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This paper was prepared to fulfill the task of English Language Courses

Faculty Professor: Ana Nurhasanah Surjanto, M.TESOL

Arranged by Group 11:

1. Ericka Agestin 43010180118

2. Arsila Salsabila 43010180175
3. Faris Azhari 43010180030



TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... 2

FOREWORD ............................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ................................................................................... 4

Background ................................................................................................................ 4

Formulation of the Problem ....................................................................................... 4

Aim ............................................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ..................................................................................... 5

Understanding Wali Songo ........................................................................................ 5

The Origin of Sunan Muria ........................................................................................ 5

Da’wah Area and Sunan Muria Da’wah Method ...................................................... 6

The Exemplary Nature Possessed by Sunan Muria ................................................... 7

CHAPTER III COVER .............................................................................................. 9

Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 9

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................................... 10


All praise be to Allah SWT for providing convenience to us so that we can complete the
preparation of our English subject matter material entitled " Sunan Muria ". Prayers and
greetings may always be addressed to the Messenger of Allah, along with family, friends and
those who follow them until the Day of Judgment. This paper describes the biography of
sunan muria. Thus the material of this paper is expected to help the student learning process.

As a thank you to Miss Ana Nurhasang Surjanto, M.TESOL. as a lecturer in English

courses , also to all parties who have provided assistance and motivation to us in completing
this paper.

We realize that this paper still has many shortcomings and is far from
perfect. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement and
improvement of the quality of future papers from readers is very valuable to us.

Thus we compile this paper, hopefully this paper can add to the scientific and useful
for all of us as well as an additional reference for the preparation of papers with themes that
are similar in the future.Aamiin yaa robbal'alamin.

Salatiga, May 14th 2019




A. Background
The spread and development of Islam in the archipelago can be considered to
have occurred in the early years of the 7th century AD based on data that has been
studied and according to the theories of the entry of Islam in the archipelago. It can be
seen, that broadcasting Islam in the archipelago is not at the same time, so the level of
influence varies in an area. Based on the historical context of Islamic culture in Java,
the range of the 15th to the 16th century marked the growth of a new culture that
featured a synthesis of elements of Hindu-Buddhist culture with elements of Islamic
The new culture in the literature, among others, is known as the culture of
transition. Based on the findings of Islamic archaeological evidence on the coast and
inland areas, it shows that what is described as a culture is largely the result of Islamic
culture that grew and developed at the same time in its heyday until the decline of the
Majapahit kingdom and the growth of Demak as the first Islamic Sultanate in Java.
Islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, more than 80% of the population is
Muslim. With a population of more than 200 million people. It is appropriate if
Indonesia is said to be the largest Muslim population in the world. All of that is
inseparable from the spread of Islam in the archipelago, one of which is Wali Songo.,
A group of da'is who fight until Islam is upright on Indonesian soil. The term Wali
Songo is the name of a council of 9 people. The Wali Songo members are the chosen
people and therefore the Javanese are called guardians.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. Understanding Guardian Songo
2. The origin of Sunan Muria
3. Da'wah region and Sunan Muria's da'wah method
4. The exemplary nature of Sunan Muria
C. Aim
1. To find out about Wali Songo
2. To find out the intestinal origin of Sunan Muria
3. To find out the da'wah and methods of preaching Sunan Muria
4. To find out the properties of Sunan Muria



A. Understanding Wali Songo

The first Islamic publishers, according to the history of the beliefs of people in
Java, were sacred people, who had deep Islamic knowledge. And in addition, it has
the features of supernatural powers. The word Guardian comes from Arabic which
means a person who is nurtured by Allah from immoral acts or people who are close
to Allah because of his piety. While the term songo refers to the teaching of Islam in
all directions. Javanese people term the qibla papat five pancer to describe all
directions, namely north, east, west, and south are called papat qibla and four
directions including the center are called limo pancer these nine da'wah interpreters
are seen by Javanese as lovers of Allah.

Guardians who are known as the first Islamic broadcasters in Java there are nine
in number and are known as the guardian songo. They are among others, namely:

1. Maulana Malik Ibrahim 6. Suanan Muria

2. Sunan Ampel 7. Sunan Kudus

3. Sunan Bonang 8. Sunan Kalijaga

4. Sunan Giri 9. Sunana Gunung Jati

5. Sunan Drajat

Until now there is still a strong belief among Javanese people, even Islam which
is actually Islam which was broadcast by the nine guardians. Guardians become
legendary figures in the Islamic community in Java.

