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Eskișehir Osmangazi University

Faculty of Economics

Home is better than
everywhere: clothes are
more comfortable here,
tea is tastier, people are
kinder to each other,
because they are loved
and loved.

Irina Paduret
Vocational English
Welcome to my country…
Motherland! So much sense is inherent in this familiar word. For me, Motherland
is not just a country where I happened to be born. My childhood has passed here, youth.
Here I met my friends. My country is a true treasure trove of ancient history, wisdom and
spirituality. And, like every patriot, I would not hesitate to give my life for my
Motherland. I am only a small part of the motherland. Many people of different
nationalities live here. These people speak their native language. Many move to our
country in search of a better life, and find it. We are rightly considered one of the most
hospitable country. I think for a person there is no better place in the world than the one
in which he was born.
I am proud of my country, Moldova, a beautiful country like no other in the world.
From time to time, these lands were considered to be a corner of heaven by the
inhabitants of these lands. Secular coders, straight hills and clean water rivers like crystal
are just as many reasons for pride and joy for those who live in Moldova.
My country, Moldova, means home!
I am proud of my country, Moldova, a beautiful country like no other in the world.
From time to time, these lands were considered to be a corner of heaven by the
inhabitants of these lands. Secular coders, straight hills and clean water rivers like crystal
are just as many reasons for pride and joy for those who live in Moldova.
Busy with a tumultuous history, Moldova is a country that has won its dignity
through wars and wars. She never gave in to her enemies, and the ideal of the inhabitants
of this miraculous land was the indifference to any foreign interest. The only obedience
known to my forefathers, Moldova, was before God. Respect for divinity, but also love
for the holy ones, are expressed through folk customs, traditions and celebrations.
Beautiful monasteries and churches with a special architecture can be found throughout
Moldova. These sacred symbols, dedicated to divinity, are part of Moldova's charm and
give it a unique identity.
My homeland is known to the world by great writers, scientists, poets. Yes, not
everything is smooth here - everyone has their own problems and shortcomings. But I
was born here, and I fell in love with this country. Fell in love with her ancient traditions
passed down from generation to generation. For spacious fields and dense forests, swift
rivers and quiet lakes. I love every corner here.
Moldova is the home of my ancestors, but also the place where I feel the best. For
me, Moldova is and will always represent Home. Regardless of the signs to which my
steps will follow, my homeland, Moldova, will always be in my heart and soul.
"Moldova is me, it's you, it's what we love and what we dream of."
 https://anchiktigra.livejournal.com/1214239.html
 https://citaty.info/tema/dom
 http://subiecte.citatepedia.ro/despre.php?s=Moldova

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