2005

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02111.x · Source: PubMed


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Douglas W Maynard John Heritage

University of Wisconsin–Madison University of California, Los Angeles


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making sense of qualitative research

Conversation analysis, doctor–patient interaction and

medical communication
Douglas W Maynard1 & John Heritage2

INTRODUCTION This paper introduces medical KEYWORDS education, medical, undergraduate ⁄

educators to the field of conversation analysis (CA) *methods; *physician)patient relations; interper-
and its contributions to the understanding of the sonal relations; communication; curriculum.
doctor)patient relationship.
Medical Education 2005; 39: 428–435
THE CONVERSATION ANALYSIS APPROACH doi:10.1111/j.1365-2929.2005.02111.x
Conversation analysis attempts to build bridges
both to the ethnographic and the coding and
quantitative studies of medical interviews, but INTRODUCTION
examines the medical interview as an arena of
naturally occurring interaction. This implies dis- Since at least the pioneering studies of Frankel1 and
tinctive orientations and issues regarding the ana- West,2 scholars in the sociological discipline of con-
lysis of doctor)patient interaction. We discuss the versation analysis (CA) have studied the medical
CA approach by highlighting 5 basic features that encounter as an arena of naturally occurring interaction.
are important to the enterprise, briefly illustrating As this phrase suggests, conversation analysts study
each issue with a point from research on the interaction in general and the doctor)patient rela-
medical interview. These features of conversation tionship in particular as a co-construction or collaborat-
analytic theory and method imply a systematic ap- ive enterprise, on its own terms and as it occurs in real
proach to the organisation in interaction that dis- time, rather than as something to be treated through
tinguishes it from studies that rely on anecdote, various kinds of abstractions. One kind of abstraction
ethnographic inquiry or the systematic coding of includes accounts generated from observations and
utterances. post hoc interviews about experiences in the medical
interview, as in ethnographic or field studies. Another
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS AND THE MEDICAL kind of abstraction is the use of codes that lock aspects
INTERVIEW We then highlight recent CA studies of of interaction into a set of predefined categories. A
the ÔphasesÕ of the internal medicine clinic and the number of classic studies have developed this tech-
implications of these studies for medical education. nique to a high degree of sophistication.
We conclude with suggestions for how to incorporate
CA into the medical curriculum. It fits with biopsy- Although CA attempts to build bridges both to the
chosocial, patient-centred and relationship-centred ethnographic and the coding and quantitative studies
approaches to teaching about medical communica- of medical interviews, examining the medical inter-
tion. view as an arena of naturally occurring interaction
implies 2 distinctive orientations. Firstly, it is import-
ant to capture the interview on audio or videotape so
1 as to have a record for transcription and repeated
Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, USA hearing or viewing. Secondly, analysing the captured
Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, interaction in real time means examining how
California, USA utterances and other behaviours of 1 participant
Correspondence: Douglas W Maynard, Department of Sociology, affect another according to ongoing, temporally
University of Wisconsin, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, Wisconsin
53706, USA. Tel: 00 1 608 265 5583; Fax: 00 1 608 265 5389; E-mail:
organised sequences of talk. That is, participants
maynard@ssc.wisc.edu build social actions from vocal and non-vocal aspects

