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The first stage is a faithful image/copy.

Talking about the first phase or order, the simulation

embodied the reality of society. At this stage no gap is found between reality and image. The

fine example of this stage is the busy city street. The comes the second stage of image that is

parody of reality. In this reality images, signs do not realistically expose reality. Reality is

slightly enhanced and exaggerated. One of the best examples of this is the hotel scene. The

third stage of image masks the absence of profound reality. At this stage, there emerges

postmodern society that is controlled by simulations At this stage, although, the simulacrum

pretends to be a true copy, but this copy seems utterly with having no originality. Snowbound

Mountain Fortress and Disneyland can be seen as the best example of this phase of reality.

Further, he talks about the fourth order of simulation in which there is not relation to any

reality and is pure simulation. This is an instance of the perfect hyper-reality. The Matrix and

Limbo are the best examples of this fourth phase of image

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