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10/31/2018 IXL - England key stage 1 maths curriculum

Skills available for England key stage 1 maths curriculum

Objectives are in bold, followed by a list of the IXL maths skills that are aligned to that objective.
Students can practise these skills online at www.ixl.com.

Objectives: Programme of Study: Year 1

KS1.1.NPV Number — number and place value

KS1.1.NPV.1 count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number

Count to 3 (1-A.2)
Count using stickers - up to 3 (1-A.3)
Count to 5 (1-B.2)
Count using stickers - up to 5 (1-B.3)
Count to 10 (1-C.2)
Count using stickers - up to 10 (1-C.3)
Count forward and backward - up to 10 (1-C.18)
Complete a sequence - up to 10 (1-C.23)
Count to 20 (1-D.1)
Count on ten frames - up to 20 (1-D.2)
Show numbers on ten frames - up to 20 (1-D.3)
Count forward and backward - up to 20 (1-D.9)
Complete a sequence - up to 20 (1-D.14)
Count on ten frames - up to 30 (1-E.1)
Count to 100 (1-E.5)
Counting on the hundred chart (1-E.6)
Complete a sequence - up to 100 (1-E.8)
Count forward and backward - up to 100 (1-E.9)

KS1.1.NPV.2 count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of twos, fives and tens

Represent numbers - up to 3 (1-A.6)

Represent numbers - up to 5 (1-B.6)
Represent numbers - up to 10 (1-C.6)
Convert from words to digits - up to 10 (1-C.19)
Represent numbers - up to 20 (1-D.4)
Convert from words to digits - up to 20 (1-D.10)
Count tens and ones - up to 20 (1-D.15)
Count tens and ones - up to 30 (1-E.3)
Count groups of ten (1-E.4)
Learn to skip-count by twos (1-F.1)
Skip-count by twos (1-F.2)
Skip-count by twos on ten frames (1-F.3)
Learn to skip-count by fives (1-F.4)
Skip-count by fives (1-F.5)
Learn to skip-count by tens (1-F.6)
Skip-count by tens (1-F.7)
Learn to skip-count by twos, fives and tens (1-F.8)
Skip-count by twos, fives and tens (1-F.9)

KS1.1.NPV.3 given a number, identify one more and one less

One more - up to 5 (1-B.7)

Count one more - up to 5 (1-B.8)
One less - up to 5 (1-B.9)
Count one less - up to 5 (1-B.10)

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10/31/2018 IXL - England key stage 1 maths curriculum
One more - up to 10 (1-C.7)
Count one more - up to 10 (1-C.8)
One less - up to 10 (1-C.9)
Count one less - up to 10 (1-C.10)
One more and one less - up to 10 (1-C.11)
Count one more and one less - up to 10 (1-C.12)
Count up and down - up to 10 (1-C.13)
Count up and down - up to 20 (1-D.5)
Before, after and between - up to 20 (1-D.8)
Count up and down - up to 100 (1-E.7)

KS1.1.NPV.4 identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and
use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least

Show numbers on ten frames - up to 3 (1-A.5)

Show numbers on ten frames - up to 5 (1-B.5)
Show numbers on ten frames - up to 10 (1-C.5)
Tally marks - up to 10 (1-C.15)
Number lines - up to 10 (1-C.16)
Tally marks - up to 20 (1-D.6)
Number lines - up to 20 (1-D.7)
Number lines - up to 30 (1-E.2)
Are there enough? (1-G.1)
Fewer and more - compare by matching (1-G.2)
Fewer and more - compare by counting (1-G.3)
Fewer and more - compare in a mixed group (1-G.4)
Fewer, more and same (1-G.5)
Compare two numbers - up to 10 (1-G.6)
Compare three numbers - up to 10 (1-G.7)

KS1.1.NPV.5 read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words.