428  Blackwell Publishing Ltd MEDICAL EDUCATION 2005; 39: 428–435


conversational utterances are social objects that

accomplish actions and activities without necessarily
Overview formulating them as such. Accordingly, CA repre-
sents the attempt to describe and analyse a host of
What is already known on this subject ordinary activities ) informing, criticising, insulting,
complaining, giving advice, describing, requesting,
Conversation Analysis (CA) involves studying apologising, joking, greeting, and many more.
These activities are rarely formulated by their
• utterances as social activities initiators in so many words: we do not say, ÔThis is a
• sequencing greeting: Hello!Õ We simply say, ÔHello.Õ Nor does
• interactional detail as a site of organisation the syntactic structure of an utterance often convey
• analysis of participant orientations its force as an action. For example, we use
• single cases and collections interrogative forms to align with a speaker’s talk
(ÔOh, isnÕt he dreadful?’), we use declarative forms
Research on the medical interview using CA is to make requests (ÔItÕs cold in here’), and we use
sparse although there is a recent increase. imperatives to invite (ÔCome inÕ). In the medical
interview, patients may perform the activity of
What this study adds asking the doctor for an explanation of medical
symptoms through declarative utterances: ÔMy stools
Review of recent CA research on the medical lately have seemed dark, and IÕm wondering if
interview including: Studies of the various that’s because I did start taking the vitamins with
ÔphasesÕ of the interview from its opening to its iron too, and I’m wondering if the iron in those
closing and including the history, physical vitamins could be doing it.’ As social actions,
exam, diagnosis, and treatment recommenda- however, Gill4 calls these Ôspeculative explanationsÕ
tions. ) they tacitly ask the doctor to confirm or
disconfirm what the patient proposes to be the
Suggestions for further research reason for a particular condition.
Additional CA studies of internal medicine Sequencing
and specialty clinics continue to capture doc-
tor–patient communication as a co-construct- The production and understanding of an utterance
ive or collaborative accomplishment. This will as an action derives from features of the social context,
contribute to clinical medical and educational most especially an utterance’s place in an organised
concerns with patient-centred biopsychosocial, sequence of talk. Conversation sequencing was
and relationship-centred care. explored in early papers on turn-taking5 and the
organisation of adjacency pairs ) turns of talk like
questions and answers, or recommendations and
acceptance ⁄ rejection that are 2 utterances long and
of behaviour through relating those aspects in seria- have other regular characteristics.6 To start analysis
tim ) first 1 utterance or gesture, then another that with a focus on turn-taking and adjacency pairs
systematically takes the first into account, and so on. translates in the medical context into a concern with
We discuss the CA approach below in more detail, everything from Ôhow are youÕ questions and their
and then highlight recent CA studies of the internal replies, to history taking questions and answers, to
medicine clinic and their implications for medical diagnostic announcements and their receipts, to
education. treatment proposals and their acceptance or rejec-
tion, and to many other kinds of sequences.
A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO Any participant’s communicative action is doubly
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS: 5 BASIC contextual. Firstly, the action is context-shaped. Its
ISSUES contribution to a mutual understanding derives in
part from the immediately preceding utterance or set
Utterances as social activities of activities in which it occurs. In the medical
interview, the phase of the encounter in which a
In an early lecture, Harvey Sacks,3 as the founder sequence appears helps to configure its meaning.
of CA, proposed that the most banal and familiar A terse diagnostic pronouncement can be heard as

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430 making sense of qualitative research

such by virtue of its placement in the physical that conversation has in-built procedures for its
examination portion of the encounter.7,8 Secondly, maintenance as a mechanism of social action and
conversational actions are context-renewing. Every cur- interaction. This is local determination, whereby par-
rent utterance will itself form the primary framework ticipants manage the course of conversational inter-
for some next action in a sequence. When a diagnosis action on a turn-by-turn basis. and because of the
has been pronounced and received, it occasions the requirement that participants display their under-
relevance of a treatment proposal. In this sense, the standing on this local, turn-by-turn basis, analysts
context of a next action is inevitably renewed with have a Ôproof criterionÕ and a Ôsearch procedureÕ for
each current action. Moreover, sequencing functions the analysis of any given turn: see how recipients
to recondition (i.e. maintain, adjust or alter) any construct their knowledge of it. In the medical
broader or more generally prevailing sense of context interview, to characterise a given utterance, an analyst
which is the object of the participants’ orientations would draw on what sort of comprehension its
and actions. That is, the doubly contextual quality of recipient exhibits. With regard to doctors’ opening
utterances contributes to the larger interactional questions in the medical interview, particular designs
environment or overall activity (such as the medical result in answering patterns whereby patients show
interview) within which these utterances make their their understanding of whether the doctor’s question
step-by-step appearance. is asking about a new difficulty, an acute problem for
which the patient has been seen before, or a
Interactional detail as a site of order and organisation recurrent and chronic difficulty.12

