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Political Geography and Terrorism Rivalry between Israel and Palestine

1/ what is the main point of each assigned reading for today's class? If there are several different

points in each reading, then summarize ONLY one of them.

Politics and geography are strongly dependent. Politics exist in every man’s daily life be

it formal or informal and is dynamic just as human life. Although a large number of the common

citizen argue that politics does not affect their lives, the laws resulting from politics have a direct

impact on their everyday activities. Due to this we can conclude that politics is all pervasive.

On territory and terrorism in Israel and Palestine there exist a conflict between the two

neighboring nations. Israel take Palestinians for terrorists and have created well-manned

checkpoints (Jones) to monitor their activities. Israel ministry of defense argues that they have

the right and obligation to lessen the impact and scope of terrorism within their territory (Jones).

On the other hand Palestinians believe that terror attacks seek attention in order to reduce their

suffering which they have undergone for many decades

2/What is your opinion about each main point you identified in the previous question?

In my opinion, it is vital to accept that politics is all-present since this will allow each and

every citizen to make wise political decision and this will make a better world for everyone.
Surname 2

As much as Israel need to keep their territory safe it is necessary to honor Palestinian’s

freedom and rights.

3/Please write at least three questions below about each of the readings for today's class -

things that you found confusing or would like to learn more about.

a. Why Zionists refer Palestine a land without a people for a people without a land?

b. How has Israel been able to survive all these years despite all the attacks from


c. What is the key motivation that keeps Palestine moving on with the unrest attacks and

why don’t they just give up?

d. I would like to learn more on forms of geopolitics

e. Would you give a clear explanation why geopolitics was declared a taboo?

f. How does discursive symbolism nature of politics make it all-present?

Works Cited

Jones, Recce. "Border walls, Security and the War on Terrorin United states, India, and Israel."

(n.d.): 52-53.

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