Represent numbers - up to 3 (1-A.6)

Represent numbers - up to 5 (1-B.6)
Represent numbers - up to 10 (1-C.6)
Convert from words to digits - up to 10 (1-C.19)
Convert from digits to words - up to 10 (1-C.20)
Write digits given words - up to 10 (1-C.21)
Write words given digits - up to 10 (1-C.22)
Represent numbers - up to 20 (1-D.4)
Convert from words to digits - up to 20 (1-D.10)
Convert from digits to words - up to 20 (1-D.11)
Write digits given words - up to 20 (1-D.12)
Write words given digits - up to 20 (1-D.13)

KS1.1.NAS Number — addition and subtraction

KS1.1.NAS.1 read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (–) and equals (=)

Addition sentences - sums up to 5 (1-L.2)

Make a number using addition - sums up to 5 (1-L.3)
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 5 (1-L.5)
Addition sentences - sums up to 10 (1-M.2)
Make a number using addition - sums up to 10 (1-M.3)
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10 (1-M.5)
Complete the addition sentence - make ten (1-M.6)
Write addition sentences (1-M.7)

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Addition sentences - sums up to 20 (1-M.10)
Make a number using addition - sums up to 20 (1-M.11)
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 20 (1-M.13)
Related addition facts (1-M.15)
Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 5 (1-O.2)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 5 (1-O.4)
Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10 (1-P.2)
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 10 (1-P.3)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 10 (1-P.5)
Write subtraction sentences (1-P.6)
Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 20 (1-P.9)
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20 (1-P.10)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 20 (1-P.12)
Related subtraction facts (1-P.14)

KS1.1.NAS.2 represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20

Make a number using addition - sums up to 5 (1-L.3)

Make a number using addition - sums up to 10 (1-M.3)
Make a number using addition - sums up to 20 (1-M.11)
Related addition facts (1-M.15)
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 10 (1-P.3)
Make a number using subtraction - numbers up to 20 (1-P.10)
Related subtraction facts (1-P.14)
Addition facts - sums up to 10 (2-D.1)
Ways to make a number - addition sentences (2-D.2)
Make a number using addition - sums up to 10 (2-D.3)
Addition facts - sums up to 18 (2-D.7)
Addition facts - sums up to 20 (2-D.11)
Related subtraction facts (2-H.13)

KS1.1.NAS.3 add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero

Adding 1 (1-K.1)
Adding 2 (1-K.2)
Adding 3 (1-K.3)
Adding 4 (1-K.4)
Adding 5 (1-K.5)
Adding 6 (1-K.6)
Adding 7 (1-K.7)
Adding 8 (1-K.8)
Adding 9 (1-K.9)
Adding 0 (1-K.10)
Add with pictures - sums up to 5 (1-L.1)
Add two numbers - sums up to 5 (1-L.4)
Addition word problems - sums up to 5 (1-L.6)
Add with pictures - sums up to 10 (1-M.1)
Add two numbers - sums up to 10 (1-M.4)
Addition word problems - sums up to 10 (1-M.8)
Add with pictures - sums up to 20 (1-M.9)
Add two numbers - sums up to 20 (1-M.12)
Addition word problems - sums up to 20 (1-M.14)
Subtracting 1 (1-N.1)
Subtracting 2 (1-N.2)
Subtracting 3 (1-N.3)
Subtracting 4 (1-N.4)
Subtracting 5 (1-N.5)

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Subtracting 6 (1-N.6)
Subtracting 7 (1-N.7)
Subtracting 8 (1-N.8)
Subtracting 9 (1-N.9)
Subtracting 0 (1-N.10)
Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 5 (1-O.1)
Subtract - numbers up to 5 (1-O.3)
Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 5 (1-O.5)
Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 10 (1-P.1)
Subtract - numbers up to 10 (1-P.4)
Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 10 (1-P.7)
Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 20 (1-P.8)
Subtract - numbers up to 20 (1-P.11)
Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 20 (1-P.13)
Subtract zero and all (2-F.1)

KS1.1.NAS.4 solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial
representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = __-9.

Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 5 (1-L.5)

Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 10 (1-M.5)
Complete the addition sentence - make ten (1-M.6)
Complete the addition sentence - sums up to 20 (1-M.13)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 5 (1-O.4)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 10 (1-P.5)
Complete the subtraction sentence - numbers up to 20 (1-P.12)

KS1.1.NMD Number — multiplication and division

KS1.1.NMD.1 solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete
objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher.