Research in CA has shown that interaction is deeply Single cases and collections
orderly everywhere. As Zimmerman9 puts it: ÔNo scale
of detail, however fine, is exempt from interactional The CA perspective aims to develop claims about
organisation, and hence must be presumed to be systematic structural organisation in interaction.
orderly.Õ This implies an interest not just in what Such claims are supported by substantial accumula-
participants say, but also in silences, in overlapping tions of instances of a practice, each instance of
talk, in sound stretches, breathing and so on. Hence, which the investigator examines as an individual
conversation analysts transcribe tape-recordings to Ôcase.Õ In the medical interview, investigators exam-
show as many of these features as possible in ine collections of openings, explanations, physical
orthographic form, although the recordings them- examinations, diagnostic announcements or other
selves are the ultimate resource for analysis. In the sequences. Particularly important is examining
medical interview, being able to track silences, departures from an interactional regularity, or what
overlapping talk, and other conversational features is is known as Ôdeviant case analysisÕ, which allows
extremely important. Through silence, immediate researchers to validate empirical findings and dis-
(overlapping) questioning, refusing to engage in cern larger patterns in which a practice helps
responsive laughter, and in other ways, parents may achieve particular social actions. For example, in a
resist the recommendations of a family doctor who study of diagnostic news about HIV infection,
diagnoses viral conditions and recommends against Maynard13 found a practice contrary to patterns
antibiotics for their children. Such resistance may documented in a variety of health care settings,14–16
occasion the doctor’s reversal of recommendation.10 where clinicians overwhelmingly work to shroud bad
news and expose good news. In the HIV clinic,
Grounding analysis in participant orientations counsellors often delivered the bad news of being
HIV-positive as forthrightly as they presented the
An important methodological consequence flows good news of HIV-negative status. In other words,
from the concern with sequencing, actions and rather than shrouding the bad news, they exposed
details. As a feature of a turn of talk in conversation, a it. Examining these deviant cases revealed that the
current speaker will display an understanding of the counsellors were attempting to Ôcrack the emotional
talk in previous turns.5 Hence, speakers can look to nutÕ ) the often stoic way in which clients would
the next turn after their own to find an analysis of receive bad news about HIV infection. The tactic was
what they have just said. If the displayed under- consistent with the otherwise predominant pattern
standing in that next turn does not align with the of shrouding the news because, while it was meant
speaker’s own, then the next turn of the speaker can to prompt the discussion of Ôdreaded issuesÕ7,17
be devoted to correcting the matter. By and large, associated with HIV and AIDS, it was also designed
repair of all kinds of conversational trouble exhibits to facilitate the flow of interaction between coun-
sequentially systematic properties,11 which means sellor and client.

