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HT Sasi is (al ina ecb baw fects i ‘vest cope 02234010 MAY/JUNE 201 FORM TP 201223. CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION PURE MATHEMATICS ANALYSIS. MATRICES AND COMPLEX NUMBERS u it 2 — Paper 1 90 minutes OL JUNE 2032 (am) ) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CARFFULLY. 1, This test consists of 49 items. You will have 99 minutes to answer them. 2 Im addition to this (est booklet, you should have an answer sheet 3. Do not be concerned that the answer sheet provides spaces for more answers than there a items in this test 4. Each item in this test has four suggested answers letter you are about tp answer and decide which choice is best. ( (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item On your answer sheet, find the number whieh corresponds to your item and shade the space = having the same lemter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Leen The expression (1 +3 equivalent to Sample Ansiyor a “ «) © ©) ‘The best answer to this item is “4 + 2 19, so answer space (D) has been shaded, 6 Tf you wantto change your auswer, be sure to erase it completely before you fill in your new choice, 7. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can, If you exmot answer an itera, omit it and item omitted. Your score will be the total n o on to the next one. You can imber of comect answers urn later to the 8 You may do any rough work it this bookler The use of silent, now-programmadle scientific calenlators is allowed Examination Materials: A list of mathem: 1 formullac and tables. (Revised 2012) DA NAT THON THIC BREE METH Una! Gee rAER ma nA oo say eH Hes) ris may be expressed as erry past wy 2.24% eG) wil7 B Ore: x ODEHD © See, wp 24% ye e6x017 The general solution for r differential equation ‘ond-order “ @ © oy eoesrcosaay OD fleoste + e082 de (8) [(eos8e-o0s: \ (OS fecos8e conde @) A ftcossucos2x)ci mm, then log, 2 w t @ 44 © ©) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “w @ @) © ©) ae fraat2+e tan (2x) be 2tan"2x) be iseqatto 10 u 1B, Given thatls)~ In 3, then Fe Ht 1 we) -4 oe om 1 uw then the value of © atthe ae a point (1, 2)is A 6 @ 8 © 2 O16 Given that In 2 =, In3 = b, In § =e, then in 1508 ats B) a+bt3e (©) at3b+e (D) The g Y-DytP= sat ZDis “2 B o F MO 5 o 6 wlient of the tangent to the curve

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