Count equal groups (1-Z.1)

Identify multiplication expressions for equal groups (1-Z.2)
Write multiplication sentences for equal groups (1-Z.3)
Identify multiplication expressions for arrays (1-Z.4)
Write multiplication sentences for arrays (1-Z.5)
Divide by counting equal groups (1-AA.1)
Write division sentences for equal groups (1-AA.2)
Write division sentences for arrays (1-AA.3)
Multiplication tables up to 5 (2-Y.3)
Multiplication tables up to 10 (2-Y.5)
Multiplication sentences (2-Y.7)
Divisors and quotients up to 5 (2-AA.3)
Divisors and quotients up to 10 (2-AA.5)

KS1.1.NF Number — fractions

KS1.1.NF.1 recognise, find and name a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity

Identify halves, thirds, quarters (1-Q.1)

Equal parts (1-Q.2)

KS1.1.NF.2 recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.

Identify halves, thirds, quarters (1-Q.1)

Equal parts (1-Q.2)

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KS1.1.M Measurement

KS1.1.M.1 compare, describe and solve practical problems for:

KS1.1.M.1.a lengths and heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half]

Long and short (1-U.1)

Tall and short (1-U.2)
Compare size, mass and capacity (1-U.5)

KS1.1.M.1.b mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, heavier than, lighter than]

Light and heavy (1-U.3)

Compare size, mass and capacity (1-U.5)

KS1.1.M.1.c capacity and volume [for example, full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter]

Holds more or less (1-U.4)

Compare size, mass and capacity (1-U.5)

KS1.1.M.1.d time [for example, quicker, slower, earlier, later]

KS1.1.M.2 measure and begin to record the following:

KS1.1.M.2.a lengths and heights

Measure using objects (1-U.6)

KS1.1.M.2.b mass/weight

KS1.1.M.2.c capacity and volume

KS1.1.M.2.d time (hours, minutes, seconds)

KS1.1.M.3 recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes

Coin values - 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins (1-V.1)

Coin values (1-V.2)

KS1.1.M.4 sequence events in chronological order using language [for example, before and after, next, first, today,
yesterday, tomorrow, morning, afternoon and evening]

KS1.1.M.5 recognise and use language relating to dates, including days of the week, weeks, months and years

Days of the week (2-W.19)

Months of the year (2-W.20)
Read a calendar (2-W.21)

KS1.1.M.6 tell the time to the hour and half past the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times.

Match analogue clocks and times I (1-R.1)

Match analogue clocks and times II (1-R.2)
Match digital clocks and times I (1-R.3)
Match digital clocks and times II (1-R.4)
Match analogue and digital clocks I (1-R.5)
Match analogue and digital clocks II (1-R.6)
Read clocks and write times I (1-R.7)
Read clocks and write times II (1-R.8)

KS1.1.GPS Geometry — properties of shapes

KS1.1.GPS.1 recognise and name common 2-D and 3-D shapes, including:

KS1.1.GPS.1.a 2-D shapes [for example, rectangles (including squares), circles and triangles]

Name the two-dimensional shape (1-W.1)

Circles (1-W.2)
Squares and rectangles (1-W.3)

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10/31/2018 IXL - England key stage 1 maths curriculum
Hexagons (1-W.4)
Select two-dimensional shapes (1-W.5)

KS1.1.GPS.1.b 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres].

Name the three-dimensional shape (1-X.2)

Spheres (1-X.3)
Cubes (1-X.4)
Cones (1-X.5)
Cylinders (1-X.6)
Select three-dimensional shapes (1-X.7)
Shapes of everyday objects II (1-X.10)

KS1.1.GPD Geometry — position and direction

KS1.1.GPD.1 describe position, direction and movement, including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turns.

Inside and outside (1-J.1)

Above and below (1-J.2)
Above and below - find solid figures (1-J.3)
Beside and next to (1-J.4)
Beside and next to - find solid figures (1-J.5)
Left, middle and right (1-J.6)
Top, middle and bottom (1-J.7)
Location in a grid (1-J.8)

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