 Blackwell Publishing Ltd MEDICAL EDUCATION 2005; 39: 428–435


These features of conversation analytic theory and they correctÕ.26 Issues of interaction order and the
method imply a systematic approach to the organi- management of social relations emerge repeatedly in
sation in interaction that distinguishes it from studies CA studies of doctor–patient interaction, and are
that rely on educated intuition, theorising, ethno- profoundly related to communicative practices in the
graphic inquiry and the systematic coding of utter- clinic.
ances. However, CA inquiries often make use of
intuition, theory, ethnography and coding, depend- The most current CA studies of doctor–patient
ing on the study, the phenomenon of interest, the interaction are assembled in a book we have pub-
requirements of analysis and the disciplined ways in lished called Communication in Medical Care: Interac-
which CA can be related to these other resources. tions between Primary Care Physicians and Patients.27
The above-mentioned CA study of bad and good Following Byrne and Long’s28 classic study, it exam-
news13 has a Ôlimited affinityÕ with ethnography. As ines the primary care medical interview in terms of its
well, CA investigations of paediatric interactions constituent phases. Because of its very recent publi-
involving patients who present with upper respiratory cation, and because we do not have the space to
tract infections18,19 have resulted in quantitative reference other research, we will summarise the
studies that show how various actions by patients are chapters in this volume to illustrate the implications
associated with the perception of demand for anti- of CA for medical education.
biotics and inappropriate prescribing.20 These stud-
ies also aim to identify communicative resources that Our tack is that doctors and patients face many
doctors can deploy to resist such adverse outcomes.21 sociomedical dilemmas in talking to one another.
One such dilemma begins with the effort to frame
what kind of medical visit they are to embark upon.
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS RESEARCH In Chapter 2, Robinson (as mentioned above) shows
ON THE MEDICAL INTERVIEW that a doctor’s initial turn of talk is designed
differently according to whether the patient is
Basic CA ideas have been given form and substance in present for a new problem (ÔHow can I help you
a large array of empirical studies concerned with today?Õ), a follow-up visit (ÔHow are you feeling?Õ), or
turn-taking, achieving understanding, repairing mis- a routine visit for a chronic condition (ÔWhatÕs
understanding, opening and closing interactions, new?’). Patients, Robinson shows, are sensitive to
story telling and a host of other activities.22–24 Two these designs and will ÔcorrectÕ or otherwise address
conclusions are to be drawn about the application of solicitations that are inappropriate for their con-
these findings to the medical interview. Firstly, cerns. An implication is that doctors can learn how
interactional practices through which persons con- their practices for soliciting concerns and problems
duct themselves elsewhere are transported from the have consequences for patients’ perceptions of doc-
everyday world into the doctor’s office. Accordingly, tors’ competence and credibility. Such practices,
studies of the medical interview draw upon the accordingly, further affect patient satisfaction and
plenitude of previous CA research concerned with adherence to proposed treatment regimens.
ordinary conversation. For example, practices for
describing a problem or trouble,25 or for telling good Once launched into the visit, an immediate matter is
or bad news,13 are carried across the threshold of the problem presentation. In Chapter 3, Heritage and
doctor’s office and affect how doctors and patients go Robinson argue that patients are concerned not only
about addressing particular interactional tasks. Sec- with describing the details of illness, but also with
ondly, the organisation of interaction is fundament- justifying and legitimating their decisions to seek
ally geared to the joint management of self)other medical attention ) the doctorability of their problems.
relations. Thus, in a study of relations between Related to doctorability is the phenomenon that
residents and their preceptors (supervisors) in a Halkowski (Chapter 4) addresses in his analysis of
primary care clinic at a teaching hospital, Pomerantz discovery accounts, whereby patients describe how their
et al.26 show that preceptors correct interns’ errors in symptoms have accumulated to the point where they
ÔsoftÕ or modulated ways that avoid exposing their require a visit to the doctor. In giving these accounts,
errors. This is very much related to how repair works patients navigate a difficult empirical and moral
in ordinary conversation, where there is a Ôprefer- terrain, striving to show that they are neither overly
enceÕ for speakers of error to correct themselves. In preoccupied with bodily conditions and health con-
addition, doctors regard correcting others Ôas a cerns, nor excessively lax and cavalier about them.
potential threat to a sense of competency of those Together, these chapters suggest that problem

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432 making sense of qualitative research

