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Describe and discuss 1.

Describe the structure of eye, optical VERTICAL HORIZON

functional anatomy of eye; apparatus, functions of different components ( 1 INTEGRATION TAL
physiology of image h)/SGT INTEGRAT
formation, physiology of ION
vision including colour 1. Understand how eye functions as an
vision, refractive errors, automatic living camera.
colour blindness, physiology
2. Functions of 3 layers of eye ball: Sclera,
of pupil and light reflex
Choroid & Retina

3. Role of Cornea, lens, Aqueous humor,

Vitreous body as refractive media.

4. Functions of ciliary body & ciliary

muscles in accommodation
2. Describe the location, formation, circulation, OPHTHALMOLGY
drainage and functions aqueous humor and
understand the causes and pathogenesis of
glaucoma (1 h)/SGT
1. Understand the Structure &
functions of Sclero-corneal
2. Formation, circulation, Functions
and applied aspects of Aqueous
3. Describe the causes and pathogenesis
of Glaucoma;
3. Review the physics of optics and correlate OPHTHALMOLOGY
to the mechanism of image formation in
human eye; Understand how eye functions as
refractive medium & refractive indices. (1
1. How eye functions as refractive

2. Explain the Concept of reduced eye

and image formation.

3 Refractive errors of the eye and

their correction.

4 Describe the Spherical and

chromatic aberrations of the eye

4. Explain the accommodation of eye and

explain the structure and functions of retina;
functions of photoreceptors. (1h)/SGT
1. Understand how eye
accommodates for near vision from
distant vision.

2. Functions of ciliary body & ciliary

muscles in accommodation

3. Diagram of layers of retina & their


4. Photoreceptors: Structure &

functions of Rods & cones.

5. Describe photochemistry of vision and

phototransduction (1h)
1. Understand how bleaching occurs
in Rhodopsin cycle.

2. Describe the Steps in the Photo


3. Acuity of Vision; Snellen’s chart &

Field of vision.

6.Explain visual functions such as visual acuity, OPHTHALMOLOGY

color vision and dark adaptation (1h)/SGT
3. Understand ERG and its clinical

4. Dark adaptation & role of rods.

5. Various theories of Colour vision &

clinical significance.
Describe and discuss the 7.Define field of vision; explain visual field
physiological basis of
defects in lesions of visual pathway (1h)/SGT
lesion in visual
pathway - Explain the visual pathway
- Explain the light reflex
- Describe the location and role visual
- Describe various defects due to lesion at
various levels & the basis of macular

Describe and discuss the 8. Describe the functional anatomy of

functional anatomy of ear external ear, middle ear and inner ear (1h)
and auditory pathways and - Describe the physics related sound waves
physiology of hearng - Explain the functional anatomy of the ear
- Describe the role of external ear
- Explain the functions of middle ear
Demonstrate (i) Testing of 9. Explain the functions of middle ear and
visual acuity, colour and
describe impedance matching (1h)
field of vision
and (ii) hearing (iii) Testing - Explain the functional anatomy of cochlea
for smell and (iv) taste - Functions of inner ear
sensation in - Describe the inner& outer hair cell
volunteer/ simulated - Explain the mechanism of hearing
environment -

Describe and discuss auditory & visual evoke

potentials (SGT)
Describe and discuss 10. Explain the organization and mode of ENT
functional anatomy of stimulation of auditory receptors
ear,auditory pathways and (1h)/ SGT
physiology of hearing
 Explain the auditory pathway
 Explain the functions of auditory cortex
 Explain audiometry
Describe and discuss Describe and discuss pathophysiology of ENT
pathophysiology of deafness. Describe hearing tests (1h)
deafness. Describe hearing
1. Explain the pathophysiology of
2. Describe the tests for hearing
3. Review different types of deafness
Describe and discuss 11. Describe the location of taste receptors, draw ENT
perception of smell and taste pathway and explain physiology and applied
taste sensation aspects of taste sensation. (1h)
 Name the basic taste modalities (SGT)
 Describe the structure of taste bud with
the help of a diagram.
 Draw the diagram of taste pathway./SGT
12. Describe the location of olfactory receptors, ENT
draw olfactory pathway and explain the
physiology o and applied aspects of olfaction
(1h)/ SGT

- Explain the location of olfactory

-Define the terms microsmatic and
microsmatic animals.
- Explain the role of higher centers in
perception of olfactory stimuli.
Describe and discuss the pathophysiology of ENT
altered smell and taste sensation ( 2h)
 Explain various abnormalities of taste
 -Explain the abnormalities of smell


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