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Similarities Innana’s descent and Rev

Moreover, Inanna is the only deity that suffers a temporary death (and resurrection

after three days), and she is also a high priest.1 The previous idea is complex because it

displays that Inanna shares characteristics with the beast and Jesus—This last personage Commented [EM1]: ???

dies and resurrects on the third day, and he is a high priest too. Nonetheless, these

resemblances could be better explained considering that the abyssal beast is a counterfeit of

Jesus and due to the relationship between Inanna/Ishtar and her animal.2 Commented [EM2]: Why is this section here? You were
in a discussion of Inanna…
From there you jumped to a possible connection on the
three days to the beast and Jesus (you didn’t follow the
steps you outlined in your thesis to see if these really
compare!) and inferred a connection.
In the previous sentence you connected a gospel account
to the book of Hebrews to gain a stronger link.
. In this sentence you cobble the gospels, Hebrews, and
Revelation together and make a conclusion about the
identity of the “beast” – all without exegesis of Revelation
or a comparative analysis of the beast.

Kramer, History Begins, 154. Samuel Noah Kramer and D. Spotswood Collection Rogers, The Sumerians :
their history, culture, and character (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), 154; Gwendolyn Leick,
The Babylonian world (New York: Routledge, 2007), 321. She also is a queen William W. Hallo; J. J. A. van
Dijk; Enheduanna, The exaltation of Inanna (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968), 31.
Stephanie Dalley and Collection Mazal Holocaust, Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood,
Gilgamesh, and others (Oxford [England]; New York: Oxford University Press, 1991), 157-59 ; James B.
Pritchard, The ancient Near East : an anthology of texts and pictures (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1958), 84-85. See the title “the relationship between gods and animals”

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