presentation is, in some ways, the most crucial phase present his or her body as an objectified field for the
of the encounter. As they discuss reasons for the visit, doctor’s inspection, examination and manipulation.
it is important for doctors to understand patients’ At the same time, the patient remains a ÔsubjectÕ, an
moral concerns of doctorability and health-monitor- agent with feelings and sensations as well as body
ing competence. parts. Heath’s chapter explores the means by which
the practitioner, through the ways in which he or she
When presenting their problems and symptoms to looks at and handles the patient, can treat the body as
the doctor, patients may introduce their own an object while continuing to orient to the patient as
explanations of illness for doctors to confirm or a person.
disconfirm (Gill and Maynard, Chapter 5). Patients
do so usually in tentative and inexplicit ways Two chapters in the book deal with conveyance of
because, although from their point of view it is diagnosis. Peräkylä (Chapter 8) argues that this
appropriate to offer their own explanations, they conveyance represents the moment at which the
recognise that the timing of such offerings may not doctor’s authority over the patient is maximised,
be precisely right. Indeed, if doctors have not but that this authority is routinely tempered by
completed their gathering of information (inclu- accountability. Both parties, in a variety of ways,
ding the physical examination), they can be address the evidential basis of the diagnosis. The
reluctant to produce an authoritative response, import for doctor training is that doctors can learn
especially as patients only tentatively offer explana- practices for mitigating the appearance of authori-
tions in the first place. A problem, accordingly, is tarian pronouncements. Uncertainty in diagnosis is
that the patient’s explanation may become lost in thematised in Maynard and Frankel’s Chapter 9 on
the course of the medical visit, and may never be diagnosis, which includes a discussion of the strong
addressed later during the delivery of diagnosis and interactional asymmetries in the delivery and
treatment recommendations. An implication for receipt of good as opposed to bad news. The
medical education is that doctors may want to at theme of uncertainty emerges in the authors’
least mark their hearing of a patient’s explanation discussions of how bad diagnostic news represents a
when it emerges, even if it would be premature to rupture in rationality (posing problems of emotion
evaluate that explanation then and there. Doctors management and patient recognition or realisation
can return and respond to the explanation at a of a disease and its prognosis), and paradoxically
later point, and let the patient know that they will how good news can also be a source of difficulty.
do so. This is because of the problem of unexplained
symptoms or what the authors term Ôsymptom
Doctor questioning during the history phase is a residue.Õ Maynard and Frankel propose that, just as
topic that Boyd and Heritage investigate in Chapter medical educators have advocated for research and
6, describing 3 main aspects: agenda setting, pre- training on delivering bad news, the delivery of
supposition, and preference structure. Preference good news and uncertainty demand similar atten-
structure is not about doctors’ psychological predis- tion.
positions, but about how their questions exhibit 2
principles. Optimisation refers to the design of ques- Yet another pair of chapters deal with treatment
tions in ways that favour or encourage Ôbest caseÕ recommendations. In Chapter 10, Stivers, focusing
responses. Recipient design is the requirement that on upper respiratory infections, reports that, while
questions be tailored to the particular circumstances patients’ responses to diagnostic news tend to be
of the patient. These 2 principles in operation may minimal, responses to treatment recommendations
contribute empirical substance to Cassell’s29 sugges- are substantive, involving acceptance or rejection.
tion that medical questioning, rather than involving a Rather than overtly rejecting a recommendation they
1-way provision of information by the patient to the do not like, however, patients or family members may
doctor, is an exchange between the 2 parties. It may resist, either passively or actively. Of relevance to the
pay doctors to be aware that, while giving information medical educator is how, when feeling pressured to
in response to questions, patients also track the prescribe inappropriately, doctors who make overt
structure of these questions and thereby learn and positive recommendations of non-prescription
implicitly the provider’s expectations and beliefs medications (rather than offering no treatment at
about their conditions. all), may reduce patient resistance. Patients perceive
that such recommendations show the doctor’s
Another dilemma lies in the physical examination, as understanding that the medical visit was justified. In
Heath demonstrates in Chapter 7. The patient must Chapter 11, on prescribing, Greatbatch analyses the