B. The Origin of Sunan Muria

Sunan Muria is the son of Sunan Kalijaga with Dewi Saroh. Dewi Saroh is the
son of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ishak., A famous cleric from Samudra Pasai. His real
name is Raden Umar Said. Sunan Muria is the niece of Sunan Giri. Entering the adult
Sunan Muria is married to Dewi Sujinah who is the daughter of Sunan Ngudung
(Raden Usman Haji). from a marriage with Dewi Sujinah, Sunan Muria has a son

named Pangen Santri or Sunan Ngadilangu. In preaching Sunan Muria used a subtle
way like his father. Like taking fish not to muddy the water. That is the way taken to
broadcast Islam around Mount Muria. The residence of Sunan Muria on Mount Muria
is one of its peaks named Colo. It is located north of the Holy City. The target of
Sunana Muria's da'wah is traders, fishermen and commoners. Sunan Muria is the only
guardian who maintains gamelan and puppet art as a means of da'wah and he also
created the synom song and kinanthi.Through the songs he created, Sunan Muria
invited his people to practice Islamic teachings. Because of that, Sunan Muria
preferred to preach to the common people rather than the nobility. This method of
preaching caused Sunan Muria to be known as a sunan who likes to preach Tapa
Ngeli which is to immerse herself in society. The Sunana Muria tomb is located at the
top of Muria Mountain, north of the holy city. To reach the tomb, you need to climb
the stairs around 700 stairs from the gate. It is right behind the Sunan Muria
mosque. What distinguishes the other guardian tombs is the location of the tomb
which is alone and far from the same as the nature of him who likes to be alone.

C. Da'wah Area and Sunan Muria Da'wah Method

Sunan Muria in preaching many adopted the method adopted. He focused more
on areas far from the city center. The residence of Sunan Muria is located on one of
the peaks of Muria Mountain, Colo village. And from the name of the mountain, the
name Sunan Muria appears. Apart from preaching, Sunan Muria also practiced
farming, fishing and trading skills. Meanwhile, in addition to discussing Islam around
Mount Muria, Sunan Muria also discussed his preaching in the Tayu, Juwana, and
Kudus regions. So, he is known to have a strong physique. It is proven by the location
of the hermitage located on the mountain which every day must go up and down the
mountain which is about 750 meters high to be able to preach in the area.

There are several methods of preaching Sunan Muria, namely:

1. Focusing on the common people

In preaching, Sunan Muria was more tolerant by focusing on the common

people. He would rather seclude himself with commoners than to live in the
center of the Kingdom of Demak. His da'wah method is often referred to as Topo

Ngeli which means to lose himself in society. Therefore. Sunan Muria is easier to
invite people to convert to Islam.

2. Da'wah bil wisdom with acculturation of culture

Although Sunan Muria was well received by the community, he did not
mean that the process of his da'wah went smoothly. More populations that are in
the mountain region are very thick with beliefs that are difficult to
change. Therefore all the other guardians are more into the bil hikmah method or
in a wise way in response to the habits of the people who used to do kenduren
customs, then sunan muria replaces the agreed moderate style, which does not
forbid tradition to remember telung dino to sewu dino . Traditions carried out to
commemorate certain days of death of family members are not rejected, except
for the custom to burn incense or offer offerings which are then replaced with
prayer and the prayer of the grave expert.

3. Maintain gamelan and puppet art

Sunan Muria still maintains traditional arts and gamelan for his da'wah
media. He did not change the existing culture, but included the teachings of Islam
in it. Some puppet plays are changed in character by carrying Islamic messages,
such as the story of Dewi Ruci, Jimat Kalimasada, Mustakaweni, and others.

4. Creating a number of Javanese songs

Sunan Muria is also an expert in making Javanese songs that contain

Islamic teachings. Some of his famous works are sinom song and kinanthi. By
using a song or song, the community will easily accept it and ammpu take the
values and teachings of Islam contained in them to be applied in life.

D. The exemplary nature possessed by sunan muria

When seclusion in the midst of society makes the personality of Sunan Muria
more sensitive and tolerant of various problems. Sunan Muria often provides solutions
to solve various complicated problems. Like when the internal conflict in the Demak
Sultanate in 1518-1530 AD he was able to mediate and gave the best solution that
could be accepted by all parties and also very supportive in various circles. In
addition, the nature of Sunan Muria is described by choosing to mingle with ordinary

people. Such an attitude is exemplified in social life. Which in terms of socializing
public policy, the government should be able to divert all elements of society and not
stop at certain people.



A. Conclusion

Sunan Muria in her preaching uses a smooth and gentle method. Sunan Muria
often provides solutions to solve various complicated problems. He is able to mediate
and provide the best solutions that can be accepted by all parties and also very
supportive in various circles. In addition, the nature of Sunan Muria is described by
choosing to mingle with ordinary people. This way of preaching caused Sunan Muria
to be known as a sunan who likes to preach Tapa Ngeli which is to immerse herself in


Rahimsyah. Kisah Perjuangan Wali Songo. Surabaya: Dua Media


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