 Blackwell Publishing Ltd MEDICAL EDUCATION 2005; 39: 428–435


use of computer technology, which poses significant education. One possibility is to incorporate conversa-
problems of co-ordination between communicating tion analytic studies into the part of the curriculum
with the patient and working with computers and the that deals with talking to patients. Some medical
requirements of software. educators are already using the chapters making up
Communication in Medical Care: Interactions between
ÔLifestyleÕ questions (smoking, alcohol consumption, Primary Care Physicians and Patients or other recent CA
etc.) are the subject of Chapter 12. Sorjonen and studies on the medical interview to introduce students
colleagues, studying Finnish medical encounters, to the perspective and to specific empirical findings.
underline the idea that medical interactions contain This is particularly effective when medical educators
a more or less explicit moral element. A central who have learned CA in their graduate training, in
feature of question)answer sequences that deal with workshops, or at professional meetings allow students
the patient’s lifestyle is their normative orientation. to record their interviews with patients, and then
Although doctors design their questions so as to bring the recordings to the CA-informed educator for
display a neutral stance toward the lifestyle matter at review. During such reviews, the educator and student
issue, patients often display an orientation to a both look or listen for critical junctures, and can
normative priority of certain habits, and this affects examine what is happening sequentially or on a turn-
how they answer. Sorjonen et al. suggest that doctors by-turn basis that may have gone well or badly for 1 or
learn to use patients’ own metrics of involvement in both participants in the interview.
discredited behaviours, both to evaluate lifestyle
concerns and to fashion advice about these concerns. Conversation analysis-informed reviews are often
possible when students are in faculty-supervised small
At the close of the medical visit, West (Chapter 13) groups practising with actors who play patient roles.30
finds that doctors and patients conclude the visits The review of recordings also is carried out on a 1 : 1
using the common stock of resources for closing basis with students’ tapes of their actual primary care
many kinds of encounters. There are preclosing encounters. Dr Timothy Halkowski, a conversation
moves, which may invite, while discouraging, new and analyst in the Department of Family Medicine at the
previously unmentioned topics, and there are University of Wisconsin, works with medical students
arrangements for tests and next visits, practices that by asking them to identify, in their tapes, any points
are valuable in evoking a standing relationship that they find to be interesting or confusing. Among
between doctor and patient and achieving what is other things they do, as per his own Chapter 4 in
known as continuity of care. Communication in Medical Care, is to explore the
opening minutes of the encounter to see how patients
In the final chapter of the volume, Drew considers present themselves as ÔappropriatelyÕ seeking care, or
telephone calls to the doctor. His research contributes how the issue of what Heritage and Robinson (Chapter
to an understanding of how doctors must evaluate the 3) call ÔdoctorabilityÕ is handled. To further elucidate
legitimacy of patient complaints and requests. Dis- problematic moments in the medical interview tapes,
crepancies of judgement, with the doctor functioning Halkowski also uses chapters and data segments from
without direct access to the patient, create conversa- ÔCommunication in Medical CareÕ. He finds, for
tions in which the normality or abnormality of symp- example, that the problem of Ôsymptom residueÕ
toms described by callers is a salient issue. Each party ) discussed in Maynard and Frankel’s chapter on diag-
caller and doctor ) regularly resists the other’s nosis, is massively present in primary care medicine.
apparent assessment of the seriousness or urgency of
the ailment ⁄ condition that prompted the call. An issue Additional CA studies in a variety of clinics, such as
for medical education is how doctors can walk the line oncology, diabetes and paediatrics, and the CA
between treating serious conditions and preventing approach in general, depart from previous education-
unneeded urgent care visits. oriented research in a very particular and important
way. Where investigators have concentrated on the
conduct of doctors separately from that of pa-
CONVERSATION ANALYSIS, tients,31,32 the co-constructive and collaborative ana-
COMMUNICATION AND MEDICAL lytic approach of CA emphasises the conduct of both
EDUCATION parties as they interact with each other in real time.
Together, doctor and patient assemble each specific
A central question on this theme concerns how visit with its interactional textures, perceived features,
conversation analysis might be used in medical and satisfactory or unsatisfactory outcomes. Analysing

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434 making sense of qualitative research

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doctors and patients within the nexus of communi-
sity of Chicago Press 2003.
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Cassell37 has remarked, ÔDoctors must work at tools medical visits: a method shaping patient expectations.
for analysing communication with patients in order Soc Sci Med 1999;49:1501–17.
to assume partnership in understanding disease.Õ The 15 Leppänen V. Structures of District Nurse)Patient Interac-
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